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1. What is the significant impact of modern inventions on life?

How can inventions help

people enjoy life?....................................................................................................................2
2. How do inventions change our life? Which of them can you consider the most or the least
3. What is the important invention before the age of the computer?........................................4
4. How has the mobile changed the way people communicate?...............................................5
5. Do you agree that technological advances are always good?...............................................6
6. How is it important for great innovators to possess some essential qualities to change the
7. What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind? What are some of the greatest
technological achievements of all time?..................................................................................8
8. ‘ By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be convincing as people’ What
do you think about this prediction made by Ray Kurzweil, inventor & futurologist? How do
you feel about the future of technology?.................................................................................9
9. How is it important to choose the appropriate advertising campaign for a product? Why?.10
10. What makes an effective advertising campaign? Why?....................................................11
11. What type of advertisement would influence you to try a new product?............................12
12. Which of the marketing techniques might influence you to buy (or not buy) the product?
13. Are there any brands which you think have a really good logo or slogan? Does it make you
want to buy the products?......................................................................................................14
14. What factors are essential in making a good advertisement? / What makes an ad
15. What are the harmful and the beneficial effects of advertising?.......................................16
16. What marketing techniques can advertisers use to make sure consumers notice their
product? Which techniques are the most effective?...............................................................17
17. What are the important rules of brainstorming?..............................................................18
18.What are the essential steps one should take to protect ideas from being plagiarized?.......19
19. What things should one keep in mind when criticizing ideas of other people? Which
techniques and phrases are good to use?...............................................................................20
20. What is IP? Do you agree that it is the oil of the 21st century? Give reasons....................21
1. What is the significant impact of modern inventions on life? How can
inventions help people enjoy life?
We live in the Information Age also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or
New Media Age. So it’s clear that almost everyone has a mobile, a personal laptop
or a computer, a credit card; some people have smart watches, smart kettles, smart
TVs, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners robot, VR goggles. And, undoubtedly, this
devices and all modern inventions as a whole influence our life and our habits.
Actually, it’s two side of the same coin.
Let me start with drawbacks. First of all, all the inventions cause damage to the
environment. Because it is needed a lot of natural wealth (metal, petrol, coal) for
producing modern inventions. Remember smartphones that just revolutionised all
the world? And look where that got us eventually. Now people prefer to spend
more than 5 hours watching TikTok. It does harm to our health and lifestyle,
makes us addictive. But why do they waste their time? Haven’t they any household
chores? Nope!
Modern inventions also are the best for saving your time. There is a vacuum
cleaners robot so you don’t have to clean the floor anymore! Apart from vacuum
cleaner robot, there are a lot of useful things as well as solar battery that heats your
home. Moreover, new medical technologies have a special place in our life,
because nowadays specialists using some machines can raise human cells and even
Thanks to technology, we can do many pleasant things, for example, communicate
with relatives and see them, even if they are very far away. We can spend more
time with friend because less time is needed for washing, cleaning and cooking.
All these little things make our life more enjoyable, although at first glance they
may seem insignificant.
2. How do inventions change our life? Which of them can you consider
the most or the least successful?
The inventions have had a stunning change in human life. I have to say that
inventions make out life easier, now we have a lot of devices for household chores,
so we don’t have to spend a lot of time for it. Thanks to technology, we can do
many pleasant things, for example, communicate with relatives and see them, even
if they are very far away.
Let’s move on to the most successful inventions. I can say there are smartphones
and the Internet, but let’s not forget about electricity. Imagine we didn’t have it,
what would we do without smartphones, the Internet, without light bulbs etc.? All
this things were created with (?) electricity. Now, turning to out health. The most
useful invention for me are antibiotics. Antibiotics have allowed people to be
treated at home. It certainly saved many lives.
I'd like to move on to the least successful inventions. Let me illustrate this by wrist
radio that was expected to revolutionize communication, but had a serious
drawback; it could not be used over a long range and communication breakdowns
were common. And as for the other example, there was a mask that was made by
Linda Evans. The famous actress advertised a mask that was supposed to smooth
out wrinkles. The mask was intimidating, and people did not buy an unaesthetic-
looking device. And actually electric shocks do harm to consumers’ face.
All in all, there are a huge amount of inventions, and you know some of them are
brilliant and useful for our life, but also everyday people create some stupid and
dangerous stuffs.
3. What is the important invention before the age of the computer?
We were born in the Computer Age, this age is full of the most impressive
inventions, that everyday make our life easier and more comfortable. But what
about inventions that were made before?
I think the important invention before the age of computer is TV. TV has been an
important invention in our society because it provides a lot of useful information as
well as entertainment. One of the advantages of TV is obviously that it is very easy
to get useful information relatively in a short period of time. However, there are
other drawbacks, too. Sometimes TV shows too much violence, which might do
harm to children and teenagers.
All in all, TV is a father of computers and other gadgets, imagine TV was not
invented, what would we do? Plow fields? Milk a cow? Undoubtedly, this
invention transformed our life, TV started this chain of technological inventions
for our enjoyment.
4. How has the mobile changed the way people communicate?

