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2hours 30minutes


Answer five questions, including at least one from each section, but not more than
one from any of the sections A and B.

Where necessary assume the following constants:

Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81ms -2

Speed of light in vacuum, c = 3.0 x 10 8ms-1

Speed of sound in air v = 340ms -1

Electronic Charge, e = 1.6 x 10 -19C

Electronic mass, me = 9.1 x 10-31kg

Permeability of free space, μ0 = 4.0π x 10-7Hm-1

Permittivity of free space, ε0 = 8.85 x 10-12 Fm-1

The Constant, = 9.0 x 109F-1m
4 π ε0


1. (a) What is meant by the terms:

(i) Refraction, (1mk)
(ii) Refractive index of a material? (1mk)

(b) Describe an experiment to determine the refractive index of a liquid using a

travelling microscope. (4mks)


Figure 1 above shows a light sensor placed on a wall 1m high above the level of a
transparent liquid in a vessel. The vessel is 30cm deep and 0.78m away from the wall.
A source of narrow beam of light is moved from A, towards C. If the sensor is just able
to detect the light when the source is at B, 15.6cm from A, find the:

(i) Refractive index of the liquid. (4mks)

(ii) Distance of the source from A when the sensor able to receive the light from
position Q. (2mks)

(d) (i) Given that a ray of light incident at an angle, i, on a prism of refracting angle
A, passes through it symmetrically, derive the expression for the deviation produced.

(ii) Find the minimum deviation produced by a prism of refracting angle 55 0, and
refractive index 1.54. (3mks)

(iii) Find the limiting angle for a prism of refractive index 1.54.

2.(a) (i) Define principle focus of a convex lens. (1mk)

(ii)Describe an experiment to determine the focal length of a concave lens using a

concave mirror. (5mks)

(b) A concave lens of focal length 10cm and a convex lens of focal length 15cm are
arranged co-axially, 4cm apart. An object is placed 40cm in front of the concave lens,
on the side remote from the convex lens. Find the:

(i) Position of the final image. (4mks)

(ii) Magnification produced. (2mks)

(c) (i) Define visual angle and magnifying power of a microscope. (2mks)
(ii) Draw a sketch ray diagram to show image formation for a microscope in normal
setting. (3mks)

(d) With the aid of a diagram explain why images formed by simple microscopes are
free of chromatic aberration when viewed from close to the lens. (3mks)


3.(a) (i) What is end correction of a closed pipe? (1mk)

(ii)Describe an experiment to determine the end correction of a pipe by resonance

method. (5mks)

(b) A stretched wire of length 60cm is under tension of 70N. When plucked in the
middle, its first overtime resonates with the fundamental note produced by an open pipe
of length 84cm and end correction 2.1cm. Given that the diameter of the wire is 3mm
and the density is 1890kgm-3, Find the;

(i) Velocity of sound in air at that time (4mks)

(ii) If the experience in d(i) above was carried out at a temperature of 15 oC, find
the velocity of sound in air at 30oC (3mks)

c) i) Define Doppler effect and beasts (2mks)

ii) A police car passes a stationary observer with a velocity of US towards a

high cliff. When the police car sounds a given of frequency f, the observer hears
beats. If the velocity of sound in air is C, derive the expression for the frequency
of beats heard by the observer. (3mks)

d) Describe one application of Doppler effect (3mks)

4a) i) State Huygens’s construction principle (1mk)

ii) Use the principle in a (i) above to show that for a ray of light travelling from one
sin i
medium into another, = constant.
sin r

Where i and r are the angle of incidence and refraction respectively (4mks)

b) i) List three conditions for producing observable interference fringes in light (3mks)

ii) Describe how interference fringes can be produced by division of amplitude


iii) Explain how the experiment in b (ii) above can be used to test optical flatness.


c) What is a diffraction grating? (1mks)

d) Sodium light of wave length 5.893x10-7m and 5.897 x 10-7m fall normally on a
diffraction grating which has 500 lines per mm.


i) Angular separation of the two lines in the first order beam. (3mks)
ii) Highest order of diffraction image by light of wave length 5.897x 10 m (2mks)


5a) i) What is magnetic saturation? (1mk)

ii) Draw a sketch graph showing he variation of magnetization of a ferromagnetic
material with magnetizing field, and explain the graph (4mks)

b) i) Write the expression for the magnetic force acting on a charge of q moving with
velocity ∪ at an angle ∝to a magnetic field of flux density B. (1mk)

ii) From the expression in b(i) above, define one tesla (1mk)

c) Describe an experiment to determine the magnetic field intensity between two poles
pieces of a permanent magnet (4mks)

d) i) A rectangular coil of N turns, length l and width, b, carrying current, I is placed with
its plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of flux density, B. Derive the
expression for the torque exerted on the coil. (4mks)

ii) A plane circular coil of 50 turns and means radius 3.0cm is suspended on a torsion
wire at the centre of a long solenoid of 750 turns per metre and connected in series with
the solenoid. If the coil is place such that the normal to its plane makes angle of 20 0 with
the axis of the solenoid and a current of 5.0A is passed through the system.

