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Optimal design of ammonia synthesis reactor for a process industry

Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan a, Md. Naimur Rahman Hemal b, M.A.A. Shoukat Choudhury a,⇑,
Md. Ali Akkas Mazumder c
Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST), Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
Karnaphuli Fertilizer Company Limited (KAFCO), Chattogram 4000, Bangladesh

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ammonia synthesis is a crucial section of ammonia and urea plant. Many industries are facing a challenge
Received 22 June 2020 of efficient ammonia production every day. In this study, steady state one dimensional pseudo-
Accepted 20 August 2020 homogeneous models of an axial flow industrial catalytic packed bed ammonia converter have been
Available online xxxx
developed. The converter is a vertical two catalytic bed reactor with varying volumes of catalysts.
Required industrial data for the design were collected from a real fertilizer industry in Bangladesh
Keywords: (RFIB) and the Halder Topsoe process was followed. Differential equations of the the developed mathe-
matical model was solved using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) method by Polymath solver software.
Ammonia synthesis
For a 23.8% single-pass conversion total 22.5 (15 + 7.5) m catalyst bed required. Pressure vessel wall
RFIB and head thickness were found 112 mm and 62 mm respectively. Skirt support was selected and the
Bangladesh thickness was calculated 12 mm. Pressure drop along the length of the bed was calculated and the value
was found 2.55 atm. Finally, parameters of the optimized model were compared with the real plant data
and quite satisfactory result were obtained.
Ó 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. All rights

1. Introduction tion process consists of production of the synthesis gas, compres-

sion of the gas to the required pressure and synthesis loop of
Optimal production of ammonia is vital for developing coun- ammonia conversion in a reactor (Baddour et al., 1965).
tries like Bangladesh where the economy mostly depends on agri- Multi bed radial flow converter design was introduced at first
culture. Several nitrogen compounds such as urea, nitric acid, by Topsoe as technology licensor which improved conversion per
fertilizer, explosive materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and cool- pass compared to other known technology. The Topsoe S-200
ants can be produced from ammonia. The ammonia synthesis sec- ammonia synthesis converter is a two-bed radial flow converter
tion is considered the heart of the fertilizer plant where ammonia with indirect cooling between the catalyst beds. Since the intro-
synthesis reactor is a major component of this section. Thus, opti- duction of the S-200 converter type in 1976, it has been used in
mum urea production mostly depends on the efficient way of more ammonia plants than any other converter design, with more
ammonia production. It is produced following the Haber-Bosch than 130 converters installed worldwide (Halder Topsoe).
process by the reaction between gaseous nitrogen (collected from Previously, industrial design as well as modelling with simula-
air) and hydrogen (from natural gas) (Panahandeh et al., 2003; tion were studied in fluidized bed reactor for acrylonitrile synthe-
Gunorubon and Raphael, 2014). A conventional ammonia produc- sis (Fakeeha et al., 1992) and
heptane reforming (Abashar, 2015), in membrane reactor for
⇑ Corresponding author. gas separation by poly dimethyl siloxane (Mirzaee and Mirzaee,
E-mail addresses: (Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan), hemal- 2012) and dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene (Abashar and Al- (Md. Naimur Rahman Hemal), (M.A.A. Rabiah, 2005), fixed bed reactor for phenol adsorption
Shoukat Choudhury), (Md. Ali Akkas Mazumder). (Anisuzzaman et al., 2016), maleic anhydride production (Ali
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. et al., 2017) and hydrogen production by ammonia decomposition
(Abashar, 2018) etc. To the best of our knowledge there is no study
has been performed which completely optimized and designed a
model of the catalytic reactor including the external part measure-
Production and hosting by Elsevier ment. Hence, this study focused on the reactor part of the ammonia
1018-3639/Ó 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,
2 Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

