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targets (2) enzymes (6) transporters (3) carriers (1)
for drugs
Name Hydrocortisone
DB00741 (APRD01019)
Type small molecule
Groups approved

The main glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex. Its synthetic

Description counterpart is used, either as an injection or topically, in the treatment of
inflammation, allergy, collagen diseases, asthma, adrenocortical deficiency,
shock, and some neoplastic conditions. [PubChem]

Download: MOL | SDF | SMILES | InChI

Display: 2D Structure | 3D Structure
 11beta-Hydroxycortisone
 17alpha-Hydroxycorticosterone
 Anti-inflammatory hormone
 Dihydrocostisone
 Hidrocortisona [INN-Spanish]
 Hydrocorticosterone
 Hydrocortisone Acetate
 Hydrocortisone alcohol
Synonyms  Hydrocortisone Base
 Hydrocortisone Butyrate
 Hydrocortisone free alcohol
 Hydrocortisone Sodium Phosphate
 Hydrocortisone Valerate
 Hydrocortisonum [INN-Latin]
 Hydroxycortisone

 Idrocortisone [DCIT]
Brand  Acticort
names  Aeroseb HC
 Aeroseb-HC
 Ala-cort
 Ala-Scalp
 Alacort
 Algicirtis
 Alphaderm
 Amberin
 Anflam
 Anusol HC
 Aquacort
 Aquanil HC
 Balneol-hc
 Barseb HC
 Basan-Corti
 Beta-hc
 CaldeCORT Spray
 Cetacort
 Clear aid
 Cleiton
 Cobadex
 Colocort
 Compound F
 Cort-Dome
 Cort-Quin
 Cortaid
 Cortanal
 Cortef
 Cortef Acetate
 Cortenema
 Cortesal
 Corticreme
 Cortifan
 Cortifoam
 Cortiment
 Cortisol
 Cortisol alcohol
 Cortisolonum
 Cortisporin
 Cortisporin Otico
 Cortispray
 Cortolotion
 Cortonema
 Cortoxide
 Cortril
 Cremesone
 Cremicort-H
 Cutisol
 Delacort
 Derm-Aid
 Dermacort
 Dermaspray
 Dermil
 Dermocortal
 Dermolate
 Dioderm
 Dome-cort
 Domolene-HC
 Dricort
 Drotic
 EF corlin
 Efcorbin
 Efcortelan
 Efcortelin
 Eldecort
 Eldercort
 Epicort
 Epiderm H
 Esiderm H
 Evacort
 Ficortril
 Fiocortril
 Flexicort
 Foille Insetti
 Genacort
 Glycort
 Gyno-Cortisone
 H-Cort
 Heb Cort
 Heb-Cort
 Hemsol-HC
 Hi-cor
 Hidalone
 Hidro-Colisona
 Hycort
 Hycortol
 Hycortole
 Hydracort
 Hydrasson
 Hydro-adreson
 Hydro-colisona
 Hydrocort
 Hydrocortal
 Hydrocortistab
 Hydrocortisyl
 Hydrocortone
 Hydroskin
 Hysone
 Hytisone
 Hytone
 Hytone lotion
 Incortin-H
 Incortin-hydrogen
 Kendall's compound F
 Komed HC
 Kyypakkaus
 Lacticare HC
 Lacticare-HC
 Lactisona
 Locoid
 Locoid Lipocream
 Lubricort
 Maintasone
 Medicort
 Meusicort
 Micort-hc
 Mildison
 Milliderm
 Neosporin-H Ear
 Nogenic HC
 Nutracort
 Nystaform-HC
 Optef
 Orabase HCA
 Otalgine
 Otobiotic
 Otocort
 Otosone-F
 Pandel
 Pediotic Suspension
 Penecort
 Permicort
 Polcort H
 Preparation H Hydrocortisone Cream
 Prepcort
 Prevex HC
 Proctocort
 Proctofoam
 Protocort
 Racet
 Rectoid
 Reichstein's Substance M
 Remederm HC
 Sanatison
 Scalpicin Capilar
 Schericur
 Scheroson F
 Sigmacort
 Signef
 Stie-cort
 Stiefcorcil
 Synacort
 Systral Hydrocort
 Tarcortin
 Tetrahydro E
 Tetrahydrocompound E
 Texacort
 Texacort lotion 25
 Thyrotropic-releasing factor
 Timocort
 Transderma H
 Traumaide
 Uniderm
 Urocortisone
 Vioform-Hydrocortisone
 VoSol HC
 Vytone
 Westcort