Once upon a time, people had limited options for exchanging information with one
another. It’s probably hard for younger students today to imagine a world where
you could only communicate by actually talking directly to another person, face to
face or via telephone.
We can communicate faster and more cost-effectively. If you’re in the same room
with someone, there’s certainly nothing faster than just opening your mouth and
talking. But in our global economy, many of the people we need to communicate
with are in different locations. Technology allows us to easily connect with people
worldwide using our choice of forums. We don’t have to wait for a stamped letter
to make its way across the miles or rack up a big long-distance phone bill; instead
via the Internet we can instantly reach almost anyone whether through email,
instant message, social media, or countless apps. As the speed of communicating
has ramped up, costs have been dramatically reduced.
But there are some drawbacks of using the mobile for communication. I know
some people who are afraid of real communication with real people, not in the
chat, and they have some problems with waiters, passers in case they ask for a way
Let’s imagine some situation that illustrates our communication. My friend and I
wanted to go out, we found some picturesque place in the centre of the
Krasnoyarsk. But a few moments later we usually become bored and we just scroll
TikTok or Instagram without talking because we talk in the chat. And this
situation, I suppose, demonstrates almost all people.
All in all, phones are unsurpassed devise that give us a lot of useful functions, but
having acquired it, we have lost our real live communication and sometimes real
5. Do you agree that technological advances are always good?
There is an opinion that technological advances don’t have any drawbacks. And for
me it is a bizarre belief. But each thing in the world have as a positive effect as
Firstly, technological advances can do harm to a person. Many people have lost
jobs and money due to advances in technology. I have to say that because of
technological advances we have a lot of free time and then we have quality time
and me time.
What about society? Is it good? I think so. Medical advances have saved many
countless lives. Doctors now can treat some dreadful illness that were incurable
some years ago.
Have you ever mused how many things we can control? We can control everything
in the world from animals to environment. Once we adjusted to the environment
but now people capitalize it (использовать для своей выгоды). Just remember
windswept, solar batteries and hydroelectric power plants.

All in all, technological advances are good for society, but not always. The
environment suffers that’s why people suffer: they can’t breathe or lose their job.
and as technology advances we only achieve more control over our environment.
From an evolutionary standpoint? Yes, technology is always good.
6. How is it important for great innovators to possess some essential
qualities to change the world?
An innovator is someone who brings new value to the world around them. It could
be a new product, an improved way of getting something done. It could be in small
or large forms, but (in general) it relates to introducing some form of significant
positive change. Seeing an opportunities and acting on them.

Encouragement of Risk Taking

Innovators realize that taking risks is part of making great discoveries and
advancing society. Great innovators encourage risk taking in others.

