EconomyPolitics, 2010 Global 10 Yr Growth Rates

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EconomyPolitics 2011
10 year GDP growth rates
By Taylor R. Cottam, CFA, FRM

Updated Jan 15, 2011

EconomyPolitics 2nd Annual 10 year growth rates
The top fastest growing countries over the next 10 years (above 25 MM):

This is the second in a three part series where we identify the most attractive international investment
opportunities for the next ten years. We start out by looking at economic efficiency, i.e. the
fundamental freedoms and legal framework, which facilitates successful investing. Second we look at
growth rates and finally we look at places where economic opportunity will be taking place.

When you look at future growth rates, it is a function of economic freedom and GDP per capita. All
other things equal, high economic freedom and low GDP per capita, both lead to high economic growth.

EconomyPolitics Methodology

Estimating next year’s GDP growth is hard to get right. To an investor looking to place capital, it is easy
to confuse next year’s economic growth with long term potential. As we are no likelier than the next
economist to “get it right” in the short term, we have chosen to focus on longer–term trends, i.e. the ten
year growth rates, which in the end dominate.

We forecast how long it would take for a country to reach the prosperity level of the United States as
measured by GDP per capita. If a country was free and open, they become on par to the United States
in 40 years. After World War II, Europe was poor and destitute and its infrastructure was destroyed, but
it was relatively free and open for business. Many of the more open ones caught up in terms of GDP per
capita to the United States in about 40 years.

Updated Jan 15, 2011

We use the 40 year as an anchor and assume that any country that is free and open will catch up in 40
years. The lower the GDP per capita, the faster the growth. We also make adjustments for population
growth and economic efficiency.

So where are the places that will grow the most over the coming decade? The continent that stands as a
bright spot for growth. This is the second year that we have highlighted Africa as a continent of hope.

Rank Country Population Efficiency GDP per 10 yr.

Score cap growth
1 Rwanda 10,276,000 0.44 $900 10.52%
2 Uganda 33,888,000 0.35 $1,300 9.98%
3 Ghana 24,297,000 0.48 $1,500 9.84%
4 Zambia 13,148,000 0.47 $1,500 9.49%
5 Kenya 40,901,000 0.36 $1,600 8.98%
6 Kyr.gyzstan 5,558,000 0.43 $2,100 8.54%
7 Madagascar 20,216,000 0.33 $1,000 8.38%
8 Ethiopia 81,764,000 0.66 $900 8.33%
9 Jordan 6,464,000 0.41 $5,300 8.23%
10 Georgia 4,371,000 0.44 $4,800 8.14%
11 Malawi 15,628,000 0.49 $900 8.13%
12 Mozambique 23,304,000 0.36 $900 7.98%
13 Tanzania 44,644,000 0.47 $1,400 7.81%
14 India 1,192,407,000 0.38 $3,400 7.77%
15 Vietnam 86,639,000 0.47 $3,100 7.76%
16 Bangladesh 165,498,000 0.51 $1,600 7.73%
17 Mongolia 2,711,000 0.49 $3,300 7.63%
18 Philippines 94,062,000 0.33 $3,500 7.44%
19 Indonesia 234,100,000 0.39 $4,300 7.31%
20 Burkina Faso 16,247,000 0.58 $1,200 7.13%
21 Thailand 63,795,000 0.64 $8,700 7.11%
22 Pakistan 171,576,000 0.44 $2,600 7.03%
23 Mali 14,913,000 0.58 $1,200 6.92%
24 Nicaragua 5,848,000 0.46 $2,900 6.91%
25 Peru 29,499,000 0.42 $9,200 6.87%
26 Morocco 32,146,000 0.55 $4,900 6.79%
27 Guatemala 14,323,000 0.29 $5,200 6.78%
28 El Salvador 6,267,000 0.48 $7,300 6.76%
29 Moldova 3,564,000 0.56 $2,300 6.66%
30 China 1,343,099,000 0.48 $7,400 6.66%
31 Paraguay 6,501,000 0.59 $4,900 6.65%
32 Honduras 7,617,000 0.65 $4,200 6.57%

