Planes LV 1 To 4

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3. In the space the equation
panesi s + + L =
a by+cz +do =0
represents a plane perpendicular tothe
2 the plane
) YOZ 2)ZOX 3 ) XOY 4)Z=kane
vii) A variable plane at a constant distance 'p' from
4. The equation of the plane passing
the origin nmeets the axes in A, B and C. Through rough a
A, B. C planes are drawn parallel to the coordinate point with position vector i +2j +3 nd
planes. Then the locus oftheir point ofintersection
2 parallel to the plane r3i +4j +5k)=0js
ISx+ =p
ix) A p0int. P moves the fixed 1) 3x+4y-5z + 26 =0
2) 3 x + 4 y + 5z - 26 = 0

a The plane through P, pependicular 3) 3x-4y +5z - 26= 0
toOP meets the coordinate axes in A, B and 4) 3x+4y - 5 z - 26 = 0
C.Then the locus ofthe point of
intersection ofthe 5. Distance between two parallel planes
planes through A, B, C parallel to the coordinate 2x+y+2z = 8 and 4x+2y +4z + 5 =0 is

planes is L,1 (JEE MAINS 2013)

x) The planes x

rectangular parallelopiped.
ta, y =
tb and z =
tc form a
xi) Aparallelopiped is formed by the
planes drawn
through the points ) and
6. If the footof perpendicular from (0, 0,0) to a
plane is (1,2, 2) then the equation of the plane
(V222) parallelto the co-ordinate planes. The
length of a diagonal of the parallelopiped 1)-x+2y+8z -9 =0 2) x+2y+2z -9 =0
)x+y+z-5 =0 4) x+2y =3z+1 =0
= Va +b + 7. The foot of the
Here perpendicular from
=x^ -X1,b= y2- C= Z-3 (7, 14, 5) to 2x+4y-z =2 is
LEVEL - I 1) (-1,1,0) 2) (1,2,8) 3) (2,-1,-2)4) (1,2.3)
8. The image of the point
CARTESIAN EQUATION OFAPLANE (-1,3, 4) in the plane
1. The plane which passes through the point x-2y = 0 is
(-1,0,-6) and perpendicular to the line whose
d.r'sare(6, 20, -1) also passes through the
1)(1, 1,-26) 2) (0,0,0)
3) (2, 1,-32) 4)(1,1, 1) 4) (15,11,4)
2. Equation of the plane through the mid-point
of the join of A(4,5,-10) and RATIO FORMULA
B(-1,2,1) and
perpendicular to AB is 9.
If the points (1,-1,1) and (-2,0,5) with respect to
the plane
1) 5x+3y-1 lz + =0 2x+3y-z+7 0 lie on
1) opposite sides

2) same side
3) on the plane 4) in side the plane
2) 5x+3y - 1 1z = 35
2 10. The ratio in
which the plane
3) 5x+3y+11z =135 divides the line joining the points
4)5x +3 y -11z + =0 -2+4j+7k and 3f -5j +8k is
2 1) 1:5 2)1 10 4 )3 : 10

gor the p l a n e
52 0, =
the 18. Ifthe planes x +2y+kz =0 and 2xy- 3-0
(2,3,-5) ie in the are at right angles, then the values of k is
origin side
to the
Origin side 3) Plane 4) can not say
o normal form of 2x-2y+z = 5 is
1-5 2)2 3)-2 4) 2
19. The angle between the planes
2x+y+z = 3,x-y +2z = 5 is
12x-4y+3z = 39 2)-Sr+2. z =|
1) 4)

0 20. If the planes 2x+3y z +5 =0,
X+2y-kz + 7 = 0 are perpendicularthen k =

3) 8 4) -8
Aplane passes through (2,3,-1) and is 1)4 2) 6

perpendicular to theline having dr's (3,-4,7). KEY: 1)2 2)2 3)1

4)2 5)3 6)2
Theperpendicular distance from the origin to 7) 2 8) 2 9) 1 10)4 11) 1 12) 4 13) 4
this plane is (EAM-2011) 1 1 18) 4 19)4 20) 4
14) 3 15) 2 16) 17)
3 6 13
1)74 2)74 3)14 4) HINTS

A. An equation of a plane parallel to the plane | 1. The plane equation is

-2y+2z-5 = 0 and at a unit distance from 6(x+1)+20(y-0)-(z+6) = 0

the origin is 6x+20y-z=0
1) r-2y+2z-7 0 2) x-2y +2z+5

2. Mid point ofAB = 55

0 4) x-2y+2z +1 0

3) x-2y+2z-3 =

INTERCEPT FORM OF A PLANE D.r's ofAB are (5,3,-11)