synthesis loop where the length of bed was optimized, pressure Accumulation = Consumption – Production + Output – Input
vessel and support measurement was designed and pressure drop There shall be no accumulation as the system has been consid-
was evaluated based on the data from a real fertilizer industry. At ered to be in a steady state. Considering uCA the molar flowrate,
last the optimized model parameters were compared with the real Eqn. (1) can be obtained.
plant data.
uCAjx uCAjxþDx  ADxðRNH3 Þg ¼ 0 ð1Þ
Dividing both sides of the Eqn. (1) by ADx and Dx ? 0, we get
2. Steps to design
Eqn. (2).
 Length of bed calculation: For a known material balance data dc
u  g RNH3 ¼ 0 ð2Þ
number of required catalyst bed and length of each bed were dx
optimized where an inter-bed heat exchanger was required.
Eqn. (2) can be re-written as Eqn. (3) based on the nitrogen con-
 Pressure vessel design: Parameters include- safety factor, max-
version shown by XN2 and length of the bed by L.
imum safe operating temperature and pressure, material of con-
struction, corrosion allowance, minimum design temperature dX N2 g RNH3 A
¼ ð3Þ
(for brittle fracture) needs to be taken in consideration before dL 2F N2
design of a pressure vessel. Suitable material selection is neces- Where, XN2 = reactant conversion, L = length of the reactior,
sary to handle the extreme situations safely. g = effectiveness factor of the catalyst, RNH3 = rate of reaction.
o Selection of materials
o Vessel wall thickness calculations 3.2. Energy balance
o Vessel head thickness calculations
 Support: Cylindrical and other types of vessels need to be sup- Energy balance for the differential element in the catalyst bed of
ported to withstand its dead weight, the extreme conditions of converter yields-
bending moment created by wind and seismic load. Vertical Accumulation = Consumed Energy – Produced Energy + Output
vessels are generally supported by skirt, bracket and column. Energy – Input Energy
The choice for an appropriate type of support depend on height, In steady state, the accumulation is zero.
diameter, available floor space and convenience of location  
(Mungla, 2016). Tall vessels are usually supported by skirt. A Ftotal Cpmix Tjx  Ftotal Cpmix TjxþDx ¼ gðDHR ÞADxRNH3 ð4Þ
Cylindrical skirt is extensively used to support cylindrical ves- Dividing both sides of the Eqn. (4) by ADx, Dx ? 0 and length of
sels (Joshi, 1976). bed denoted by L we get Eqn. (5).
o Selection of support
o Thickness calculation dT g ðDHR ÞA RNH3
¼ ð5Þ
 Pressure drop along the length of bed: Pressure drop of fluid dL F total C pmix
when penetrating the bed is considered one of the most impor- Where, -DHR = heat of reaction (kj/kmol), Ftotal = total molar
tant parameters in design, Ergun 1952, first proposed the corre- flow rate (kmole), Cpmix = specific heat of the reacting mixture,
lations for pressure drop calculation. However, large number of A = area of the reactor
correlations were established based on Ergun correlations in the
literature. In this study, Ergun correlation was used. 3.3. Heat of reaction and specific heat capacity of the mixture

3. Mathematical model development Mahfouz et al. developed a suitable expression for calculating
exothermic heat of reaction (Mahfouz et al., 1987; Gunorubon
By modeling of the synthesis reactor, temperature, conversions, and Raphael, 2014). As the ammonia production (forward reaction)
reaction rate and equilibrium constant profiles are obtained. Test- is an exothermic process, this expression has been used in this
ing of the model based on the above parameters is achieved at the study.
end of each bed as industrial data are not usually available along ( " #
840:609 106
the length of the bed. The following assumptions have been made DHR ¼ 4:184  0:54526 þ þ 459:734  3 p
for this modeling (Dashti et al., 2006)- )
5:34685T  0:2525  103 T2 þ 1:69167  106 T3  9157:09
1. One-dimensional coordinate has been considered along with
the bulk flow. kj
2. The penetration of mass and heat is ignored, as the fluid veloc-  ð6Þ
ity is very high on the industrial scale.
3. Pressure and density are constant. Following the individual component specific heat expression
4. Concentration and temperature on catalyst surface and bulk of from Shah study, Elverse et al. determined the expression for the
gas are equal. heat capacities of the components of the reactant gases and pro-
5. The thermal and concentration gradients in the radial direction duct ammonia gas mixture using the Eqn. (7) expression and is
are negligible. presented in Eqn. (8) (Shah, 1967; Elverse et al., 1993). From the
6. The effects of penetration resistance in catalyst, temperature expression molar specific heat of the mixture was found to vary
gradient and catalyst inside concentration have been incorpo- with the temperature (T) and pressure (P) where P is in kPa unit
rated in the equations by a coefficient. and T is in kelvin unit.
Cp ¼ yi Cpi yi Cpi ð7Þ
3.1. Material balance (Molar)
Cpmix ¼ 35:31 þ :02T þ :00000694 T2  :0056 P
Considering an element with height of Dx and cross section area  
(A) equal to that of the bed we’ll have (Elnashaie et al., 1988; KJ
þ :000014PT ð8Þ
Dashti et al., 2006) Kmol

Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,
Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

where, yi = mole fraction of component i, Cpi = specific heat UNH3 ¼ 0:1438996 þ 0:2028538  102 T  0:4487672  103 P
capacity of component i.
 0:1142945  105 T 2 þ 0:2761216  106 P2 ð22Þ
3.4. Chemistry and kinetics The mole fraction of each component (yi) were expressed in
terms of fractional conversion of the limiting reactant nitrogen
The overall stoichiometric equation is (X) developed by performing a mole balance on the converter
N2 þ 3H2 ¼ 2NH3 ð9Þ where Yi denotes the initial mole fraction of each component
before reaction proceed.
Extensive studies of ammonia synthesis on iron catalysts sug-
gests that the reaction occurs through surface imine radicals and YN2 ð1  XÞ
yN2 ¼ ð23Þ
the following elementary steps (Nielsen, 1971) 1  2XYN2

N2 (g) ! 2 N(ads) ð10Þ YH2  3XYN2

yH2 ¼ ð24Þ
1  2XYN2
H2 (g) ! 2H(ads) ð11Þ
YNH3 þ 2XYN2
N(ads) + H(ads) ! NH(ads) ð12Þ yNH3 ¼ ð25Þ
1  2XYN2
Using Eqn. (23)–(25) component activities in Eqn. (19) can be
NH(ads) + H(ads) ! NH2 (ads) ð13Þ
expressed and further substituted in Eqn. (15) to yield the reaction
rate expression in terms of fractional conversion of the limiting
NH2 (ads) + H(ads) ! NH3 (ads) ð14Þ
reactant nitrogen (Eqn. (26)) (Rase and Homes, 1977).
" 2 ( )a
NH3 (ads) ! NH3 (g) ð15Þ ka /N2 Y N2 ð1  X ÞP pð/H2 ðY H2  3XY N2 ÞÞ
RNH3 ¼ 2k 
A rate equation based on nitrogen adsorption as the slow step. 1  2XY N2 ð1  2XY N2 Þð/NH3 ðY NH3 þ 2XY N2 ÞÞ2
( )1a 3
The reaction rate expression is represented as:
ð1  2XY N2 Þ/NH3 ðY Nh3 þ 2XY N2 Þ 5 kmol
0 " #a " #1a 1  ð26Þ
P ð/H2 ðY H2  3XY N2 ÞÞ
3 m3  hr
@ 2 ðaH2 Þ3 ðaNH3 Þ2 A kmol
RNH3 ¼ 2k ka aN2  ð16Þ
ðaNH3 Þ 2
ðaH2 Þ 3 m3  hr
The rate constant for the reversible reaction was obtained using
the arrhenius relation with values for the synthesis reaction given
where, a = constant which takes a value form 0.5 to 0.75 in lit-
by (Dashti et al., 2006)
erature (Nielsen, 1971; Dashti et al., 2006), k = rate constant for the
reaction, ka = equilibrium constant, ai = activity of i component k ¼ ko eRT ð27Þ
The reaction rate equations for the reactants were determined 14
using the stoichiometry of the reaction and value of a was selected Where, K0 = arrhenius coefficient = 8.849  10 , E = activation
0.5. Individual reaction rates are related as such : energy with temperature = mean value 170560 kJ/kmol, R = uni-
