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Powder Technology, 41 (1965) 279 - 286 279

Ball Wear and Ball Size Distributions in Tumbling Ball Mills

The Pennsylunnrn State University, University Park, PA (US A_)

The Dow Chemical Company, Midhnd. MI (USA.)

(Received Octaber 17.1983; ,n revised form May 15, 1984)

SUMMARY distribution close to the equrhbrium mixture

of balls produced by natural wear, with addi-
The theory of the calculation of the size tion of make-up balls to give a correct eqmhb-
drstributzon of the equdtbrrum mixture of rium ball mix.
balls in a ball mtll is developed The differen- Partial treatments of the mathematics of
teal equatron is solved for wear laws of the ball wear were given by Davis [4] and Bond
form [ 53. This paper extends their treatments and
grves several examples of wear laws and ball
wear rate per bail = r2+ A
srze distnbutions determined from plant data.
where r IS ball radrus A = 0 gives the Bond
wear law and A = 1 giues the Dams wear law.
Methods of determining A are illustrated- ABRASION TESTS
Experimental data are presented which show
that A = 0 for some cases of wet mulling, The abrasiveness of a particular material is
A = I for the two mills reported by Dauis, and often determined by some form of an em-
A = 2 for a case of wet milling. The reason for prncal abrasion test [S, 71 Drfferent
this wide divergence is not known- manufacturers have developed their own tests,
and some users also have developed tests
specific to their particular needs. A discussion
INTRODUCTION and comparison of such tests IS beyond the
scope of this paper, especrally smce there is
The rates of ball wear m a ball null are of little mformation on tests on the same
unportance for three major reasons. Fust, material in different abrasion testers. A
one of the major unsolved problems in the typical test rs that developed by Bond [5]
optunrzation of ball mrll design IS the choice from an ongmal test reported by P. Crush. TO
of the ball size m the mill. To construct a quote [ 5]-
design simulation model for a ball mfl [l, 2, “A flat paddle 3” X 1” X l/4”, of SAE 4325
31 which can be used to predict optimum ball chrome-nrckel-molybdenum steel
mixture, it is necessary to know not only the hardened to 500 Bnneh, is inserted for one
effect on breakage of different ball mixtures, inch into a rotor 4 5 Inches in diameter,
but also the equilibrium ball nuxture in the which rotates on a horizontal shaft at 632
mill. For wet ball mills, the equilibnum size through fallmg ore particles_ Two square
distribution of balls in the miU is a function inches of paddle surface are exposed to
of the make-up balls added to the mill and the abrasion, and the paddle tip, with a radius
rate of wear of the balls. Second, economic of 4.25 in., has a linear speed of 1410 feet
studies of gnnding processes [S] show that per minute sufficient for a good rmpact
steel loss of media and liners during grindmg blow.
is a substantial haction of the total cost of The rotor is enclosed by a concentric drum
gnndmg. Third, in order for a mill to produce 12 inches in drameter and 4.5 inches deep,
at a steady optimum rate, it is desirable to which rotates at 70 rpm, or 90% of cntical
start a new mill charge with a ball size speed, m the same direction as the paddle

oo32-5910/85i.s3.30 0 Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


The inner crrcumference of the drum 1s TABLE 1

lined with perforated steel plate to furnish Abrasion Index averages [7 J
a rough surface for continuously elevating
the ore particles and showenng them Material Specific gra-ity *i
through the path of the rotating paddle.
In operation, screened particles passing 3/4 Dolomite 2.7 0.016
Shale 2.62 O-021
inch square and retained on l/2 mch square
L.S. for cement 2.7 0 024
are used as feed Four hundred grams of Llmestone 25 0 032
314” X 112” feed are placed in the drum, Cement cbnker 3 15 0 071
the end cover is attached, and abrasion is Magnesite 30 0 078
continued for 15 mmutes, then the drum is Heavy sulfides 3 56 0 128
Copper ore 2 95 0.147
emptied, another 400 grams are added, and
Hematite 4 17 0 165
the abrasion continued. In each complete Magnetite 3.7 0.222
test four 400 gram samples are each Gravel 2 68 0.283
abraded for 15 minutes Thus the paddle IS Trap rock 2 80 0 364
abraded for a total of one hour, after which Gramte 2 72 0 388
Taconite 3.37 O-624
it is weighed to the tenth of a milligram.
Quartzlte 27 0.775
The loss of weight in grams is the abrasion Alumina 3.9 0 891
indes A, of the material_”

