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Grade: 9 Lesson Title: Spikeball & Ultimate Frisbee Lesson Duration: 3 hours

Overview of lesson

The students will be introduced to spikeball and ultimate frisbee today in class. The student will learn the rules
and get the chance to work on activities to help them improve the skills required to partake in these games.
Students will be learning how to assemble the spikeball nets and participate in activities that will help them and
their teammates work on skills important to spikeball, (hand eye coordination, ball control). Then students will be
participating in activities that will help them to play a game of ultimate frisbee next day.

Alberta Program of Study:

A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance,
games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and
outdoor pursuits.

A9-3: apply and refine nonlocomotor skills and concepts to a variety of activities with increased control to
improve personal performance
A9-5: Apply and refine ways to receive, retain, and send an object with increased speed, accuracy and distance in
skills specific to an activity

Learning Objectives
Students will understand some of the rules of spikeball
Students will learn how to send and receive a spikeball and frisbee

Material and Equipment

List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…

Spikeball Nets
Spikeball Balls

On site supervision
No body contact
Head up, paying attention

PE Daily Rubric

Lesson Procedures

Introduction :

Lunch (11:11-11:40)
Change 11:40-11:50
Grab the spikeball equipment and head outside

Body :
Steps and Procedures

Warm up (11:50-12:10)
Terry Fox Run – 2 laps around the loop

Spikeball (12:10-1:00)
Rules (The ones we need for the activities we will be doing today)
- Spike ball is played with teams of two
- All players except the receiver must begin the point at least 6 feet from the net
- The receiver may stand at any desired distance
- Once the server strikes the ball, players may go anywhere they choose.
- Possession changes when the ball contacts the net.
- Each team has up to 3 touches per possession.
- Determine a serving order which alternates players from the two teams
Activity #1: Passing Drill (12:10-12:30)
- You and your group (2 groups of 5; 3 groups of 6) are going to stand 6 feet apart from each other
- With the ball, you are going to pass it like you would in a softball game (demo)
- Make sure the ball doesn’t touch the ground
- Alternate hands you are passing with
- How many passes can you make in a row?
- Next round you are going to be doing the same thing but, you will be double touching before you pass
- Make sure the ball doesn’t touch the ground
- How many passes can you make in a row?
These activities are going to help with getting down your passing for when you are playing a real game of spike

Activity #2: Putting together the spikeball nets (12:30-12:40)

- In your groups, take the spike ball nets and put them together
- Watch them to make sure they do not wreck the equipment and remind them to be careful before setting
them loose
Activity #3: Practice Game of Spikeball (12:40-1:00)
- Students are going to get into partners
- They will challenge another set of partners
- This activity is so everyone can practice serving and receiving. Almost like a game of spike ball but no one
is keeping score

- You will get 5 minutes at a net, and then you have to move to allow for all groups to get a chance to play.
Challenge other teams while you wait for a net to open up. I will blow the whistle when it is time to
- You will be moving to the net to your right.
Go in and wipe down spikeball equipment

Break (1:10-1:30)

Warm up Game (1:30-1:50)

British Bulldog (in the gym)

- 3 people will be “it” in the middle
- Everyone else is at the other end of the gym on the baseline
- When the people in the middle call “British Bulldog” the other people run to the other baseline without
being tagged.
- If you get tagged they join the people in the middle until we have 3 people left on the baseline. They will
be the next group it.
Ultimate Frisbee (1:50-2:40)

Demonstrate how to properly throw a frisbee (1:50-2:00)

- Make sure everyone gets the grip down
- Everyone has a spot on the line, spread out so that you don’t hit anyone and we are going through the
motions before we throw the frisbee
- Backhand:
o Grip: thumb on top of the frisbee, fingers underneath
o leading the throw with the back of your hand, snap it forward.
o We are going to practice throwing it up to ourselves.
- Forehand:
o Grip: The rim of the frisbee between your middle finger and ring finger. Then your pinky and
pointer finger right beside. Thumb on top. No space between the frisbee and your hands. Curl your
fingers so its comfortable
o Palm up, pinky forward, thumb back
o Wrist is going to snap
o Elbow is up and away from your body
Partner Pass (2:00-2:15)
- Working on proper throwing technique of the frisbee with a partner. Once you have thrown and caught a
frisbee successfully 10 times, both people take about 5 steps more away from each other.
- This is so everyone can practice their throwing techniques at different distances, which is very important
for ultimate frisbee.
Bucket Jam (2:15-2:30)
- You will be throwing your frisbee towards the bucket in front of you trying to get it into the bucket in a
short number of throws. This is a race. Your teams are already made up.
- There are 3 buckets
- As a group, you will be standing behind a pylon.
- The first person will throw their frisbee, and count how many throws it takes to get into the bucket. As

soon as the first persons frisbee lands in the bucket, the next person in line will go
- First group done will sit down.
- Run through one more time. Moving the buckets farther back from the pylons.
Activity #3 (if there is time)
- The whole class is going to make a giant circle
- We are going to start with one frisbee
- You are going to pass it to someone across from you, make sure you say their name before throwing it.
- Depending on how it goes, we may add a second frisbee
- This is working on your aim and throwing accuracy

Take in the equipment and wipe it down and put it away
Students sanitize their hands
Students can go change

Reflective Notes:

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