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Student: Elene Gorgiladze

Page 8, Ex 1 – c/d


1. 85%
2. 75%
3. 26%
4. 17%
5. 60%


Do any of the statistics surprise you?

Yes, I am surprised about the 2nd one. I think, it is not right to charge the rent to children, when they
have jobs and are living without their parents, because, in my opinion, if children can live without their
parents, they should take a responsibility to control their own lives.

Which ones do you think would be very different if the survey was carried out in your country?

In my country the relationships between the family members are different. Parents and children have
close relationships, but they argue lot. Children don’t live with their parents, they are moving in another
houses as they can afford to live alone. The happiness issue is so difficult, because people in my country
aren’t feeling happy even if they have everything to feel that.
Page 133 - a/b


1. Shall
2. I’ll make
3. Both
4. Will be
5. Won’t tell
6. Both
7. Will go down
8. Both
9. Shall


1. Will write
2. Is going to do
3. Am going to work
4. Will have
5. Shall/get
6. Will lend
7. Is going to rain
8. Shall/pick/up
Page 10, Ex 5 – d


1. Sick
2. No wonder
3. Rivalry
4. Childhood
5. A gathering
6. Adults
7. Aware of
8. Boarding school
9. Value
10. Shared
11. Fight
12. A gang
Page 11, Ex 8 – b


1. Sensible/responsible/ambitious/insecure/anxious
2. Relaxed/sociable/sensitive/agressive/unambitious
3. Outgoing/charming/rebellious/immature/disorganized
4. Self-confident/independent/organized/selfish/impatient/spoilt
Page 153, Ex 1 – a, Ex 2 – a, Ex 3 – a


1. Selfish
2. Competitive
3. Spoilt
4. Aggressive
5. Charming
6. Sensible
7. Sociable
8. Anxious
9. Moody
10. Independent
11. Bossy
12. Affectionate
13. Jealous
14. Sensitive
15. Ambitious
16. Reliable
17. Rebellious
18. Stubborn


1. Stupid
2. Mean
3. Self-confident
4. Hard-working
5. Talkative
6. Outgoing


1. Unambitious
2. Unfriendly
3. Dishonest
4. Unimaginative
5. Unkind
6. Immature
7. Disorganizes
8. Impatient
9. Unreliable
10. Irresponsible
11. Unselfish
12. Insensitive
13. Unsociable
14. Untidy

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