Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-7-20

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moNdaY | deCember 7, 2020


Reed Ridge Local florist delivers flowers,
Circle shooting joy out of house on the hill
No suspects in custody;
victim in hospital

Starkville police are looking for

suspects in an early-morning shoot-
ing on Reed Ridge Circle, Public In-
formation Officer Brandon Lovela-
dy told The Dispatch this morning.
SPD responded to a call of shots
fired outside a residence at 4:43
a.m., Lovelady said. The victim
was taken to a hospital outside
Starkville for further treatment for
their injuries.
Lovelady said the victim is a
29-year-old male.
No arrests have been made at
this time.
Anyone with information on the
shooting is asked to call SPD at
662-323-4131 or Golden Triangle
Crime Stoppers at 800-530-7151.


Analysis: Public
health officials Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
Monti King, owner of Flowers by the Bunch in Starkville for 15 years, poses for a portrait in her workshop Wednes-
under strain day afternoon. Monti and her husband, Jason, run the shop out of a house on the hill near the intersection of
Louisville Street and Highway 12. Passionate about floral design, Monti said she enjoys seeing fresh life in the
amid pandemic store every day. “Every flower is different,” she said.

Mississippi had about Monti King: ‘Every

4,000 coronavirus single day is different’
deaths by late last week BY YUE STELLA YU

The Associated Press
onti King bent down and
extended her hand to put
JACKSON — Mis- Todd at ease. The 4-year-
sissippi public health old Chihuahua stood at the door
officials are working and stared back at his owner, his
long hours during paws scratching the door frame.
the coronavirus pan- “He’s telling us, ‘It’s time to go
demic, providing home,’” King said of Todd, giggling.
information about Todd was looking forward to
caseloads and giving the closing hour Wednesday of
warnings that many
Dobbs Flowers by the Bunch, a Starkville
people choose to simply ignore. floral shop King and her husband,
The strain has been evident for Jason, have owned for 15 years. The
couple started the business togeth- Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
months on the face of the state Monti King pets her 4-year-old Chihuahua, Todd, who she said is looking
er out of a storefront on Jackson
health officer, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, forward to going home at sundown Wednesday afternoon. King jokingly
Street, Monti said, which had been
an infectious disease specialist who calls Todd “fat cat” and “sweet boy.”
a 25-year balloon shop named “Bal-
served as Mississippi’s state epide-
loons by Chi Chi.”
miologist before being named to makeshift workshop. What used to the solution to an algebra problem.
At the time, she said, her young-
the top job in the state Health De- be a bedroom is now a walk-in cool- The teacher, however, told her to
est son, Micah, was only six weeks
partment in 2018. er, where Monti stores fresh flowers pay attention.
Like many at the Health Depart- she orders weekly from Miami. “She pointed her finger and she
“He came to the flower shop with
ment, Dobbs has had little time off “We are kind of secluded, but it’s said, ‘Monti, I’ve gone over that
us,” Monti said.
work since the first coronavirus worked perfectly for our business problem three times. You should
Three years later, the Kings
cases were found in Mississippi in model,” Monti said. have listened,’” Monti said. “After
moved their business to where it
March. He and the current state ep- is right now — a yellow house on class, I went up to her and I said
idemiologist, Dr. Paul Byers, have the hill on Louisville Street near its Nurturing: From children … ‘I have dyslexia and it doesn’t
appeared at dozens of news confer- intersection with Highway 12. Until to flowers always come easy. I promise I was
ences to answer questions about the couple bought it, the house Monti found floral design unex- listening. Could you go over it one
COVID-19 — sometimes with Gov. used to be her sons’ day care, Monti pectedly. Diagnosed with dyslexia more time?’”
Tate Reeves and sometimes with said. at the age of 5, she dreamed of be- The confidence to confront her
other physicians from the Missis- It is out of that very yellow house coming a special education teacher teacher, Monti said, came from
sippi State Medical Association. where Monti designs floral arrange- for children with learning disabili- her mother, Frankie Winston, who
During an online news confer- ments for weddings, birthdays, fu- ties — a dream born out of her own cheered her on, studied with her
ence last week, a reporter from nerals and holidays and hands them struggle. and told her she was capable of
WTVA-TV in Tupelo said a local to Jason for delivery. Compared to “Anything to do with learning success. That was something she
physician had questioned the accu- a common gift shop, Monti said the was hard,” Monti said. hoped to pass onto her students and
racy of the rapidly rising numbers house is reclusive — but sufficient. Monti remembers asking her kids, she said.
of coronavirus cases by suggesting The room facing west is now a seventh grade teacher to explain See KING, 6A
that one person being tested three
times counts as three cases. The


1 Name the three programs students competed in Tuesdays in December MEETINGS
during the Microsoft Office Specialist World Champi- Dec. 11: Lowndes
■ Holiday Fun at 501: Bring your
onships. County School
2 What arachnid lent its name in 2017 to a limited lunch and enjoy sounds of the season
District board,
edition Tabasco sauce the company said was the 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Columbus Arts
Council, 501 Main St. Drinks, live 12:30 p.m., Cen-
hottest ever?
3 What country sets records every Singles’ Day, a music and holiday fun provided. Free. tral Office, 1053
November online shopping day that results in better Music by: Dec. 8-Jessica Horton; Hwy. 45 South,
Emmy Beck
sales than Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Dec. 15-Jace Ferraez; Dec. 22-Suzuki Columbus
First grade, Annunciation
4 What is the title of the second “Star Trek” film in Strings. 662-328-2787. Dec. 15: Colum-

49 Low 28
the new reboot series that began in 2009? bus City Council,
High 5 In 2016, a new species of coral reef fish was
Clouds and sun
named after President Obama when it was discov-
ered in the waters of what states?
Thursday 5 p.m., Municipal
Complex, face-
Full forecast on ■ Zoom Books and Authors event:
Answers, 6B
page 3A. The Friends of the Starkville Library
will host Dean James (aka Miranda ColumbusMS/
James) for a Books and Authors Zoom Jan. 11: Colum-

INSIDE event Thursday, Dec. 10 at noon. The bus Municipal

School District
event, is available to the public and Jeremiah Chandler, of
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 4B can be accessed by registering at Starkville, works as a coach at Board of Trustees,
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A Registration Starkville High School and enjoys 6 p.m. Brandon
141st Year, No. 230 Crossword 3B Opinions 4A must be completed by Dec. 9. keeping kids safe. Central Services


2A MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 The Dispatch •

Senator says Trump, McConnell

likely to back COVID-19 relief
Package, which won’t include $1,200 payments to on Friday had expressed hope that
a second wave might come after
most Americans, attached to a year-end spending weekend negotiations.
But senators involved in the talks
bill needed to avert a government shutdown said the checks won’t be included
as part of the compromise, even as
BY HOPE YEN mistic that both those leaders will Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and oth-
The Associated Press come on board.” ers said that could cause them to
With time running out, lawmak- oppose the measure.
WASHINGTON — A proposed ers from both parties were closing Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the
COVID-19 relief bill is expected to in on the final language that would second-ranking Democrat, indicat-
get backing from President Donald provide roughly $300 in extra feder- ed that excluding the checks while
Trump and Senate Majority Leader al weekly unemployment benefits, assuring small-business aid and
Mitch McConnell but it won’t in- leaving the issue of cash payments renters’ assistance was the only
clude $1,200 in direct payments to for President-elect Joe Biden to way to reach agreement with Re-
most Americans, a Republican sen- wrestle over with a new Congress publicans who are putting firm lim-
ator involved in the bipartisan talks next year. its on the bill’s final price tag.
says. The package to be released Mon- “The $1,200 check, it cost we
“President Trump has indicated day would be attached to a larger believe nationally $300 billion, to
that he would sign a $908 billion year-end spending bill needed to give you an idea,” he said. “The
package — there’s only one $908 avert a government shutdown this Democrats have always wanted a
billion package out there and it’s coming weekend. larger number, but we were told we
ours,” Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., said The direct payments were popu- couldn’t get anything through the
Sunday. “The pain of the American lar when they were first distributed Republicans, except this $900 bil-
people is driving this, and I’m opti- after the pandemic hit, and Biden lion level.”

GOP White House hopefuls wait to see what Trump does next
‘Trump is delaying the start of the enormous Twitter bull-
horn and little tolerance
been increasingly vocal
about his desire to follow
2024 campaign in a significant way’ for perceived disloyalty.
“Trump is delaying the
that path.
“I don’t want to wait till
Republican operative Alex Conant start of the 2024 campaign 2024. I want to go back
BY JILL COLVIN of courting fundraisers, in a significant way,” said three weeks,” he said at
The Associated Press building networks and vis- Alex Conant, a Republi- a rally Saturday evening
can operative who served in Georgia. That followed
iting early-voting states
WASHINGTON — as communications direc- comments during a White
— the usual campaign
When a party loses the tor to Florida Sen. Marco House Christmas par-
planning steps — for fear
White House, a new crop Rubio’s 2016 presidential ty this past week when
of angering Trump and
of presidential hopefuls campaign. In a normal Trump said, “We’re trying
risking turning off his
typically begin moving campaign cycle, Conant
large and loyal base. to do another four years.
quickly to lay the ground- said, “you would see po-
And that’s just the Otherwise, I’ll see you in
work for a run in the next tential presidential can-
way the president likes four years.”
didates in Iowa and New
campaign. it, ensuring he stays in Such overtures are
Hampshire this month.”
Not this year. the spotlight and gener- particularly problematic
This year, “That’s not go-
President Donald ating the cash and media ing to happen because no- for the current and for-
Trump’s increasingly coverage he craves. But body wants to be seen as mer administration offi-
overt flirtations with run- strategists say Trump is challenging Trump.” cials considered among
ning again in 2024 are essentially leaving the Grover Cleveland was the likely contenders,
freezing the potentially party in a holding pattern, the last — and so far only including Vice President
vast field of Republican with could-be-candidates — president to win the Mike Pence, Secretary of
candidates. GOP White unable to prepare as they White House after being State Mike Pompeo and
House hopefuls are essen- try to avoid crossing a defeated for reelection, Trump’s former ambassa-
tially left to watch what notoriously unforgiving and that was more than a dor to the United Nations,
Trump does next instead president who has an century ago. Trump has Nikki Haley.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 3A