 Zenoxone
Brand  Actinac Pwr (Allantoin + Butoxyethyl Nicotinate + Chloramphenicol
name + Hydrocortisone Acetate + Sulfur)
mixtures  Actinac Pws (Allantoin + Butoxyethyl Nicotinate + Chloramphenicol
+ Hydrocortisone Acetate + Sulfur)
 Calmurid Hc Crm (Hydrocortisone + Urea)
 Cortisporin (Bacitracin Zinc + Hydrocortisone + Neomycin Sulfate +
Polymyxin B Sulfate)
 Eye and Wound Powder (Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride +
Hydrocortisone Acetate + Penicillin G Procaine + Sulfathiazole)
 Forte Topical Suspension (Hydrocortisone Acetate + Hydrocortisone
Sodium Succinate + Neomycin (Neomycin Sulfate) + Penicillin G
Procaine + Polymyxin B Sulfate)
 Neo-Cortef Eye Ear Dps (Hydrocortisone Acetate + Neomycin
 Neo-Cortef Eye Ear Drops Sterile Suspension (Hydrocortisone
Acetate + Neomycin Sulfate)
 Neo-Cortef Eye Ear Ont (Hydrocortisone Acetate + Neomycin
 Ophthocort Ont (Chloramphenicol + Hydrocortisone Acetate +
Polymyxin B (Polymyxin B Sulfate))
 Otizol Hc Liq (Hydrocortisone (Hydrocortisone Acetate) + Lidocaine
(Lidocaine Hydrochloride) + Neomycin (Neomycin Sulfate))
 Proctosedyl Ointment (Dibucaine Hydrochloride + Esculin +
Framycetin Sulfate + Hydrocortisone)
 Proctosedyl Sup (Dibucaine Hydrochloride + Esculin + Framycetin
Sulfate + Hydrocortisone)
 Proctosedyl Suppositories (Dibucaine Hydrochloride + Esculin +
Framycetin Sulfate + Hydrocortisone)
 Proctosone Ont (Dibucaine Hydrochloride + Esculin +
Hydrocortisone Acetate + Neomycin Sulfate)
 Proctosone Sup (Dibucaine Hydrochloride + Esculin +
Hydrocortisone Acetate + Neomycin Sulfate)
 Sopamycetin/Hc Ointment (Chloramphenicol + Hydrocortisone
 Sopamycetin/Hc Ont (Chloramphenicol + Hydrocortisone Acetate)
 Sopamycetin/Hc Susp (Chloramphenicol + Hydrocortisone Acetate)
 Ti-U-Lac Hc Lotion (Hydrocortisone + Urea)
 Vioform + Hydrocortisone (Clioquinol + Hydrocortisone)
 Vioform Hydrocortisone Cream (Clioquinol + Hydrocortisone)
 Vioform Hydrocortisone Mild (Clioquinol + Hydrocortisone)

 Vosol Hc (Acetic Acid + Benzethonium Chloride + Hydrocortisone +

Propylene Glycol Diacetate)
Categories  Anti-inflammatory Agents
Average: 362.4599
Monoisotopic: 362.209324070
InChI 21(26,17(25)11-22)20(15,2)10-16(24)18(14)19/h9,14-16,18,22,24,26H,3-
Plain Text
IUPAC (1S,2R,10S,11S,14R,15S,17S)-14,17-dihydroxy-14-(2-hydroxyacetyl)-2,15-
Name dimethyltetracyclo[^{2,7}.0^{11,15}]heptadec-6-en-5-one
SMILES [C@@]2([H])CCC2=CC(=O)CC[C@]12C
Plain Text
Mass Spec show (3 KB)
Kingdom Organic
Classes  Steroids and Steroid Derivatives
 Steroids and Steroid Derivatives
 Hydroxy Compounds
 Alkanes and Alkenes
 Alcohols and Polyols
 Cyclohexenes and Derivatives

