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Nama : Widya Putri

Nim : 1914401189

Prodi : D3 Keperawatan

Tugas NE2 tentang NGT

1. What is the indication of ngt?

a. Gastric decompression
b. Aspiration of gastric fluid content
c. Feeding and administration of medication
d. Prevention of vomiting and aspiration
e. Small bowel obstruction

2. What is the contraindications of ngt?

a. Recent nasal sugery and severe midface trauma. These to are the absolute
contraindications for NG intubation due to the possibility of inserthing the
tube intracranially orogastric tube may be inserted, in this case
b. Other contraindications include. Coagulation abnormality, eshophageal
verices, recent banding or esophageal verices, and alkaline ingestion.

3. Instrument used for NGT ?

a. Gloves
b. protective gown
c. face shield
d. Nasogastric tube
e. Vasoconstrictor spray
f. Topical anesthetic
g. Toomey syringe
h. Tape
i. Wall suction unit
j. Lubricant
k. Glass of water
l. Straw
m. Towels or pads

4. Nursing intruction of NGT ?

a. Review the physician’s order and know the type, size, and purose of the NG
b. Check the cilent’s identification band
c. Gather equipment, set up the tube feeding equipment or suction equipment
mentioned above
d. Briefly explain the procedure to the client and assess his capability to
e. Observer proper hand washing and don non-sterile gloves
f. Position client upright or in full flowler’s position if possible
g. Measure tubing from bridge of nose to earlobe, then to the point halfway
between the end of the sternum and the navel
h. Wipe the client’s face and nose with a wet towel
i. Cover the client’s eyes with a cloth
j. Examine nostrils for deformity or obstruction by closing one nostril and then
the other and asking the client to breathe throught the nose for each attempt
k. Lubricate 4 to 8 inches of the tub with a water-soluble lubricant
l. Flex the client’s heard forward, tilt the tip of the nose to as far as the back of
the throat. Guide the tube straight back
m. Once the tube reaches the nasophariynx, allow the client lower his head
n. Intruct the client to swallow as the tube advanves
o. If changes occur in patient’s respiratory sttus, if tube coils in mout, if the
patient begins to cought or turns cyanotic, withdraw the tube immediately
p. If obstruction is felt, pull out the tube and try the other nostril
q. Advance the tube as far as the marked insertion point
r. Check the back of the client’s throat to make sure that the tubeis not curledin
the back of the throat
s. Check tube placement with these methods
t. Secure the tube with tape or commercially prepared tube holder once stomach
placement has been confirmed

5. Complication of NGT ?
a. Epistaxis
b. Sinusitis
c. Sore throat
d. Eshophageal perforation
e. Pneumothorax
f. Aspiration
g. Intracranial placement

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