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B.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management
Institute of Quality and Technology Management, University of the Punjab
IE- 326 L: Metrology and Control Engineering
Academic Session: Semester 6 (2017-21)
CLOs Domain PLOs
CLO 1: Perform experiments on different line graduated
Psychomotor 2 1
instruments, gauges, analogue & digital instruments.
CLO 5: Follow safety and general instructions while
Affective 2 8
performing experiments in the lab


Name and Roll Number: _______Syed Ali Shan (IE-17-27)


Domai Weightage Weighted

Criteria CLO Score
n (%) Score
The procedure followed to collect data is according to the
1 P2 30
Relevant tool(s) and technique(s) were applied correctly. 1 P2 40

Instructions related to safety and ethics were followed. 5 A2 30

Total 100
9-10 (Excellent): All criteria met/ followed with rare 5-6 (Fair): Many criteria are not met/ followed and/ or
mistakes. there are a plethora of mistakes.
7-8 (Good): Most criteria met/ followed with few 3-4 (Poor): Most criteria met/ followed with rare
mistakes. mistake.
0-2 (No Effort): No/ Little effort put into meeting

Signed by Course Teacher/

Lab Instructor

Experiment # 12:
To verify the flatness, parallelism, and ovality of the given specimen using a dial indicator.

1. Objectives
Students will be able to
1. Learn about the basics of the dial indicator.
2. Usability of the dial indicator.

2. Equipment
1. Dial Indicator
2. Suitable Specimen for Measurement

3. Dial Indicator
Dial Indicator or dial gauge is widely used as lightweight and compact gauge for
measurement in different areas. On a dial indicator, a minute displacement of the spindle is
magnified and converted into a change of the pointer’s angular position on the dial face. The
pointer will revolve from one tur to several dozen turns depending on the type of the indicator.
The magnified displacement is easy to read on the dial face, which makes the dial indicator
useful for measuring the geometric tolerances like flatness, parallelism, angularity etc.

Figure 1: Dial Indicator

2. How to Use
Step 1. Dial indicator should have an attachment that can use to secure it to a stand. The stand
will stabilize the dial indicator while measurements. If stand won’t available then it
would difficult to calibrate the dial.
Step 2. The outer dial face can be moved by twisting the rim of the dial. Spin the outer face
until the hand hovers over zero. Calibration measurements will ensure that the dial
indicator does read measurements starting at zero. In case of error, dial can rotate to
zero to remove the zero error.
Step 3. Displace the spindle five times using the same surface. Move the spindle quickly for
some measurements and slowly for others. Write down each of the five measurements
to check for deviations. If the reading is same or close enough to the initial reading than
dial is read to use.
Step 4. To take a measurement, it needs to displace space on the spindle. Align the base of the
spindle with the item to be measured. Push the dial indicator against the item, counting
the number of revolutions made to double-check your accuracy. Hold the gauge in
place to take measurement.
Step 5. Depending on how the small gauge is labeled, it could count just the revolutions or
track the measurement.
Step 6. If the small gauge shows only revolutions or does not provide a clear measurement,
take the number of marks displaced and multiply it by the length that is represented by
one revolution.
Step 7. The big outer face should be marked with 100 notches. Most dial indicators will be
labeled at the 5’s or 10’s to make it easier to read. Determine which marker the hand
best lines up with, then take down the number.
Step 8. Take both the small gauge and large gauge measurements and add them together.
3. Calculations

Item # Flatness Parallelism

1 0.33 0.45
2 0.55 0
3 0.25 0.15

4 0.34 0.29

5 0.33

Item # Ovality

1 0.0
2 1
3 1.38
4 1.58
5 2

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