 Ketones
For the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of
corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses. Also used to treat endocrine
Indication (hormonal) disorders (adrenal insufficiency, Addisons disease). It is also used
to treat many immune and allergic disorders, such as arthritis, lupus, severe
psoriasis, severe asthma, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.
Pharmacolo Hydrocortisone is the most important human glucocorticoid. It is essential for
gy life and regulates or supports a variety of important cardiovascular,
metabolic, immunologic and homeostatic functions. Topical hydrocortisone is
used for its anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive properties to treat
inflammation due to corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses. Glucocorticoids
are a class of steroid hormones characterised by an ability to bind with the
cortisol receptor and trigger a variety of important cardiovascular, metabolic,
immunologic and homeostatic effects. Glucocorticoids are distinguished from
mineralocorticoids and sex steroids by having different receptors, target cells,
and effects. Technically, the term corticosteroid refers to both glucocorticoids
and mineralocorticoids, but is often used as a synonym for glucocorticoid.
Glucocorticoids suppress cell-mediated immunity. They act by inhibiting
genes that code for the cytokines IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8 and
TNF-alpha, the most important of which is the IL-2. Reduced cytokine
production limits T cell proliferation. Glucocorticoids also suppress humoral
immunity, causing B cells to express lower amounts of IL-2 and IL-2
receptors. This diminishes both B cell clonal expansion and antibody
synthesis. The diminished amounts of IL-2 also leads to fewer T lymphocyte
cells being activated.
Hydrocortisone binds to the cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor. After binding
the receptor the newly formed receptor-ligand complex translocates itself into
the cell nucleus, where it binds to many glucocorticoid response elements
(GRE) in the promoter region of the target genes. The DNA bound receptor
then interacts with basic transcription factors, causing the increase in
expression of specific target genes. The anti-inflammatory actions of
corticosteroids are thought to involve lipocortins, phospholipase A2
inhibitory proteins which, through inhibition arachidonic acid, control the
biosynthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Specifically glucocorticoids
induce lipocortin-1 (annexin-1) synthesis, which then binds to cell
membranes preventing the phospholipase A2 from coming into contact with
its substrate arachidonic acid. This leads to diminished eicosanoid production.
The cyclooxygenase (both COX-1 and COX-2) expression is also suppressed,
of action
potentiating the effect. In other words, the two main products in inflammation
Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes are inhibited by the action of
Glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids also stimulate the lipocortin-1 escaping to
the extracellular space, where it binds to the leukocyte membrane receptors
and inhibits various inflammatory events: epithelial adhesion, emigration,
chemotaxis, phagocytosis, respiratory burst and the release of various
inflammatory mediators (lysosomal enzymes, cytokines, tissue plasminogen
activator, chemokines etc.) from neutrophils, macrophages and mastocytes.
Additionally the immune system is suppressed by corticosteroids due to a
decrease in the function of the lymphatic system, a reduction in
immunoglobulin and complement concentrations, the precipitation of
lymphocytopenia, and interference with antigen-antibody binding.
Topical corticosteroids can be absorbed from normal intact skin.
Absorption Inflammation and/or other disease processes in the skin increase percutaneous
Side effects include inhibition of bone formation, suppression of calcium
absorption and delayed wound healing
Primarily hepatic via CYP3A4
Half life 6-8 hours
Corticosteroids are metabolized primarily in the liver and are then excreted
Route of
by the kidneys. Some of the topical corticosteroids and their metabolites are
also excreted into the bile.
Volume of
Not Available
Clearance Not Available
Form Route Strength
Aerosol Rectal
Cream Topical
Enema Rectal
Liquid Topical
Dosages Lotion Topical
Ointment Ophthalmic
Ointment Topical
Powder, for solution Intramuscular
Powder, for solution Intravenous
Tablet Oral
 Humans and other mammals
Packagers  Actavis Group
 Advanced Pharmaceutical Services Inc.
 AG Marin Pharmaceuticals
 Alaven Pharmaceutical
 Alcon Laboratories
 Amerisource Health Services Corp.
 Ani Pharmaceuticals
 Anip Acquisition Co.
 Arbor Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
 A-S Medication Solutions LLC
 Avidas Pharmaceuticals
 Bay Pharma Inc.
 Bayer Healthcare
 Bergen Brunswig
 Beta Dermaceuticals
 Bio Pharm Inc.
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
 C.O. Truxton Inc.
 Cardinal Health
 Carlisle Laboratories Inc.