Equation ofplane is
of a plane which cuts equal
The equation axes is the
ntercepts of unit length on
1)x+y+z =0 2) x+y+z =l| 7l6-37-1)-
3) 2x+ y-z =l 4) * r5i+3-11k)= 2
thhe Verification method
6. 1f the 3003 meets 3.
plane r+1ly +13z

C then the
Equation ofthe plane parallel to
0ordinate axes in A, B,
of the
AABC is r3i+4j+Sk) =0 is given by
) (143,91,77) 2) (143,77,91) xi+yj+zk3+4/+5k)+l =0

3) (91,143,77) 4) (143,66,91) It passes through (1,2,3)

areas of
ofttriangles formed by a
Given planes

the positive X,Y Z,XY

:Y,Z: t h e n the
4x+2y+ 4z-16=0,4r+2+4z
+5 =0
are12, 9, 6 sq. unit

Distance between the parallel planes

quation of the plane is
3) =1


6. Dr's ofthe perpendicular to the plane are
= 1 > k = t3

(ad'-a'd)=0 3) 15x-12y + 16z + 50 =0,

(1,2, 2) +4+4 2 (ab a'b)y+{ac-dc)z+(ad'-d'd) =0 x+2y +2z -6= 0
7. D.r'softhe normalto 2x+4-: =2 is(2.4,-1)|15. Verification
(d-db}x+|*-be)z+{at-d'd)=0 6.
4) x-y+2z-13-0, x+y-z-3=0
The plane 7+1ly +13z 3003 meet The equation of the plane which is parallel toX-
The point (1,2.8) lies on aplane and D.r's ofa (ab'-a'b)x-bc-b'e)y+(ad'+a'd) =0
line 16. =

he aus and
making intercepts 3 and 8 on Y and Z-
coordinate axes in

joining (1,2,8) and (7,14,5) are Aplane

T passes through the point (1,1,1). If | axes respectively is
A(429,0,0), B(0,273,0).Cc(0,0,231). Aaare the dr's o a
normal to the plane, 1) 3y+8z = 24 2) 3y-8z =24
(6,12,-3)=(2,4,-1).. Required point Centroid of AABC is b, c ( <b<c) are the 3) 8y-3z = 24 4) 8y+3z = 24
= (1.2,8)
(429 273,23|=(143,91, 77
where a,

of 2001, then
9.The sum of the intercepts of the planewhich
33 3 43,91, 77) factors

8. Given(.i,=)=(-1,3,4) equation
or the plane r is bisects
the line segment joining (0,1,2) and
(23,0) perpendicularly is
17. If a, b,c are the intercepts of the required plane ) 29x+31y+3z

1)2 2)4 3) 6 4)12

A - 2-1-23) 23 0. A plane meets the coordinate axes at A, B, C
2) 23x+29y -29z

14 0 23x+ 29y +3z 55 =
so that the centroid of the triangle ABC is
Then the
(1,2,4). equation of the plane is
-- 1+4+0
a b = 24,bc = 18,ca = 12

abac 24x1 16 a=4
4) 31x+27y +3z 71

dr's of a normal to the plane through

1) x+2y+4z = 12 2) 4x+2y +z=12
-(h.&.1)- bc 18 4 The
which makes an angle of 3) x+2y+ 4z =3 4) 4x+2y+z =3

ab 24,ac = 1 2 b =6,c = 3
(1,0,0), (0,1,0) 11. The reflection of the plane
X+y=3 are
9. 2(1)+3(-1)-1+7>0 /4 with theplane 2x-3y+4z-3 =0
in the plane

2(-2)+3(0)-5+7<0 The equation ofthe plane 4 is =

1) 1,2,1 2) 1,1, v2 3) 1,1,2 4) 2,1,1 X-y+z-3 = 0 is the plane

A(1,1,1),B(2,3,5) and C(-1,0,2)

be 0
Points lies on opposite sides ofthe plane 1) 4r-3y +2z-15

18. Use a4, +bb, +qe =0 Let

points, then equation ofa plane2 2) r-3y+2z-15 0
0. Plane is F(i-2j+3k)=17 -(1) three