Schools confront ‘off the rails’ numbers of failing grades

Number of students failing classes has risen with many keeping their camer-
as off during Zoom sessions.
struggling students for in-per-
son learning and in some cases
were told to give 50s instead of
0s to make it less punitive for
by as many as two or three times — with The increase in failing grades
has been seen in districts of all
changing grading policies and
giving students more time to
disengaged students, eighth-
grade English teacher Jody
English language learners and disabled and sizes around the country. complete assignments. Stallings said. “I’m an English
At Jespersen’s school in the Jespersen said his school be- teacher, not a math teacher, but
disadvantaged students suffering the most Salem-Keizer Public School gan to see grades improve after I’ve learned zeros are very, very
district, hundreds of students bringing groups of 300 students devastating to an average,” he
BY CAROLYN THOMPSON us, and that was obviously very initially had not just Fs, but into the building in small co- said.
The Associated Press alarming,” said Erik Jespersen, grade scores of 0.0 percent, in- horts to receive support from Most of the failing grades he
principal of Oregon’s McNary dicating they simply were not teachers, although that recently gives out come from missing
The first report cards of the
High School, where 38 percent participating in school at all. In stopped because of the region’s assignments, not assignments
school year are arriving with
of grades in late October were New Mexico, more than 40 per- rising coronavirus cases. Advi- that were turned in with a lot of
many more Fs than usual in a
failing, compared with 8 per- cent of middle and high school sory teams increased contact wrong answers.
dismal sign of the struggles
students are experiencing with cent in normal times. students were failing at least with students, and teachers “You talk to them later and
distance learning. Educators see a number of one class as of late October. In were asked to temporarily stop they say, `You know I just didn’t
School districts from coast to factors at play: Students learn- Houston, 42 percent of students assigning graded homework. do it. I didn’t know the answer
coast have reported the number ing from home skip assign- received at least one F in the Parents of Hispanic students so I just didn’t do it,’” said Stall-
of students failing classes has ments — or school altogether. first grading period of the year. were invited for a session to ings, who teaches most of his
risen by as many as two or three Internet access is limited or Nearly 40 percent of grades for learn how to access their chil- students in person and the rest
times — with English language inconsistent, making it difficult high school students in St. Paul, dren’s grades online. online simultaneously at Moul-
learners and disabled and disad- to complete and upload assign- Minnesota, were Fs, double the In Charleston, South Caroli- trie Middle School. “When you
vantaged students suffering the ments. And teachers who don’t amount in a typical year. na, administrators and teachers have a kid in person, he’s going
most. see their students in person In response schools have are raising the possibility of to take the test ... Even if he
“It was completely off the have fewer ways to pick up on been ramping up outreach ef- adjusting grading the way they doesn’t know anything, he has
rails from what is normal for who is falling behind, especially forts, prioritizing the return of did in spring, where instructors a chance.”

The following arrests

EPA says flood control
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Kendrick Bowden,
project not subject
28, was charged with bur-
n Joshua Eads, 40, was
to previous veto
charged with possession
of methamphetamine. Bowden Eads Franklin Halbert Harton James New environmental impact
n Mark Franklin, 30,
was charged with posses- statement reverses the Corps’
sion of methamphetamine,
improper equipment and
own previous report that had said
failure to appear.
n Jamal Halbert, 27,
the project would hurt wetlands
was charged with fleeing BY EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS
or eluding in a motor ve- The Associated Press
hicle. Miller Reeves Sanders Shumaker Williams Jones
n Anthony Harton, 39, JACKSON — The U.S. Environmental Protec-
was charged with posses- tion Agency does not object to a revised proposal
sion of cocaine. for a massive flood-control project to pump water
n Christopher James, from parts of the Mississippi Delta, a regional ad-
32, was charged with pos- ministrator for the agency says.
session of methamphet- That’s significant because the EPA vetoed the
amine and public drunk- Yazoo Backwater Project in 2008.
enness. On Oct. 16, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
n Tykeasia Miller, 19, Young Howard Cooper McCoy Ward Smith published a draft of a new environmental impact
was charged with felony statement that supports the project, reversing the
stalking. n Earnest Williams, resisting arrest and pos- na. Corps’ own previous report that had said the proj-
n John Reeves, 36, was 28, was charged with pos- session of marijuana. n Earnest Cooper, 48, ect would hurt wetlands.
charged with felony con- session of meth with in- n Jeremy Young, 23, was charged with pos- Mary S. Walker, an EPA regional administrator
spiracy to commit a crime tent to distribute. was charged with posses- session of controlled sub- in Atlanta, wrote Monday that the Corps of En-
and burglary. sion of a stolen firearm, stance. gineers’ new proposal “provides information and
n Justin Sanders, 30, The following arrests DUI first offense and pos- n Dkerius McCoy, 22, analysis regarding a similar but different Yazoo
was charged with bur- were made by the Oktib- session of marijuana. was charged with robbery. Pumps Project than was previously analyzed.”
glary. beha County Sheriff’s Of- n Demarcus Howard, n Kenney Ward, 34 Walker wrote that the current version of the
n Johnathan Shumak- fice: 30, was charged with sale was charged with aggra- project, which calls for pumps at Deer Creek north
er, 30, was charged with n Kyle Jones, 25, was of cocaine, sale of meth- vated domestic assault. of Vicksburg, is not subject to the EPA’s 2008 veto.
possession of a weapon by charged with disorderly amphetamine, possession n Jennifer Smith, 34, The vetoed plan proposed pumps in other loca-
a felon and possession of conduct on school prop- of controlled substance was charged with a circuit tions.
paraphernalia. erty, disorderly conduct, and possession of marijua- court order. EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in
April 2019 that the agency would reconsider the
decision that blocked the project. The Corps of
Engineers’ recent impact statement said new re-
search shows the project is “not anticipated to con-

vert any wetlands into non-wetlands.”
Environmental groups remain opposed to the
Yazoo Backwater Project. They’ve said for de-
Continued from Page 1A cades that it would be an expensive boondoggle
that would hurt wetlands to help agribusiness.
station reported that the with the medical associa- who have called on the that the mask conversa-
American Rivers, Audubon Mississippi,
person making this as- tion. “‘We’re prioritizing governor to reinstate a tion is distracting from Healthy Gulf and Mississippi Sierra Club said in a
sertion was the director youth sports, not only statewide mask mandate. the real threat” — people joint statement Wednesday: “The EPA’s last-ditch
of some urgent care clin- over academics. We’re ac- “The COVID-19 pan- carrying on with parties effort to modify the veto and greenlight the Yazoo
ics in Tupelo — someone tually prioritizing it over demic has impacted and other nonessential pumps project defies the science, sidesteps the law,
who, it turns out, is not a community health, just to health care delivery at ev- activities while the virus and undermines critical protections Americans
physician but does work be honest. ery level,” said Dr. Claude
is rampant. hold dear for all of our nation’s natural resources.”
in the health care indus- “And I’m not saying Brunson, the association
try. there’s no intrinsic value director. “Our state’s
Dobbs responded loud- to sports,” Dobbs said. “I health care system can-
ly, with anger and frustra- love sports. ... But some- not continue to bear the
tion in his voice. times we’ve got to take overwhelming strain of
“What a bunch of bull a break. Sometimes we the outbreak at its current
crap,” Dobbs said. “How have to modify our stuff. state.”
many times do I have to And, you know, people From early August
tell people? ... One person lost their minds when through late September,
is a case. If you tested a you couldn’t have ... stadi- Reeves had an executive
person 3,000 times, it’s ums full of football folks. order requiring people
one case. Quit buying Please, everybody do a in all parts of Mississippi
into crazy nonsense. This little soul searching and to wear masks in public
is dangerous. People are understand: are we mak- places. Since the order ex-
dying. Quit making up ing the right decision pired, the Republican gov-
stupid excuses, all right? with this? We are all con- ernor has required masks
... We’re working here all nected.” in counties with the high-
night and people are mak- Mississippi’s popula- est rates of virus trans-
ing up B.S. Unbelievable.” tion is just under 3 million, mission. By last week, he
Dobbs has repeatedly and the state had about had a mask mandate in 54
expressed frustration at 4,000 coronavirus deaths of the 82 counties.
people’s insistence on at- by late last week. That’s Dobbs, as head of
tending social events and more than one death for the Health Department,
extracurricular school ac- every 1,000 residents — works closely with the
tivities, including sports a grim marker the state governor and has not
competitions. passed weeks ago. publicly second-guessed
“Our hierarchy of pri- The Mississippi State Reeves on mask policies.
oritization is extreme- Medical Association is- During the news confer-
ly stupid,” Dobbs said sued a statement Nov. 25 ence with Byers last week,
during a Nov. 13 briefing supporting physicians Dobbs said: “I’m worried

The Dispatch
The solunar period indicates

peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
Major 6:51a 7:16p
Minor 12:26a 1:34a
Major — 7:41a
Minor 2:03p 2:37p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Shake up your space
“I like houses to be cozy, beneath. The project result- A paragraph from Chic Simple Home The use of an oversized piece of
comfortable, and personal. ed in moving all the daily states, “memory and wit are qualities art reminded me of a wall hanging in
Not cluttered, but filled with accoutrements from the that personalize space. In a world of a neighbor’s home. The home would
interesting objects and toys shower to the guest bath- mass-produced products and televi- probably be regarded as a tiny house
and as many jokes as I can room. The move and the use sion-defined lifestyles, a room designed yet there on the wall was a painting
get away with.” of another bathroom felt like with a sense of your own signature is about 5 feet by 7 feet. It appeared to
— Candice Bergen, we were a guest in our own crucial. References to personal history be abstract splashes of vibrant paint
American actress home. Not really a bad thing, and a shared colors. The owner
as it broke up a little of the past make a asked, “What do

ere at the Prairie daily humdrum. place unique. you see?” It was
house we’ve been Further investigation Humor in the not until he asked,
sheltering for about of the shower leak proved shape of some- “Do you see
nine months now. It’s not Shannon Bardwell the problem needed to be thing unexpect- Jesus?” that the
particularly hard when you addressed from beneath ed always has portrait became
enjoy being a homebody. the shower floor which a welcoming obvious and de-
Some days pass slowly, but not many. would involve removing a portion of the effect ... a wall lightful.
Perhaps we move slower and find ceiling from the breakfast nook below. stencil that At home Sam
ourselves in projects we hadn’t intend- The breakfast table was removed to the subtly pulls the continued to wind
ed. Then before you know it the sun is sunroom. The dining experience now room together up his project, cre-
sinking and the sunroom starts to feel included a view of nature through the to an oversized ating an extraor-
a bit chilly. It’s time to pull out a book, windows on three sides. Tablecloths piece of art dinary ceiling
a newspaper, a magazine, or one of a were changed to reflect Thanksgiving, or poster that covering over the
zillion of catalogs found in the mailbox followed by a Christmas setting. It was rivets immediate attention. A well-bal- breakfast room. Chic Simple Home
each day. The days have also given time all very simple and drawn from items anced room should not only function suggests “The ceiling offers the chance
for observing things around the house we already had, but the changes in but delight.” I was finding delight in for a purely visual gesture, something
needing attention. Sam noticed water the physical appearance and the daily the subtle changes, knowing when the pleasing to always look up to.”
pooling in the corner of the upstairs schedule gave a little pep to the day, a project was ended all would find its way Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of
shower only to find some rotting wood break from nine months of monotony. back to its place. Columbus as