 Carolina Medical Products Co.
 Chattem Chemicals Inc.
 Co Med Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 Colgate Oral
 Combe Inc.
 Consolidated Midland Corp.
 Contract Pharm
 Crown Laboratories Inc.
 Cutis Pharma Inc.
 Cypress Pharmaceutical Inc.
 Darby Dental Supply Co. Inc.
 Del Ray Dermatology
 Dermik Labs
 DispenseXpress Inc.
 Dispensing Solutions
 Diversified Healthcare Services Inc.
 Dofs Laboratories
 DPT Laboratories Ltd.
 DSC Laboratories
 E. Fougera and Co.
 ECR Pharmaceuticals
 Elkins-Sinn Inc.
 Enterprises Importfab Inc.
 Ferndale Labs
 G & W Labs
 Genesis Pharmaceutical Inc.
 Gertz
 H and H Laboratories
 H.J. Harkins Co. Inc.
 Harmony Laboratories Inc.
 Hi Tech Pharmacal Co. Inc.
 Hospira Inc.
 Inyx Usa Ltd.
 JHP Pharmaceuticals LLC
 Johnson & Johnson Healthcare
 JSJ Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 Kaiser Foundation Hospital
 Keltman Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 Lake Erie Medical and Surgical Supply
 Lehigh Valley Technologies Inc.
 Lyne Laboratories Inc.
 Major Pharmaceuticals
 Mallinckrodt Inc.
 Martin Surgical Supply
 Meda AB
 Mikart Inc.
 Murfreesboro Pharmaceutical Nursing Supply
 National Vitamin Company
 Nexgen Pharma Inc.
 Nycomed Inc.
 Paddock Labs
 Palmetto Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 Patheon Inc.
 Perrigo Co.
 Person & Covey
 Pfizer Inc.
 Pharmacia Inc.
 Pharmaderm
 Pharmedix
 Physician Partners Ltd.
 Physicians Total Care Inc.
 Preferred Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 Professional Co.
 Prometic Pharma Inc.
 Qualitest
 Ranbaxy Laboratories
 Rebel Distributors Corp.
 Redpharm Drug
 Resource Optimization and Innovation LLC
 Rising Pharmaceuticals
 River's Edge Pharmaceuticals
 Rouses Point Pharmaceuticals LLC
 Salix Pharmaceuticals
 Sandhills Packaging Inc.
 Sandoz
 Sanofi-Aventis Inc.
 Schwarz Pharma Inc.
 Solvay Pharmaceuticals
 Southwood Pharmaceuticals
 Stanley Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
 Stat Rx Usa
 Stat Scripts LLC
 Summers Labs
 Suppositoria Laboratories Inc.
 Taro Pharmaceuticals USA
 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
 Topiderm Inc.
 Triax Pharmaceuticals LLC
 UCB Pharma
 United Pharmaceuticals
 United Research Laboratories Inc.
 Universal Laboratories Inc.
 Upsher Smith Laboratories
 Veratex Corp.
 Vertical Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 Vintage Pharmaceuticals Inc.
 West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
 Wockhardt Ltd.
 WraSer Pharmaceuticals

 Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Manufactur  Hi tech pharmacal co inc
ers  Allergan herbert div allergan inc
 Del ray laboratories inc
 Salix pharmaceuticals inc
 Bayer pharmaceuticals corp
 Monarch pharmaceuticals inc
 Valeant pharmaceuticals international
 Westwood squibb pharmaceuticals inc
 C and m pharmacal inc
 Pharmaceutical assoc inc div beach products
 Actavis mid atlantic llc
 Alpharma us pharmaceuticals division
 Altana inc
 Ambix laboratories div organics corp america
 Everylife
 E fougera div altana inc
 G and w laboratories inc
 Ingram pharmaceutical co
 Ivax pharmaceuticals inc
 Naska pharmacal co inc div rugby darby group cosmetics
 Perrigo new york inc
 Pharmaderm div altana inc
 Pharmafair inc
 Stiefel laboratories inc
 Syosset laboratories inc
 Taro pharmaceuticals usa inc
 Teva pharmaceuticals usa inc
 Topiderm inc
 Usl pharma inc
 Vintage pharmaceuticals inc
 Whiteworth towne paulsen inc
 Sanofi aventis us llc
 Coria laboratories ltd
 Medicis pharmaceutical corp
 Paddock laboratories inc
 Ani pharmaceuticals inc
 Teva pharmaceuticals usa
 Healthpoint ltd
 Allergan herbert skin care div allergan inc
 Pharmacia and upjohn co
 Baker norton pharmaceuticals inc
 Solvay pharmaceuticals
 Beta dermaceuticals inc
 Bluline laboratories inc
 Heran pharmaceutical inc
 Mericon industries inc
 Perrigo co
 Pfizer global research development
 Carolina medical products co
 Dermik laboratories div aventis pharmaceuticals inc
 Torch laboratories inc
 X gen pharmaceuticals inc
 Jsj pharmaceuticals llc
 Pfizer laboratories div pfizer inc
 Barr laboratories inc
 Elkins sinn div ah robins co inc
 John j ferrante
 Impax laboratories inc
 Inwood laboratories inc sub forest laboratories inc
 Lannett co inc
 Nexgen pharma inc
 Panray corp sub ormont drug and chemical co inc
 Parke davis div warner lambert co
 Purepac pharmaceutical co
 Roxane laboratories inc
 Sandoz inc
 Stiefel a gsk co
 Vintage pharmaceuticals llc
 Watson laboratories inc
 West ward pharmaceutical corp
 Merck and co inc
 Pfipharmecs div pfizer inc
 Schwarz pharma inc
 Able laboratories inc
 Hr cenci laboratories inc
 Ferndale laboratories inc
 Akorn inc
 Bel mar laboratories inc
 Colgate oral pharmaceuticals inc
 Taro pharmaceutical industries ltd
 Triax pharmaceuticals llc
 Yamanouchi europe bv
 Savage laboratories inc div altana inc
 Abbott laboratories pharmaceutical products div
 Abbott laboratories hosp products div
 Hospira inc
 Abraxis pharmaceutical products
 Baxter healthcare corp anesthesia and critical care
 International medication systems ltd
 Taro pharmaceuticals inc