versal gas constant (8.314 kJ/kmol.K)
1 1
RN2 ¼  RH2 ¼ RNH3 ð17Þ
3 2 3.5. Equilibrium constant
Activation can be written in terms of the activation coefficient
as below (Dashti et al., 2006) The formation of ammonia is a reversible and exothermic reac-
tion which can proceed both in forward direction (ammonia syn-
ai ¼ 0
ð18Þ thesis) and backward direction (ammonia decomposition). The
fi reaction is accompanied by decrease in volume because there is
0 a decrease in number of moles of gas. By Le Chatelier’s Principle,
f i : Reference fugacity. If the reference fugacity is considered to
increasing the pressure and decreasing the temperature causes
be 1 atm, then:
the equilibrium to shift to the right resulting in a higher yield of
fi ammonia since there is a pressure drop accompanying the trans-
ai ¼ ¼ f i ¼ yi /i P ð19Þ
1 formation and also releases heat. is an equilibrium reaction that
is favoured by low temperature and high pressure (Modak,
Here, yi denotes the mole fraction of individual component in
2002). Gillespie and Beattie developed the Eqn. (28) to calculate
gas mixture of reversible reaction, /i denotes the fugacity coeffi-
the equilibrium constant in 1930 which is applicable for wide
cients and P denotes the pressure of gas mixture.
range of temperatures and pressures in ammonia synthesis reac-
The fugacity coefficients for nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H2) and
tion (Gillespie and Beattie, 1930).
ammonia (NH3) were determined using the following expressions
(Eqn. (20)–(22)) where T is in kelvin unit and P is in atmosphere log10 ka ¼ 2:691122logT  5:519265  105 T
unit (Dyson and Simon, 1968; Dashti et al., 2006).
þ 1:848863  106 T 2 þ þ 2:689 ð28Þ
UN2 ¼ 0:93431737 þ 0:2028538  103 T þ 0:295896103 P T
 0:270727 106 T 2 þ 0:4775207  106 P2 ð20Þ
3.6. Effectiveness factor
UH2 ¼ exp exp 3:8402 T 0:125 þ 0:541
  The relation between the rate of formation of ammonia and the
P  exp 0:1263 T 0:5  15:98  P2 temperature, pressure, composition in the bulk gas phase can be
obtained with Eqn. (26) for fine catalyst (no diffusion restriction)
þ300  expð0:011901 T  5:941Þ  expð  P=300Þg ð21Þ will be used as the sufficiently fine particle size exclude the possi-

Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,
4 Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

