Homework 1 - Review of Determinate Structural Analysis: Due Date: 2 February 2017

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AMERICAN UNIVERISTY OF BEIRUT Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

CIVE 411 Instructor: Mayssa Dabaghi

Homework 1 – Review of Determinate Structural Analysis

Due Date: 2 February 2017


o HW is due at the beginning of class. Late submissions will not be accepted.
o Use FE paper, write neatly, and staple.
o You are allowed to discuss and work on homework problems collaboratively, but each student should
submit an individual homework.
o There is a ZERO-TOLERANCE policy on cheating and plagiarism.
o Keep a copy of your submitted HW; it may take time for graded HW to be returned. Solutions will be
posted on MOODLE.
o Bring your questions to Office Hours (Tu 4:30-6 pm, Th 2:30-4 pm)

1. Analysis of Trusses

Review the following:

• Equilibrium equations
• Method of joints
• Method of sections
• Zero-force members

Problem 1:

Compute the reactions and the internal forces in all members of the trusses shown in the figures below.

Remember: For each member, indicate whether it is in tension (T) or compression (C).

Truss (a) Truss (b)

AMERICAN UNIVERISTY OF BEIRUT Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
CIVE 411 Instructor: Mayssa Dabaghi

2. Analysis of Beams and Frames

Review the following:

• Equilibrium equations
• Computing and drawing axial, shear, and moment diagrams
• Computing deflections using the conjugate-beam method

Note: You have probably studied other methods of computing deflections in CIVE 410, e.g., the double
integration and virtual work methods. In CIVE 411, we will mostly use the conjugate-beam and virtual
work methods. The virtual work method will be reintroduced later during the course.

Problem 2:

The steel beam shown in the figure below has a constant 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸.
(a) Compute the reactions and draw the shear and moment diagrams.
(b) Use the conjugate beam method to determine: the vertical displacement at C and the slope at B

Problem 3:

The three hinged frame shown below is subjected to the load of 5 k. The members are pin-connected at A,
C, and E, and fixed connected at the knee joints B and D.

Compute the reactions and draw the axial, shear and moment diagrams.
AMERICAN UNIVERISTY OF BEIRUT Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
CIVE 411 Instructor: Mayssa Dabaghi

3. Moment by Parts Method (or method of superposition).

It is a method to construct moment diagrams using the principle of superposition. It is particularly useful
when using the conjugate-beam and virtual work methods of computing deflections.

Problem 4:

Start by reading section 4.5 in the textbook (see Review material on moment by parts – posted on

Draw the moment diagram for the beam shown below using the method of moment by parts. Consider the
beam to be cantilevered at B.

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