Innovators Teach Others

Great innovators realize that new ideas and implementation can’t end with them.
They bring others along on the journey, training them how to think in new ways. In
this way, they build entire teams of forward-thinkers. When innovation best
practices and mindsets are shared widely, entire industries can benefit.
Staying Positive
As an innovator, you have to keep a good attitude. You can’t assume that
something won’t work simply because it hasn’t been done that way before.
Innovators realize that if you do what you’ve always done, you get what you’ve
always gotten. Stay positive and you’ll see new ideas work out in surprising ways!

Being a Team Player

The stereotype of an innovator as a trouble-maker that no one enjoys working with
is false. Great innovators know that groundbreaking solutions never happen
without the help of others.
All in all, great innovators share these main qualities. If you recognize these
qualities in yourself, you may need to give yourself more credit! If you’re looking
to become a great innovator, these are the qualities to develop.
7. What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind? What are
some of the greatest technological achievements of all time?
If someone ask people what is the worst invention of the mankind, somebody
answer something like the Internet or television, but, to be honest, they are totally
wrong. The most dreadful invention that is connected with killing people.
For instance, Gas Chamber. This killed millions and was the preferred method of
death during the Holocaust. There is no benefit for having the gas chamber and is
one of dozens of inventions that just add no good to this world.
Let me move to another example. After the instant death of most life forms in the
impact zone, radioactive particles rain down from the sky, contaminating the air,
water, soil and food supply for thousands of miles. Then there are the genetic
mutations seen in humans, animals and plants after they’re exposed to radiation.
As for the best technological achievements of all time, I suppose they are
connected with our development as being human. Imagine we didn’t have (?)
electricity, what would we do without smartphones, the Internet, without light
bulbs etc.? All this things were created with it. Now, turning to out health. The
most useful invention for me are antibiotics. Antibiotics have allowed people to be
treated at home. It certainly saved many lives.
All in all, this is hard to choose the only one example of the worst invention, there
are a lot of things that cause damage to the environment and people’s health. And
that is not easier to choose the best achievements, because you can find a long list
of inventions that just revolutionised our life and habits to the best( в лучшую
сторону?) .
8. ‘ By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be
convincing as people’ What do you think about this prediction made by
Ray Kurzweil, inventor & futurologist? How do you feel about the
future of technology?
American author, inventor and futurist Raymond Kurzweil has become well known
for his predictions about artificial intelligence and the human species, mainly
concerning the technological singularity. He predicts that Artificial Intelligence
would outsmart the human brain in computational capabilities by mid-21st century.
Ray Kurzweil said that before build a real human-computer relationships,
the computers would have to pass the famous Turing test. A Turing test is an
experiment in which the experimenter communicates with one person and one
computer, but does not know which of them is who. The task of the experimenter
during the conversation is to determine which of the interlocutors is the computer.
And it is claimed that Duplex, an artificial intelligence voice technology, released
by Google, passed the Turing test.
To be honest, I can’t imagine reality like this and I’m afraid of a human-
computer relationships. Maybe it’s all because of some films that illustrate our
future life when computers and other devices will have emotional intelligence.
I refer you to the film called “She”, which illustrates what our life might be.
Theodore is a lonely writer, he buys a new technical development - an operating
system designed to fulfill any user's desire. To Theodore's surprise, a romance
soon arises between him and the operating system. And he suffers because she is
not a real person, he can’t hug and kiss her.
All in all, I’m not Ray Kurzweil to predict future technologies. As for my
feeling about the future of technology, it would be okay, if machines stay in the
devices, not change real people and real communication.
9. How is it important to choose the appropriate advertising campaign
for a product? Why?
All businesses need promotion. And it seems to me that the appropriate