Based on averages of large numbers of tests possible to place error limits on their use_ In
compared with collected plant experience, addition, the abrasion test does not give in-
Bond gave the following average wear loss formation on the ball wear laws, so the abra-
formcll-_, presumably for typical steels for sion mdex cannot be used to predict the
ball dnd liners: eqmlibrmm distnbution of ball sizes unless
Wet ball mills the wear law is known.
Balls. Another type of test involves the measure-
kg/kWh = 0_16(A, - 0.015)1-3 (I) ment of weight loss of a ball charge m a
Lmers- laboratory or pilot-scale mill, under condi-
kg/kWh = 0_012(A, - 0 015)’ 3 (2) tions comparable with those expected in the
Dry ball mills (grate discharge) full-scale mill. Under some circumstances,
Balls. data from this type of test can be used to ob-
kg/kWh = 0_023A,‘-’ (3) tam the wear law, as discussed below
kg/kWh = 0.0023Aio-5 (4)
Table 1 gives average abrasion indices for a BALL WEAR AND BALL SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS:
number of materials [ 7]_ THEORY
This type of test has several drawbacks.
The typical appearance of balls from a dry In order to solve the problem of choosing
grindmg ball mill shows surface scratches, the best mixture of make-up balls to add to a
indicating wear by abrasion [ 5]_ Balls from mill, it is necessary to consider the process of
wet grinding operations are smoother but wear and the establishment of a pseudo
pitted, indicating the role of corrosion in steady-state (equilibrium) mix of ball diam-
metal loss There 1s little doubt that micro- eters in a miu. The treatment by Bond [lo]
surfaces formed by abrasion under mechamcal makes two major assumptions. (i) that the
stress are highly reactive until the chemical wear rate of a ball is proportional to its SLE-
bonds at the surface have been stabilized by face area, and (ii) that bail makeup consists
reaction with the grinding fluid [8]_ It is only of a single large size of ball The forrnula-
expected, therefore, that metal wear rates in tion gwen below extends this treatment to
wet grinding would be highly variable com- allow for other cases of wear laws and ball
pared with a dry abrasion test, depending on additions.
the corrosive (electrochemical) properties of In ball wear, there is no problem m drstin-
the system [ 91 Since no standard deviations guishing between balls and the wear powder,
were reported for eqns. (1) - (4), it 1s not so the wear products can he considered

simply as mass lost from the ball charge. The differencein mass rates of balls enter-
Consider unit mass of balls in the mill, con- ing and leaving the element by wear is the
taining a total number of balls of NT, with a conversion of mass to powder, which at
cumulative fractional number size distribution steady state equals the addition of mass of
of N(r), r berg ball radius. Let nr be the make-up balls Thus
number rate of addition of fresh balls per unit rate of conversion of mass to powder in the
time, with a cumulative fractional number element

size distribution of n(r). Consider balls of size 4 4
r to r + dr m the steady-state charge. A steady = nr[l --h(r)] -(r + &)3& --m3pP,
state number balance on this size interval is 3 3
‘number rate of balls entering by wear of size
r + dr balls + number rate of addition of = n,[l - n(r)] pb4mr2 dr (7)
make-up balls of this size range = number rate Clearly, also
of balls of size r wearing out of the interval’ rate of conversion of mass to powder in the
or ‘number rate of balls wearmg out of the element
size intervaI (passing through size r) = number
of rate of addition of make-up balls of all d.Mr) dr
= NTf@) 7 (8)
larger radii’
The number of balls wearmg out of the Equating eqns. (7) and (8) mves an alternative
interval in time df mcludes all balls between r derivation of eqn. (6).
and r + dr where dr 1s defined by The relation between cumulative mass frac-
-(4xr’p,) dr tion M(r) in the charge and number fraction
N(r) is
= (rate of wear of each ball) dt
= f(r) dt dM(r) = ~&&,~&~(r)
where f(r) is mass per unit time. The number
Also, mass and number fraction in the make-
rate of balls weanng out is thus
up are related by