bility of interaction of kinetic and transport effects. However, cata- 4.1. Length of bed calculation
lyst particles of 6–10 mm size are subject to diffusion restriction in
their pore structure. Thus the rate equation is to be multiplied by The objective of Polymath Solver software is to provide a solu-
effectiveness factor and some modifications to be imposed as well tion for a system of simultaneous first-order ordinary differential
as some modifications to include the effects of particle size on equations and explicit algebraic equations. This software is mostly
reduction, poisoning, density of the catalyst interior and catalyst suitable for chemical engineering problem-solving. Thus in the
aging. Effectiveness factor is defined as the rate at which the reac- current study, ordinary differential equations of Eqn. (3) and Eqn.
tion occurs in a pellet divided by the rate at which the reaction (5) were solved simultaneously using the software and following
would occur if the concentration and temperature throughout the results were achieved.
pellet were the same as those at the surface. To evaluate the effec- From the conversion profile of 1st converter bed in Fig. 1, it can
tiveness factor Dyson and Simon proposed Eqn. (29) where the con- be seen that after 15 m length the conversion significantly
stants were evaluated at 150 atm, 225 atm and 300 atm. In order to decreased. The same result was obtained from the reaction rate pro-
avoid the relatively difficult task of solving the non-linear two- file where the rate reduced after 15 m. So a converter bed of 15 m
point boundary value differential equation along the length of the will be suitable for the first bed. The conversion percentage after
reactor, this empirical relation is quite useful and was suggested 1st converter is found 19% and the temperature at the inlet of 1st
by several previous study (Dyson and Simon, 1968; Rase and bed is 360 °C (633 oK) and the outlet temperature is found 442 °C
Homes, 1977; Dashti et al., 2006; Anne and Goli, 2012). (715 oK). 1st converter bed outlet is passed through inter bed heat
As our process operates at 129 atm, constant values were taken exchanger and the temperature reduced to 377 °C (650oK).
from 150 atm chart (nearest pressure among them) of Dyson et al From the conversion profile of 2nd converter bed in Fig. 2, it can
evaluated chart (Dyson and Simon, 1968). be seen that after 7.5 m length the conversion significantly
decreased and at this point, the conversion reached our desired
g ¼ bO þ b1 T þ b2 X þ b3 T 2 þ b4 X 2 þ b5 T 3 þ b6 X 3 ð29Þ 23.8%. From the reaction rate profile, it can also be seen that the
Constants are b0 ¼ 17:539096; b1 ¼ :07697849; b2 ¼ rate is about to reduce after 7.5 m. So a converter bed of 7.5 m will
6:900548; b3 ¼ 1:082  104 be suitable for the second bed. The temperature at the inlet of the
2nd bed is 377 °C (650 K) and the outlet temperature is found
b4 ¼ 26:4247; b5 ¼ 4:9276  108 b6 ¼ 38:937 397 °C (670 oK).
Fig. 3 is illustrated for observing the relation of conversion and
ammonia equilibrium with respect to temperature. From Fig. 4, it
4. Results and discussion
can be observed that when the length of the 1st bed approaching
15 m the conversion percentage tends to decrease due to the
The modelling design was performed based on the block dia-
exothermic reaction increasing the temperature of the reacting
gram data collected from RFIB. The single-pass conversion of N2
mixture. Thus inter bed heat exchanger has been used to get a bet-
along the ammonia converter was selected 23.8% (Halder Topsoe).

Fig. 1. A) Conversion B) Temperature C) Equilibrium constant and D) Reaction rate profile for the 1st converter bed.

Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,
Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 2. A) Conversion B) Temperature C) Equilibrium constant and D) Reaction rate profile for the 2nd converter bed.

Fig. 3. Conversion and equilibrium constant vs temperature.

ter conversion percentage in a minimum length of bed by cooling insulation thickness = 100 mm, inside diameter = 3000 mm, out-
the reacting mixture. Then the mixture has been passed to the sec- side diameter = 3224 mm, safety factor = 1.5
ond converter.
So, the length of the 1st ammonia converter bed is 15 m, 2nd 4.2.1. Material Selection
ammonia converter bed is 7.5 m and the total length of the bed ASME SA542 Grade B Class 4
is 22.5 m. SA542 has five grades or levels. They are- grade A, grade B,
grade C, grade D, grade E. SA542 Grade B Class 4 need to be done
heat-treatment to meet the property requirement in the standard
4.2. Pressure vessel design ASTM SA-542. SA542 Grade B Class 4 in the standard SA-542 is a
kind of Mo-V alloy steel plate material used to fabric high-
Related data for pressure vessel design are as follows [RFIB] temperature pressure vessels. Hence, it has been selected and the
kg kg
Design pressure = 155 cm2 :g
, working pressure = 140 cm2 :g
, design compositions (heat analyse) are as follows (Shanghai Royal; HZZ
temperature = 370 °C, corrosion allowance (head/shell) = 1.6 mm, Iron and Steel)

Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,
6 Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Conversion and temperature profile along length of bed.

