Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Department of Semester 200 Course Syllabus Course Information

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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of
Department of
Semester 200
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title Seminar
Course Code NUR 793
Prerequisites Non
Course Website Not applicable
Instructors Dr. Huda Gharaibeh
Dr. Salwa Obeisat

Office Location N3 L -1
Office Phone # 23713 Dr. Huda Gharaibeh
13720 Dr. Salwa Obeisat
Office Hours Sunday 1-3
Tuesday 1-3
Thursday 12-1
Teaching Not applicable
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to help master students improve their professional writing skills,
through critiquing, and discussing the writing styles of research articles in their selected areas,
as well as through writing assignments. Issues related to nursing research including writing for
publication, dissemination of research, and writing an integrated literature review about a
selected area of interest will also be discussed. Students will participate in individual and group
activities to meet the objectives of the course.

The Practice of Nursing Research

Author(s) Burns N, Grove S

Publisher W.B. Saunders Company
Year 1993.
Edition 2nd ed
Book Website
Other references - Ellen R. Girden Q Evaluating Research Articles from Start to Finish. 2001
Assessment Expected Due Date Percentage
Assignments 1- Summary of three research articles 30%
(Bibliography) 20%
2- Presentation of integrated 30%
3- Literature review paper

-Students Participation 20%


Course Objectives Percentage

1. Develop summaries of research articles to be included in a scholarly written 30%
2. Apply Vancouver format in academic writing. 10%
3. Able to critique and discuss the writing style of research articles. 10%
4. Show evidence of improved writing skills. 20%
5. Discuss issues related to nursing research including writing for publication 15%
and dissemination of research.
6. Demonstrate ability to conduct a professional presentation in a professional 15%

Teaching & Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Discussion
3. Presentations
4. Library Search

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Related Reference(s)
1 1. Discuss types, characteristics, and How to read a research article. Available:
elements of effect writing.
2. Identify factors to be considered Article.html
before writing. Summarizing a research article. Available:
3. Recognize ethical issues related to
writing. center/summarizing. PDF
4. Apply learned writing skills in and Handouts
summarizing a research article.

2 1. Discuss guidelines of the Vancouver International Committee of Medical Journal

writing style. Editors. Uniform requirements for
2. Show an understanding of the manuscripts submitted to biomedical
examples. journals. Med Educ 1999;33: 66-78.
3. Apply correct form of references using
Vancouver style.

2,3,4 1. Synthesize three research articles -Burns N, Grove S. The practice of Nursing
summaries in writing literature review. Research. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W.B.
2. Discuss the purpose of the literature Saunders Company; 1993
3. Review the process of reviewing the -
4. Write a short literature review paper.

4,5,6 1. Recognize the importance of publication -Witt PA. Writing for publications: Rational,
and dissemination of research process, and pitfalls.
2. Discuss the purpose of publication and
dissemination of research
3. Review the publication and
dissemination process
4. Discuss ethical issues related to
publication and dissemination of research.
5. Show an ability to conduct a class

Useful Resources
- Writing skills websites (free access)
- (notes)

Course Content
Week Topics Chapter in Textbook (handouts)

1 Introduction and course orientation Handouts + addition readings

from the recommended wed sites
2 How to summarize a research article Handouts + addition readings
from the recommended wed sites
3 How to summarize a research article Handouts + addition readings from
the recommended wed sites
4 Citing your resources- Vancouver style Handouts + addition readings
from the recommended wed sites
5 Library search- Submission of first Handouts + addition readings
research summary from the recommended wed sites
6 How to write a literature review- Handouts + addition readings
submission of second and third summary from the recommended wed sites
7 Writing for publication, dissemination Handouts + addition readings
of research from the recommended wed sites
8 Student presentation(2 presentations)
9 Student presentation(2presentations)
10 Student presentation(3 presentations)
11 Student presentation(3 presentations)
12 Student presentation(3 presentations)
13 Student presentation(3 presentations)
14 Student presentation(3 presentations)

Additional Notes
Students should review all the course appendixes:
Appendix A
Research Summary Evaluation

Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria of Summary of Research Articles (Bibliography):

Each student will be asked to submit a written summary of three research articles throughout the course on
the same topic (not the abstract of the paper), using the following format:

1- Citation 1 pt
2- Half a page summary of the component of the 3 pts
research process
3- Brief critique of the article 3 pts
4- Conclusions and recommendation 2 pts
5- Use (Vancouver format ) 1 pt
10 pts

Appendix B

Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria for Students Presentation

The student will be asked to present an integrated bibliography of the three research articles he/she submitted for
:the summary of research articles (Bibliography) assignments, using the following guidelines
1- Discuss the significance of the selected area
2- Discuss the process of retrieving articles
3- Discuss how he/ she made the decision of using related articles
4- Discuss process of summarizing each article
5- Discuss the writing style of each article
6- Discuss the process of writing the integrated bibliography

Presentation Evaluation Criteria

1. Presentation was well organized and given in a sequential, logical manner. 5%

2. Content was accurate and applicable to the proposal/clinical project. 5%

3. Speeds presentation was appropriate for complexity of the material. 5%

4. Style of the presentation motivated the audience. 5%

5. Explanations of the materials was clear and accurate. 5%

6. Encouraged class participation. 5%

7. Questions were carefully and precisely answered. 5%

8. Used appropriate audiovisual materials to facilitate understanding. 5%

9. Time distribution among topics was appropriate. 5%

10. Overall, the presentation was effective and useful. 5%

Total 50%

Appendix C
Guidelines And Evaluation Criteria For Student’s Papers
The student will be asked to submit a final written paper of 3 pages words of an integrated bibliography of the
three articles summarized during the course, using the following guidelines and evaluation criteria:
1- Discussion of the significance of the selected area 10
2- Discuss the process of retrieving sources 10
3- Discuss the how made the decision of using related articles 10
4- Discuss process of categorization of sources 10
5- Writing style of integrated bibliography including 50
a. Critique of each source 10
b. Integrated of selected articles 10
c. Conclusions (Gaps in literature) 10
d. Recommendations for research 10
e. Implications for nursing practice and education. 5
f. References 5
6- Vancouver writing style 10

Total 100

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