 Ranbaxy laboratories inc

Prices Unit description Cost Unit
Locoid Lipocream 0.1% Cream 60 gm Tube tube
Cortifoam 90 mg Foam 15 gm Can can
Locoid 0.1% Solution 60ml Bottle bottle
Locoid Lipocream 0.1% Cream 45 gm Tube tube
Locoid 0.1% Cream 45 gm Tube tube
Locoid 0.1% Ointment 45 gm Tube tube
Pandel 0.1% Cream 45 gm Tube tube
Pandel 0.1% Cream 15 gm Tube tube
Proctocort 1% Cream 28.35 gm Tube tube
Anusol-HC 2.5% Cream 30 gm Tube tube
Locoid Lipocream 0.1% Cream 15 gm Tube 85.41 USD tube
Texacort 2.5% Solution 30ml Bottle 85.41 USD bottle
Cortisporin 3.5-10000-1 Solution 10ml Bottle 84.33 USD bottle
Proctofoam HC 1-1% Foam 10 gm Can 81.9 USD can
Cortisporin 3.5-10000-1 Suspension 10ml Bottle 79.55 USD bottle
Locoid 0.1% Solution 20ml Bottle 79.28 USD bottle
Cortisporin 1% Ointment 15 gm Tube 75.09 USD tube
Locoid 0.1% Cream 15 gm Tube 67.49 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Ace-Pramoxine 2.5-1% Cream 28.35
64.75 USD tube
gm Tube
Locoid 0.1% Ointment 15 gm Tube 62.04 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Valerate 0.2% Ointment 60 gm Tube 56.74 USD tube
Hydrocortisone 2.5% Lotion 59 gm Bottle 55.61 USD bottle
Westcort 0.2% Ointment 60 gm Tube 55.0 USD tube
Cortisporin 0.5-0.5-10000 Cream 7.5 gm Tube 54.37 USD tube
Westcort 0.2% Ointment 15 gm Tube 50.99 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Butyrate 0.1% Cream 45 gm Tube 49.43 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Valerate 0.2% Ointment 45 gm Tube 48.73 USD tube
Hydrocortisone 2.5% Lotion 59ml Bottle 47.47 USD bottle
Westcort 0.2% Ointment 45 gm Tube 46.97 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Valerate 0.2% Cream 60 gm Tube 44.99 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Valerate 0.2% Cream 45 gm Tube 33.99 USD tube
Ala Scalp 2% Lotion 29.6ml Bottle 30.99 USD bottle
Hydrocortisone Valerate 0.2% Ointment 15 gm Tube 30.56 USD tube
Westcort 0.2% Cream 15 gm Tube 25.99 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Valerate 0.2% Cream 15 gm Tube 19.99 USD tube
Cortisporin eye drops 19.74 USD ml
Solu-Cortef 1 g/vial 17.55 USD vial
Hydrocortisone 1% Lotion 118ml Bottle 15.99 USD bottle
Hydrocortisone Acetate 12 25 mg Suppository Box 15.01 USD box
Hydrocortisone 2.5% Ointment 28.35 gm Tube 13.68 USD tube
Hydrocortisone 2.5% Cream 30 gm Tube 13.67 USD tube
Colocort 100 mg/60ml Enema 60ml Bottle 13.15 USD bottle
Hydrocortisone 100 mg/60ml Enema 60ml Bottle 12.6 USD bottle
Hydrocortisone 0.5% Cream 28.35 gm Tube 11.99 USD tube
Hydrocortisone 1% Cream 15 gm Tube 11.99 USD tube
Hydrocortisone 1% Cream 28 gm Tube 11.99 USD tube
Hydrocortisone Acetate 1-1% Ointment 30 gm Tube 11.99 USD tube
Solu-Cortef 500 mg/vial 10.47 USD vial
Hydrocortisone hemisucc powder 9.9 USD g
Cortifoam 10% aerosol 9.35 USD g
Hydrocortisone Sod. Succinate 1 g/vial 9.01 USD vial
Solu-cortef (pf) 250 mg vial 8.58 USD vial
Cortisporin-tc ear susp 8.3 USD ml
Cortisporin ear suspension 7.86 USD ml
Solu-Cortef 250 mg/vial 7.05 USD vial
Cortenema (100 mg/60Ml) 100 mg/enm Enema 6.96 USD enema
Proctofoam-hc foam 6.77 USD g
Cortifoam 10 % Foam 6.14 USD g
Hycort (100 mg/60Ml) 100 mg/enm Enema 5.79 USD enema
Cortamed 2.5 % Ointment 5.67 USD g
Hydrocortisone Sod. Succinate 500 mg/vial 5.34 USD vial
Hydrocortisone powder 5.19 USD g
Solu-cortef (pf) 100 mg vial 4.85 USD vial
Solu-cortef 100 mg vial 4.63 USD vial
Proctocort 1% cream 4.37 USD g
Pandel 0.1% cream 4.34 USD g
Locoid 0.1% lipocream 4.3 USD g
Solu-Cortef 100 mg/vial 4.07 USD vial
Locoid 0.1% cream 3.92 USD g
Hydrocortisone Sod. Succinate 250 mg/vial 3.56 USD vial
Hydrocortisone ss 250 mg vial 3.5 USD vial
Anusol-hc 2.5% cream 3.45 USD g
Hydrocortisone acet powder 3.15 USD g
Proctofoam 2.89 USD g
A-hydrocort 100 mg vial 2.42 USD each
Proctocream-hc 2.5% cream 2.17 USD g
Hydrocortisone Sod. Succinate 100 mg/vial 2.1 USD vial
Hydrocortisone val 0.2% cream 2.07 USD g
Hytone 2.5% cream 1.46 USD g
Hydrocortisone buty 0.1% cream 1.31 USD g
First hydrocort 10% gel 1.18 USD g
Westcort 0.2% cream 1.17 USD g
Procto-kit 1% cream 1.08 USD g
Ala-scalp hp 2% lotion 1.03 USD ml
Cortef 20 mg tablet 0.9 USD tablet
Proctosol-hc 2.5% cream 0.89 USD g
Proctozone-hc 2.5% cream 0.83 USD g
Orabase plain paste 0.77 USD g
Hydrocortisone 2.5% lotion 0.6 USD ml
Cortef 10 mg tablet 0.55 USD tablet
Orabase-b 20% gel 0.55 USD g
Hydrocortisone 2.5% cream 0.53 USD g
Hydrocortisone 10 mg tablet 0.52 USD tablet
Cortef 5 mg tablet 0.45 USD tablet
Ala-cort 1% cream 0.43 USD g
Hydrocortisone 5 mg tablet 0.38 USD tablet
Corticaine 0.5% cream 0.37 USD g
Hydrocortisone 20 mg tablet 0.32 USD tablet
Prevex Hc 1 % Occlusive Cream 0.3 USD g
Emo-Cort 2.5 % Cream 0.26 USD g
Preparation h 1% cream 0.24 USD g
Tucks hydrocortisone ointment 0.24 USD g
Emo-Cort 2.5 % Lotion 0.23 USD g
Emo-Cort Scalp 2.5 % Lotion 0.22 USD g
Colocort 100 mg enema 0.21 USD ml
Cortenema 100 mg enema 0.21 USD ml
Sarna Hc 2.5 % Lotion 0.2 USD g
Emo-Cort 1 % Cream 0.19 USD g
Balneol lotion 0.18 USD ml
Emo-Cort 1 % Lotion 0.18 USD g
Lanacort 1% cool creme 0.18 USD g
Hyderm 0.5 % Cream 0.18 USD g
Hytone 1% cream 0.17 USD g
Cortoderm Mild 0.5 % Ointment 0.15 USD g
Beta hc 1% lotion 0.14 USD ml
Cortizone-10 1% spray 0.14 USD ml
Hydroval 0.2 % Cream 0.13 USD g
Hydroval 0.2 % Ointment 0.13 USD g
Aquanil hc 1% lotion 0.12 USD ml
Hydrocortisone plus 12 1% crm 0.12 USD g
Scalpicin 3% liquid 0.12 USD ml
Slender cortisol capsule 0.12 USD capsule
Cortaid 1% spray 0.1 USD ml
Sarna Hc 1 % Lotion 0.1 USD g
Hydrocortisone 0.5% cream 0.08 USD g
Hydrocortisone 1% cream 0.08 USD g
Uniderm moisturizer 0.05 USD ml
Cortoderm Regular 1 % Ointment 0.04 USD g
Hyderm 1 % Cream 0.04 USD g
Country Patent Number Approved Expires
Patents United States 7378405 2006-12-19 2026-12-19
United States 5635497 1994-06-03 2014-06-03
State solid
220 oC
Property Value Source
Experiment water solubility 320 mg/L PhysProp
al logP 1.61 [HANSCH,C ET AL. (1995)] PhysProp
Properties logS -2.97 [ADME Research, USCD] PhysProp
Caco2 permeability -4.66 [ADME Research, USCD] BiGG
Predicted Property Value Source
Properties water solubility 1.99e-01 g/l ALOGPS
logP 1.79 ALOGPS
logP 1.28
logS -3.26 ALOGPS
pKa 13.87 ChemAxon
hydrogen acceptor ChemAxon
count Molconvert
hydrogen donor count 3
polar surface area 94.83
rotatable bond count 2
refractivity 97.40
polarizability 39.55
Not Available
1. de Weerth C, Zijl RH, Buitelaar JK: Development of cortisol
circadian rhythm in infancy. Early Hum Dev. 2003 Aug;73(1-2):39-
52. Pubmed
2. Palacios R, Sugawara I: Hydrocortisone abrogates proliferation of T
cells in autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction by rendering the
interleukin-2 Producer T cells unresponsive to interleukin-1 and
unable to synthesize the T-cell growth factor. Scand J Immunol. 1982
Jan;15(1):25-31. Pubmed


