WL Lesson 1 - World Literature BSRadTech 2 1 PDF

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EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE COLLABORATIVE MODULE FOR OUTCOMES-BASED AND FLEXIBLE LEARNING IN WORLD LITERATURE Student. ‘Student Number. Name of Professor. ‘Year Level/Section, Schedule: LEARNING PLAN DETAILS ‘Wook No:_1__ Duration: 1 week Lesson No:_1__No of Hours: _3. LESSON 1: LITERATURE AND ITS IMPORTANCE. +. INTRODUCTION ‘This lesson will teach you the mest common definition of literature and its importance. You wil learn to appreciate the intricacies of Merature as an at form. 2. Presentation of ContentiConcepts: Definition Literatura comes the Latin itanturafiteratura which means wirting. In goneral, iteratura in a ‘writen piace of work This definition, however, has brought controversies and issued among literary experts, writers, academicians end enthusiasts. Scholars assert that not all written pieces are considered as literature So, what makes a good literature? 1 Attsty- Literature is a form of art. Hence, it must be pleasing to the reader’s mind and soul. Its ‘words are meticulously chosen and interwoven just ike any piece of art work. It also reflects the ‘writer's character, syla, tachniqua, and individuality. EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE 2 Universality literary piece that withstands time and space is considered universal. It appeals to everyone regardless of culture, race, sex, and time which are all considered significant, 3. Competing and Relatablo The only way to keep your readers or listeners glued to your Iterature isi it communicates @ compelling idea that your audience can relate to. It doesn't matter ifthe piece of literature is a work Of fiction of reality i's the idea it’s communicating that will compel your audience to keep reading or listening as they keenly anticipate what the literature presents. 4, GENUINE ‘The writers must bring the depths of his mind and soul into the iterature, ‘Now another important question is, why read literature? WHY READ LITERATURE? David M. Wright (2019) Its helpful to think about the role of iterature inthe context of cutural prablems—foriterature has alviays persisied in the mast of and in tesponse 10 a fallen, offen chaote world. Assuredy, \Wordsworts lament applies to all ages, a prescient vision ofthe past, present, and future: ‘The world's to0 much with us; ate and soon, Getung and spending, we lay waste our powers: ile wwe see in Nature thats ours, We have ghen our hearts away, a sordid Boon! Truly, we have given our hears away, disconnecting ourselves from God, nature, and others—but literature has the capability of providing a restorative cure So then, what kind of Iiterature holds such power? The answer i the Great Book. Samuel Johnson said in his “Pretace to Shakespeare” that “the only tet of erry greatness is length of duration and continuance of esteem.” Moreover, @ book may ce considered great f it meets three criteria. The first 's universally. A great book speaks to people across many ages—aifecing, sping, and changing readers far removed from the time and place in which it was watten. Second, thas @ Central One idea and themes that address matters of Enduring importance "And third i features noble language. A great book te writen in Deautl language that enviches_—the—smind.—and elevates the soul, EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE [ Now that we Rave extabished what Kind of erature to read, leTe consider why we should read | literature. Here are six reasons. 1. Reading great Iterature exercises the imagination. We enjoy stones: it is a pleasure to meet characters and to lve in their world, to expenence their joys and sorrows. In practical sense, an active magnation helps us percewe truth, make value judgments, and deal wih the complexities of ite m creative ways. Iteven aids n our aiiy to use logee and to eason wel. 2.Reading Iterature transports us out of our current context and into other ages and places. Interacting win characters across space and ime diminishes our ignorance. ilk Twain once remarked, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, narrowmindedhess, and bigotry. Broad, wholesome, chantable views of men and things carinat be acquired by vegetating in one itle comer ofthe earth al of one's lifetime " Because most of us cannot plot a steamboat along the Mississippi River, of travel to many parts of the world as Twain was able to do, terature serves as a wortny guide and vessel for our exploration 3. Reading terature enables us to see the world through the eyes of others. It trains the mind to be ‘exile, 10 comprehend ather pants of view—o sel aside one's personal perspectives to see Me through the eyes of someone who is of another age, class, of race. Reading literature nurtures and develops the power ef sympathetic insight 4. Great works of itertute have played @ fundamental role in shaping society. For example, The Epic of Gigamesh intiated the archetypal narrative of the here embarking on an epic quest, which bevame a popular and influential blueprint for Itereture the world over. Some cther landmark texts include Homer's Odyssey, Dante's Divine Comedy, Shakespeare's Harmlet, and Cervantes’ Don ‘Quixote, whieh is eredted as the fst novel inthe Wester world, ereating a genre that has since become the dommnant farm of literature in the medemn era. A litle later, Goethe's The Sorries of Young Werther was deeply influential (hough not necessariy in positive ways): Wordsworth and Coleridge's Lyrical Balads inualed the Romianlic era in English Werature, and Hainet Beecher Stowe's Uncie Tom's Cabin helped push a dvides nation into chil war over slavery In the early {wenteth century, Upton Sinclai's novel The Jungle exposed the horrors of America’s meatpacking Industry and caused many reforms in the mass production of food. Books have the power to shape culture and history. 5. Reading Iterature fosters contemplation and reflection, and improves our facil with language and vorabulary. Interacting wih these texts requres daliberate, conscious thinking in order 10 Understand and retain longer units of thought. The average number of words per sentence in the Sbleenth century was 66-70 words, bul, nol surprisingly, that number has steadily declined through the modern era to about 18 words today Likewise, the average number of letters per word has declined, revealing a decrease in the use of longer, higher-level words. The continual exposure 10 elaborate, elevated syntax and diction develops not only our thinking abilties, but our speaking and ‘iting sis too. We begin to conceive of sentences in the manner of the great writers, imitating thei techniques in siyle and vocabulary. In his poem Four Quartets, TS. Et prophesied that we would be “cistracted from cistrction by distraction” Alas, we are unable 10 retain and reflect upon an idea for any meaningll length of ime Rea salure isan active push against this tende EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE Sonn CELLEN cart ©, Finally, reading lissallte Helps Ws To know ourseNes—in short to understand man For the subject oflteratue is man. Ins pages, we learn about our creative and meal faculties, aur conscience, and ‘most importantly, ur soul. We see man at the height of his glory and the depth of his folly—onth every heartrending thought, acon, emotion, and belief in between. In other words, iterature holds 2 ‘rior up fo human nature, revealing is ine depths and complexities, ts array of virtues and vies, ‘and moreover, i holds a mirror up toa cultural age, iluminatng its shape and ethos. Long ago, inscribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Apalio at Delphi was the maxim, “Know tiysell. Reading erature remains the surest means to do just tal—to live the Me Socrates declared the only ane worth lving: the examined life. Afterall, erature may simply be the creative expression of metaphysics and being. In some mysterious way, each ife 's every Ie, and all ves fe one Ife—there fe something of ourselves in each and every character we mect inthe hallowed pages ofa Great Book. Source io 3, Assessment Based on the previous lesson, answer the folowing questions in your own word. 1. What is erature? 2. Why is erature considered an at form? 3. What do you get out of reading Iterature? EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE Sonn ELLEN io 4. Reflection ‘Now, based on the previous presentation, give your personal definition of iteraturs. 5. Generalization \What generalizations ean you make out ofthis lesson? 6, ReinforcementiDeepening Reading Assignment: How to analyze poetry? 7. Moving ForwardSimulation aFaco-a07 EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE oss ¥ MS ea hen ns pn soci v AT: a ERE Read in advance: How to analyze pootry?

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