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Marinelle B. Abarientos

Empowering Teenagers the Harm That Peer Pressure Can Give and How It Can Affect
Their Lives


Teenagers are the most susceptible to undergo different changes in their lives. In order to fit in
the society and gain some sense of belongingness they are being engaged into things that they
aren’t supposed to do. Peer pressure can harm teenagers; it works quickly that a teenager cannot
perceive that he/she are being affected and vulnerable. Peer pressure refers to the influence that
these groups can have on how an individual thinks and acts. Peer pressure might result in
choosing the same clothes, hairstyle, or jewelry as their friends, listening to the same music or
watching the same TV shows as their friends, changing the way they talk, or the words they use,
and many more. At the very least this can cause different changes in a person’s mood, level of
happiness, and attitude towards their family and others, but in a more worst cases and scenario it
can cause stress or depression that leads to suicide, teenage pregnancy and involving themselves
to commit crime.

Need for this Study

To avoid the spread of this no-cure disease, it is important to evaluate the root of the problem.
Empowering teenager and giving them sufficient knowledge about this matter can help them
understand the importance of life. By doing so, it can create an avenue for every teenager a
future that is full of hopes and dreams. Being vulnerable to a certain change that a person cannot
handle is a difficult thing to do. Peer pressure is similar thing as forcing yourself to do something
or to be someone that is not you. This study can save not just a student/teenager but it can also
save future and if we step back and look at the bigger picture, it can definitely save our society.

A young person can experience peer pressure in varying degrees. Sometimes their peers may
proactively influence them to behave in certain ways and at other times they may be just
following along. Both of these situations are based on seeking approval, but it is also possible for
peer pressure to be a result of bullying. This is when your child fears being teased or physically
hurt for not conforming.
It’s important to remember that peer influence and pressure is a normal part of adolescence. As
your child starts moving away from the parent-child relationship and seeking their own
independence and identity, their peers will become more important to them. However, if you’re
concerned about the effects of peer pressure on your child and think that it’s negatively
impacting on their life, there are things that you can try to support them.

Peer pressure tends to grow in intensity as students move up through the grades; by the time they
reach high school, fitting in has become a priority - and often a source of anxiety—to many.
While peer pressure can be manifested in any number of ways, it's typically focused in a few
common areas: namely drugs and alcohol, stealing, sexual activity, bullying, and dangerous


The concept paper seeks to achieve its general objective of empowering teenagers the harm that
peer pressure can give and how it can affect their lives by focusing on the following specific

1. To enlighten teenager and give them sufficient knowledge.

2. To eliminate this peer pressure and create a safer society for everyone.
3. To educate teenager of the possible consequences.
Research Questions

These are the following questions that this concept paper must answer:

1. What is a teenage peer pressure?

2. How peer pressures become a problem during adolescence?
3. Why is it important to avoid peer pressure?

This study will collect data using Google forms that will be sent through Gmail or messenger.
The total amount of respondent will be 50 male and 50 female (13-21 years old), answering 20

Research Timeline

The project is expected to be completed in 7 weeks and 5 days with the following indicated as
the activities durations for every section of the research project:

Research Section Duration

1. Title 2 days
2. Introduction 3 days
3. Need for this Study 3 days
4. Background 1 week and 3 days
5. Objectives 3 days
6. Research Questions 3 days
7. Research Methodology 1 week
8. Data analysis interpretations and discussions 2 weeks
9. Summary conclusion and recommendations 1 week
10. Reviewing work for final submission 2 days


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