In response to Boden letter
to the editor and claims
of widespread voter fraud
Your letter wasn’t addressed to
me, but your questions have a lot to
do with our democracy, and moreso
with free elections, which I believe
Trump won’t stop at anything to
tear down, including weakening or
poisoning our democracy, or even
starting a war to stay in power. So,
I’m responding.
It’s a fact that most Republicans
believe what Trump says, and I don’t
believe anything he says, because he
is a proven pathological liar.
Roger Stone, who went to jail for
lying to the FBI, one of Trump’s allies
that he pardoned, still being loyal to
Trump, said North Korean boats de-
livered ballots through a Maine har-
bor, as Trump boosts fraud claims.
Of 50-plus cases Trump and his
lawyers have tried to prove voting
fraud, they’ve only won one, which
made no difference in the count; 30
have been dismissed with the rest
still pending.
Statement by Boden: Trump had
no more chance of winning Georgia
than local FDR-era Democrats had of
influencing the votes in this area.
The votes have been counted
three times in Georgia, and officials
Trump’s first victim — truth
in Georgia said it reaffirmed what
they already knew: Georgia voters
selected Joe Biden to be their next

president. he photo looks faked. I said at the start that the quipped, “When we come to a country
Trump, on a phone call to the It’s so heavy-handed. photo looks faked — who whose newspapers are filled with good
Georgia governor, asked him to help A grinning Austra- poses for war crimes pic- news, we feel differently.”
subvert (steal) election. Proves his lian soldier, his insignia tures on a flag tableau? And The governments of free countries,
niece was correct when she said clear as day on his helmet yet, in our time, truth has of course, attempt to lie. But at least the
Trump has never been where he and arm, stands on the become more elusive than free press can often expose them, and
couldn’t lie, steal, cheat or buy him- Australian flag holding a ever. Technology presents fear of exposure keeps them in check to
self out of a problem until now. small, barefoot Afghan child real challenges. How many some degree.
Trump and his allies paid the state in front of him. He grasps a people in China and around Reputation matters. It’s why China is
of Wisconsin $3 million to recount bloody knife to the child’s the world will view that so incensed that Australia has had the
votes in two counties, and Biden throat. The caption reads photo and believe it’s real? temerity to criticize it. Why do we trust
gained 72 votes. “Don’t be afraid, we are And we keep hearing about Canberra more than Beijing? Because
You questioned the surveillance coming to bring you peace!” Mona Charen the “deep fakes” — doctored the Australians are free and account-
camera video in Fulton County, Geor- This not particularly video images — that are able. They’ve admitted their war crimes
gia, after poll watchers were told the well-disguised piece of propaganda (it’s around the corner. How many would and agonized over them. The Chinese
counting had ended for the night and the work of Chinese graphic artist Fu believe a fraudulent video image of have never acknowledged their far more
sent home. But the counters didn’t Yu, aka Qilin) was posted to Twitter say, Hunter Biden confessing to child massive human toll. Even without going
leave. by the government of China, part of a abuse? back to the Great Leap Forward — the
They proceeded to remove suit broad-based campaign China is waging In an era when technology can pro- most devastating catastrophe in China’s
case after suit case, filled with illegal against Australia. Why? Simple: Austra- duce phony images and doctored videos history, causing between 18 million
ballots, from beneath a table for con- lia has told the truth. of real people doing and saying things and 45 million starvation deaths — we
tinued counting. Marise Payne, Australia’s foreign they never did or said, the question of have the Tiananmen massacre within
The video showed regular ballot minister, delivered a scathing speech how to find truth becomes ever more living memory, the rape of Tibet, and,
containers on wheels, not suitcases, to the U.N. Human Rights Council in urgent. of course, the widespread infanticide
and both a state investigator and September outlining China’s many Credibility comes down to reputation accompanying the One Child policy.
an independent monitor observed human rights abuses, including the mal- — which is why we have much damage Our own reputation for honesty has
counting until it was done for the treatment of Uighurs and the repressive to our own standing to repair. taken a severe hit under Trump. How
night, finding no evidence of improp- measures China has lately adopted President Donald Trump’s assault will other nations trust the word of the
er ballots, state and county officials toward Hong Kong. This has infuriated on truth and his insistence that all news U.S. when we elected someone who
said on Friday. Beijing, which has retaliated by impos- critical of him is fake is reminiscent supported the lies of Kim Jong Un and
Here’s a Google search that may ing sanctions against a lengthening of the world’s worst regimes. The first other corrupt and cruel dictators, and
help: How Trump supporters spread list of Australian products, and now, a thing to go when the jackboots come is valorized our own war criminals? What
false claims. disinformation attack. the free press. Trump’s attacks on the does it tell the world when our presi-
Another search: Republican law- The ammunition was supplied, press were rhetorical, not literal. But dent conducts a nonstop jihad against
maker likens Trump vote fraud circus indirectly, by Australia itself. Like other it’s no coincidence that his term, “fake the press? Who can respect this nation
to the search for Bigfoot. free countries, Australia investigates it- news,” has become a favorite of thugs when our president expressed his
James Hodges self, and a recent report found that Aus- worldwide. belief, in defending Vladimir Putin, that
Steens tralian soldiers had killed 39 Afghan During the Cold War, it was under- we commit just as many sins?
civilians. Upon the report’s release, stood that the West, for all its flaws, was Australia is showing courage by
A letter to the editor is an excellent Angus Campbell, chief of the defense more honest than the Communist bloc standing up to China, and paying a
way to participate in your community. forces, apologized to the Afghan people because of the free press. The media price. The White House has announced
We request the tone of your letters be and to the Australian people, and the in the old USSR was full of cheerful this week that it will be serving Aus-
constructive and respectful and the Australian government is looking into workers exceeding their quotas and tralian wine, which would have been
length be limited to 450 words. We re- paying compensation to the families of ruddy farmers luxuriating in golden a better gesture if this president had
serve the right to edit letters for clarity, those wrongly killed. fields of wheat. The late Daniel Patrick not allied us with the world’s liars and
grammar and length. We welcome all China took the nugget of truth — Moynihan had a succinct summation of criminals for four years.
letters emailed to voice@cdispatch. Australian forces had committed war the state of play. “When we travel about In the post-Trump era, the most im-
com or mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: crimes — and transformed it into a the world and come to a country whose portant restoration will be that of truth.
Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511, ghoulish image of a rapacious Aussie newspapers are filled with bad news we Mona Charen is a Senior Fellow at
Columbus, MS 39703-0511. about to sacrifice an innocent child. feel that liberty lives in that land,” he the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 5A

Religious right eyes Biden warily after Trump’s good favor

Pastor Robert Jeffress: Christians are obliged ‘to pray for what appears president-elect and other evan-
gelicals who have not tied them-
istration, Graham attended a
conversation Biden convened
to be President-elect Biden. If he succeeds, all of America succeeds.’ selves as directly to Trump.
“If Joe Biden is the president,
among faith-based advocates
about gun legislation. The
BY ELANA SCHOR claims by the president. But outreach attempt by Biden, if that’s what it turns out to be, pastor also visited the White
The Associated Press they’re largely not echoing the just as he did with Trump. The then we need to do everything House in 2014 to discuss the
harsh tone Trump directed possibility that Biden could “be we can to support him, where Ebola crisis after a doctor at
WASHINGTON — Conser- toward his Democratic rival pulled away from extremist we can,” the Rev. Franklin Gra- his global relief charity, Samari-
vative evangelical Christians
during the campaign, when he positions” held by other Dem- ham said in a recent interview. tan’s Purse, successfully fought
have proven some of Donald
claimed baselessly that Biden is ocrats, Jeffress said, is “a plus Graham, who leads the the deadly disease.
Trump’s staunchest allies
“against God.” not just for conservative Chris- Christian nonprofit founded by Still, conservative Christians
during his presidency. As his
administration draws to a close, Texas-based megachurch tians, but for all of America.” his late father, the Rev. Billy like Graham exerted scant
some of those backers are ap- pastor Robert Jeffress, a stal- It’s highly unlikely that Graham, is a Trump support- influence over the Obama ad-
proaching President-elect Joe wart evangelical booster of Christian conservatives could er who offered prayers at his ministration’s agenda — and
Biden with skepticism, but not Trump, said Christians are develop a close relationship inauguration and this year’s pro-Trump evangelicals are ex-
antagonism. obliged “to pray for what ap- with Biden, whose support for Republican National Conven- pecting a similar sideline role
Christian conservatives pears to be President-elect abortion rights and stances on tion. But while he underscored under Biden.
who stood by Trump through Biden. If he succeeds, all of other issues stand in stark dis- that his opposition to abortion Family Research Council
moments of crisis and success America succeeds.” agreement with the religious is one of several fronts where president Tony Perkins, a long-
are hardly comfortable with Jeffress described himself right. However, the lack of a there could be no compromise, time Trump partner, said that
his loss, and several have yet as “deeply disappointed” by the combative tone from pro-Trump Graham said “we certainly can during Obama’s presidency, “I
to fully acknowledge Biden apparent loss of a president he religious conservatives could work with” Biden on other is- didn’t go to that end of Penn-
as the winner of the election considers “a friend,” but added create space for some common sues. sylvania Avenue, because I was
amid ongoing, unfounded fraud that he would respond to any ground between the Catholic During the Obama admin- never invited.”

