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Classroom Rules

1. Turn all assignments on the due date

2. Follow directions the first time
3. Do not throw objects across the room
4. Show active listening
5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

1. This guarantees you will receive full credit for your work. Turning in an assignment late will result in a
maximum grade of a 70.
2. We have a lot of material to cover in a class period. Following my instructions the first time will keep me
from repeating myself and allow us to maximize our time together.
3. You could injure someone or break something by throwing things.
4. Pressing active listening lets the speaker know that you care about what they have to say. It also
ensures that you are focused and ready to learn.
5. You could bother someone or accidentally injure them.

1. Verbal warning
2. Written warning (either name on board or mover closepin)
3. Class job taken away
4. Phone call or email home (if they are in athletics, contact coach)
5. Office referral

1. Rock star points (5 points=Candy, 10=5 points added to lowest grade)
2. Good email home
3. Pick music for class that day

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