Updated Jan 15, 2011

33 Senegal 12,857,000 0.53 $1,600 6.56%
34 Egypt 78,901,000 0.36 $6,200 6.55%
35 Armenia 3,228,000 0.37 $5,800 6.51%
36 Sri Lanka 20,428,000 0.63 $4,900 6.37%
37 Chile 17,160,000 0.49 $15,500 6.27%
38 Namibia 2,192,000 0.42 $6,900 6.23%
39 Benin 9,204,000 0.37 $1,500 6.11%
40 Nigeria 157,870,000 0.55 $2,400 6.06%
41 Colombia 45,859,000 0.63 $9,800 6.01%
42 Tunisia 10,430,000 0.31 $9,500 5.86%
43 Malaysia 28,799,000 0.56 $14,700 5.86%
44 South Africa 49,730,000 0.56 $10,700 5.81%
45 Nepal 29,947,000 0.66 $1,200 5.77%
46 Panama 3,507,000 0.52 $12,700 5.55%
47 Mauritius 1,298,000 0.61 $13,500 5.48%
48 Albania 3,187,000 0.54 $8,000 5.46%
49 Mexico 108,777,000 0.30 $13,800 5.37%
50 Costa Rica 4,643,000 0.56 $11,400 5.23%
51 Turkey 72,239,000 0.31 $12,300 5.21%
52 Macedonia 2,054,000 0.51 $9,400 5.19%
53 Jamaica 2,740,000 0.50 $8,400 5.04%
54 Côte d'Ivoire 21,530,000 0.73 $1,700 4.97%
55 Oman 2,936,000 0.77 $25,800 4.94%
56 Lesotho 2,070,000 0.55 $1,700 4.92%
57 Cameroon 19,955,000 0.67 $2,300 4.86%
58 Botswana 1,978,000 0.61 $13,100 4.84%
59 New Zealand 4,358,000 0.42 $28,000 4.75%
60 Brazil 194,553,000 0.60 $10,900 4.70%
61 Bolivia 10,015,000 0.24 $4,800 4.67%
62 Azerbaijan 8,961,000 0.51 $11,000 4.63%
63 Kazakhstan 15,835,000 0.28 $12,500 4.51%
64 Romania 21,469,000 0.60 $11,500 4.41%
65 Cyprus 798,000 0.55 $21,000 4.39%
66 Lithuania 3,340,000 0.34 $15,900 4.36%
67 United Arab Emirates 4,775,000 0.07 $40,200 4.32%
68 Dominican Republic 10,241,000 0.80 $8,600 4.27%
69 Syr.ia 22,386,000 0.85 $4,800 4.22%
70 Bosnia and 3,792,000 0.55 $6,600 4.19%
71 Uruguay 3,377,000 0.72 $13,600 4.18%
72 Bulgaria 7,545,000 0.59 $12,800 4.10%
73 Guyana 764,000 0.72 $6,800 4.10%
74 Mauritania 3,385,000 0.67 $2,100 3.97%