C 0.09  0.18, Mn 0.25  0.66, P  0.015, S  0.015, Si  0.50, pDo B

Head thickness; t ¼ ð33Þ
Ni  0.28, Cr 1.88  2.62, Mo 0.85  1.15, V  0.03, Cu  0.28 4 fs j þ p
4.2.2. Vessel wall thickness calculation 155 cm 2  3150mm  1:1
¼ kg kg
¼ 60:12mm
The ratio of outside diameter to inside diameter = 4  3291:64
1:5 cm2
 1 þ 155 cm2
= 1.075 < 1.5
Corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm will be used.
Thus, the design procedure is followed by M.V. Joshi’s Process
Final head thickness = (60.12 + 1.6) mm = 61.72 mm  62 mm
Equipment Design book (Joshi, 1976).
pD 4.3. Support Selection and calculation
Circumferential stress; f D ¼ ð30Þ
The pressure vessel is supported on cylinder, welded directly to
pD the bottom head. The skirt consists of various cut outs for outlet
Longitudinal or axial stress f a ¼ ð31Þ
4t nozzles & manholes (Fig. 5). The skirt not only allows the vessel
Where, p = internal pressure, D = mean diameter of the shell to be placed at required height in the plant but also allow proper
Circumferential stress is greater than the longitudinal stress. So, bolting arrangement with civil foundation. The thickness of the
circumferential stress is selected as design stress. The shell is gen- skirts is calculated using combined force theory (Joshi, 1976;
erally formed by a joint in the longitudinal direction, which is con- Mungla, 2016). The cylindrical shell of the skirt is designed for
sidered in terms of joint efficiency. The shell thickness is therefore, the combination of stresses due to vessel dead weight, wind
load and seismic load. The skirt thickness is uniform and is design
pDi to withstand maximum tensile and compressive stresses (Joshi,
t¼ ð32Þ
2 fs j  p 1976).
p = design pressure = 155 cm 2 , j = joint efficiency = 1, Di = inter- 4.3.1. Stress due to dead weight for skirt support
nal diameter = 3000 mm , T = design temperature = 370 °C, f = de- P
kg w
sign or permissible stress at 370 °C = 322.8 MPa = 3291.64 , fd ¼ ð34Þ
S = safety factor = 1.5
pDok tok
3000 mm fd = stress due to dead weight, W = dead weight of catalyst filled
Shell thickness, t = kg kg =109.83 mm
1:5 cm2
vessel contents and attachments = 401,500 kg, Dok = diameter of
Corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm will be used. the skirt = 3.224 m, tok = thickness of the skirt.
Final wall thickness = (109.83 + 1.6) mm = 111.43 mm  P
W 401; 500 39640 kg
112 mm fd ¼ ¼ ¼
pDok tok p  3:224  tok tok m2
4.2.3. Vessel head thickness calculation
Ellipsoidal head, hemispherical head and torispherical head are 4.3.2. Stress due to bending moment created by wind
three types of ASME pressure vessel dished heads. A sphere is the
ideal shape for a head, because the pressure in the vessel is divided Mw 4MW
f wb ¼ ¼ ð35Þ
equally across the surface of the head. The radius (R) of the head Z pD2O tsk
equals the radius of the cylindrical part of the vessel. Thus, hemi-
Z = Modulus of section for skirt cross-section
spherical head is selected for the design.
tsk ¼ thickness of the skirt
Inside diameter = 3000 mm, Outside diameter, Do = 3150 mm,
For total height greater than 20 m,
s = safety factor = 1.5, B = 1.1

Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,
Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

C = Seismic coefficient = 0.1 (Typically 0.1 to 0.3)

W = Total weight of vessel
H = Height of vessel

8  0:2  401500  29 95084 kg

f sb ¼ ¼
3p  3:2242  tsk tsk m2

4.3.4. Thickness calculation

Possibility of the wind load and earthquake load operating
simultaneously is very low. Thus, both of them are calculated sep-
arately and most adverse loading condition is used to calculate the
maximum resultant stress.
Maximum tensile strength at bottom,

95084 kg 39640 kg 55444 kg

ft ¼  ¼
tsk m2 t sk m2 tsk m2
Maximum allowable tensile strength and yield strength for the
kg kg
material is 73,929,425 m2
and 59,653,300 m2
(Shanghai Royal).
So, tsk = 73929425  0.75 mm [For tensile strength]
Maximum compressive strength,