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in hospital after positive virus test

Former New York mayor was admitted to Georgetown mediately respond to a
request for comment,
Michigan, to testify in
a highly unusual 4 1/2-
Monday to Phoenix,
where he met with Re-
University Medical Center in Washington on Sunday but on Sunday evening
he retweeted Trump’s
hour legislative hearing
in which he pushed Re-
publican legislators for
an hourslong hearing in
BY A AMER MADHANI ing some symptoms and election loss to Joe Biden. announcement of his di- publican lawmakers to which he was maskless.
AND JONATHAN LEMIRE was admitted Sunday to On numerous occasions agnosis. He also tweeted ignore the certification of The Arizona Republican
The Associated Press thanks to a conservative Biden’s Michigan victory Party tweeted a photo of
Georgetown University he has met with officials
Medical Center in Wash- for hours at a time with- writer who had said he and appoint electors for Giuliani and several state
WASHINGTON — was praying for Giuliani. Trump. He did not wear a GOP lawmakers standing
President Donald Trump ington, according to a out wearing a mask.
Giuliani on Thursday mask, nor did lawyer Jen- shoulder-to-shoulder and
says his personal attor- person familiar with the Trump, who an-
attended a hearing at the na Ellis, who was sitting maskless. The Arizona
ney Rudy Giuliani has matter who was not au- nounced Giuliani’s posi-
Georgia Capitol, where next to him. He asked one legislature announced
tested positive for the thorized to speak public- tive test in a Sunday after- he went without a mask of his witnesses, a Detroit Sunday, after Giuliani’s
coronavirus, making him ly. noon tweet, wished him a for several hours. Several election worker, if she diagnosis became public,
the latest in Trump’s in- The 76-year-old former speedy recovery. state senators, all Repub- would be comfortable re- that it would close for a
ner circle to contract the New York mayor has trav- “Get better soon Rudy, licans, also did not wear moving her mask, but leg- week out of an abundance
disease that is now surg- eled extensively to battle- we will carry on!!!” Trump masks at the hearing. islators said they could of caution “for recent cas-
ing across the U.S. ground states in an effort wrote. On Wednesday night, hear her. es and concerns relating
Giuliani was exhibit- to help Trump subvert his Giuliani did not im- Giuliani was in Lansing, Giuliani traveled on to COVID-19.”

Gene-editing treatment shows promise for sickle cell disease

Painful, inherited blood disorders plague millions worldwide life,” said Gray, 35, who
lives in Forest, Mississip-
about one in 100,000 peo-
ple. The only cure now is
ry oxygen well. They can
stick together and clog
BY MARION RENAULT with a tool called CRISPR, no longer need regular pi. “I was hurting every- a bone marrow transplant small vessels, causing
The Associated Press may treat and possibly blood transfusions and where my blood flowed.” from a closely matched pain, organ damage and
cure sickle cell disease are free from pain crises Since her treatment a donor without the disease strokes.
Scientists are seeing and beta thalassemia. that plagued their lives year ago, Gray has weaned like a sibling, which most
promising early results Partial results were before. herself from pain medica- people don’t have.
from the first studies test- presented Saturday at an Victoria Gray, the first tions she depended on to Both diseases involve
ing gene editing for pain- American Society of He- patient in the sickle cell manage her symptoms. mutations in a gene for he-
ful, inherited blood disor- matology conference and study, had long suffered “It’s something I moglobin, the substance
ders that plague millions some were published by severe pain bouts that of- prayed for my whole life,” in red blood cells that car-
worldwide, especially the New England Journal ten sent her to the hospi- she said. “I pray every- ries oxygen throughout
Black people. of Medicine. tal. one has the same results the body.
Doctors hope the one- Doctors described 10 “I had aching pains, I did.” In sickle cell, defective
time treatment, which patients who are at least sharp pains, burning Sickle cell affects mil- hemoglobin leads to de-
involves permanently al- several months removed pains, you name it. That’s lions, mostly Black people. formed, crescent-shaped
tering DNA in blood cells from their treatment. All all I’ve known my entire Beta thalassemia strikes blood cells that don’t car-

Charlie Upton
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH patch. Free notices must be submitted
Doris Upton Arrangements are incom- Incomplete
OBITUARY POLICY to the newspaper no later than 3 p.m.
plete and will be announced 2nd Ave. N. Location
Obituaries with basic information the day prior for publication Tuesday COLUMBUS — Doris M.
including visitation and service times, through Friday; no later than 4 p.m. Upton, 90, died Dec. 6, 2020, by Lowndes Funeral Home of
are provided free of charge. Extended Saturday for the Sunday edition; and at Windsor Place. Columbus.
obituaries with a photograph, detailed no later than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Arrangements are incom-
biographical information and other
details families may wish to include,
edition. Incomplete notices must be plete and will be announced Louis Suddith
are available for a fee. Obituaries must
received no later than 7:30 a.m. for by Lowndes Funeral Home of COLUMBUS — Louis
the Monday through Friday editions. Columbus.
be submitted through funeral homes Suddith, 66, died Dec. 6, 2020,
Paid notices must be finalized by 3
unless the deceased’s body has been at Baptist Memorial Hospi-
p.m. for inclusion the next day Monday
donated to science. If the deceased’s
body was donated to science, the fam- through Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Joyce Knight tal-Golden Triangle. Arrange-
ily must provide official proof of death. p.m. for Sunday and Monday publi- COLUMBUS — Joyce ments are incomplete and will
Please submit all obituaries on the cation. For more information, call Knight, 66, died Dec. 6, 2020, be announced by Lowndes
form provided by The Commercial Dis- 662-328-2471. at Trinity Health Care Center. Funeral Home of Columbus.
6A MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 The Dispatch •

No local jury for Mississippi

man’s trial in police killing
Marquis Flowers, charged with capital murder in week, is due back in court Jan. 26,
when attorneys are expected to tell
deaths of two officers, is due back in court Jan. 26 McKenzie about their venue deci-
sion and possible trial dates.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Circuit Judge Richard W. McKen- Flowers was on parole for a vehi-
zie on Thursday granted a request cle burglary conviction when Moak
BROOKHAVEN — A judge by Flowers’ attorney for a change and White were killed. Flowers
ruled Thursday that a jury from a of venue, either by moving the tri- was arrested and charged shortly
different part of Mississippi will
al or by choosing jurors elsewhere after the officers were killed, and
hear the death penalty trial of a
and taking them to Lincoln Coun- he was sent to the state prison sys-
man charged in the 2018 shooting
ty. tem to finish serving that sentence.
deaths of two Brookhaven police
officers. McKenzie said he would let Flowers was moved March 23 from
Marquis Flowers is charged prosecutors, defense attorneys and Central Mississippi Correctional
with capital murder in the deaths court administrators decide what Facility to a county jail.
of Cpl. Zach Moak, 31, and patrol to do. The judge suggested they On Oct. 28, 2019, Flowers was
officer James White, 35. They were look at the northernmost counties indicted on two counts of capital
shot to death Sept. 29, 2018, while of Mississippi. Lincoln County is in murder and possession of a fire-
responding to a call about shots be- the southwestern part of the state, arm by a convicted felon. He plead-
ing fired at a home. near the Louisiana state line. ed not guilty to all three counts on
The Daily Leader reported that Flowers, who turns 28 this Nov. 12, 2019.

Continued from Page 1A
“She always taught me: made,” she said. “That’s
‘You are not dumb, you the best part of this job.”
are not stupid. You are
capable of doing anything
you want to do,’” she said.
‘It’s family’
Dedicated to her
But Winston was also business, Monti said her
worried Monti would aim is not to sell fancy
burn out from being a gifts but to offer quality
teacher. She encouraged
customer service.
Monti to take floral
“We may not be the
design classes when she
fanciest flower shop, and
was attending Mississippi
we don’t have the fanciest
State University, where
things in here,” she said.
she eventually earned a
bachelor’s degree in floral “Our main goal is to take
design in 1999. care of our customers and
“(Mom) just thought make our customers feel
it would be something like they are loved.”
that I’d really enjoy, not Over the years, the
knowing that that would shop has attracted many
be what I’d go into,” Monti regulars, she said. A
said. woman from Texas orders
The floral shop now arrangements for her par-
allows her to deliver joy ents’ grave two or three
to others while receiving times a year. Another
some in return, she said. woman visits the store Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
every Friday to pick up Monti King checks the floral arrangement she is about
“Every single day is
flowers for her husband’s to deliver to a customer Wednesday afternoon. At her
different. You don’t know business, Flowers by the Bunch, King designs floral
whose birthday it might grave. arrangements for weddings, birthdays, funerals and
be. You don’t know (if it’s) Monti remembers all holidays.
an anniversary. You don’t their names.
know whether babies are “They’ve always called, to be able to have people
going to be born or cem- ‘Monti, you know what I who can depend on you.
etery pieces need to be need,’” she said. “It’s nice It’s family.”

Mississippi National Guard

promotes 2-star general
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and will attain the official and brigade levels. He
designation of Assistant also has two deployments
JACK- Adjutant General of the to Iraq and is a veteran of
SON — The Mississippi Army Nation- Operation Desert Storm.
Mississippi al Guard, WLBT-TV re- Since July 2015, Kelly
National ported. also has served as con-
Guard, in a Kelly is a native of gressman for Mississip-
ceremony Union, Mississippi and pi’s First District. There
S a t u r d a y, has served more than 35 he serves on the House
promoted years in the military as an Armed Services Commit-
Brig. Gen. engineer officer in numer- tee, the House Commit-
John “Trent” Kelly. ous leadership and com- tee on Agriculture and
Kelly is moving up to mand positions, including the House Small Business
the rank of Major General at the company, battalion, Committee.

Fauci’s plea ‘Wear a mask’ tops list of 2020 notable quotes

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ticularly revealing of the press briefing, May 1.
spirit of the times. 6. “My most fervent
NEW HAVEN, Conn. wish is that I will not be
— A plea from Dr. An-
thony Fauci for people to
The list replaced until a new pres-
1. “Wear a mask.” — ident is installed.” — Su-
“wear a mask” to slow the Dr. Anthony Fauci, CNN preme Court Justice Ruth
spread of the coronavirus interview, May 21. Bader Ginsburg, state-
tops a Yale Law School li- 2. “I can’t breathe.” — ment dictated to grand-
brarian’s list of the most George Floyd, plea to po- daughter Clara Spera,
notable quotes of 2020. lice officer, Minneapolis, September.
The list assembled by May 25. 7. “If you have a prob-
Fred Shapiro, an associate 3. “One day — it’s like lem figuring out whether
director at the library, is a miracle — it will disap- you’re for me or Trump,
an annual update to “The pear,” President Donald then you ain’t Black.” —
Yale Book of Quotations,” Trump, referring to the Joe Biden, in an interview
which was first published coronavirus in remarks at with “The Breakfast Club”
in 2006. an African American His- radio program, May 22.
Also on the list is “I tory Month reception at 8. “The science should
can’t breathe,” the plea the White House, Feb. 27. not stand in the way of
George Floyd made re- 4. “I see the disinfec- this.” — McEnany, refer-
peatedly to police officers tant that knocks it out in a ring to school reopenings
holding him down on a minute, one minute. And in a news briefing, July 16.
Minneapolis street corner. is there a way we can do 9. “You’re a lying dog-
Several quotes from the something like that by in- faced pony soldier.” —
presidential campaign ap- jection inside or almost a Biden, in a remark to stu-
pear including Joe Biden cleaning?” — Trump, in dent at campaign event,
telling a student: “You’re remarks at a White House Hampton, N.H., Feb. 9.
a lying dog-faced pony sol- Coronavirus Task Force 10. “We are all Lakers
dier.” news briefing, April 23. today.” — Los Angeles
Shapiro said he picks 5. “I will never lie to Clippers coach Doc Riv-
quotes that are not nec- you. You have my word ers, in a remark to report-
essarily admirable or elo- on that.” — White House ers after the death of Kobe
quent, but rather because Press Secretary Kayleigh Bryant, Orlando, Fla., Jan.
they are famous or par- McEnany, at her first 26.