-~ f(r) where m(r) is the cumulative mass fraction of

T dr 47i+p, balls less than size r in the make-up and mr is

the mass rate of make-up (per unit mass of
Equating to the total number rate of addition
balls). These convert eqn_ (6) to
of make-up of all larger sizes, n,[l - n(r)],
w(r) [l-n(r)]?
= m,K4xp,
nT[l --n(r)] =NT dr f(r)
where, since gn,np, = mTJ(l/r3)dm(r),
giving ‘n-lax 1
cwr) = nTpb4m [1-nn(r)3r2 K= 7 am(r) (9)
(6) _f
dr NT f(r) ‘mln

This is the basic drfferential equation definmg A convenient method of analysis is to

the distnbutron of ball s=es N(r), with assume that the variation of f(r) with r can be
boundary conditions of N(r,,) = 0 and approximated by a power function r2+ 4
iWIll,, ) = 1, where r,,.,,,, is the minimum size wezrate= f(r)=Kpb4m2*P
of ball which can exist m the mill and r,,,,, is
the maxim urn size of baJl added. The equa- or
tion u-nplicitly defines the relation between
ball addition rate nr and the wear rate. Exper-
f(r) = (pb4m2)(Kr”) (10)

imental measurements of N(r), NT and nT for where fI can be positive or negative. Since
a known addition of balls n(r) enables f(r) to We= ratI2 1s -d(47+&/3)/dt, Kpb4irr2+* =
be calculated. (-4npb/3)dr3/dt = -4mpbr2dr/dt and the wear

da-*-d 4-A
dzstcnce per unit time (-dr/dt) is KT* (for A =
M(d) = d mu-, (14)
0 the wear distance per unit time = K). Equa- 4-A-d 4-A
ma-x mm
tion (6a) becomes
where d = 2r. For the Bond assumption that
wear IS proportional to the surface area, A =
AI(r) = (m,K/K) i [l - n(r)]r3-a dr (11)
0. For some reason, Bond approximated eqn.
(14) by M(d) = (d/d,,,)3 ‘. Note that mr is
If the make-up IS m defmite sizes of balls of the fractzon of ball charge replaced per unit
~1, r2, - -, rk, --- rm, and if the sizes are time If (rmJrmax )4-A is taken as neghglble
ordered rmav =r,>r,...>r,> _ >r,> compared vvlth 1, the value of mT is the
rmm, and mk 1s the werght fraction of make-up minimum wear rate: physrcally this means
of size rL, eqn. (9) becomes that the fraction of mT due to balls passmg
out through the discharge or ball-retammg
K = znz,/rk3 (94 grate, (rmln/rmax)3, 1s neghglble.
For make-up of balls consisting of two ball
Slmrlarly, 12~ IS the number fraction of balls of sizes dl and dz (d, = d,,,), of mass fraction
size rk, where nh = (mk/rk3)/K Then m, and m2, eqn (14) becomes
m--l +nk, _ +nk r,<r<r,_, da-A -d,,4--
n(r) =
I:+n r > rm K,d,4-A + (1 - Kl)d,m4-A
Equation (11) is then readily integrated to d ,,Gd<d,
M(d) = (144
K,d4-* + (1 - K1)d14-A-d,m4-P
+ (1 - K,)d,4-A -d,,4-A

+ (rm-14--a-rm4-A)(1 -rzn,)

-F ___ (r 4--1_ 3-A
rk 1
K-1&+ (z)(z)‘]
and thus iies between 0 and 1.0
x (1 -n, + -- +nk-,)]

rk+LGr<rh m> k> 1 (12)