A point P dividing the join of

19. cos6 =
to the plane ABC which is at a
1)2x-3y+Z+ 2v14 ==0
distance units is
3) 4x+3y-2z +15 0
4) 4x+3y +2z +15=0

-2i+4j+7k and
3i-5j +8k inthe ratio 2:1 is 6)3
2) 2x-3y+z-V14 =0 2) 2 3)3 4) 2 5) 1
KEY: 1)4
20. Given planes are perpendicular 9)1 10)2 11) 1
7)3 8)4
3) 2x-3y +Z+2 =0
a,a +bb +G% =0
4) 2x-3y+Z-2=0 HINTS
on (1) then we get ,21>2:1=3:10
It lies
=(2)01)+(3)(2)+(-1)(-4)=0 INTERCEPT FORM OF
is* 1
1. T=4+9-25+10=-2. n=10The point 2+6+k = 0.>k=-8 intersects the coordinate
1he plane equation m
lie onthe opposite to the origin side. A variable plane
and is at a

LEVEL-II es at A,B,C Then the locus ofthe ==l=l=-1;m=3/2

12. va +b +c =v4-4+1 =3 Ptrom 0(0,0,0).
OABCIS intersection
of the tetrahedron through the
Equation ofthe plane a + d = 0 and
Normal fom isx- CARTESIAN EQUATION OF A PLANE a x +by +
ofthe planes =0
13. Equation Ifthe equation of the plane passing through the +cz+d'
01 the
plane is 1.
the ax +b'y +d) =0
points (1,23),(-1,2,0) and perpendicularto +cz+d')+à(ar+by +cz
3(x-2)-4(y-3) +7(z +1) =0= (a'x+b'y
ZX-plane is ax +by +cz +d 0 (a>0) then to Y 0=Z =

is parallel
3x-4y+7z +13 =0 the line
ot which

(a' +al =o
Perpendicular distance from origin 1) a = 0 and c = 0 2) a+d =0 to the plane X- axis
-2 =0 parallelto
0 2x+y +3z
13 13 3) c+d-5 = 0 4) a+c+d-4 =
ntersection of
that each plane
is at* a l =-a'=l =-a
v9+16+49 74 .
The equation of the plane through
the line o t+4
0 such a
intersection of planes the orign of the plane
14. The required plane is x-2y+27 +k = 0. The stance of2 unit from =0 the equation
distance to the plane fYom origin =1 ax + by + cz +d = 0,a'x+b'y+c'z+d'=0 1) y + 2 2 + 1 3 0, =
and parallel to the line y = 0= z is
4X+y-2z +3 =

3)2x-y+22 =0,6x +2y-3 =0 JEE-ADV-JR-MATHS-VOL IV

(a'b-ab')y+(a'c-ac"):+a'd- ad' = 0 8. Required plane equation is 4)2x-y+27 = 0,6x +2y-3z4 = 0
.Theplane ax +by +CZ-3 =0 meet the c0
3. 2001=3x23x 29 and ordinate axes in A,B,C. Then centroid of the
3 8 3z =
f the
plane 4(r.
2)+8(7-5)=0 triangle is
(3+23+29) =55 ~a =3,b =
23,c = 29
9. The plane cquation is line
Any plane through (1,0,0) is
A(x-1)+B(y-0)+C(z-0) = 0 .(1) 2x(-)+2y( =y)+ 2z(=, -z)
c o n t a i n s the
3 thenn 1)3a,3b,3c) 2

It contains (0.1,0)if -A+ B=0.(2) + ++z-x-y-z} =0 is

2) 4 3)-8 4)8
333 4
0 2 2)
Y,2(0, 1,
(x ( 2
where 2 .3.
Equationandof the plane passing through the point
Also (1) makes an angle ofwith the plane
Y l rthe plane 3(x-2)+(y-2)+6(z+3)=0 13,2) perpendicular to each of the planes
X+2y+3z =5 and 3x +3y +z =0 is
+y=3, cos- +B 10. Let the cquation ofthe plane be +2»1 contains the line 2143 1) 7x+8y-3z = 0
4A+B +C* VI +1 a b Whose
2) 7x-8y-3z = -37
2AB=C 3) From (2) and (3), A=(a,0,0), B(0,b,0).C(0,0.c) inclination with A-axis is 60", then it satisfies
3) 7x-8y+3z + 25 = 0
the equation
C=24 C= tw2A (1,2,4)
Centroid of AABC =

