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How Significant or Importance Relationship in Management and Customer

Significance of CRM

1. Enhance relationship / strong relationship

2. Impact on Business
3. Low Cost
4. Loyalty

Three phase of CRM

1. Acquisition
2. Retention
3. Extension

What is CRM

CRM is an integrated approach that manages a company a company interaction with the
existing and future customers. It harps to identify, acquire and maintain customer for successful
growth of the business. It enables business organization to plan and coordinate to reach cross
different department and channels.

A CRM model use smart technology for organizing automating summarizing sale customer
service marketing and technical support.

What is CRM meant for?

The CRM model help the business to monitor and control the business activities along with
addressing end to end customer requirements besides CRM focus.

1. Create database describing the customer their purchasing behavior and their relationship
with the company.


Why CRM is vital (Customer bring for your wives)

1. For profitability commercial activity

2. Marketing
3. Sales
4. Customer service (After sale service as well)
5. Supply chain
6. Competition and innovation
7. Quality Assurance




Offer and acceptance

When one party offer to the other party for sale or purchase of any type of product which are
loyal then the other party accept this officer this is called agreement. When both parties
consideration are fulfilled then agreement become convert into contract

Who is customer?

Definition by state bank

The SBP in the prudential has been define the customer as under

A person who has open an account in a bank or is holder of deposit / deposit certificate are any
instrument repressing deposit / replacing money with the bank or has borrow for the bank.

 Current and saving account holder

 Deposit certificate holder
 Any other scheme in which he deposit money in the bank
 Borrower from the bank
 Criteria of customer determined by court

In case of Foley us hill and others following criteria has been determined by court

 Current and saving account holder

 ATM credit card holder
 Borrower/ Debtor
 Principle and Agent
 Locker holder Instatement
As per Negotiable Act 1837.

Section 131 of the negotiable instrument act give protection to bank for collecting a cheque of
the receive payment for a customer of a cheque cross generally and specially to himself
provides the acts input faith without negligence of the relationship of customer established

Duration of relationship whether short term or long term does not affect the customer position.

Section 131

Non liability of bankers receiving payment of cheque subject to the provision of this act relating
to the cheque crossed account payee where a banker is good faith with act negotiable receives
payment for a customer of a cheque crossed Generally or specially to himself and the customer
has to title or a defective title there to the banker shall not owner of the cheque by reason any
of having received such payments.

Types of Negligence

1. Ordinary Negligence
2. Gross Negligence
3. Criminal Negligence



How to Relationship will be end between Banker and Customer

1. Death of customer
2. Insolvency (bank corruptly)
3. Court decision (succession certificate)
4. Banker own decision


Banker Obligation to Customer

1. To pay cheque drawn by customer

2. To collect receipt of cheque
3. To purchase negotiable instrument
4. To pay profit / return to the customer on their deposit
5. Maintain secrecy garnish order, customer)
6. To provide statement of account regularly
7. Give Reasonable time of notice for closure of account
8. Bailor and Bailee
9. Pleger and Pledgee
10. Mortgager and mortgagee
11. Debtor and creditor
12. Principle and agent

Customer obligation to banker

1. To Pay the Debt

2. To Pay Markup on Debt
3. Avoid Frauds / To Assets fraud



Know your customer

 Money is a broad sense

 Banking terminology
 Include all size of customer
 Both debtor and creditor


 Global impact
A. Financial fraud
B. Money lending
C. Tarrant money
 Prevent bank from being used
 Don’t allow your customer for any risk on bank behalf

 Legal/ regulator / requirement

 Identification of customer
 Types of account and purpose
 Beneficiary of transaction
 Checking intermediaries such as stock money changes account and lowers of other
 Checking significance financial transaction
 Reputational risk


 Original documents for attested copies

 Information shall be updated
 Opening of different of account and its checking
 (PRA) provide list of suspicious suspected transaction
 Compliance of officer in bank
 Discontinuous of several cheque
 coordination with SBP, SECP FIA and etc
 Aria effective its and its updating
1. Standard documentation of account opening
Account opening
2. Check list
1. Document completed
2. Signature verified admitted
3. Credit administration check list for standards

BFS basic fact sheet

CIB Credit information Bauru

Cross of the cheque

 Source of income
 Passport
 CIB credit
 Nationality proof
 Planning risk and standard risk

Allied Bank
KYC from account opening

 Account Title
 Verification
 Source of income
 Average annual income
 Mode of transaction
 Risk profit
 Minor account

Credit administration

Check list

Latest sanction advice

 To the check the approval sign

 To check the account limit
 To check the name
 Security maintenance
 Mark up rate
 Approval amount verified

Customer Accept Offer Letter

All type of term and condition are mention approving the loan from if the customer react all
term and condition and then sign copy of CLP


Credit line proposal before the loan approving the finance manager ost t=check the customer
repeating capacity

BBF (Basic Fact Sheet)

To check the type of business and also check the business worth

Memorandum of association

 Business
 Capital
 Trade type

 Director
 Employee
 Responsibility of employee
 Salary of employee
 Mortgage


 Legal mortgage
 Register mortgage
 Pledge



Types of Accounts

Any person have capacity to make a valid contract can open an account after completion of
certain prescribe formalities for the bank customer can also give special standing in section
regarding operation of account off course both the parties that is customer and bank have
certain obligation which they have to fulfilled as per law and banks SOP’s


1. Individual Account
A. Personal Account
B. Minor Account
C. Perda Nasheen Account
D. illiterate Account and disable account
E. Student account
2. Joint account
A. Both signatory can operate
B. Other or service
C. Anyone can operate account singly
3. Partnership account
A. Document to the obtained
B. CNIC of all partners
C. Partnership deed
D. Resection of Partnership deed

If any, authorize person

4. Joint stock company account
5. Limited by share company account
A. Limited by guarantee
B. Unlimited company
C. Single member company
D. Document should be obtained
E. Resolution of BOD’s
F. Authority Letter
G. MOA (Memorandum of association)
H. AOA (Article of Association)
I. CNIC Copies
J. List Of Directors
K. Latest Balance Sheet
L. Certificate of corporation
M. Certificate of commencement of business
6. Account open by Agent
7. Executive/ Administrative account
8. Local body account
9. Government account
10. Collection account
11. Dormant account / unclaimed account
12. Clad /Association / union and account
13. Trust account ( Executor appointed by trust’s under the will of are charitable trust
14. Disease account
15. Current Account
16. Saving Account
17. Fixed Account
18. Frequency Account
19. Nonresident Account
20. Sole Proprietor Account


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