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Behavioural Economics - Cases - 2020 GROUP   GROUP  

Case Studies BE-A BE-A  

Dan Ariely Predictably Irrational  PGP-2019 

DA – 1 -The Truth About Relativity A1 1    

DA – 1 - Fallacy of Demand & Supply A2 1    

DA – 1 -The Cost of Zero Cost A3 1    

DA – 1 -The High Price of Ownership A4 1    

DA – 1 - The Power of Price A5 1    

DA - 1 - Beer and Free Lunches A6 1    

Dan Ariely Upside of Irrationality        

DA - 2 - Ch 1 Paying More for Less: Why Big Bonuses
Don’t Always Work A7 1    

DA - 2 - Ch 2 - The Meaning of Labor A8 1    

DA - 2 - Ch 5 The Case for Revenge: What Makes Us
Seek Justice? A9 1 B1 1

Sherzod Abdukadirov Ed. Nudge Theory in Action        

Failing Better: What We Learn by Confronting Risk and
Uncertainty Adam Thierer A10 1  

Behavioral Nudges and Consumer Technology Steve Wendel   B2 1

Private-Sector Nudging: The Good, the Bad, and the
Uncertain Jodi N. Beggs     B3 1
Weight-Loss Nudges: Market Test or Government Guess?
Michael Marlow     B4 1
Nudging in an Evolving Marketplace: How Markets Improve
Their Own Choice Architecture Adam C. Smith and Todd J.
Zywicki     B5 1
One Standard to Rule Them All: The Disparate Impact of
Energy Effi ciency Regulations Sofi e E. Miller and Brian F.
Mannix     B6 1

Nudges in Health Care Robert Graboyes and Jessica Carges     B7 1

Rory Sutherland - Alchemy        

Ch 3: Signalling     B8 1

Ch 5: Satisficing   B9 1

Ch 6: Psychophysics     B10 1

    10   10
Evaluation Process with Weightage
Experimen Cas
  t e  End Term 
PGPM - Evaluation (weightage in %) 20% 20% 60%   
Case Study – Group Activity
- Slides Innovativeness (7) + Video Links (3)   10%      
Presentation by Each member (4 to 5 percent)   10%      
Experiment – Group Activity
- Questionnaires (10 for each group member – 10x4
= 40 for each Group) 10%        
- Experiment - Interpretation + Report (2-3 pages) 10%   100%  

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