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Julia Stefanel M.

Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology 2-1

Poetry Analysis Title of Poem: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Author: Christopher Marlowe

Record your analysis here.

Title: What does the title

The poem entitled, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, gives a hint to the readers of what the poem is all about. In
suggest the poem is
view of the title itself, it appears as though a shepherd's declaration of adoration to his beloved.

Paraphrase: What is the

The persona is a loving shepherd, who attempts to convince his cherished to remain with him in the countryside. As it is
persona saying? What is
a pastoral poem, its actual setting is the countryside. The persona won't concede any inconveniences into the world he
the literal meaning of the
envisions possessing with his "affection." Instead, he encourages his adoration to simply live at the time, getting a charge
poem. Does it seem
out of the delights he records for the good of their own, without agonizing over the results. In fact, the persona offers these
different from what the
pleasures as a departure from obligations and outcomes.
poet is saying?

Connotation: What are

The utilization of a poetic device known as blazon is profoundly interesting here. Blazon is a poetic mode where the
the layers of meaning in
persona uses literary devices like metaphor, simile, and hyperbole to describe his lover's body. His arguments appeal to
the poem? Diction,
the senses and give feelings of pleasure and love, stating “A belt of straw, and ivy buds, / with coral clasps and amber
figurative language,
studs.” Alliteration is used in the poem in which the sound of /sh/ and /s/ in “The Shepherds’ Swains shall dance and
imagery, rhyme, rhythm,
sing” is repeated. In addition, hyperbole is also used to exaggerate the statement: “And a thousand fragrant posies.”
stanza structure,
Symbolism can also be seen in the poem such as the rose which symbolizes love, beauty, and desire. The poem follows
conventional forms,
symbolism, point of view,
Attitude (tone): What is
the tone of the poem?
The tone of the poem “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” by Christopher Marlowe is thoughtful, contemplative and
What creates the tone?
dreamy. The rhythm is delicate and sing-song - almost like a lullaby as if the poet is enticing his love with soothing words.
Does the speaker have
The entire poem peruses like a daydream portrayal.
one attitude and the poet
has a different one?

Shift: Does the persona

seem to change during
the course of the poem?
There is no change on the persona since the poem is about his continuous daydream. The first quatrain is the invitation to
Is there a change in tone?
"Come with me and by my love." Next, the persona portrays the wonderful setting which they will abide. Moreover, the
What is the change?
shepherd's center movements from the "pleasures" nature can offer to the ones he himself can guarantee his cherished. The
Where does it occur?
final push is to persuade his beloved to "live with me and be my love" which is his definitive goal. The poem is composed
Look for transition words,
of 6 stanzas with 4 lines each with a constant rhyme of AABB CCDD and so.
punctuation, stanza
division, changes in line
length, irony, changes in
rhyme or diction.

Title: Look at the title

again – does your reading The title simply gives a piece of information about the content of the poem. It alludes to the affection of a shepherd for
of the poem change your his beloved based on his romantic ideals of presenting her the beauty of the idyllic world in which he is living. One thing
original analysis? How? that I noticed was the persona indulges fantasy while narrating the poem. He is longing for the woman to come and live
Do you notice any new with him as well as to be his lover.

The theme of the poem is contentment, innocent, and romantic love. Rural country folk are presented in an idealized
Theme: What is the
natural setting, while they contemplate their perfect and peaceful world that is absent the worries and issues of swarmed
theme of the poem?
city life.

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