advertising campaign plays a crucial role in the position of the product on the
market, because relevant and convincing advertising can help not only promote a
product, but also dominate the market. But why is it so important nowadays?
The first reason is that these days the market is oversaturated with a great variety
of products and brands. Therefore, without a clear advertising strategy and target
audience, the product simply cannot reach the final consumer. For example, if a
brand is targeting teenagers as a consumer, there is no point in newspaper
advertisement. It’s better to use TV commercials or pop-ups on websites. That’s
the main reason why I think ad placement is an essential part of appropriate
advertising campaign. Moreover, in modern society it is really important to have
an appropriate brand positions or policy in relation to some social issues and
agenda. To illustrate, now the trend is the representation of social and national
minorities, body positivity and self-love. If a brand in its advertising campaign
begins to promote the necessity of following the standards of female beauty or say
that a fat body is ugly, then this will cause a negative reaction and do harm to the
To summarize, the success of a company is made up of many things: company
policy, target audience, ad placement, even advertising message. All of these parts
must be appropriate for the advertising campaign to work effectively.
10. What makes an effective advertising campaign? Why?
It seems to me that the advertising campaign plays a crucial role in the position of
the product on the market. Convincing advertising can help not only promote a
product, but also dominate the market. Therefore, many companies use different
marketing techniques to make their advertising campaign effective. So, you may
ask what steps should be taken to increase the effectiveness of the advertising
campaign? Let’s take a closer look.
Firstly, it is targeting your audience. Brands have to define the target audience for
its product. Because, having an idea of what your average consumer is, you can
work directly with them, addressing their needs and desires. Secondly, you as a
brand should explain to the consumer why your product leaves all other products
in the shade. For example, you can make the consumer see a gap in the market and
show how your product successfully fills it. In other words, make people think that
your product is innovative and they will immediately want to buy it. Thirdly,
special attention should be paid to the commercial. Companies have to try their
best to create catchy, memorable, maybe even bizarre commercial. Everything
possible to catch customers’ eye. For instance, it can be a haunting melody as a
jingle or an inspiring slogan.
To sum up, all these ways will help brands that want to successfully launch their
product. Of course, these techniques are not the only ones, but the most effective in
my opinion.
11. What type of advertisement would influence you to try a new
In modern society, we are surrounded by advertisements that we may not even
notice. Every day we come across advertisements on the Internet, on TV, even on
the streets and on buses. The most common ways of advertising are magazine and
newspaper advertisement, TV commercials, outdoor advertising such as billboards
and posters, celebrity endorsement, product placement, social media ads, pop-ups
on websites and so on.
I hardly watch TV or listen to radio, but as an active Internet user, I am subscribed
to many bloggers, whose videos and stories I regularly watch on YouTube and
Instagram. Many of the bloggers recommend or advertise various products, from
cosmetics to devices. Most often, after such recommendations, I want to try this or
that product, because I trust the opinion of these influencers and I know that they
are experienced in their field as well as they are responsible in relation of choosing
the advertiser. Based on this, I can say that the bloggers endorsement has a very
strong influence on me. Another type of advertising that I did not mention at the
very beginning is word-of-mouth advertising. In other words, it is a friend’s
recommendation. I often ask friends for advice when it comes to choosing different
services such as a food delivery or a good hairdresser. It is always safer to go to a
hotel that your relatives have already visited, or make an appointment with a
doctor who cured your friend.
All in all, I am more influenced by the recommendations of people I know rather
than by TV commercials or outdoor advertising.
12. Which of the marketing techniques might influence you to buy (or
not buy) the product? Why?
All businesses need promotion because convincing advertising can help not only
