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STS-2nd half of the term

ASYNCHRONOUS ACTIVITY (Module 1-Sociology of Science)

October 27,2020

1. Access course content folder of your STS BB Course site

2. Search for ppt 1 and ppt 1 B of Module 1
3. Read and understand the content of the module
4. Watch the embedded video clip on Sociology of Science in ppt1 ( link is available)
5. Read the conclusion part of John Law ‘s article on Science and STS ( article uploaded)
6. Watch the videoclip “Mahirap maging mahirap”webinar ( link provided)
7. For your asynchronous activity submission-
Create a concept map that will show the interconnectedness of SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND
SOCIETY focusing on COVID19 pandemic as your case in point and must be analyzed using the
background infos provided in the 2 ppts and the materials uploaded in your course content
folder for week2.
To be done BY PAIR- Refer to slide no.13 of your ppt1 B.
8. Sample concept maps and rubric for grading are included in ppt 1B.
9. Submission on or before Nov. 3, 2020 7am only via GDrive that must be created by the class
president/class secretary

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