4) 7x+8y+3z = 23
1) 6a +36a +37 = 0 2) 36a +37=0 11.
Hence A:B:C=A:A: t2.A - ( G i - (1.2,4) IfP=(0,1,0) and Q=(0,0,1) then the projection
D.r'sare (1,1,+2) a = 3,b = 6,c = 12
3) 36a+37a + 36 = 0 4) a+3=0 ofPQ on the plane x+ y+z =3 is

1)2 2) 2 3)3 4) 3
A(1.1.1). B(2,3,5).C(-1.0,2) d.r's ofAB are The equation of the plane is SThe angle between the planes represented by 12.
A paralelopiped is formed bytheplanes drawm
2x-6y12z* +18yz+2zx +y=0 is through the points(2, 3,5) and (5,9,7) parallel
(1,2.4) D.r's ofAC are (-2,-1,1).
D.r's of normal to plane ABC are (2,-3,1) As a
+ =14r+2y+z =12
6 12
to the coordinate planes. The length of
diagonal of the paralleopiped is
11. Equation ofthe required plane be obtained using the
result, equation of the plane ABC is
2x-3y+z =0 Let the equation of the required
reflection of pCar 2) Cos Cor 1)7 2) 38 3) 155 4) 7
a'x +b'y+c'z +d' 0 inthe plane
13. The distance ofthe point (1,-2,4) from the
plane is 2xr-3y+z = k, then =

6. Ifthe equation of the plane passing through

ax + by + cz +d =0 is given by the line of intersection of the planes
plane passing through the point (1,2,2) and

k 2k+2/14 2(aa' +bb' +cc' )(ax +by + cz +d) ax +by +cz +d =
0,4x+by+cz +d, =0
perpendicular to the planes x-y +2z 3
and 2x-2y+z +12 = 0 is

and perpendicular to the XY-plane is (mains-2016-online)

Hence. equation of the required plane is
(a +b
2x-3y++2/14 =0

+ce)a'x+b'y+ +d') ca
pr+qy +rz +S =
0 then S=
2 3) v2 4) 22
6. Intercepts of the plane 4x, 4y, 4z where
LEVEL III 1) dc -d,c 2) de,+d,c
(x-y. z) is the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC. and (-3,0,1)
3) dd tcc, 4) aa,tbb tc 14. If the points (1,1,2) are

1 1. Ifthe angles made by the normal of the plane equidistant from the plane,
lie on
Herc 16 16y "16 lf the points (1, 1, -3) and (1,0, -3) 13 0
2x+3y-4z -16 0 with the coordinates
=0 3x+4y-12z +
Equation of the plane is X, Y, Z
oPposite sides ofthe plane x+y+3z +d (mains-2016-online)
axes are
Cosk,,Cos k,, Cos"k, then ) 3x-10x +7 =0 2) 3r +10r+7=0
(2x+y+3z-2)+k(x-y+z+4)=0 then k,k,,k, respecitvely are
1) d<1 3) 4) +21 = 0
2) d>8 3x +10x-13 at0 a =

distance of3 from

p 1-2+4k 2 2 13 4 2 d>8.
15. Ifavariable plane,
axes at
3) 7<d<8 4) d<7 or
the origin, intersects the coordinate
(2+k +(1-kÝ +(3+k) 1 J29 29 29 2 29 then the locus of the centroid of
i s a point such that the sum ofthe squares A, B and C,
k =13,-1 A4BC
2 =0,
Planes are
(2x+y+ 3z-2)+13 2929 4 ) 34 O its distances from the planes x +y+z
r-y= 0is 5 then locus or
2. The two planes represented Dy 2z=0,
x-y+2+ 4) 0,(2x+y +3z -2)-1
x-y+z+4) =0 12x-2y-6z*+7yz+6zx -2xy =0 are
15x-12y +16z +50 0, x+2y +2z-6 =
1) 2x+y+2z = 0,6x-2y +3z = 0 x+y +z =10 2) x+y+
0 2) 2x-y +2z = 0,6x +2y-3z = 0
3)x+y+z =5 4) x*+y
+z' =50
200 201

of the
given plane 4.
16. ABC is a triangle in a plane with a+b+1 C 2a = va +b+1 y - 2 z -
The locus
represented by xy+ yz =0 1S