Updated Jan 15, 2011

75 Estonia 1,332,000 0.48 $19,000 3.97%
76 Latvia 2,240,000 0.76 $14,500 3.96%
77 Burundi 8,589,000 0.73 $300 3.86%
78 Montenegro 618,000 0.65 $9,900 3.81%
79 Serbia 9,863,000 0.40 $11,000 3.77%
80 Israel 7,613,000 0.83 $29,500 3.68%
81 Slovakia 5,425,000 0.33 $22,200 3.54%
82 Poland 38,082,000 0.67 $18,800 3.48%
83 Hungary 10,006,000 0.87 $19,000 3.47%
84 Algeria 35,317,000 0.75 $7,400 3.45%
85 Portugal 10,660,000 0.16 $23,000 3.40%
86 Ecuador 14,229,000 0.87 $7,800 3.36%
87 Ukraine 45,712,000 0.41 $6,700 3.21%
88 Ireland 4,510,000 0.66 $37,600 3.10%
89 Australia 22,347,000 0.81 $41,300 3.09%
90 Canada 34,157,000 0.83 $39,600 3.07%
91 South Korea 48,463,000 0.66 $30,200 3.04%
92 Croatia 4,433,000 0.63 $17,500 3.01%
93 United Kingdom 61,807,000 0.35 $35,100 2.97%
94 Denmark 5,549,000 0.36 $37,000 2.88%
95 Czech Republic 10,468,000 0.68 $25,600 2.82%
96 Argentina 40,564,000 0.80 $15,000 2.80%
97 France 65,444,000 0.66 $33,300 2.78%
98 Russia 141,242,000 0.48 $15,900 2.75%
99 Iran 74,782,000 0.76 $11,200 2.75%
100 Finland 5,358,000 0.61 $35,300 2.74%
101 Kuwait 3,092,000 0.78 $51,700 2.73%
102 Bahrain 802,000 0.75 $40,400 2.55%
103 Hong Kong 7,046,000 0.50 $45,600 2.51%
104 Spain 46,014,000 0.87 $29,500 2.49%
105 Japan 127,381,000 0.50 $34,200 2.47%
106 Taiwan 23,125,000 0.53 $35,100 2.47%
107 Slovenia 2,049,000 0.85 $28,400 2.41%
108 Germany 81,850,000 0.37 $35,900 2.35%
109 Sweden 9,346,000 0.75 $39,000 2.34%
110 Netherlands 16,660,000 0.96 $40,500 2.29%
111 Switzerland 7,787,000 0.42 $42,900 2.28%
112 United States 310,874,000 0.70 $47,400 2.27%
113 Iceland 322,000 0.88 $38,400 2.19%
114 Belgium 10,766,000 0.37 $37,900 2.00%
115 Austria 8,360,000 0.65 $40,300 1.83%
116 Italy 60,188,000 0.80 $30,700 1.83%
117 Singapore 5,044,000 0.52 $62,200 1.57%

Updated Jan 15, 2011

118 Greece 11,277,000 0.87 $30,200 1.53%
119 Chad 11,522,000 0.12 $1,600 1.25%
120 Angola 18,894,000 0.24 $8,700 1.22%
121 Venezuela 29,016,000 0.20 $12,600 1.17%
122 Zimbabwe 12,424,000 0.95 $100 1.06%
123 Norway 4,867,000 0.60 $59,100 0.70%
124 Luxembourg 499,000 0.83 $81,800 -0.07%

Regional Differences

The region that should grow fastest is Africa. We have projected the 10 year growth rate for Africa at
6.32%. Africa’s young population is growing fast, they are very poor and they are finally starting to end
the cycle of war and replace it with a system of good governance. All those things increase economic
growth and bode well for economic growth.

Asia follows close behind. They come in at 5.92%. Their population growth comes in lower than Africa,
and their standard of living is greater, but they also have a greater degree of economic efficiency.

Latin America follows at 5.32%, but would be much higher were it not for Hugo Chavez and his circle of
Social Autocrats in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina.

The Middle East came in a 5.04%. That number could either come in way below, or could surprise on
the upside, should the region’s recent turmoil blossom into good governance. But, the truth is no one
knows the outcome of Egypt and the rest of the Arab world.

Oceania follows mostly because growth in Indonesia is pulling the rest of the countries up and finishes at
4.18%. Europe’s expected growth is 3.12%, but it is a mishmash of the heavily indebted PIIGS which
lower growth and Eastern Europe which raise growth. North America’s expected growth comes in last
place at 2.67%. However, the region is the least diverse and consists only of the US and Canada. There
are no undeveloped countries, the population, while not as old as Europe’s, is not as young as Africa’s.

