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Nama Lengkap : Fernando Sico Elo

Kelas/Semester : KeperawatanA / VI
Nim : 181111010
Tugas Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Reading comprehension questions:
1. What experience felt by most people if they are infected with coronavirus?
Answer: the experience of patients infected with the corona virus will feel inferior,
depreseed feel removed by many people and isolated from many people.
2. What are the best way to prevent and slow down transmission of COVID-19?
Answer: to prevent infection and release covid 19 transmission, do the following:
wash your hands thoroughly with soap and air, or wipe with and alcohol- based swab.
Maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter between you and the person who is coughing
or sneezing. Avoiding your face, close your mouth and nose when coughing or
sneezing. Stay home if you are not healthy. Do not smoke and other activities that
weaken the lungs. Practice keeping distance with unnecessary trips and away from
learge groups of people.
3. How can the COVID-19 primarily spreads to humans?
Answer: protect your self and others from infections by holding hands or using
rubbing alcohol based and not using your face. The covid 19 virus is spread mainly
through droplets or coming out of compilation operations againts people who cough
or sneeze, so it’s important that you also practice breathing etiquette (for example, by
coughing on a bent elbow)
4. Does COVID-19 affect different people in the same ways?
Answer: covid 19 affects different people in different ways. More succesful people
will develop mild to moderate illnes and not succeed in the hospital.
5. Who should manage their symptoms at home?
Answer: people with mild symptoms that are otherwise healthy must manage
symptomps at home.
6. How many days do we know that someone get infected by this virus?Answer: on
avarage it takes 5-6 days from when someone in infected with the virus to show
symptoms, but it can take up to 14 days.
7. What should we do if we get coughing and sneezing?
Answer: (for example, by coughing on a bent elbow)
8. How do we practice physical distancing?
Answer: maintain a minium distance of 1 meter between you and the person who is
coughing or sneezing.

Listening Comprehension Questions:
1. Where is the word “corona” taken from?
Answer: 2019 novel coronavirus
2. Where and when was MERS-Coronavirus first identified?
Answer: MERS- cov saudi arabia- 2012
3. According to the speaker on the audio, where did corona virus come from?
Answer: seafood and live animal markett in wuhan
4. Mention some symptoms of corona virus?
Answer: mild, severe, fever, cough shortness of breath
5. What does PCR stand for? What is the function of PCR?
Answer: polymerase chain reaction genetic fingerprint
6. Is there any specific medication or vaccine for this virus?
Answer: no specifik medication supportive care, no vaccine
7. What are the prevention to be avoided from corona virus?
Answer: treatmen and vaccines are in development, and
wear a mask, wash hands, avoid physical contact with people affected by the corona
virus. Keep a distance of 1 meter.
8. What should we do if we get some symptoms like: fever, cough and difficulty in
Answer: seek medical care early and Swab checks at health care facilties

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