Effects of intravenous hydrocortisone on electrolytes of serum and
urine in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1955 Feb;15(2):176-81.
External Resource Link
Links KEGG
ChEBI 17650
ChEMBL 17650
c Targets DAP000718
Product 02242930
Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocortisone
 A01AC03
 A07EA02
 C05AA01
 D07AA02
 D07AB02
 D07AB11
ATC Codes  D07AC16
 D07XA01
 H02AB09
 S01BA02
 S01CB03

 S02BA01
 52:08.08
AHFS  84:06.00
 68:04.00
Not Available
FDA label show (30 KB)
MSDS show (73.6 KB)
Drug Drug Interaction
Interactions The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, alters the
anticoagulant effect, acenocoumarol.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
Acetylsalicylic acid
effect of the salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
effect of the anticholinesterase, ambenonium.
Amobarbital The barbiturate, amobarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, alters the
anticoagulant effect of anisindione.
The barbiturate, aprobarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
Bismuth The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
Subsalicylate effect of the salicylate, bismuth subsalicylate.
The barbiturate, butabarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, butalbital, may decrease the effect of
the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, butethal, may decrease the effect of
the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
Cholestyramine Cholestyramine decreases the effect of hydrocortisone
Cholestyramine Decreases the effect of hydrocortisone
Colestipol Cholestyramine decreases the effect of hydrocortisone
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, alters the
anticoagulant effect of dicumarol.
The barbiturate, dihydroquinidine barbiturate, may
decrease the effect of the corticosteroid,
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
effect of the anticholinesterase, edrophonium.
The enzyme inducer, ethotoin, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The enzyme inducer, fosphenytoin, may decrease the
effect of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, heptabarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, hexobarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
Magnesium The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
salicylate effect of magnesium salicylate.
The enzyme inducer, mephenytoin, may decrease the
effect of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, methohexital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, methylphenobarbital, may decrease
the effect of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
Midodrine Increased arterial pressure
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
effect of the anticholinesterase, neostigmine.
The barbiturate, pentobarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, phenobarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The enzyme inducer, phenytoin, may decrease the
effect of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The barbiturate, primidone, may decrease the effect of
the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
effect of the anticholinesterase, pyridostigmine.
Quinidine The barbiturate, quinidine barbiturate, may decrease
barbiturate the effect of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The enzyme inducer, rifampin, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
effect of the salicylate, salicylate-sodium.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
effect of the salicylate, salsalate.
The barbiturate, secobarbital, may decrease the effect
of the corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
Tacrine and Hydrocortisone may independently
Tacrine exacerbate muscle weakness in myasthenia gravis
patients. Monitor for additive muscle weakness effects.
The barbiturate, talbutal, may decrease the effect of the
corticosteroid, hydrocortisone.
Trastuzumab may increase the risk of neutropenia and
Trastuzumab anemia. Monitor closely for signs and symptoms of
adverse events.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, may decrease the
effect of the salicylate, trisalicylate-choline.
Vecuronium may increase the adverse neuromuscular
effects of systemic corticosteroids, such as
Hydrocortisone. Monitor for increased muscle
weakness and signs of polyneuropathies and myopathy.
The corticosteroid, hydrocortisone, alters the
anticoagulant effect of warfarin.
Food  Take with food to reduce irritation. Calcium, phosphorous, potassium,
Interactions Vitamin A, C, D and zinc needs increased with long term use.
Pathways Not Available
Enzyme Metabolite Reaction Km Vmax
Metabolism Cytochrome P450 6-beta- 6-beta-
15.2 0.0064
3A4 hydrocortisol hydroxylation
1. Glucocorticoid receptor
Receptor for glucocorticoids (GC). Has a dual mode of action:as a transcription factor that
binds to glucocorticoid response elements (GRE) and as a modulator of other transcription
factors. Affects inflammatory responses, cellular proliferation and differentiation in target
tissues. Could act as a coactivator for STAT5-dependent transcription upon growth
hormone (GH) stimulation and could reveal an essential role of hepatic GR in the control
of body growth

Organism class: human

Pharmacological action: yes
Actions: agonist
UniProt ID: P04150
Gene: NR3C1
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Grossman R, Yehuda R, Golier J, McEwen B, Harvey P, Maria NS: Cognitive
effects of intravenous hydrocortisone in subjects with PTSD and healthy control
subjects. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006 Jul;1071:410-21. Pubmed
2. Rautanen A, Eriksson JG, Kere J, Andersson S, Osmond C, Tienari P, Sairanen H,
Barker DJ, Phillips DI, Forsen T, Kajantie E: Associations of body size at birth
with late-life cortisol concentrations and glucose tolerance are modified by
haplotypes of the glucocorticoid receptor gene. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006
Nov;91(11):4544-51. Epub 2006 Aug 8. Pubmed
3. Hammer F, Stewart PM: Cortisol metabolism in hypertension. Best Pract Res Clin
Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Sep;20(3):337-53. Pubmed
4. Shaw JR, Gabor K, Hand E, Lankowski A, Durant L, Thibodeau R, Stanton CR,
Barnaby R, Coutermarsh B, Karlson KH, Sato JD, Hamilton JW, Stanton BA:
Role of glucocorticoid receptor in acclimation of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)
to seawater and effects of arsenic. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007
Feb;292(2):R1052-60. Epub 2006 Oct 12. Pubmed
5. Sher L: Combined dexamethasone suppression-corticotropin-releasing hormone
stimulation test in studies of depression, alcoholism, and suicidal behavior.
ScientificWorldJournal. 2006 Oct 31;6:1398-404. Pubmed

2. Annexin A1

Calcium/phospholipid-binding protein which promotes membrane fusion and is involved

in exocytosis. This protein regulates phospholipase A2 activity. It seems to bind from two
to four calcium ions with high affinity