and mT follows from eqns. (9a) and (12) using

There are three major types of test which
M(r,) = 1. In general, the choice of make-up
can be used to estimate the ball size distribu-
ball size dlstrlbutmn n(r) to give the approach
tron and wear law for ball mills. The most
to a desired M(r) is a trial-and-error calcula-
drrect 1s dumping of the mill charge and siz-
tion whrch requ~es a knowledge of K and A
mg of the balls Allred with mill records of
For a szngle sEe of make-up ball n(r) = 0
darly make-up, the wear law and wear rates
for r < rmar and
can be obtamed. The second type of test
mvolves markmg of a number of balls of a
given size in some way, and stopping the mrll
M(r) = [ ,2:),1 (r4-- - rmm4-A)
after a period of grinding to find the marked
balls, which are then weighed and calipered.
Since M(r,,,) = 1, K = 1/r,,,r3, Thus 1s repeated to determme the change in
ball dimension as a function of g-rindmg time.
(4 - A)IL~~,<’ (4 - A)Kr,,,A-l
mT = = The third method mvolves dumping of the
4-l_ 4-A
rmav rmln 1 - (rm~/rma-r)4-A mill charge after some suitable period of
grinding of the startmg ball charge, without
make up, and weighing of the various ball size
and fractions. Since the startmg charge 1s made up

of discrete sizes, not a continuum, separation

into the various hactions is strqhtforward
and the weight loss of each size can be deter-
mmed. Examples of the three methods are
given below


Davis [4] gave data from a Hardmge

conical wet mill and a 6 ft dia. by 8 ft dry ball
mill which indicated A = 1, correspondmg to
a wear law of ‘wear rate 0~ ball weight, d 3r_
Using method 2, Lorenzetti [ll] has found
that eqn. (10) unth A = 0 is a good assump-
tion for wet milling and he gives K values rang-
mg from 3.8 pm/h for a relatively soft iron
ore to 15 4 pm/h for an extremely hard
copper ore, for Armco Moly-Cop balls.
On the other hand we have analyzed data
from 2 wet industrial ball mill where make-up
was of a single size of ball Table 2 gives the ocz

milling conditions. Figure 1 shows the

cumulative weight fraction of balls versus ball
diameter, as measured by emptying the mill 001 I I I I ,llll
contents and counting and sizing balls using 10 10 40 m 100

calipers Two different srzes of make-up balls aall owmerer mm

were tested. It appears that A = 2 in this case, Fig. 1. Cumulative ball size distribution at steady
state (see Table 2)_
smce the data agreed reasonably well with the
form of eqn. (14) with A = 2, that is, wear
rate in mm/h a r4_ The values of K obtained In this test it appeared that the wear of
from eqn. (13) using this value of A were larger balls was much faster wrth respect to
(7 6) (10m6) mm-’ h-i for the equdibrium ball smaller balls than predicted by the Bond ex-
charge ongmating from 100 mm make-up pression, leading to a much flatter ball size
balls and (12.3) (10m6) mm-’ h-i for that distribution. It also appeared that wear rates
originating from 75 mm make-up balls. It were faster in the equilibrium charge of
should be noted that if the smaller balls smaller balls. For example, the lmear wear
formed by wear were softer because of the rate of 75 mm balls was 11 pm/h for the
loss of a hardened outer layer then they larger ball mix and 17 pm/h for the smaller,
would wear faster, giving A < 0. corresponding to wear rates of 1.6 and 2 6 g
per ball per hour. This is perhaps due to the
TABLE 2 greater number of ball-ball collisions per unit
Ball wear data on 4 3 m dia. by 5 m long wet over-
tune for the smaller ball mrx The total num-
flow mrll grmdmg abrasive inorganic material ber of balls per unit mass of charge, NT, IS
given by
Type of ball steel, specific
1 4-A dmax'-d-dmml-A
gravity 8 5,600 ~Pb"&= 1-_a d (15)
4-A-d 4-A
Brine11 hardness max mln
Diameter of make-up ball, mm 100 75 For A = 2, the ratio of NT for d,,, = 75 mm
Media weight, t 110 110 to NT for d,,, = 100 mm, assummg d,, =
Daily addition, t 2.0 2.7 12 mm, is 1.7: the wear ratio of 2.6 to 1.5 is
Daily throughput, t 1600 1480 = 17 also.
Steel per ton throughput, kg/t 1 25 1.82
Steel loss, kg/kWh The method of followmg ball wear with
0 068 0.098
time is illustrated by the followmg data. Two
hundred and twenty balls (1 toil) were tagged (l-5/100):24 = 0.6 X 10m3_ Smce this data
by drilling a 6 3 mm dia. hole into each bail fellows the Bond wear law, the kg/kWh of
and flllmg the hole with low melting point Table 3 can be compared with the value
allow Using eqn. (lo), integration of predicted for quartzite from Table 1, that IS,
--d(47rr3p,/3)/dt = dp,,4rr ’ + p gives 0 062 with O-C20 kg/kWh.
Vermeulen et al [12] have also reported
= (1 - 4)H
A# I.0 marked bail wear tests on 60 mm dra. balls in
r0 a 2.4 m X 2.4 m (8 ft X 8 ft) rubber-lined ball
(16) mill running a; 85% of cntical speed with a
h-l 5 = -Kt A=10 ball charge of 22 ton (metric), grinding about
r0 65C t per day of an ore. Samples of 10 of the
where r. IS the initial size of the ball at tune marked balls were weighed at various time
t = 0, which was 50 mm. For a continuous intervals corresponding to known tonnages
overflow discharge mill of 4 m id. by 4 8 m milled. Equation (16) for A = 0 or 1 can be
long, wet grmdmg a hard gold ore at over put as
1GOO t per day (see Table 3), the varration of II3
the radius of balls as a function of grinding z _ = 1-E A = 1.0
time is shown in Pig 2. It is clear that this r0 r0