A(2,3,5). B(-1,3,2) and C(4.5, u). If the

i.e., 3a =b +1 .(1)
2=0 1)Apair of perpendicular lines
A is equally inclined to the
median through As the plane contains the given line, we hav 2) A pair of parallel lines
coordinate axes, then the value of
3(a)+1(b) +6(1) =0 .(2) nCe of (1,-2,4) fromx+y-3 =0 is 3) A pair of
parallel planes
(2+u+5) is (mains-2016-online) 2/2
Eliminating b from (1) & (2), we +13/=| 4)A pair of perpendicular planes
1) 1130 2) 1348 3) 676 4) 1077 get 4.
122+13=|-9+0-12+13| squaring we 5. The plane 2x-3y +6z
-11 =0 makes
3a ={-(6+ 3a)} +1
get 3a-10A +7 =0 angle sin (a) with x-axis. The value of a is

KEY: 1)3 2)2 3)3 4)1 5)1 6)1 7)3 1.e., 6a +36a + 37 =0 X =1
5. The equation
8) 3 9)4 10)3 11)2 12) 1 13)4 14) 1 15.Plana b c

15) 1 16) 2 -61-12z +18yz +2zx + ry =0 2

represents two planes and they are
HINTS The equation of the plane that contains the
2x-3y+6z = 0 . .(1)
1. The d.r's ofnormal ofthe plane = 3
point (1,-1,2) andisperpendicularto each of
x+2y-22 =0 .. 2)
2x+3-4: -16 = 0 are the planes 2x+3y-2z =5 and
If e is the angle between the planes (1) and (2) 99799 x+2y-3z =8 is
(2.3-4) and the d.c's are2929 I(2)0)+(-3)(2)+6(-2) 1) Sx-4y-z =7 2) 5x+4y+z =7
/29 then Cose

2+(-3+ 6* +23+2 3) 5x+4y-z = 7 7

4) 4x+5y+z =

2 3 4 6
16 A(2,3,5), B(-1,3,2).C(1,5,A)
16 =Cos1
29 .cosp= 29
.'. cos a =- cosy =
0 7. The Points (1,1.p) and (-3,0,1) are
29 21
midpoint of BC,D = | * 4 , equidistant from the plane
Where a.B.y are the angle made by the normal Method 2:
F37+4-12k)+13 =
0, then the value
with X. Y, Z axes respectiely. Cos6 Dr's of AD of p is
=Cos Cos" a+b+c) +4(s +g +h -ab-bc-ca) A=7,4 =10;2 + +5 =1348 1) p-1(or)P=-2) p =1(or)
y =
Cos 29 k,.k, values are 3) P-2(or 4) P=1(or)
Theplane cquation is (ax + by+ cz + d)- LEVEL-IV LINKED COMPREHENSIVE TYPE
respectively (a.x+by+cztd) =0. NCERT BASED QUESTIONS PASSAGE
7. d-7 and d-8 must have opposite signs
The product of the equations of planes for the option 7<d<8. . The image of the point having position =2,and
2) is vector + 3 j +4k in the plane Let two planes p,:2x-y+z
P:x+2yz=3 are given.
(2x-y+2)(6x+2y-3z) = 0 7(2-+)+3 =0
8. The equation of the plane passing through the
12x-2 -6z +7yz +6x2-2xy=0 1)-3+57+k 2)-37+57+2

correct answer is (2) -5r+y+i - 3) 3T +57 + 4) 3+57+2
intersection of P

(3,2,1) is
and P and the point

Ifa plane
contains the line, then its normal and line| 9. A plane meet co-ordinate axessat distance
ofthe plane which is at
are perpendicular *The equation
2)x-3y+ 2 +1 = 0
normal to which = 0
4(2)+k(4)+8(3) =0 (ie,al +bm+cn = 0) Al0.0.O50.0.0 V3 units from
equally inclined to
origin and the
coordinate axes is
3) 2r-3y+z-l =0 4) 4x-3y +2: -8 =0
8+4k+24 0 k = -8 Centroid G- | 2) x+y-z =9
4. The d.r's ofline are ( a,b,1 ) a b )x+y+z =9 4) r+y+z =0 Equation of the plane
which passes through

The d.c.'s of line are

10. Equation ofthe plane is 3) x+y+ Z =3 the point (-1,3,2)and is perpendicular each to
a(r +1) +bly-3) + c(z + 2) = 0 3. (-2,-1,-3)
If theline a w n from the pointat the
draw of the planes P and P^ is
g+2b+3c= 0 3a+3b+c = 0 ,
angle point
11. IfL, to
M are the feetofthe perpendiculars ro ES a plane at right of the plane is 1)x+3-Sz +2 =0 2) x+3y +5z-18 = 0
cos 60=Ta 12. The
the plane then projccu
lengths of edges are a -2-3
=5-2 (1,-3,3),then
the equation
= 27
0 4) r-3y+52
= 0
3)r-3-5: +20

a +b+1 b=9-3= 6, c=7-5 =2 1) 3x-2y+z = 27 2)