Organism class: human

Pharmacological action: yes
Actions: agonist
UniProt ID: P04083
Gene: ANXA1
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Overington JP, Al-Lazikani B, Hopkins AL: How many drug targets are there?
Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Dec;5(12):993-6. Pubmed
2. Imming P, Sinning C, Meyer A: Drugs, their targets and the nature and number of
drug targets. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Oct;5(10):821-34. Pubmed
3. Sato-Matsumura KC, Matsumura T, Nakamura H, Sawa H, Nagashima K,
Koizumi H: Membrane expression of annexin I is enhanced by calcium and TPA
in cultured human keratinocytes. Arch Dermatol Res. 2000 Oct;292(10):496-9.
4. White MV, Igarashi Y, Lundgren JD, Shelhamer J, Kaliner M: Hydrocortisone
inhibits rat basophilic leukemia cell mediator release induced by neutrophil-
derived histamine releasing activity as well as by anti-IgE. J Immunol. 1991 Jul
15;147(2):667-73. Pubmed
5. Serres M, Viac J, Comera C, Schmitt D: Expression of annexin I in freshly
isolated human epidermal cells and in cultured keratinocytes. Arch Dermatol Res.
1994;286(5):268-72. Pubmed

1. Cytochrome P450 3A4

Cytochromes P450 are a group of heme-thiolate monooxygenases. In liver microsomes,

this enzyme is involved in an NADPH-dependent electron transport pathway. It performs
a variety of oxidation reactions (e.g. caffeine 8-oxidation, omeprazole sulphoxidation,
midazolam 1'-hydroxylation and midazolam 4- hydroxylation) of structurally unrelated
compounds, including steroids, fatty acids, and xenobiotics. The enzyme also
hydroxylates etoposide

Actions: substrate, inhibitor

UniProt ID: P08684
Gene: CYP3A4
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Flockhart DA. Drug Interactions: Cytochrome P450 Drug Interaction Table.
Indiana University School of Medicine (2007). Accessed May 28, 2010.
2. S. Ekins, et al. 3D-QSAR Analysis of Cytochrome P-450 3A4 Substrates. JPET
291:424-433, 1999. Source
3. Preissner S, Kroll K, Dunkel M, Senger C, Goldsobel G, Kuzman D, Guenther S,
Winnenburg R, Schroeder M, Preissner R: SuperCYP: a comprehensive database
on Cytochrome P450 enzymes including a tool for analysis of CYP-drug
interactions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D237-43. Epub 2009
Nov 24. Pubmed

2. Cytochrome P450 3A5

Cytochromes P450 are a group of heme-thiolate monooxygenases. In liver microsomes,

this enzyme is involved in an NADPH-dependent electron transport pathway. It oxidizes a
variety of structurally unrelated compounds, including steroids, fatty acids, and

Actions: substrate
UniProt ID: P20815
Gene: CYP3A5
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Flockhart DA. Drug Interactions: Cytochrome P450 Drug Interaction Table.
Indiana University School of Medicine (2007). Accessed May 28, 2010.

3. Cytochrome P450 3A7

Cytochromes P450 are a group of heme-thiolate monooxygenases. In liver microsomes,

this enzyme is involved in an NADPH-dependent electron transport pathway. It oxidizes a
variety of structurally unrelated compounds, including steroids, fatty acids, and

Actions: substrate
UniProt ID: P24462
Gene: CYP3A7
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Flockhart DA. Drug Interactions: Cytochrome P450 Drug Interaction Table.
Indiana University School of Medicine (2007). Accessed May 28, 2010.
4. Cytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrial

Has steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase activity. In addition to this activity, the 18 or 19-

hydroxylation of steroids and the aromatization of androstendione to estrone have also
been ascribed to cytochrome P450 XIB

Actions: substrate
UniProt ID: P15538
Gene: CYP11B1
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Preissner S, Kroll K, Dunkel M, Senger C, Goldsobel G, Kuzman D, Guenther S,
Winnenburg R, Schroeder M, Preissner R: SuperCYP: a comprehensive database
on Cytochrome P450 enzymes including a tool for analysis of CYP-drug
interactions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D237-43. Epub 2009
Nov 24. Pubmed

5. Cytochrome P450 11B2, mitochondrial

Preferentially catalyzes the conversion of 11- deoxycorticosterone to aldosterone via

corticosterone and 18- hydroxycorticosterone

Actions: substrate
UniProt ID: P19099
Gene: CYP11B2
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Preissner S, Kroll K, Dunkel M, Senger C, Goldsobel G, Kuzman D, Guenther S,
Winnenburg R, Schroeder M, Preissner R: SuperCYP: a comprehensive database
on Cytochrome P450 enzymes including a tool for analysis of CYP-drug
interactions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D237-43. Epub 2009
Nov 24. Pubmed

6. Cytochrome P450 2C8

Cytochromes P450 are a group of heme-thiolate monooxygenases. In liver microsomes,

this enzyme is involved in an NADPH-dependent electron transport pathway. It oxidizes a
variety of structurally unrelated compounds, including steroids, fatty acids, and
xenobiotics. In the epoxidation of arachidonic acid it generates only 14,15- and 11,12-cis-
epoxyeicosatrienoic acids. It is the principal enzyme responsible for the metabolism the
anti- cancer drug paclitaxel (taxol)

Actions: inducer
UniProt ID: P10632
Gene: CYP2C8
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Preissner S, Kroll K, Dunkel M, Senger C, Goldsobel G, Kuzman D, Guenther S,
Winnenburg R, Schroeder M, Preissner R: SuperCYP: a comprehensive database
on Cytochrome P450 enzymes including a tool for analysis of CYP-drug
interactions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D237-43. Epub 2009
Nov 24. Pubmed