promote a product, but also dominate the market. Therefore, many companies use
different marketing techniques to make their advertising campaign effective.
Among the most popular techniques there are classic ones such as sandwich boards
or flyer distribution and modern ones (for instance, bloggers endorsement, pop-ups
or having accounts on social networks).
Frankly speaking, modern marketing techniques seem to grab my attention more.
As an active Internet user, I am subscribed to many bloggers, whose videos and
stories I regularly watch on YouTube and Instagram. Many of the bloggers
recommend or advertise various products, from cosmetics to devices. Most often,
after such recommendations, I want to try this or that product, because I trust the
opinion of these influencers and I know that they are experienced in their field as
well as they are responsible in relation of choosing the advertiser. Based on this, I
can say that the bloggers endorsement as a marketing technique has a very strong
influence on me. Moreover, I trust companies that have social media accounts
more than companies that don't have social media accounts. It appeals to me that
most of the companies organize various sweepstakes and secret promotions for
their subscribers. For example, they give away promotional codes and discounts.
All in all, I find online marketing techniques to be more effective for companies
and more enjoyable for consumers.
13. Are there any brands which you think have a really good logo or
slogan? Does it make you want to buy the products?
I already told you about one of the iconic advertising campaigns which really
impressed me. This is an ad campaign presented by Apple with catchy slogan
"Think different" and meaningful posters that depict the greatest people such as
Thomas Edison, Alfred Hitchcock, Gandhi and so on.
It is necessary to understand the historical background to fully appreciate this
slogan. Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs chose this slogan because he considered his
target audience to be people who stand out in the crowd. He claimed specifically
that “you always had to be a little different to buy an Apple computer”. Jobs was
right in some way. At the time, Apple technology was innovative. They have
created a completely new operating system. That is why their computers were
Using this slogan, Apple encourages people to open their minds with their
products, become as great as historical figures. This message seems to be strong
and motivating. In my opinion, it attracts people's attention, because we all want to
believe in our uniqueness. And that is what advertising gave the audience — a
sense of belonging to something specials and meaningful.
This message really appeals to me and I would totally buy an Apple computer.
14. What factors are essential in making a good advertisement? / What
makes an ad memorable?
All businesses need promotion. And it seems to me that the advertising campaign
plays a crucial role in the position of the product on the market, because
memorable and convincing advertisement can help not only promote a product, but
also dominate the market. So, you may ask what exactly make an ad memorable?
How to catch potential client’s eye?
Well, first of all, company have to create catchy or motivating slogan. Great
examples of this are Just Do It, Think Different, Because You're Worth It.
Catchphrase should reflect the spirit of the brand and convey a message. To make
people remember the phrase better, you can add a recognizable melody as a jingle
to it. Remember the McDonald's tune? I hear her in my head every time I stumble
across their slogan “I'm lovin' it“, and vice versa.
Another way to make your product advertisement memorable is to add a mascot to
it. Animal mascots are considered especially successful because they are cute,
funny and enjoyable to look at. Think about cute penguins for Kinder Pingui,
Duracell’s hyperactive bunny, The Milka cow. Would ads have become so popular
without these characters? I'm not really sure about that.
Speaking of the ad itself, the plot of advertisement is becoming more and more
important lately. Some brands try to fit the whole story into their ad inviting
famous directors to make a commercial. And they manage to do it. These ads are
always very touching and bitter-sweet. One of the latest examples is Coca-Cola's
Christmas advert directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Taika Waititi. This is a
story about a father who promised his daughter to give her letter to Santa Claus.
All in all, a memorable advertisement is made up of many things: a slogan, a
jingle, a mascot and a plot. All of these parts must be responsibly chosen for the
advertisement to work effectively and be noticeable.
15. What are the harmful and the beneficial effects of advertising?