95084 kg 39640 kg 134724 kg

fc ¼ þ ¼
tsk m2 tsk m2 tsk m2
yield stress
fc permissible safety factor

Fig. 5. Cylindrical skirt support (Mungla, 2016).  59653300/4 = 14913325 mkg2

  So, tsk = 134724/14913325 m  9 mm [For compressive stress]
h1 h2 We will use a thickness of 12 mm for the skirt.
Mw ¼ ptw þ puw h1 þ ð36Þ
2 2

ptw ¼ k p1 h1 Do ð37Þ 4.4. Pressure drop calculation

puw ¼ k p2 h2 Do ð38Þ The pressure drop through a gas–solid packed bed can be
described by the equation first proposed by Ergun (1952) and sup-
P1 = wind pressure for the lower part of the vessel ported by other studies (Zhao et al., 2000).
kg kg
(40 to 100 ) = 100
m2 m2
P2 = wind pressure for the upper part of the vessel (upto 200 mkg2 ) ¼ viscous energy loss þ kinetic energy loss
= 200 mkg2 150lð1  eÞ2 v2 qð1  eÞ
Do = Outside diameter of the vessel = 3.224 m ¼ v s þ 1:5 s ð41Þ
Dp  e
2 3 Dpe3
k = Coefficient depending on the shape factor = 0.7 (for cylindri-
cal surface) Height, L = 22.5 m
4MW ptw h21 þ puw h1 þ h22 Molar flowrate  Mw
f wb ¼ ¼ Volumetric GasFlowrate ¼
p D2O tsk p D2O tsk
    23317  9:437
kp1 h1 Do h1
þ k p2 h2 Do h1 þ h22 ¼ ¼ 445430:73m3 =h
2 0:494
¼ ð39Þ
pD2O tsk
Volumetric flowrate 445430:73
Superficial Gas Velocity ¼ ¼
h1 = 20 m flow area p  32  3600
h2 = 22.5 (Total length of bed) – 20 (upper limit of h1) + 1.5 ¼ 4:376m=s
(Head radius) + 5 (Height of the skirt)
= 9m Viscosity, l = 2.254  10-5 Pa.s
20 Diameter, DP = 3 mm (Assuming sphericity = 1)
0:7  100  20   3:224
f wb ¼ 4  2 Bed Porosity, e = 0.6 (Assumed)
p  ð3:224Þ2  tsk Particle Density, q = 0.494 kg/m3
0:7  200  9  3:224  20 þ 92 Average molecular weight, Mw = 9.437 kg/kmol
p  ð3:224Þ2  tsk DP 150  2:254  105  ð1  0:6Þ2
4 144660 kg 17722:51 kg ¼  4:376
¼  ¼ L 0:0032  0:63
32:65 tsk m2 tsk m2
4:3762  0:494  ð1  0:6Þ
þ 1:75
4.3.3. Stress due to seismic load 0:003  0:63
8CWH ¼ 11436:63
f sb ¼ ð40Þ m
3pD2O tsk Dp = 257324 Pa = 2.55 atm

Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,
8 Md. Burhan Kabir Suhan et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Comparison of plant data with model results.

Parameters Plant data Model result Deviation (%)

Outlet composition H2 (mole %) 56.4 58.82 4.29
N2 (mole %) 18.47 17.45 5.54
NH3 (mole %) 15.78 14.9 5.56
Bed temperature 1st bed inlet (oK) 633 633 –
1st bed outlet (oK) 755 715 5.29
2nd bed inlet (oK) 650 650 –
2nd bed outlet (oK) 715 670 6.29
Pressure drop (atm) 3 2.55 15

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Please cite this article as: M. Burhan Kabir Suhan, M. Naimur Rahman Hemal, M. A. A. Shoukat Choudhury et al., Optimal design of ammonia synthesis
reactor for a process industry, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences,

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