1. Multidrug resistance protein 1

Energy-dependent efflux pump responsible for decreased drug accumulation in multidrug-

resistant cells

Actions: substrate, inhibitor

UniProt ID: P08183
Gene: ABCB1
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Schwab D, Fischer H, Tabatabaei A, Poli S, Huwyler J: Comparison of in vitro P-
glycoprotein screening assays: recommendations for their use in drug discovery. J
Med Chem. 2003 Apr 24;46(9):1716-25. Pubmed
2. Kim RB, Wandel C, Leake B, Cvetkovic M, Fromm MF, Dempsey PJ, Roden
MM, Belas F, Chaudhary AK, Roden DM, Wood AJ, Wilkinson GR:
Interrelationship between substrates and inhibitors of human CYP3A and P-
glycoprotein. Pharm Res. 1999 Mar;16(3):408-14. Pubmed
3. Yates CR, Chang C, Kearbey JD, Yasuda K, Schuetz EG, Miller DD, Dalton JT,
Swaan PW: Structural determinants of P-glycoprotein-mediated transport of
glucocorticoids. Pharm Res. 2003 Nov;20(11):1794-803. Pubmed
4. Ueda K, Okamura N, Hirai M, Tanigawara Y, Saeki T, Kioka N, Komano T, Hori
R: Human P-glycoprotein transports cortisol, aldosterone, and dexamethasone, but
not progesterone. J Biol Chem. 1992 Dec 5;267(34):24248-52. Pubmed
5. Orlowski S, Mir LM, Belehradek J Jr, Garrigos M: Effects of steroids and
verapamil on P-glycoprotein ATPase activity: progesterone, desoxycorticosterone,
corticosterone and verapamil are mutually non-exclusive modulators. Biochem J.
1996 Jul 15;317 ( Pt 2):515-22. Pubmed

2. ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2

Xenobiotic transporter that may play an important role in the exclusion of xenobiotics
from the brain. May be involved in brain-to-blood efflux. Appears to play a major role in
the multidrug resistance phenotype of several cancer cell lines. When overexpressed, the
transfected cells become resistant to mitoxantrone, daunorubicin and doxorubicin, display
diminished intracellular accumulation of daunorubicin, and manifest an ATP- dependent
increase in the efflux of rhodamine 123

Actions: inhibitor
UniProt ID: Q9UNQ0
Gene: ABCG2
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Imai Y, Asada S, Tsukahara S, Ishikawa E, Tsuruo T, Sugimoto Y: Breast cancer
resistance protein exports sulfated estrogens but not free estrogens. Mol
Pharmacol. 2003 Sep;64(3):610-8. Pubmed

3. Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2

Mediates the Na(+)-independent transport of organic anions such as sulfobromophthalein

(BSP) and conjugated (taurocholate) and unconjugated (cholate) bile acids (By similarity)

Actions: inhibitor
UniProt ID: P46721
Gene: SLCO1A2
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Kanai N, Lu R, Bao Y, Wolkoff AW, Schuster VL: Transient expression of oatp
organic anion transporter in mammalian cells: identification of candidate
substrates. Am J Physiol. 1996 Feb;270(2 Pt 2):F319-25. Pubmed
2. Bossuyt X, Muller M, Hagenbuch B, Meier PJ: Polyspecific drug and steroid
clearance by an organic anion transporter of mammalian liver. J Pharmacol Exp
Ther. 1996 Mar;276(3):891-6. Pubmed

1. Sex hormone-binding globulin

Functions as an androgen transport protein, but may also be involved in receptor mediated
processes. Each dimer binds one molecule of steroid. Specific for 5-alpha-
dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, and 17-beta-estradiol. Regulates the plasma metabolic
clearance rate of steroid hormones by controlling their plasma concentration

UniProt ID: P04278

Gene: SHBG
Protein Sequence: FASTA
Gene Sequence: FASTA
SNPs: SNPJam Report

1. Khoromi S, Muniyappa R, Nackers L, Gray N, Baldwin H, Wong KA, Matheny
LA, Moquin B, Rainer A, Hill S, Remaley A, Johnson LL, Max MB, Blackman
MR: Effects of chronic osteoarthritis pain on neuroendocrine function in men. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Nov;91(11):4313-8. Epub 2006 Aug 15. Pubmed
2. Stroud LR, Solomon C, Shenassa E, Papandonatos G, Niaura R, Lipsitt LP,
Lewinn K, Buka SL: Long-term stability of maternal prenatal steroid hormones
from the National Collaborative Perinatal Project: still valid after all these years.
Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2007 Feb;32(2):140-50. Epub 2007 Jan 31. Pubmed
3. Lombardi G, Mondaini N, Macchiarella A, Del Popolo G: Female sexual
dysfunction and hormonal status in spinal cord injured (SCI) patients. J Androl.
2007 Sep-Oct;28(5):722-6. Epub 2007 May 9. Pubmed
4. Shifren JL, Desindes S, McIlwain M, Doros G, Mazer NA: A randomized, open-
label, crossover study comparing the effects of oral versus transdermal estrogen
therapy on serum androgens, thyroid hormones, and adrenal hormones in naturally
menopausal women. Menopause. 2007 May 15;. Pubmed
5. Rizzo L, Dobrovsky V, Danilowicz K, Kral M, Cross G, Serra HA, Bruno OD:
Low-dose glucocorticoids in hyperandrogenism. Medicina (B Aires).
2007;67(3):247-52. Pubmed

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Craig Knox 14 hours ago
 From DrugBank feedback: "It is stated that logP for HC is 0.5 and there is a link
to PhysProp where there is different (correct) value - 1.61. It is not a big deal of
course but could be misleading."

We have corrected the issue, the experimental logP is now "1.61 [HANSCH,C ET
AL. (1995)]"

Drug created on June 13, 2005 07:24 / Updated on February 11, 2011 09:04

This project is supported by Genome Alberta & Genome Canada, a not-for-profit

organization that is leading Canada's national genomics strategy with $600 million in
funding from the federal government. This project is also supported in part by
GenomeQuest, Inc., an enterprise genomic information company serving the life science

DrugBank Version: 3.0    —    Contact Us

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