Find the initial torque experienced by the coil. (5mks)

6a) i) What is mutual induction? (1mk)

ii) Describe a single experiment to demons trade mutual induction. (2mks)


Figure 2 shows a strong bar magnet suspended on a soft spring above a solenoid. The
solenoid is in series with a centre zero galvanometer G. The magnet is pulled down
slightly and then released to oscillate. Explain what is observed. (4mks)

c) i)

Q θ

Figure 3

figure 3 shows a horizontal metal rod PQ moving with velocity u in a direction making
angle θ with the horizontal. The rod is in a uniform vertical magnetic field of flux density
B. Derive the expression for the emf induced between the ends PQ of the rod. (3mks)

ii) A flat circular coil of 600 turns each of radius 8cm is rotated at a frequency of 150
revolutions per minutes about its diameter at right angles to uniform magnetic field of
flux density 0,14T. Calculate the

i) Maximum emf induced across the coil (3mks)

ii) Average current flowing in the coil when a resistor of 2Ω is connected across
the coil. (2mks)

d) Describe how an a.c generator works. (5mks)

7a) Define the following as applied to a.c circuit,

i) Root mean square value of current (1mk)

ii) Impedance (1mk)

b) An alternating voltage source of V= Vo Cos 2πft is connected across an inductor of

inductance L.

i) Derive the expression for the reactance of the inductor. (3mks)

ii) Explain the change in current supplied when the source is replaced with one of higher
frequency. (2mks)


Figure above shows an inductor of inductance 0.5H and a resistor of resistance 95Ω
are connected in series across a voltage source of V = 110cos 70πt .

i) r.m.s current supplied. (4mks)

ii) power dissipated in the circuit. (2mks)

d) Describe how a hot wire ammeter works. (5mks)


Figure 5 above shows a buld A, coil L and resistor R connected across a d.c voltage
source. Explain what is observed when switch K is closed.


8a) i) Define electromotive force of a battery. (1mk)

ii) Explain why the e.m.f of a battery is always greater than the terminal p.d when an
external resistance is in a closed circuit with the battery. (3mks)
iii) Draw a sketch graph to show the variation of terminal p.d with current
supplied. (2mks)

b) i) A conductor has ∩ free electrons per unit volume each carrying charge, e, and
moving a drift velocity V.

Derive an expression for the current density (3mks)

ii) Explain why pure metals have positive temperature coefficient of resistance

iii) Two wires A and B have length in the ratio 4:5, diameter in the ratio 2:1, and
resistivity in the ratio 3:2 if the wires are arranged in parallel and supplied with
current of 1A, calculate the current in each of the wires. (4mks)

c) Describe an experiment to calibrate a voltmeter using a potentiometer. (4mks)

9a) i) State coulomb’s law of electrostatics. (1mk)


Figure 3 above shows four charges of -55.8μc, +4.6μc, +2.5μc and +9.2μc placed at
points AB, C and D in air. Find the electric force acting on charge of +2.5μc. (5mks)

b) i) Explain why when a charged conductor is placed near a metal foil suspended
in air, the foil moves and touches the conductor then it moves back. (3mks)

ii) Explain why when investigating charge distribution on a pear shaped conductor,
use of proof planes lowered in a conductor connected to electroscope connected to
neutral electroscope in preferred to bringing the body near the electroscope, or
different parts of the body to the cap of the electroscope. (2mks)

c) Explain how a Van de Graaff generator is used to accumulate charge. (6mks)


Figure 7 shows a negatively charged oil drop of mass 0.2g maintained stationary
between two metal plates A and B. plate B is at 15V positive potential while A is
earthed. If the oil drop remains suspended in space between the two plates,

find the magnitude of charge on the oil drop. (3mks)

10a) Define capacitance of capacitor and relative permittivity (2mks)

b) i) Describe an experiment to investigate C connected in series are together

charged by a voltage source of V, and charged fully. Dielectric of relative permittivity
εr is now inserted in one of the capacitors and then left to charge fully. Show that the
( εr−1 ) CV
Charge stored increases by
. (4mks)


Figure 8 above shows a network of capacitors of 2μF, 3μF, 4μF, 5μF, and 8μF ,
connected across a voltage source of 9V.

Find the;
i) Energy stored in the network. (4mks)
ii) Charge stored in the 4μF capacitor. (3mks)


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