A Q&A with former MSU quarterback Jalen Mayden BY BEN PORTNOY Ben Portnoy: So ob- in-person? viously you’re transfer- JM: “Most of the
ring in the middle of a schools have a site where
STARK VILLE — Ja- season, middle of a pan- you can just go and look,
len Mayden is looking demic, how have things and they literally take
for a chance. gone for you since you you to every detail part
After entering the entered the portal? of the campus or stadi-
transfer portal earlier Jalen Mayden: um or any place that you
this fall, The Dispatch Some of it’s kind of like want to go. So kind of
caught up with the for- high school with all the getting the feel through
mer Mississippi State coaches calling you and looking at those.
signal caller and one- stuff like that. But the BP: All that said, why
time four-star recruit to pandemic, you can’t did you decide that you
gauge how his recruit- take visits and stuff like wanted to transfer from
ing process has gone that. So kind of just over Mississippi State and
since leaving Starkville. the phone with it. what went into your de-
Here’s an exclusive BP: You mention cision?
look at what Mayden stuff being over the JM: “I just think it
had to say: phone, have you been was just one or two of
Mississippi State athletics
This interview has able to do any of the vir- the games where I felt
Jalen Mayden is one of two quarterbacks to have left Mississippi State since the
beginning of the 2020 season. He’s currently whittling down his choices before been edited for clarity tual visits? What were like, if Will was the sec-
making a final selection during the early signing period later this month. and length. those like compared to See MAYDEN, 3B


2 TD
How West Point handled COVID-19 to
passes, avoid ‘the season that never was’
hold off

Taysom Hill finally
threw a touchdown
Two of them, in fact.
The New Orleans de-
fense finally gave up a
But not two, which
ensured the Saints are
headed back to the play-
offs for the fourth year
in a row.
Hill won another
start filling in for in-
jured Drew Brees and
New Orleans got the big
defensive stop it needed
in the closing minutes
to preserve a 21-16 vic-
tory over the Atlanta

case; No. West Point coach Chris Chambless accepts the runner-up trophy after the MHSAA 5A State Championship football game against West
jim Lytle/Special to The Dispatch

1 Alabama Jones Saturday night in Jackson.

West Point took the neces- cial distancing in team meet- apply to them at practice and
sary precautions and escaped ings and in practice as much games: avoid large crowds
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS unscathed by COVID-19 in a as possible. Temperature and wear masks.
JACKSON — West Point season when so many others checks and COVID-19 screen- West Point’s players — all
BATON ROUGE, football coach Chris Chamb- couldn’t. Among area teams, ings every day. of them — listened, Chamb-
La. — If Alabama quar- less knows it could have been New Hope, Noxubee County “It’s completely changed less said.
terback Mac Jones and “the season that never was.”
and Oak Hill Academy had the way we do things around “It’s either buy in or don’t
receiver DeVonta Smith If the Green Wave didn’t
to cancel games because of here, but we’re able to still play,” he said. “Everybody
wind up as Heisman take the COVID-19 pandemic
issues with the virus; nearly keep results to get to where bought in completely.”
Trophy finalists, they seriously, Chambless knew,
every school had at least one we want to get to,” Chambless Still, the worries persist.
can thank one another. there were no guarantees they
game on its schedule affected. said. West Point had a scare over
And the way they would be able to complete —
But not the Green Wave, The latter precautions the summer when multiple
combined to spearhead or even start — a 2020 season
who played the maximum proved an effective safeguard, players showed symptoms
a rout of LSU will be a in which they would be going
for their fifth straight MH- number of games allowed by as West Point sent players similar to COVID-19; they ul-
prime example of why.
Jones and Smith con- SA A Class 5A championship. their 10 -game regular-season home from practice sever- timately tested negative, but
nected eight times for But as long as they had schedule — 14 games in 14 al times to err on the side of the Green Wave couldn’t let
231 yards and three a shot, West Point would be weeks. caution. Chambless knows it’s its guard down.
touchdowns, including ready. Teams like Shannon, Lafay- not always possible to have ev- “You’re always concerned
two scoring passes lon- “We knew that if all possi- ette and Tupelo couldn’t say eryone at practice and would about an outbreak,” Chamb-
ger that 60 yards, and ble — if there was a chance the same. All three schools rather have a slightly lower at- less said Tuesday. “I’m con-
No. 1 Alabama rolled we’d get to play — we would had to forfeit playoff games tendance there than be miss- cerned this week about an
to a 55-17 victory over still play,” Chambless said. because of the pandemic, end- ing multiple players at games outbreak.”
LSU on Saturday night Play, West Point did — the ing their seasons before they because of contact tracing. But Friday after Friday,
to clinch the SEC West Green Wave reached the title got a say on the field. Cham- “It’s a huge part of it,” that feared outbreak never
and lock in a date with game for the fifth straight bless knows West Point was Chambless said. “With all came. Chambless admitted
No. 6 Florida in the con- season. But their off-the-field lucky to avoid a similar fate. your players, you don’t want West Point “dodged some bul-
ference title game. battle with the virus proved “It would have been devas- to go play unless you’ve got lets” — luck was a factor, too
“We did a fantastic nearly as important in getting tating just like it was for those them all.” — but they made it through.
job offensively, con- there. guys,” he said. Ensuring that means mak- And each time they take
trolled the tempo of the “The bottom line is, every- To avoid getting to that ing sure each Green Wave the field, the Green Wave are
game,” said Alabama body is so self-aware and con- point, the Green Wave fol- player follows the same pro- thankful they’ve been able to
coach Nick Saban, who scious about it,” Chambless lowed the “very exhaustive” tocol as to not bring the virus do so.
was back on the side- said. “That helps. The par- precautions in place within into the West Point clubhouse. “I think it’s just opened the
line after a bout with ents, the administrators, the the West Point Consolidated Chambless and his staff tell kids’ and coaches’ eyes to be
COVID-19 kept him teachers, coaches — we’re all School District: Routine hand their players to adhere at grateful that we are getting to
See ALABAMA, 3B looking out for each other.” sanitizing. Mask-wearing. So- home to the same rules that play,” Chambless said.
2B MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 The Dispatch •

Mayfield throws 4 TDs in 1st half, Browns beat Titans 41-35

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS when we play well, and 53 yards with 48 seconds 2001; a 75-yarder to Don- playing his first game league’s top rushing of-
that’s what we did today,” left. Ryan Tannehill hit ovan Peoples-Jones; and a since Nov. 1 because of fenses. Chubb finished
NASHVILLE, Tenn. Browns running back Cam Batson for an 8-yard 17-yarder to Rashard Hig- a concussion, bobbled a with 80 yards on 18 car-
— Baker Mayfield and Nick Chubb said. TD pass with 28 seconds gins. pass from Tannehill that ries, while Henry had 60
the Cleveland Browns The Titans (8-4) came to go, but Andy Janovich “Baker was on fire,” was picked off by corner- yards on 15 carries.
can do more than just run in leading the AFC South recovered the onside kick said Chubb, who also had back M.J. Stewart at the
the ball, and the NFL’s
longest active playoff
and left tied after the
Colts beat Houston 26-20,
to seal the victory.
“Obviously if I hold
a 1-yard TD run. “That’s
the guy that I know.
Browns 9. Career game
“Everything would’ve Tennessee’s Corey Da-
drought is moving closer though Tennessee still onto the damn football, That’s the guy that the had to have been right, vis had career highs of
to an end after 18 sea- has the better division re- it’s not going to be close Cleveland Browns know and it rarely ever is in 11 catches for 182 yards,
sons. cord. The Titans fell apart — or as close as it should who he is. He came out, football and in life,” Vra- including a touchdown
They just need to fin- after a bad fourth-down have been,” Mayfield had a great game and led bel said of the Titans’ catch, as the Titans tried
ish what they start a bit spot on their opening said. us to a victory.” would-be comeback. to rally through the air in
better. drive. NFL rushing lead- Mayfield became the The Browns stopped
Mayfield threw for a the second half.
er Derrick Henry lost his first Browns quarter- Henry ran on fourth-
season-high 334 yards first fumble this season back to throw four TDs and-1 on the Titans’ open- Garrett’s back
with all four of his touch- on the next drive. in the first half since Hall ing drive. He appeared Myles Garrett got a Injuries
down passes in the first “Things kind of snow- of Famer Otto Graham to pick up the first down, sack of Tannehill early in Browns: LB Mack Wil-
half, and the Browns balled,” Titans coach in 1951. Mayfield, who but officials marked him the fourth quarter, giving son was checked for a
scored the first 17 points Mike Vrabel said. threw four of his five TDs short of the marker. Vra- him 10 1/2 for the season. concussion.
before holding on to win Mayfield kept the in the second half of a win bel unsuccessfully chal- He came in tied for sec- Titans: Brown went
their fourth straight, 41- Browns from needing the against Cincinnati on Oct. lenged the spot. ond in the league despite down in the first half with
35 over the Tennessee Ti- NFL’s top rushing offense 25, had only two touch- Tennessee opened the missing two games. He an apparent right ankle
tans on Sunday. in what had been expect- down passes over the past second half scoring back- led the league in sacks injury but returned.
With both chasing ed to be a run-game show- four games combined. to-back touchdowns with- when he went on the
AFC playoff berths, the down against the Titans Nobody else in the in the first six minutes. COVID-19 list. Up next
Browns looked like the and Henry. The Browns NFL has thrown four TD First, Tannehill threw a The Browns host the
team leading a division
— they are second in the
had their best-scoring passes in a half this sea- 22-yard pass to MyCole Ground game Baltimore Ravens on
half ever, leading 38-7 at son, and Mayfield had Pruitt. The tight end Chubb and the Browns Monday, Dec. 14.
AFC North behind the un- halftime, topping the 35 290 yards by halftime, picked up A.J. Brown’s outran the Titans 118- The Titans visit Jack-
beaten Pittsburgh Steel- points scored in the sec- just off his season high of fumble on a 16-yard catch 62 in this matchup of sonville next Sunday.
ers — as they improved to ond half at Cincinnati in 297 yards. and ran 3 yards for a TD
9-3 for the first time since 2004. This time, Mayfield on the next drive to pull
1994. Cleveland has only The Titans made it in- completed passes to eight the Titans within 38-21.
won nine games in a sea- teresting late, outscoring receivers with a TD pass The Titans came in
son three times in its ex- the Browns 28-3 in the apiece to Jarvis Landry; with a league-low five
pansion era, which began second half. backup tackle Kendall turnovers. Cleveland
in 1999. Kenny Vaccaro picked Lamm, who became the forced three, the last at
“I think people know up a fumble by Mayfield first Browns lineman to the end of the third quar-
we are a good team now on fourth-and-1 and ran it catch a TD pass since ter. Adam Humphries,

