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Occupational Standard: Hardware and Network Servicing Level IV

Unit Title Build Internet Infrastructure

Unit Code ICST HNS4 03 0710
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to design and
implement an infrastructure for internet services

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and 1.1 Internet infrastructure is selected in line with business and
design internet end-user requirements, within budget limitations.
infrastructure 1.2 The internet service is evaluated for satisfactory
performance and confirmed that the service meets business
and end-user requirements.
1.3 Hardware, software, network and security requirements
are ensured in accordance with agreed business and end-
user specifications.
1.4 Internet protocol address allocation is determined based on
the number of addresses needed.
2. Install and 2.1 Cables is installed and tested where appropriate according
configure to the standard.
internet 2.2 Mail servers is built and tested when needed.
and services 2.3 Workstation software is installed and configured to access
2.4 Necessary hardware and software is installed to connect
the internet to intranets or network if required.
2.5 Domain names and internet protocol addresses is
configured to make internet access possible.
2.6 Software is set up to provide services as required.
2.7 Software is installed and configured that provides internet
links with existing databases, documents and files.
3. Test security 3.1 Security access levels is tested and verified based on
and internet security policy.
access 3.2 Capability and reliability of security systems is monitored
and evaluated based on security policy.
3.3 Changes are made to system to ensure protection against
known and potential threats.
4. Ensure user 4.1 User settings are verified to ensure that they conform to
accounts are security policies.
verified for 4.2 Legal notices are displayed at appropriate locations for
security system users.
4.3 Passwords are checked in accordance with business
policies and verified with software utility tools.
5. Manage and 5.1 Management is assisted in developing procedures and
support policies for maintaining the internet infrastructure.
internet 5.2 Management tools are obtained, installed and used to
assist in internet administration.
5.3 Traffic, appropriateness of broadcasts, content access and
hits are monitored over the internet.
5.4 Internet performance is optimized in accordance with
business need.

Variable Range
Hardware May include but is not limited to:
 Workstations, personal computers, modems and other
connectivity devices, networks, DSL modems, remote sites,
Software May include but is not limited to commercial software
applications; organization-specific software, packaged software,
in-house or customized software
Network May include but not limited to:
 Large and small LANs, national WANs, the internet, VPNs, the
use of the PSTN for dial-up modems only, private lines, data
and voice.
Services May include newsgroups, email, file transfer protocol facilities,
multimedia, conferencing and general access to internal website
HTML files.
Databases May include Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Ingress,
DB2, Informix, mSQL, MySQL, SQL server.
Threats May include eavesdropping, manipulation, impersonation, and
penetration, denial of service and by-pass, hackers, viruses.
Tools and May include but not limited to:
equipment  Server hardware and software
 Security policy guidelines
 Networking hardware (e.g. switches, cables, router, etc…)
 Internet connection
 Modem or other connectivity device
 Personal computer

Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  internet technologies and that internet technology (both
hardware and software) is installed and configured correctly
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  General knowledge of the organization’s business needs and
Attitudes functions.
 General understanding of LAN-based communications
 Knowledge of internet technologies.
 General knowledge of OH&S requirements in relation to
working in a safe manner; environmental aspects of work that
is undertaken and basic and ergonomic considerations relating
in particular to the workstation environment.
 Security knowledge, with understanding of general features
and capabilities, with limited depth in some areas (e.g. when
monitoring security and internet access
 General knowledge of vendor product and vendor directions
(e.g. when installing and configuring internet infrastructure to
meet business requirements)
 knowledge of open source options and software (e.g. Linux-
based systems) as well as proprietary software (e.g. Microsoft
based systems)
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  establish internet connectivity based on the business
requirements of the organization
 build internet infrastructure
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Assessment Competency may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
 Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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