In modern society, we are surrounded by advertisements that we may not even

notice. Every day we come across advertisements on the Internet, on TV, even on
the streets and on buses. There are lots of ways of advertising such as magazine
and newspaper advertisement, TV commercials, outdoor advertising, celebrity
endorsement, product placement, social media ads, pop-ups on websites and so on.
All this has a very strong effect on us, but we don't even think about it. So, let's
look at how advertising influences us, society and our life in general.
Speaking about the benefits, we can say about a number of positive effects on
economy. According to the International Advertising Association, advertising can
encourage companies to compete and provide new products. This encourages more
consumers to buy because these products meet the needs and wants of more
consumers. So, the economy is positively affected. In addition, advertising can
help create more jobs. As the demand for products and services goes up because of
advertising, more people are needed to manufacture, supply, ship and test those
products and services. Thus, more jobs are created.
Advertising also has social impact as it creates a higher standard of living. The
experience of the advanced nations shows that advertising is greatly responsible for
raising the living standards of the people. By bringing to the knowledge of the
consumers different variety and better quality products, it has helped a lot in
increasing the standard of living in a developing economy like India.
And now let's consider harmful effects. The most obvious answer is that
advertising distorts reality and creates unrealistic expectations. All advertisements
tend to display the products and services in the best possible light. And many
advertisements often tend to cross the line of a little exaggeration to falsely
representing the product or the service. Moreover, it creates unrealistic body image
expectations. Our self-image is definitely being affected. Most men in ads have abs
and perfect hair and teeth. For women, it's even worse. The standards of beauty set
in advertising are beyond ridiculous, and even when advertisers try and empathize,
they still come out with ads that heavily favor good-looking women.
All in all, advertising influences not only us, but society as a whole. This influence
is both harmful and the beneficial so we have to be careful with it.
16. What marketing techniques can advertisers use to make sure
consumers notice their product? Which techniques are the most
All businesses need promotion because convincing advertising can help not only
promote a product, but also dominate the market. Therefore, many companies use
different marketing techniques to make their advertising campaign effective.
Among the most popular techniques there are classic ones (such as sandwich
boards and flyer distribution or TV commercials and magazine advertisements)
and modern ones (for instance, bloggers endorsement, product placement, social
media ads, pop-ups or having accounts on social networks).
Speaking of efficiency, it must be said that each marketing technique is good in its
own way and works for individual target groups. The point I am making is the
effectiveness of the techniques depends on the target audience of the brand. For
example, if a brand is targeting teenagers as a consumer, there is no point in
newspaper advertisement. It’s better to use TV commercials or pop-ups on
websites. But does this mean that newspaper advertising is not effective? Not at
As for me, modern marketing techniques seem to grab my attention more. Take the
case of active Internet users. As the one of them, I am subscribed to many
bloggers, whose videos and stories I regularly watch on YouTube and Instagram.
Many of the bloggers recommend or advertise various products, from cosmetics to
devices. Most often, after such recommendations, we want to try this or that
product, because we trust the opinion of these influencers and we know that they
are experienced in their field as well as they are responsible in relation of choosing
the advertiser. Based on this, I can say that the bloggers endorsement as a
marketing technique has a very strong influence on internet users including me.
Moreover, I trust companies that have social media accounts more than companies
that don't have social media accounts. It appeals to me that most of the companies
organize various sweepstakes and secret promotions for their subscribers. For
example, they give away promotional codes and discounts.
All in all, there are lots of marketing techniques which advertisers use to make sure
consumers notice their product and I showed how the most effective ones work
giving a personal example.
17. What are the important rules of brainstorming?
Brainstorming is one of the most effective ways to create a lot of ideas for the topic
you have. But, to make your brainstorming successful you need to lead some rules.
And I'll give you three main rules.
The first one sounds like "Quantity is more important than quality". In
brainstorming it isn't enough to give just one brilliant idea. It will be much better if
you are torn between one idea and another than you have none at all.
The second one is the idea of having a time limit. It's really important because
people often come up with their best ideas when they are in a hurry. And even
dreadful and bizarre ideas can be combined into something amazing while
discussing later.
And the last idea is writing down all your thoughts. Choose a person who writes or