result is consistent with A = 0. the loss of OS 1

of ball radius represents a loss of half of the IAL = = -Kt
ball weight_ and gives a wear rate K of about r0 3ln(mlmd
19 pm/h This value in eqn. (13) gives a where m is the mass of balls at time t, with
predicted mmlmum fractional wear rate of the effective grinding time being propor-
the total charge of mr = 1.44 X 10m3 fraction tional to the amount of ore milled Analysis
per hour, assummg that ~rmm,kma,J4 < 1.0. of therr data shows that A = 0 fits the results
However_ the actual fractional wear rate was in a similar manner to that of Fig. 2, see Fig
3, but with time about 15 times as long,
giving K = 0.7 pm/h_
Vermeulen et al claimed that the fit
Ball wear Jata on 4 m dia by 4 8 m long wet over- of data to A = 1.0 was as good as that
rlow ml!1 grIndInggold ore of A = 0, based on a comparison of correla-
tion coeffxients, and therefore rt was not pos-
Tyue or ball steel, specific gra\1ty
5’i5 Brmell hardness

Diameter of make-up ball. mm 100

Dally addltlon, t 1.5
Dal!y throughput. t 1100 - 1200
Steel per ton throughput, kg/t 1 3
Steel loss, hg/kWh 0.062

0 so 100 150 ZOO 250


Fig. 2 Change of ball dimension with time in *mill, Fig_ 3. Change in ball diameter with tons milled
r,, = 50 mm (see Table 3) (650 t/d), r0 = 30 mm, data of Vermeulen et al [12]

sible to dlstingulsh between A = 0 and A = are consistent unth A = 0 and the hnear wear
1.0. However, they appeared +a have-per- rate is 11.2 Pm/h.
formed the balysis cm (r + error) in one case
and ln[r3 + error] in the other, which is clear-
ly not statistically correct. Equation (16) can
be put as

