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Our Lady of Fatima University Valenzuela

S.Y. 2020-2021

Veritas et Misericordia 1
Gutierrez, Princess Jovelyn C. BSN2Y1-1B
What imperfections make you feel inadequate as an individual?-Try writing some
issues that you have on yourself (physical appearance, behavior, relationship, etc.)
that makes you self-pity or feel bad about yourself. What do you feel when you
think about these issues on your life? Internalize and focus on that feeling.
Loudest Mind
Communication is a vital part of our daily lives. However, though I loved to,
my behavior hinders me to have a conversation with other people.
I grew up being a person who barely speaks and used to be alone all the
time. Thoughts have flooded my mind but it barely comes out. People are
befriending me because I excelled in class yet, later on, avoided me because I’m a
weird and not a talkative person. The twin of opportunities is communication and
determination but I lack these that’s why I missed a lot of opportunities and
realized that I must do something about it. Being distant with strangers, always
staying at comfort zone which is home, being close and distant is the best
description of my behavior that my friends called me an introvert.
Growing up in an extremely sociable family, I never felt right being the only
quiet one. Why didn’t I speak up as quickly as they did? Why didn’t I want to be
the center of attention? They looked like they were having more fun. What was
wrong with me?. I felt like I’m always excluded from social gatherings of our
family and my presence is not necessary there. I have always appreciated the
introvert aspects of my personality – being observant, listening well, thinking
before I speak – but one person told me that humans are naturally unique and that
makes me a wonderful person then I felt confident in them. I ultimately decided I
don’t need to apologize for not talking.
I realize I’m unable to change these social norms, that I’ve learned to fake
extroversion when necessary, and usually leave these events early. That worsen my
problem so instead of faking it, I gradually lean communicating while maintaining
my personality. Now I’m a good public speaker in our classroom. Even though
society views people like me as shy persons or someone who doesn’t like
socializing, introverts are capable of doing things society would least expect from
Our Lady of Fatima University Valenzuela
S.Y. 2020-2021

them and that includes public speaking. That is because we have natural skills such
as great sense and sensitivity, deep thinking, and phenomenal listening skills.

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