types very quickly whatever everyone says. Because you can develop the ideas
further unless they are lost.
In conclusion, I'd like to say there are innumerous ways of generating ideas but one
of the best and the most effective methods is brainstorming.
18.What are the essential steps one should take to protect ideas from
being plagiarized?
Protecting your work from plagiarism is a major challenge. Computers and the
internet were basically made for copying and that means anyone who has access to
your work can copy it and, if they wish, plagiarize it.
Legal protection falls into three basic categories: copyrights, trademarks, and
First of all, it is a copyright. Copyrights cover artistic, musical, and literary
works, such as paintings, lyrics, books, photographs, etc. Copyright is
automatically created when a person creates a copyrightable work that is original.
There is no need to register such an original work for it to be copyrighted. As soon
as someone creates an original piece of art, for example, they have automatic
copyright on the resulting work.
The second one is a trademark. Trademarks apply to words, names, or symbols
intended to identify and distinguish goods or services of one manufacturer from
another. Like copyrights, you are not compelled to register your trademark for
protection. Use of the mark gives you rights to it. But with registration you gain
the exclusive right to use the registered mark on the goods or services and others
cannot use a confusingly similar mark.
The third and the last category is a patent. Patents protect inventors' rights to their
inventions. Unlike copyrights, there is no such thing as an automatic patent.
Obtaining a patent can be slow and costly, taking up to 2 years and costing in the
six figure range.
To sum up you shouldn’t share your ideas and inventions unless you get the legal
19. What things should one keep in mind when criticizing ideas of other
people? Which techniques and phrases are good to use?
It seems easy to criticize someone’s ideas or works, but to be honest most people
do not know how to criticize correctly, they use negative and non-constructive
ways of criticism. Nonconstructive criticism is not a criticism at all because
negative criticism is focused on finding the drawbacks and expressing disapproval,
while real criticism should give you a positive feedback which helps a person find
a pattern of how to do something right.
First of all, stay calm. You’ll create a climate of “let’s find a solution together,” in
which you and your partner stand together against the common enemy — a
mistake. Secondly, you should be patient and wise, the aim of criticism is to
correct someone, not abuse. And you should keep in mind that no one is ideal
person and everybody can make mistakes. In addition to this, criticizing in private
is also essential. Test after test has proved that this gets better results than criticism
in public.
As for some phrases. In case you don’t like the idea of a person, it would better to
say it in direct but appropriate way. For example, put yourself in consumer role or
the role of someone whom this idea should be presented to. There are some
phrases: It wouldn’t be my first choice or It doesn’t grab me. You don’t say
straight away that your idea is dreadful! You just make some polite comment.
Also, you can direct a person, using the phrase: “I think we’re on the wrong track
And there could be cool to ask a person about his or her idea, like How does the
idea grab you? It helps a person to think carefully about the idea.
All in all, Bodo Shef said “The one who is always praised - feels good, but has no
chance to develop. Constructive criticism is not always pleasant, but helpful.”
20. What is IP? Do you agree that it is the oil of the 21st century? Give
Intellectual Property (IP) such as patents, trade marks and designs are a key driver
for innovation and creativity. What does oil have in common with IP? Both create
wealth. While the availability of oil is limited, IP as data leads to increasing
amounts of new developments and ideas. But let’s take a closer look on this.
The first reason why it is so crucial nowadays is that intellectual property rights
enable authors, artists, designers, inventors and other creators to benefit when
others use their creations and inventions. Companies that own IPRs perform better
in economic terms; they have more employees, pay higher salaries and generate
more revenue per employee.
In addition to this, the patents that companies get today can tell us a lot about
what’s going to happen tomorrow, they determine future steps in technologies. As
an example, Apple has filed 54 patents to turn its iPhone into a medical device that
can monitor biometric data such as blood pressure and body fat levels. IP is a basis
of every scientific invention, which could revolutionize the way we live.
And the last and not the least Intellectual Property Helps Generate Breakthrough
Solutions to Global Challenges. Innovative agricultural companies are creating
new products to help farmers produce more and better products for the world’s
hungry while reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. IP-driven
discoveries in alternative energy and green technologies will help improve energy
security and address climate change.
All in all, without protection of ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap
the full benefits of their inventions and would focus less on research and

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