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Name: ___________________ Date: 04/04/2019

IB1 Physics HL

Electricity and Magnetism

Part One:

Multiple Choice questions:

1) A battery is connected to a light bulb with copper wire to complete the circuit. The
bulb immediately lights.
Which of the following best describes why the bulb lights?

A. The battery supplies electrons, which move through the bulb but not the wires.
B. The battery supplies chemicals, which pass through the bulb to the end of the
C. The battery supplies heat energy, which causes the bulb to produce light
D. The battery supplies voltage, which causes the electrons throughout the circuit
to move.

2) The diagram below shows an electrical circuit with three bulbs and three switches.
The switches are labelled X, Y and Z. When all three switches are closed, as shown,
the three bulbs are lit.

Which of the following statements describes what will happen if switch Z is opened?

A. Only bulb 1 will be lit.

B. Only bulb 3 will be lit.
C. All three bulbs will be lit.
D. None of the bulbs will be lit.

3) When a number of different resistors are connected in series:

A. The same power is dissipated in each one

B. The electric potential difference across each is the same
C. The electric current flowing through each is the same
D. The total resistance is less than that of the resistor with the lowest resistance

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4) The graph below shows the relationship between current and voltage in a circuit.
Resistance in the circuit remains constant.

What is the resistance of the circuit?

A. 0.3Ω
B. 2.5Ω
C. 3.5Ω
D. 30Ω

5) An ammeter is used to measure current in an electric circuit. Which of the following

statements is correct?

A. The ammeter must be connected in parallel with the circuit and it must have a
low internal resistance.
B. The ammeter must be connected in series with the circuit and it must have a
low internal resistance.
C. The ammeter must be connected in series with the circuit and it must have a
high internal resistance.
D. The ammeter must be connected in parallel with the circuit and it must have a
high internal resistance.

6) A DC electric motor converts 75% of the input electrical energy into mechanical
energy. The remaining 25% is:

A. Dissipated as heat energy

B. Returned to the battery
C. Used to maintain the potential difference of the battery
D. Converted to electrical potential energy

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7) Current is flowing through resistors R1 and R2 in the circuit when the switch S is open,
as shown below.

What happens when the switch S is closed?

A. The current passing through the resistor R1 increases

B. The current passing through the resistor R2 increases
C. The current passing through the resistor R1 decreases
D. The current passing through the resistor R2 remains the same

8) Consider the below circuit:

Which of the following is correct?

A. The three resistors are connected in series

B. The three resistors are connected in parallel
C. R2 and R3 are in parallel and together in series with R1
D. R1 and R2 are in parallel and together in series with R3

9) What is the direction of the conventional current through the light bulb in the circuit
presented below?

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10) All of the following wires are made of the same material but have different sizes.

Which of the wires has the lowest resistance?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

11) Two copper wires have the same cross-sectional area but have different lengths. Wire
X has a length L and wire Y has a length 2L.

The ratio between the resistance of wire Y and wire X is:





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12) Which of the following graphs represents Ohm’s law for a solid conductor at
constant temperature?

13) The electric current as a function of voltage of a resistor is presented in the graph

What is the power dissipated in the resistor when the applied voltage is 5V?

A. 5W
B. 10W
C. 15W
D. 20W

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14) In the below circuit, two measuring devices 1 and 2 are connected as shown.

When the switch is open, device 1 measure:

A. The supplied voltage

B. The emf
C. The delivered current
D. Zero current

15) An electric heater has three settings for its selector switch- low, medium and high.
The heater has two identical resistive elements that can be connected in three
different ways, as shown below:

Which line in the table below indicates the way the heating element must be
connected to a power supply in order to provide the three settings?

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16) A charged particle of mass m and charge q is travelling in a uniform magnetic
field with speed v such that the magnetic force on the particle is F. The
magnetic force on a particle of mass 2m, charge q and speed 2v travelling in the
same direction in the magnetic field is

A. 4F.

B. 2F.

C. F.

D. F.

17) A strip of aluminum foil is held between the poles of a strong magnet, as shown

When a current is passed through the aluminum foil in the direction shown, the
foil is deflected. In which direction is this deflection?

A. Vertically downwards
B. Vertically upwards
C. Towards the North pole of the magnet
D. Towards the South pole of the magnet

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18) A positively charged particle enters a region of uniform magnetic field. The
direction of the particle’s velocity is parallel to the direction of the magnetic
field as shown in the diagram below.

Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the path of the charged particle
while in the region of magnetic field?

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19) The diagram below shows three parallel wires P, Q and R that are equally

The currents in the wires are each of the same magnitude I and are in the
directions shown. The resultant force on wire Q due to the current in wire P and
in wire R is

A. perpendicular and into the plane of the paper.

B. perpendicular and out of the plane of the paper.

C. in the plane of the paper to the right.

D. in the plane of the paper to the left.

20) Which one of the following shows a correct circuit, using ideal voltmeters and
ammeters, for measuring the I-V characteristic of a filament lamp?

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Answer Sheet

1) _______ 11) ______

2) _______ 12) ______

3) _______ 13) ______

4) _______ 14) ______

5) _______ 15) ______

6) ______ 16) ______

7) ______ 17) ______

8) ______ 18) ______

9) _______ 19) ______

10) ______ 20) ______

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