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Injibara University

Linear Algebra I

Instructor’s Information

Name: Miliyon T.
Office No: 201 (Block 202)
Office Hours: TBD

Course Description: This course covers vectors, lines and planes, vector spaces, matrices, sys-
tem of linear equations, determinants, eigenvalues & eigenvectors, and linear transformations.

Prerequisite(s): None.
Credit Hours: 3 hrs

1. Lang: Linear Algebra.

2. Demissu Gemeda: An Introduction to Linear Algebra, AAU, 2000.

References: Anton, Elementary linear algebra: application version, 8th ed, John Wiley & Sons.

Assignments 20%
Quizzes 10%
Tests 20%
Final Exam 50%
Course Objectives:
At the end of successful accomplishment of the course, students will be able to:

1. understand the basic ideas of vector algebra,

2. understand the concept of vector space over a field,
3. find scalar and vector products,
4. understand the basic theory of matrix,
5. find adjoint of a matrix,
6. solve system of linear equations,
7. determine row reduced echelon forms of a matrix,
8. determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix,
9. understand the notion of a linear transformation,
10. find the linear transformation with respect to two bases,
11. find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an operator.

Course Outline:

Chapter Content

þ Definition of points in n-space

þ Vectors in n-space; geometric interpretation in 2 and 3-spaces
Chapter 1

þ Scalar product, and norm of a vector, orthogonal projection, and direction cosines
þ The vector product
þ Applications on area and volume
þ Lines and planes

þ The axioms of a vector space

Vector spaces

þ Examples of different models of a vector space

Chapter 2

þ Subspaces, linear combinations and generators

þ Linear dependence and independence of vectors
þ Bases and dimension of a vector space
þ Direct sum and direct product of subspaces

þ Definition of a matrix
þ Algebra of matrices
þ Types of matrices: square, identity, scalar, diagonal, triangular, symmetric, and skew sym-
Chapter 3

metric matrices
þ Elementary row and column operations
þ Row reduced echelon form of a matrix
þ Rank of a matrix using elementary row/column operations
þ System of linear equations

þ Definition of a determinant
þ Properties of determinants
Chapter 4

þ Adjoint and inverse of a matrix

þ Cramer’s rule for solving system of linear equations
þ The rank of a matrix by subdeterminants
þ Determinant and volume
þ Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix

þ Definition of linear transformations and examples


þ The rank and nullity of a linear transformation and examples

Chapter 5

þ Algebra of linear transformations

þ Matrix representation of a linear transformation
þ Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation
þ Eigenspace of a linear transformation

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