= 27
=7 3x+ 2y-6z
Length ofthediagonal =
ya +b +c* 3-2y +6z = 27 4)
202 7
10. The equation of the acute angle bisector of 4 +)=0 HOME WORK
planes P and Pis The image of the point (3,2,1) in the plane
' =0 ( -plane)

1)x-3y+ 2:+1 =0 2) 3r+'-5 = 0 x+z =0 (planeparallel to y-axis) 2x-y+3z =7 is (EAM-2009)

3) x+3y-2z +1 =0 4) 3x+z+7 =0 a,a, +hb, +Ce, =0 DTESIAN EQUATION OF A PLANE
1D(1.2,3) 2)(2,3,1) 3)(3,2.1) 4)(2,13)
The produ of the d.r's
11. The equation of the bisector of angle of the 5. Dr's normal to the plane = (2,-3.6) of a line
ependicular to the plane passing through the8. If
(2,3,-1) is the foot of the perpendicular
planes P and P which not containing Dr's ofx-axis = (1,0,0) Pnts (4,0,0), (0,2,0) and ( 1,0,1) is
origin is i)6 2)2 3)0 4) 1
from (4,2,1) to plane, the
equation of the
1)x-3y+2=+1 =0 2)x+3y=5 SinG=- a,a, +bb, tGC Dlane which passes through the point plane is

3)x+3y+2:+2 0 4)3x+y =5
vaj ++ya +b^ +c _y-7 1) 2x-y-2z-3 =0 2) 2x+y-2: -9 =0
(3,2,0) and theline

12. The image of plane P in the plane mirror P,6 Verihication (-1,2) lhes on the plane and it s
3) 2x+y+2z-5 = 0 4) 2x-y+2z+l =0
perpendicular to the given planes 1) x-y+Z =l|
2) x+y+z =5 9. If the points (1.1.p) and (-3,0,1) be
)x+7y-47 +5 = 0 2) 3x+ 4r-5z +9 = 0 A(1.1,0) B(-3,0.1)
3)7x-+2:-9 = 0 4) 7x+y+9-+9 = 0 Equation ofplane3x +4y-12z +13 =0 3) x-2y-z=l equidistant from the plane

3+4-12p+139-12+13 4) 2x-y +z=5 7347+12 )+13 =0 then the

KEY: 1) 2 2)1 3) 3 4)4 5) 3 6)1 . The equation of the plane parallel to the plane value of P=
7)4 8) 2 9)3 10) 1 11)4 12) 3
9+16+144 9+16+144
2x+3y+47+5=0 and passing through the point
HINTS 20-12p=8 (1,1,1) is 1)- 2) 6 3) 3
1. (=)=(1.3.4)plane 2 - + +3 =0
5-3pl=2 1) 2x+3y + 4z-9 =0
If(h.k./) in the image of (7,j.) 5-3p t 2 2) 2x+3y +4z +9 = 0

8. 10. The ratio in which the line joining (2,4,3)

P+2P, =
passesthrough (3,2.1) 3) 2x+3y + 4z + 7= 0
a b l=-1 and(4,5,-6) is divided by the plane
4) 2x+3y +4z -7 0
9. Equation of the plane passes through The equation of the plane passing through the 3x+2y+z-4 = 0 is (EAM-2011)
-2(ax,+by +C +d) (-1.3,2)
a +b+c point (3,-6, 9) and perpendicular to the x-axis 1)2:1 2)4:3 3)-1:4 4)2:3
is ar+1)+b(y-3)+c(z-2) . . . ) =
11. For the plane I=4x-3y +2-3=0, the

2 De's ofNormal
(l,m, n) (1) is perpendicular to p and p, we get ) x+2 0 2) y-3=0
points 4(-2,1,2). B = (3,1,-2)
3) z-7 0 4) x-3=0
P=33 Distance between two parallel planes 1) Lie on the same side of [1 =0
Equation of plane Lr + my+nz = P
10. (-2)(-1)+(1(-2)+(-1(1) = -1<0 2) Lie on the opposite sides of n 0