Packers withstand late rally to outlast Eagles

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS After catching Rod- starting combination in tor, to interim coach.
gers’ 400th touchdown 12 games struggled to “It was a crazy, amaz-
GREEN BAY, Wis. pass, Adams made sure protect both of them. ing week,” Bevell said. “I
— On a day when Green the two-time MVP got “Obviously, that’s frus- just couldn’t be happier
Bay’s Aaron Rodgers and the ball back. Rodgers trating as a competitor,” with how they did today.”
Davante Adams reached doesn’t have the footballs Wentz said of his removal. Detroit trailed 30-20
personal milestones, the from his 100th, 200th or “I want to be the guy out early in the fourth peri-
Packers needed a long 300th touchdown passes. there. At the end of the od after Trubisky threw
run from Aaron Jones to James Jones, who caught day, we lost. As a team, we an 11-yard touchdown to
put the Eagles away. No. 100, tweeted Sunday lost, and that’s what I’m Cole Kmet on a bootleg.
Jones rushed for 130 that he threw the ball in most frustrated about.” Chicago’s Bilal Nichols
yards and delivered a the Georgia Dome stands. then intercepted a short,
game-clinching 77-yard
touchdown with 2:36 left
Adams, who caught 10
passes for 121 yards, has
Injury report sidearmed pass intended
Eagles: Linebacker for Jesse James.
as the Packers produced scored in seven straight But the Lions turned
Davion Taylor (knee) and
seven sacks and with- games to tie Hall of Fam- things around down
guard Jason Peters (foot)
stood a fourth-quarter er Don Hutson’s franchise the stretch, sending the
didn’t finish the game.
comeback attempt to de- record. Hutson had a pair Bears (5-7) to their sixth
Cornerback Darius Slay
feat Philadelphia 30-16 on of seven-game TD recep- straight loss.
injured his knee in the
Sunday. tion streaks in 1941-42 second half.
“We ran a similar play and 1943-44. Packers: Tight end
the play before, and I felt “To be breaking or ty- Jace Sternberger (concus-
like I was close to break- ing records that have been
sion), running back/kick
ing it, somebody just got around for 60-70 years,
returner Tyler Ervin (an-
a hand on me,” Jones it’s special, man,” Adams
kle) and defensive tackle
said of his career-long said. “I’m just trying to
burst. “A-Rod called a Billy Winn (triceps) left
play ball. I’m just trying
similar play in the hud- the game. Defensive back
to do whatever it takes to
dle, and I knew if I see a Raven Greene injured
win these games.”
little crease, I’d be able to his shoulder and wide re-
Rodgers put the Pack-
break it.” ceiver Equanimeous St.
ers ahead for good with a
Rodgers and Adams Brown was evaluated for a
1-yard pass to Adams on
provided much of the concussion.
fourth down in the sec-
highlights early in the ond quarter. He threw a
game as Green Bay (9-3) 25-yarder to Robert Ton- Up next
built a 23-3 lead before yan later in the second. The Eagles host the
the Eagles (3-8-1) scored His 400th touchdown New Orleans Saints.
two touchdowns in a span pass was a 9-yarder to Ad- The Packers visit the
of just over a minute. ams that capped a 99-yard Detroit Lions.
Philadelphia’s comeback drive in the third period.
started after rookie quar- Philadelphia’s rally Stafford throws 3 TDs,
terback Jalen Hurts took started with Hurts’ 32-
over for an ineffective yard touchdown pass to
Lions rally to beat
Carson Wentz. Greg Ward on fourth- Bears 34-30
“We needed a spark,” and-18. Jalen Reagor’s CHICAGO — Darrell
Eagles coach Doug Ped- 73-yard punt return cut Bevell had a hard time
erson said. “We need- the lead to 23-16 with 6:30 processing everything
ed something to go our left, though Jake Elliott from his first game as an
way, so I put Jalen in the missed the extra point. NFL coach.
game.” The Eagles forced a He watched as the
Rodgers connected second straight three- Detroit Lions wiped out
with Adams on two of his and-out, but couldn’t a 10-point deficit in the
three touchdown passes move the ball and punt- fourth quarter, recov-
to increase his career to- ed. That’s when Jones put ered a strip-sack in the
tal to 400, becoming the away the game. closing minutes to set up
seventh player to join that Jones ran through a the go-ahead touchdown,
fraternity. big hole in the middle of and squeezed out a 34-30
The only other players the line, broke an attempt- victory over the Chicago
with at least 400 touch- ed ankle tackle and head- Bears.
down passes are Tom ed downfield as a second “My emotions right
Brady, Drew Brees, Pey- defender made an unsuc- now, I can’t even think
ton Manning, Brett Favre, cessful diving attempt to straight,” Bevell said. “I’m
Dan Marino and Philip stop him. He raced down just trying to wrap my
Rivers. the left sideline, eluded a head around this whole
Rodgers got to No. 400 defender inside Philadel- thing on what just hap-
in his 193rd career game, phia’s 30-yard line and pened.”
faster than any other play- worked his way through So were the Bears.
er. He has 36 touchdown traffic to reach the end Adrian Peterson
passes this year and is zone. scored from the 5 after
the first player to throw “If it’s up to me, I’m Romeo Okwara strip-
at least 35 in five separate taking every one to sacked Mitchell Trubisky
seasons. Rodgers also did the house,” Jones said. with about two minutes
it in 2011 (45), 2012 (39), “That’s my goal on every left, capping the come-
2014 (38) and 2016 (40). run. I know if I’m able to back. Matthew Stafford
“Those are fun mile- get a crease or break an threw for 402 yards and
stones for sure,” said arm tackle or something three touchdowns, and
Rodgers, who went 25 of like that, it can turn into the Lions (5-7) came away
34 for 295 yards. “I’m not a big run.” with a wild win following
sure how long I’m going Hurts was 5 of 12 for a major shakeup after
to be able to hold on to the 109 yards with an inter- a Thanksgiving loss to
second one. There’s some ception to go along with Houston. They fired gen-
really good young quar- his touchdown pass. eral manager Bob Quinn
terbacks who I’m guess- Wentz was 6 of 15 for 79 and coach Matt Patricia
ing are amassing some yards. An offensive line while elevating Bevell,
numbers in that vicinity.” using its 11th different their offensive coordina-
The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
Falcons on Sunday. tion. But as long as we’re winning lowed a touchdown since the open-
The Saints (10-2) clinched a play- football games, I’m happy.” ing drive of a game against San
off berth with their ninth straight Hill was 27 of 37 for 232 yards Francisco on Nov. 15, a span of 14
victory and Chicago’s 34-30 loss to passing. He tacked on 83 yards quarters without one.
Detroit. rushing on 14 carries, including a The Falcons (4-8) got the ball
“Our work’s not done yet,” defen- 43-yard scamper that was the lon- back and again pushed deep into
sive end Trey Hendrickson said. gest run of his career, setting up his New Orleans territory. On sec-
Hill connected with Tre’Quan first TD pass. ond-and-2 at the Saints 13, Todd
Smith on a 15-yard touchdown in “I thought his performance was Gurley was stuffed for no gain. He
the opening quarter — the quarter- strong,” coach Sean Payton said. got the ball again on third down for
back’s first scoring pass since his se- “He made a lot of throws.” a sweep around the left end, but De-
nior year at Brigham Young in 2016. If there was one flaw in Hill’s mario Davis caught him for a 7-yard
He added another before half- game, it was hanging on to the foot- loss.
time, zipping an 11-yard pass to tight ball. He had a couple of fumbles, the Ryan threw into the end zone on
end Jared Cook in tight coverage. first coming deep in Atlanta territo- fourth down, but the pass fell incom-
“I don’t care as much as people
might think,” said Hill, who im-
ry to spark the Falcons’ comeback.
Atlanta drove 85 yards capped
plete to finish off the home team’s
best chance at pulling off an upset.

proved to 3-0 filling in for Brees. “I

know there was a lot of conversation
by Matt Ryan’s 10-yard touchdown
pass to Russell Gage with 7:43 re-
Atlanta got a desperation heave on
the final play of the game, but it
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 3 5 8 1 2 7 6 9 4
about getting that first TD comple- maining. New Orleans hadn’t al- was batted it down.
given numbers.puzzleThe object 1 6 2 4 9 5 3 8 7