Regional Data

Africa average 6.32%

Rank Country 10 yr. growth

1 Rwanda 10.52%
2 Uganda 9.98%
3 Ghana 9.84%
4 Zambia 9.49%
5 Kenya 8.98%
7 Madagascar 8.38%

Updated Jan 15, 2011

8 Ethiopia 8.33%
11 Malawi 8.13%
12 Mozambique 7.98%
13 Tanzania 7.81%
20 Burkina Faso 7.13%
23 Mali 6.92%
33 Senegal 6.56%
38 Namibia 6.23%
39 Benin 6.11%
40 Nigeria 6.06%
44 South Africa 5.81%
47 Mauritius 5.48%
54 Côte d'Ivoire 4.97%
56 Lesotho 4.92%
57 Cameroon 4.86%
58 Botswana 4.84%
74 Mauritania 3.97%
77 Burundi 3.86%
119 Chad 1.25%
120 Angola 1.22%
122 Zimbabwe 1.06%

Asia average 5.92%

Rank Country 10 yr. growth

6 Kyr.gyzstan 8.54%
14 India 7.77%
15 Vietnam 7.76%
16 Bangladesh 7.73%
17 Mongolia 7.63%
18 Philippines 7.44%
21 Thailand 7.11%
22 Pakistan 7.03%
30 China 6.66%
36 Sri Lanka 6.37%
43 Malaysia 5.86%
45 Nepal 5.77%
63 Kazakhstan 4.51%
91 South Korea 3.04%
103 Hong Kong 2.51%
105 Japan 2.47%

Updated Jan 15, 2011

106 Taiwan 2.47%

Latin America average 5.16%

Rank Country 10 yr. growth

24 Nicaragua 6.91%
25 Peru 6.87%
27 Guatemala 6.78%
28 El Salvador 6.76%
31 Paraguay 6.65%
32 Honduras 6.57%
37 Chile 6.27%
41 Colombia 6.01%
46 Panama 5.55%
49 Mexico 5.37%
50 Costa Rica 5.23%
53 Jamaica 5.04%
60 Brazil 4.70%
61 Bolivia 4.67%
68 Dominican Republic 4.27%
71 Uruguay 4.18%
73 Guyana 4.10%
86 Ecuador 3.36%
96 Argentina 2.80%
121 Venezuela 1.17%

Middle East average 5.04%

Rank Country 10 yr. growth

9 Jordan 8.23%
10 Georgia 8.14%
26 Morocco 6.79%
34 Egypt 6.55%
35 Armenia 6.51%
42 Tunisia 5.86%
51 Turkey 5.21%
55 Oman 4.94%
62 Azerbaijan 4.63%
67 United Arab Emirates 4.32%

Updated Jan 15, 2011

69 Syr.ia 4.22%
80 Israel 3.68%
84 Algeria 3.45%
99 Iran 2.75%
101 Kuwait 2.73%
102 Bahrain 2.55%

Oceania average 4.18%

Rank Country 10 yr. growth

19 Indonesia 7.31%
59 New Zealand 4.75%
89 Australia 3.09%
117 Singapore 1.57%

Europe average 3.12%

Rank Country 10 yr. growth

29 Moldova 6.66%
48 Albania 5.46%
52 Macedonia 5.19%
64 Romania 4.41%
65 Cyprus 4.39%
66 Lithuania 4.36%
70 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4.19%
72 Bulgaria 4.10%
75 Estonia 3.97%
76 Latvia 3.96%
78 Montenegro 3.81%
79 Serbia 3.77%
81 Slovakia 3.54%
82 Poland 3.48%
83 Hungary 3.47%
85 Portugal 3.40%
87 Ukraine 3.21%
88 Ireland 3.10%
92 Croatia 3.01%
93 United Kingdom 2.97%
94 Denmark 2.88%

Updated Jan 15, 2011

95 Czech Republic 2.82%
97 France 2.78%
98 Russia 2.75%
100 Finland 2.74%
104 Spain 2.49%
107 Slovenia 2.41%
108 Germany 2.35%
109 Sweden 2.34%
110 Netherlands 2.29%
111 Switzerland 2.28%
113 Iceland 2.19%
114 Belgium 2.00%
115 Austria 1.83%
116 Italy 1.83%
118 Greece 1.53%
123 Norway 0.70%
124 Luxembourg -0.07%

North America average 2.67%

Rank Country 10 yr. growth

90 Canada 3.07%
112 United States 2.27%

For media inquiries into the EconomyPolitics Index of Economic Efficiency, please contact
economipolitics [at] gmail [dot] com. Please feel free to use the full index, but must source back to

Updated Jan 15, 2011

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