7x+4y-42 +3 0 and
3. A(-2.-1,-3) P(1,-3,3) Dr's of normal to the acute angle bisector is
14x+8y-8z -12 =0 is 3) Lie onthe normal to II=0 4) Lie on II = 0
(-2x+y-z +2) = (-x-2y+z+3) Normal form of a plane:
11. Equation ofbisector not containing the orgin is
12. The d.c's of the
normal to the plane
2)1 3)15
(-2x+y-z+2) _ -2y+z+3
FOOT AND IMAGE 2.r-y+2: + 5 =0 are

6 6
Plane (3,-2,6) (0,0,0)
12. The image ofthe plane p, in the plane of the perpendicularfrom
t h e foot 1)3,-2,6)

mirror p, then
0aplane is (1,2,3), thentheequation
Equation of plane through P(1,-3,3) is 2(20)+-1(2) +1(-1))%x +2y-z-3) =
plane is (EAM-2012)
= 14
(1+4+1).(2x-y+z-2) 1) 2x+y+3z = 14 2) x+2y+32
ax-x)+b{y-y,)+c{z-z,) =0 0 4) x+2-S

*+2y +3z +14 =


HINTS The equation of the plane which
throughthe through the line of intersection of the passes
from the origin to Equation of the plane passing given
13. Theperpendicular distance 2x-y =0 and 3z -y =0 and is

theplanex-2y+2--9 0
= is points is x + 2y + 3z -4 0,

pendicular distance 9 3
1)3 2)6 3)4 4) 2
14. The length of the perpendicular from the point| 2.
D. r's of normal = (1, 2, 3)

Verify options 14 Perpendicular

J+44distance perpendicular to the pane 4x+ 5y -3z
1)28x-17y+9z = 0

2) 28x 17y+9z = 0
8 15

3) 2x+17y -9z = 0 4) 2x- y - z =0

(7,14.5) to the plane 2x4- =2 is
a(x-x)+b(y-y)+c(z-z,) = 0
|14+56-5-21 63 4.

21 321
The dr's of a normal to the
plane passing
1) 213 2) 32 3) 321 4) 5 Equation of the plane passing through (3, -6,9) and p 4+16+1 through (0,0.1).(0.1.2) and (1,2.3) are
Intercept form of a plane: perpendicular to x-axis is x = X
the Y
15. 5, 7, the intercepts of a plane on -

15.Plane equation
axis, Z - axis respectively, if the plane is 1) (0,1,-1) 2) (1.0.-1) 3) (0.0.-1)4) (1,0,0)
parallel to the X- axis then the equation of that ld-d is 2x-3y+52 30. Intercepts 5. The plane 2x+3y +k-7 0 is parallel to
16 The plane

1 are =

plane is 5 Distance a+b +c theline whose direction ratios are (2.-3,1)

1) 5y-7 =35 2) 7 y 5 =1
6. Equation of the plane 1s 15-10 then k =
3) 35 4) 7+5z =35 (x-1)+2(y-2)+3(z-3)=0 1)5 2)8 ) 4)0
17. Area =14x366 sq.units Intercept form of a plane:
16. The intercepts of the plane x+2y +3z = 14
A variable plane is at a constant distance 3p
2 r - 3 - S - 30 = 0 are from the origin and meets the axes in A. B and
7. (3,2,1) lies in
plane the 18. Given planes are parallel
C. The locus of the centroid of the
1)15-10.62) 5,10.63) 4)3,-4,6 2x-y+3z =7=(3,2,1) it self is the image in
a b C2
triangle ABC is

17. The area of the triangle formed by 2x-y+3z = 7 1)xy-*=

8. The line joining the given points is normal to the plane 2k = 1 2 k =6 2) r - -
= I with X-axis and Y-axisis
D.r's ofnomal are (2,-1,2) and (2,3,-1) es 3) -y=* =l6p
1)2 2)3 3)6 4) 12
in the plane 4) +y+=* =9p*
The equation of the plane is 7. The equation of the plane through the line of
18. If the intersection of the planes
planes 2x-3y+4z +7 =0 and 2x-y+2z = 4-3-2 0. Given equations represent the same plane
=0 and the
4x-y8z-1 =0 are parallel then k= r-2y+3:-1 =0, 2x-y+:-2
2x-y+2z +1 =
point (1.23) is
2)4 3)5 4) 6
Distance from point 4 a to plane r.n +k = 0 0 2) 7-ySz =0
19. The planes 2x-y+ 4z =
5 and 1) 7x-9y+8z =