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

based onthe a 9x9

is to place numbers 7 4 9 8 3 6 5 2 1
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 5 9 7 6 8 4 1 3 2
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 2 1 6 5 7 3 9 4 8
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Continued from Page 1B
numbers 8 3 4 2 1 9 7 5 6
contains the1same to 9 number
4 2 3 7 5 1 8 6 9
home for last weekend’s way. player get (more than zig-zagging, 14-yard run. the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 9 8 1 3 6 2 4 7 5
Iron Bowl win over LSU (3-5, 3-5) showed 200) yards in the first LSU responded by that each row, each
level increases from
Auburn. “Mac played signs of life in the second half.” driving to the Alabama column and each 6 7 5 9 4 8 2 1 3
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 12/05
well. Smitty had a great quarter, scoring on a pair Jones, who finished 15, briefly enlivening the
game.” of long plays. with 385 yards passing, socially distanced crowd the same number only once. The difficulty level
Smith, who went to One nearly didn’t had 338 yards and all of 22,349 in 102,000-seat increases from Monday to Sunday.
the same high school happen when receiver four of his TDs passing Death Valley, only to
(Amite) as Louisiana Kayshon Boutte caught a by halftime, when Smith come up short on third
Gov. John Bel Edwards, 43-yard pass from TJ Fin- had seven catches for 219 and 1 and fourth and 1
capped a pair of three- ley and released the ball yards. Smith’s third TD — both rushes by Tyrion
play, 75-yard scoring in celebration just before shortly before the half Davis-Price.
drives with touchdowns crossing the goal line. gave the Crimson Tide a Two plays later, Ala-
of 65 and 61 yards. On Luckily for LSU, Jontre 45-14 lead. bama was inside LSU’s
his third touchdown Kirkland was following “It was all right,” 20 and scored on Harris’
catch, from 20-yards out, the play and picked the Smith said of his perfor- short run.
he shed tight coverage ball up in the end zone mance. “There was some Jones found wide-open
from top LSU cornerback to complete LSU’s first stuff I left out there, that tight end Jahleel Billing-
Derrick Stingley Jr. and scoring play against Al- we left out there, that I sley for a 24-yard score Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
made a twisting, leaping, abama in Tiger Stadium wish I could have done that made it 21-0 before
one-handed catch high since 2014. different, but we won so the first quarter ended.
over his head before land- Later, John Emery ran that’s all that really mat-
ing on his back. for a 54-yard touchdown, ters.” The takeaway
“I love Smitty,” Saban the longest run allowed Alabama: Alabama put
said. “He’s probably done by Alabama this season. up the highest point total
as much this year for our Each score pulled LSU as
Resume building in the 85 games these
Jones now has 3,113
team as any player that close as two touchdowns, teams have played since
yards and 27 TDs pass-
we’ve ever had. but the Tide answered 1895. If anything, the
ing this season. He has
“He had some chal- each with the two deep four-touchdown spread
lenges out there today connections between completed 75.7% of his
underestimated the gulf
because they were try- Jones and Smith. passes and thrown just
between Alabama and
ing to take him out of After the second three interceptions.
an LSU program that
the game,” Saban add- Smith TD, Orgeron Smith has 80 catches
has fallen far since last
ed, mentioning how fre- stomped along the side- for 1,305 yards and 15
season’s Tigers finished
quently Smith was dou- line, gesticulating and TDs. He has had gains of
as unbeaten national
ble-covered or shadowed hollering angrily in the 20 or more yards 25 times champs.
by Stingley. “He still per- direction of defensive co- this season. LSU: The young and
formed well.” ordinator Bo Pelini while rebuilding Tigers’ exe-
Najee Harris rushed also throwing his headset Quick start cution was inconsistent
for 145 yards and three on the ground. Aided by an LSU off- and seemingly no mis-
touchdowns on 21 car- “Our plan was to dou- side penalty on third take went unpunished
ries for Alabama (9-0, 9-0 ble team Smith and that and 3, Alabama drove 75 by an Alabama squad
SEC), juking, shedding was one of the times we yards in seven plays on that came in outscoring
and even leaping over didn’t,” Orgeron said. the opening series, tak- opponents by an average
LSU defenders along the “Frustrating to see one ing a 7-0 lead on Harris’ of 30 points this season.

Continued from Page 1B ACROSS
1 Seize
ond string, they would have put JM: Yes, sir. We get to do that coaches came in both of them had 5 Useful skill
him without hesitation and when and then a lot of JUCO kids are spin offs from my high school. So 10 Take the bus
I was second string, they kind of still around right now. And they like, Coach Leach’s is more what 11 Frightens
hesitated and didn’t do it. So I felt all know that I’m back in town I did in high school, because my 13 High cards
like that was the statement of I so we always go get some work coaches were big, Baylor, Texas 14 Arizona city
didn’t have any future there. They in ‘cause their season is in the Tech, and every year they would famed for its red
had pretty much chosen who they spring and they’re obviously go to those coaching conventions rocks
had in mind. So I figured it’d give working out right now. So almost and come back with that style. 15 Navy rank
me more time to get out earlier.” every day, twice a day, they’ve And then my senior year, we add- 17 Sonar user
BP: You mention wanting to been trying to hit me up to get ed a new (offensive coordinator), 18 Consign
get out earlier, was that in an ef- out there. But I just came back and he was more like Coach Moor-
19 Angry state
fort to give yourself a little more from watching my homie at Texas head with the (Run-pass options).
20 Baseball’s
time to go through the process? State — they got blown out — but So I really got to play in both. So
JM: Yeah a little bit more other than that it’s been a grind. when we got Leach, I was real ex-
21 South African
time to go through the process. I BP: With the work you’re put- cited because they’ll be the same
farmer Sunday’s answer
mean, a lot of people were saying ting in day-to-day, what are you plays and stuff like that, and they
wait till after the season, but pret- really keying in on or focusing on were the exact same plays from 22 — acids denial 16 Car
ty much then everybody’s got the and trying to take the next step my high school.” 25 Flexes 40 Transmits 21 Oscar cate-
recruits that they want to have with? BP: Having seen all of those 26 “Phooey!” 41 Dreary shade gory
signed early with the early Sign- JM: Really just trying to en- different offensive schemes, how 27 Slight, in DOWN 22 Words to the
ing Day. I just didn’t want to have vision game-like plays, trying to much does that help you when slang 1 Effortless wise
to rush anything.” make decisions — even routes on going through the recruiting pro- 28 DVR’s fore- charm 23 Vowel marks
BP: In terms of that, we’ve air — trying not to look at one per- cess again now and selling your- runner 2 Puerto — 24 Close enough
seen tons of quarterbacks na- son. I’m trying to act like there’s self as being a guy that can fit in a 29 Moves with 3 Skilled to hit
tionwide transfer in recent years. some type of read or some type of couple different systems? speed 4 “Hang in 25 Robin or wren
What’s it been like for you being progression and just making sure JM: It definitely prepared me 33 Lyricist there!” 27 Washington
a free agent of sorts, and particu- I keep my base. Sometimes I over- how to study for a new playbook, Gershwin 5 Help out airport
larly at the quarterback position? stride or when I move up in the how not to look at the whole play- 34 Sailor 6 Fragrance 29 Hunting dog
JM: “I’ve kind of just watched pocket, I might just let my feet get book at once, but to break it down 35 Roman 7 Despondent 30 Bright beam
a whole bunch of college football. a little wild sometimes. So trying in sections. Know what each play magistrate 8 Canyon creator 31 Carl’s wife in
Looked at teams that, no (disre- to make subtle movements and be is designed for — not every play 37 Norway’s 9 Like some “Up”
spect to) the players, but look like accurate with it. is designed for a touchdown. capital
they need a quarterback and then BP: In terms of what you Some plays are three yard gains
profs 32 Hardhearted
38 Car part 12 Cavalry 36 Confession
kind of reach out to those coach- went through at MSU, you com- or just a first down. Like a hook/
39 German swords topic
es if they haven’t already reached mitted to Dan Mullen, played for slant concept is not something
out to you and just try to build a Joe Moorhead and then spent a you want to hold the ball. It’s
relationship.” chunk of this year under Mike something where you want to an-
BP: How has that been trying Leach, what was that like as a ticipate the linebacker flowing, or
to manage building relationships quarterback to go through all is he not flowing, and then taking
virtually versus in-person like those different schemes? what the defense gives you.
you did in high school? JM: “You kind of get nervous So just being able to break
JM: “With the whole school at first, because you’re like,’OK, down each and every play, see
thing being over, I mean, it’s pret- who are they gonna hire?’ Then what it’s designed for — that’s
ty much just workouts and stuff you’re like, ‘I hope the offensive one of the many things that I’ve
like that. I pretty much got all scheme fits.’ And then once that noticed I’ve grown from with all
day to talk to coaches. It’s been happens, you’re like, alright well the new coaching staffs.
easy for me. Other quarterbacks you’ve got to do the best you can BP: Now closing in on the ear-
that haven’t left are probably still to try to make an impression and ly signing period, do you have
in school so they still have to deal learn the offense as quick as you any top schools or a timeline for
with school work and trying to can since everybody is pretty your decision?
get all that stuff done. But I pretty much starting on ground zero. JM: “I don’t really have any
much have a lot of free time.” If there’s a starter last year, top schools as of now, but I know
BP: Have you just been work- he’s pretty much still going to be I’ve got two or three more weeks
ing out at your high school? the guy. But when either of the before I’ve got to make a decision.

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4B MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 The Dispatch •