r/r0 = 1 - The situation is clearly confused The data

z = fl(t) A=0
given by Davis [4] give A = 1, whereas Loren-
zetti [ll] reports A = 0; the Vermeulen et al
r/r0 = exp(-Kct) = f2(t) A=1 [12] data and one of O-Z data sets for a large
1nil.l also give A = 0. The other data set gives
The sums of squares of [(r/ro)(expt) - (r/r,)
A = 2_ Discussions with plant superintendents
modeilZ are 0.00053 for A = 0 and more than
m the South tican gold fields (for example,
double this at 0.00113 for A = 1, clearly
Ref. 13) suggest that industrial experience is
indicating the better fit :>i the model vvlth
that equihbrium ball charges do not contam
A = 0 More precise statistical analysis would
as big a diction of balls near to the make-up
require rephcated test data.
ball size as predicted by the Bond wear law,
The value of K for A = 0 gives a predicted
A = 0 It IS possible that an inconsistency
mmimum fractlonal wear rate of the toti
exists between the taggmg method of deter-
charge of 0.9 X 10m4 fraction per hour, where-
mining ball wear and the method of dumpmg
as the actual mean value was about 1.5 X 1W4
or samphng the ball charge. The wear predicted
fraction per hour. Measurements of the balls
from the tagged ball test for the Vermeulen
and coarse metal fragments discharged from
et al. data was in rough accord urlth the
the mill with badly worn discharge g-rates gave
required make-up If allowance was made for
a value of about U 4 X lo-” fraction per hour,
discharge of 28 mm equivalent diameter
thus giving a comparison of minimum weaT
material. However, for the data set of Fig. 2,
rate of 1.1 X 10m4 fraction ped hour for the
the predicted minimum wear rate was more
direct expeiimensal data to 0.9 X 10e4
than twice that actually measured_ To resolve
predlcted &o,n the K vzlue. The mean
this problem, it would be an advantage if
measured size of discharge material was sven
industnal experience on dumped charges were
as an equivalent diameter of 28 mm.
openly reported along with the grindmg con
As an example of the third method qf de-
dltlons leadmg to the ball size distnbrltlon.
terminmg ball wear, typlcal data from a pilot-
The tlsatment of the unsteady state change
scale mill might be as follows. A charge of
from a starting ball size distnbutlon to the
380 kg of 60.8 mm (2 in) balls a;ld 120 kg of
25.4 mm (1 in) balls was tumbled for 48 h. equlllbnum ball size distribution lvlll be
treated m a later publication
The loss in weight of 50 8 mm bJls was
10 kg and that of 25.4 mm was 7.9 kg. The
relation between weight loss and change in
ball radius is REFERENCES

= 1 - fra.ctlonal weight loss L. G Austin, R_ R. Klimpel, P T. Luckie and

R. S C. Rogers, SrmuZation of Grindrng Cwcurts
This gives r/r0 = 0.991 for the 50 8 mm balls for Design, Design and Installation of Comminu-
and 0.978 for the 25 4 mm. Equation (16) tion CircuIti, SME, Denver, Colorado, 1982,
301 - 321, chap 19
eves the relation between r/r0 for two sizes as
L G Austin and R R Khmbel. m J Herbst (ed ),
1- (rllrolY-* Modeling for Scale-Up of Tumbling Ball MilLs,

0 A+1
=lO Control ‘84. SME, Denver, CO, 1984.
1 - (r2/ro2)’ - A To1 L G. Austm, R R Kllmpel and P. T Luckie, The
(17) Process Engineering of Sue Reduction: Boll
ln(r,,/r,)/ln(r,,/r,) = 1-O A=1 MzlZing, AIME, Denver, CO, 1984 (in press)
E. E Davis, ZYans AIME. 61 (1919) 250
The data g-we the following values of the left- F. C_ Bond, Metal Wear in Crushing and Grindrng,
hand side of this equation- 1.2 for A = 0, AIChE Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 1963, F
2 5 for A = 1, 5.0 for A = 2. Thus the results 54

6 _A L Stern, Cfiem Eng, 69 (1962) 129 11 J J. Lorenzettl, Ball Srze Drstrabutron -from
‘7 Commmufron. V. C Marshal! (ed ), I Chem. ComputerSimulation to Product, 3rd Symp. on
Er,~'_,London,19'?4_ Grindmg, Armco Chzle, S_A.M.I.. Vuia de1 Mar,
S I J Lln and S Nldlr, i%fot Scr Eng.. 39 (1979) 1980.
193 12 L A. Vermeu!en, D_ D. Howat and C. L_ M_
9 K A NataraJan, S C. Riemer and I. Iwasakl, Gough, J S _4fi Inst. Mm Metall.. August 1983,
Corros~uc end Eroswe Wear zn &fagnetrc Toconite 189.
Grrndmg7 AIlME Annual Meeting, preprmt 83-4, 13 D. D. Hcwat and G. J. Wright, The Potentralrty of
1983 Heat-‘IZeoted Balls zn the Grmdmg of Gold Ores.
10 F. C Bond. ~llrnrng Eng., 10 (1958) 592. Mlntek (South Afruza) Report MlOl, 1983.

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