4) x-3y-2z1-0
5x-(2.51y-10z = 6 are LEVEL-II 3) x+3y-2:-1=0
an +k 8. The equation of the plane which is parallel
1) Perpenducuiar 2) parallel IS of lengths 3 and
n Y-axis and making intercepts
3) intersect Y-axis 4) passes through
CARTESIAN EQUATION OF A PLANE 4 on N-axis and Z-axis is
20. If ix+4y +5z 7, 10. Required ratio *The d.r's of the line of intersection of the 2) 4r-3: = 12
= 4x+4.y + 10z -14 =0 1) 2r 2= 20
represent the same plane then the value of planes x+ y+z-1=0 and

-(6-8+3-4):(-12+10-6-4) =3 : 3) 4r-3 =12 4) 6x+132 =15

2x+3y+4z -7 0 are
-6 4) 1,-2, 1|9. lf5. 7, 6
the sums ofthe X, Yintercepts;
of a
1)1 2) 2 30 4) 3 1. =-8-3+6-3=-8 P2,-3 2) 2, 1, -3 3)4,2, a r e A(3,4.2) Z intercepts, Z, X intercepts respectively
then the perpendicular distance
from the
The vertices of a
ofA plane
The height is
KEY: 1)1 2)1 3)1 22 =12-3-4-3 2 B(1,2,1) C(4,1,3) D(-1,-1,3). origin to that plane
4)4 5)2 6)2 above the base BCD. 61
7)3 8)4 9)1 12
10) 3 11)2 12)4 13)1 The points lie on the opposite side of 1 =0 144 4) 44
14) 2 15) 4 16)1 17)3 18) 4 19)2 20) 2 23 20 1)
61 21
C J237 2 7 3 7


0 coM
10. The equation of the plane through the line of D.r's ofnormal to the plane are (0, 1,-
intersection of the planes 5. D.r's ofthe normal to theplane are (2,3,k).Thi
2x+3+4z-7= 0, *+y+z-1 = 0 is parallel to the line having D.r's is (2,-3,1) then
perpendicular totheplane x-5y+ 3z -2 = 0
2(2)+3(-3)+k(1) =0>4-9+k =0k =5
1) 7x-y-62-17 = 0 2) x-y-6z -27 = 0

3) x+2y+3z
6 I
6. +2=1
-6=0 4)xtyt6z-27-0
11. The equations of bisectors of angles between
YZ-plane and XZ-plane is distance from origin =3p P t
1) x-z = 0,x +2z = 0 2) x-z+2 = 0
Then a =
3x,,b 3y,,c 3z,
= =

3) x+z =0, x- z =0 4) x+y = 0,x-y =0

Locusis p
KEY: 1)4 2)2 3) 1 4)1 5)1 6)1
7. Equation ofthe plane is
7) 3 8)2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 4
HINTS x-2y+3z-1) +k(2x+y+z-2) =0
It passes through (1, 2, 3) then
1. Let (a,b,c) be the D.r's of the line then
5+5k 0 k = - 1 . Plane is
a+b+c=0, 2a+3b +4c =
0 solving
x-2y+3z -1)-1(2x+y+z-2) =0
a =
=-2,c=1. (a,b,c) =(1,-2,1)
2. The equation x+3y-2z-1 =0
of the plane containing BCD 8.
x-1 y-2 z-1 Equation ofplane parallel to Y-axis is ofthe both
3 -1

1 lz +27 -=14x+3z = 12
a+b= 5,b+c = 7,c+a = 6
distance from 4 atbtc =9. a = 2,b =3, c=4.
3. 10. Equation of the is
Any plane through the line is plane
2x-y+ 2(3z-y)=0 (1) (2x+3y+4z-7)+k(x+y+z-1) =0
given 4x +5y-3z-8 =0 (2) It is
perpendicular to x-5y +3z -2 = 0 then
(1) and (2) are
perpendicular we have -k-1 = 0 k =-1

24)+5(-1+2))+32(-3)=0>2= Plane 1S

28x-17y +9z=0 x+2y+3z -6 =0
4. Let
Equation of yz-plane is x= 0,Equation ofxz-pa
A(0,0,1), B(0,1,2),C(1,2,3) is y =0
(0,1,1), AC (1,2,2). = Equation of the bisectors ofthe
angles betwe
the planes are+*+y=0,x-y=
ABxAC 0 2

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