Rams move into tie for NFC West lead, beat Cardinals
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS keep my head down and derson sliced through “He took great care of ball about 39 minutes to and he was able to jog
keep working.” Arizona’s defense un- the football, distributed, Arizona’s 21. into the end zone.
GLENDALE, Ariz. — Los Angeles (8-4) has touched for a 38-yard got a lot of guys involved,” “They got it going Los Angeles’ defense,
Jared Goff first shook off won three of four and is TD run that pushed it to McVay said. “We were ef- and kept our defense on which has been among
his coach’s criticism and tied for the division lead 31-21. Goff was steady in ficient on third down. It the field a lot of plays the NFL’s best this sea-
then led his team to the with the Seahawks, who the fourth, just as he was was tough sledding run- and I think as the game son, tightened in a hurry.
top of the NFC West. lost to the New York Gi- throughout the game, ning the football but we went on, it wore on those The Cardinals didn’t get
The Rams’ fifth-year ants 17-12. making big throws and did get enough.” guys,” Arizona coach another first down until
quarterback bounced The Rams had a 24-14 avoiding mistakes. The Cardinals (6-6) Kliff Kingsbury said. late in the second quar-
back from last week’s lead early in the fourth Rams coach Sean Mc- have lost three straight “We have to be better, ter, and Murray finished
tough outing with one of and looked like they were Vay was critical of Goff and four of their past more efficient offensively the first half 3-of-12
his best games of the sea- going to pull away until after he threw two inter- five. Second-year Arizona and not keep those guys
passing for 73 yards.
son, completing 37 of 47 Nsimba Webster fumbled ceptions in a 23-20 loss to quarterback Kyler Mur- on the field so much.”
passes for 351 yards and a “You’re going to go
on a punt return. The the 49ers last weekend, ray had an inconsistent Arizona opened the
touchdown in a 38-28 win through slumps, you’re
Cardinals recovered at but he never lost confi- game, completing 21 of game with a 59-yard
over the Arizona Cardi- the LA 15-yard line and dence in his quarterback. 39 passes for 173 yards touchdown pass from going to have times
nals on Sunday. quickly turned the mis- For his part, Goff took and three touchdowns. Murray to tight end Dan when you’re not as sharp
“I responded exactly take into a touchdown on his coach’s comments in He also lost a fumble mid- Arnold, who didn’t have as you like to be,” Kings-
how I expected to,” Goff Kenyan Drake’s 4-yard stride, saying he was “a way through the fourth a defensive player with- bury said. “I still believe
said. “I have been through run that pulled Arizona big boy” and that McVay and threw a pick-6 to LA’s in 15 yards of him while we have a high-level of-
a lot of bad things in my within 24-21. was correct. Troy Hill, who ran it back making the catch. The fense that can score a
football career before Los Angeles respond- Instead of getting mad, 35 yards for a 38-21 lead. Rams were distracted by lot of points, make a lot
and I have consistently ed on its next drive, and Goff got better. McVay The Rams also had a triple-teamed DeAndre of first downs. We just
responded and this was the offense quickly moved had nothing but praise on big advantage in time of Hopkins, which led to weren’t very sharp to-
no different. I just had to downfield. Darrell Hen- Sunday. possession, keeping the Arnold being wide open, day.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: may solve his ing nuptials. What you are
I am a problem. considering is not unusual and,
46-year-old P.S. Are you frankly, it’s a great compliment
woman, about ABSOLUTELY sure to your uncle. I think your idea
to be married you want to be of running it by your cousin is
for the second married to this sensitive as well as prudent.
time. My fiance prize? Nowhere in The discussion would be more
lives with me and your letter did you loving and productive if you con-
my two children say you love this duct it in person or by phone
from my previous person. Not once rather than a text or email. I
marriage. did you mention can see no reason why she
Other than his endearing shouldn’t be thrilled for you and
ZITS cooking breakfast qualities. Frankly, her dad.
and some quick from your descrip- DEAR ABBY: I have a job I
snacks, he does tion, he seems love. My co-workers are nice,
not contribute to like a third child. but once I punch out at the
DEAR ABBY: end of the day, I want to forget
the household. My Dear Abby My dad passed them. I believe that’s how it
issue is, I pay all
the bills, and he away 25 years should be, but some of them try
complains about the tempera- ago when I was barely a teen. to arrange meet-ups after work
ture inside my home. My chil- My boyfriend proposed in to hang out. Or they insist on
dren and I need it to be cooler. March, and we are planning our becoming my friend on social
If it’s too hot, we sweat and nuptials next fall. media. I don’t consider them
become congested, which we As a girl, I dreamed my dad social friends, and I don’t think
hate, and it makes us irritable. would walk me down the aisle. they need to know the details of
I tell him to put on more clothes I would now like my uncle to my private life. Is there a nice
if he is cold, but he complains step in and fill that role. He has way to tell these people to back
GARFIELD to the point that I turn off the a daughter who is older than I off a little because we only
fans and air. am. She has been married for work together? — NINE TO FIVE
My question is, don’t I have many years. Out of respect, I IN NEW YORK
a right to be comfortable in would like to ask her if she’s DEAR NINE TO FIVE: When
the home I pay for? He doesn’t OK with my asking her father. you are invited to hang out
pay, so he should adjust to I’m pretty sure she won’t mind, after work, explain that you
our climate. Right? — HOT & but I feel asking her is the right have things you need to do or
FRUSTRATED IN VIRGINIA thing to do. I’m unsure how to previous commitments. And
DEAR HOT & FRUSTRATED: go about it. Any suggestions as for sharing your personal
The answers to your questions would be greatly appreciated. information with them online,
are yes and yes. And your fian- — MARRYING IN MAINE all you have to say is that you
ce — not you — should invest DEAR MARRYING: Con- prefer to keep your business
in a portable heater, which gratulations on your forthcom- and personal lives separate.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). puppet, the puppeteer and the
7). You’ve craved a better Power inequalities can have a cross-legged child watching the
balance between doing what deleterious effect on rela- show from the floor.
it takes to make a living and tionships, and this is why the LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). By
loving what you do. A profes- socially astute will be extremely demanding too much of yourself
sional shift will tip you in the careful not to act on advantages and then scaling back, you will
direction that brings you deep and will downplay differences eventually land on a sweet spot
satisfaction. Improvements while striving toward egalitari- that you would not otherwise
in your routine lead to feeling anism. find if you were to simply watch
better and stronger. A super-fun GEMINI (May 21-June 21). the others and aim down the
someone will spice up 2021. You’ll come across some bril- middle.
Taurus and Gemini adore you. liant salesmanship. Admire the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Your lucky numbers are: 9, 40, skill, but don’t let it hook you Just when the scene teeters on
BABY BLUES 3, 33 and 28. in. The worse the product, the the brink of total boredom, you’ll
ARIES (March 21-April 19). more seductive the marketing bring out the mischievous side
Those who don’t know what to will be. of someone. It’s a delicious
think are better off than those CANCER (June 22-July 22). discovery — the funny little
who do. To fall back on the If you are what you think about, wicked streak you find in an
established facts isn’t really are you the news or the chore? otherwise-straight-and-narrow
thinking so much as enforcing The sandwich, the hunger, the persona.
previous thoughts. You’ll push chef? You’re on to something LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
forward with curiosity. with this sense of being the This spot you’re in has obvious
limitations and less obvious (at
least to you) opportunities. Out-
siders will be the best source of
insight, ideas and information.
Collect now; filter; and sort your
findings later.
21). Problems push you along.
It’s actually an easier way to
get there than having to come
up with the entire enterprise
yourself. In a way, you’ll be glad
for all that has inconvenienced
and opposed you.
Dec. 21). It’s a day when
you’re likely to gather loads of
incomplete and unreliable data,
only because that’s what’s out
there. Later, you can lay it all
out on the table and put your
MALLARD FILLMORE critical-thinking skills to excel-
lent use.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). If your success is solely
based on how your actions mea-
sure up to your expectations of
yourself, then no one in the en-
tire world can thwart or spawn
your success except you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). By noon, you’ve come up
with theories and solutions that
are the best the day will bring,
and the rest of the time will be
spent applying them — hopeful-
FAMILY CIRCUS ly. Otherwise, the morning work
will have been for nothing.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’ll get another crack at
a puzzle and end up solving it
differently than the way you did
the first time. Try it again and
again and a pattern of solutions
will emerge. This pattern will
work on other puzzles, too.

Pizza with everything on it

The Dispatch • MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 5B
MAN (incorrectly identified as ure Sale. said Section 33; run thence

Patricia Holliman Hankins in North 87 degrees 52 minutes
the deed of trust), a deed of On October 16, 2020, the Es- West a distance of 1324.7 feet
trust covering the property de-
scribed herein which is recor-
ded in Mortgage Book 2013 at
tate of Patricia H. Holliman, De-
ceased, assigned its interest in
the aforementioned Deed of
to an iron pin; run thence
South 41 degrees 39 minutes Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
West a distance of 418.2 feet
Page 20654 in the land re-
cords of Lowndes County, Mis-
Trust to Gene Douglas Holli-
man, Jr., Denise Holliman Gat-
lin, Dolores Holliman Davis,
to the point of beginning of the
herein described tract: The Starkville Dispatch and Online
Donna Holliman Vaughn, and Continue thence South 41 de-
There was a default in the pay-
ment of the indebtedness se-
Darren Lee Holliman, said As-
signment being recorded in
grees 39 minutes West a dis-
tance of 315.1 feet to a point;
To place ads starting at only $12,
cured by the deed of trust, and
the owner and holder of the
Mortgage Book 2020 at Page
27019, in the land records of
run thence North 36 degrees
32 minutes West a distance of
call 662-328-2424 or visit
deed of trust requested the un- the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes 136.5 feet to a point; run
dersigned to foreclose the County, Mississippi. thence North 46 degrees 28
deed of trust and sell the prop- minutes West a distance of THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 n 6B
erty described herein for collec- Notice is given that I will on the 170.9 feet to a point on the
tion of the indebtedness se- 22nd day of December, 2020, East right-of-way of Blaylock
cured and other allowed ex- within the legal hours (between Road; run thence North 44 de-
penses. 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), of- grees 02 minutes East along
Legal Notices Legal
fer forNotices LegalEast
sale and will sell at pub- said Noticesright-of-way, a dis- Mobile Homes for Rent Sporting Goods

LEGALS Rentals
On February 17, 2020, Patricia lic auction to the highest and tance of 247.7 feet to an iron
H. Holliman passed away. Her best bidder for cash, at the pin; continue thence along said RENT A CAMPER! ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
estate has been probated in eastern front door of the East right-of-way North 42 de- CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! Open for season!
the Chancery Court of Lowndes Lowndes County Courthouse in grees 04 minutes East a dis-
Utilities & cable included, Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
Call us: 662-328-2424 County, Mississippi, as Cause Columbus, Mississippi, the tance of 33.9 feet to a point; Ads starting at $25 from $145/wk − $535/mo Over 50 years experience!
No. 2020-0038-JNS, and Gene property described herein run thence South 48 degrees
Douglas Holliman, Jr. and Dar- which is situated in Lowndes 21 minutes East a distance of Columbus & County School Repairs, cleaning, refin−
Legal Notices ren Lee Holliman were named County, Mississippi, and more 293.8 feet to the point of be- Apts For Rent: West locations. 662−242−7653 ishing, scopes mounted &
as Co-Executors. particularly described as fol- ginning and containing 2.0 or 662−245−9799. zeroed, handmade knives.

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI lows: acres, more or less. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
COUNTY OF LOWNDES The owner and holder of the of West Point, turn right on
deed of trust appointed the un- A tract of land being situated in Title to the property is believed

Rentals Real Estate

Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE dersigned ELIZABETH F. JONES the Northeast Quarter of Sec- to be good, but I will sell only left on Darracott Rd, will
SALE as the substituted trustee by tion 33, Township 17 South, such title as is vested in me.
instrument dated October 16, Range 17 West, Lowndes see sign, 2.5mi ahead
On July 19, 2013, JOHNNY 2020, recorded in Mortgage County, Mississippi and more Witness my signature on this Apartments & Houses shop on left.
TYLER and wife, IDA MAE Book 2020 at page 27017 of particularly described as fol- the 19th day of November, Ads starting at $25 662−494−6218.
TYLER, Grantors, executed and the land records of Lowndes
delivered to George M. Vaughn, County, Mississippi, prior to
lows: 2020.
1 Bedrooms
Lots & Acreage
Trustee, for the use and bene- the posting and first publica-
fit of PATRICIA HANKINS HOLLI- tion of the Notice of Foreclos-
Commencing at the point mark- /s/ Elizabeth F. Jones
ing the Northeast corner of ELIZABETH F. JONES, Trustee 2 Bedroooms
MAN (incorrectly identified as
Patricia Holliman Hankins in
the deed of trust), a deed of
ure Sale.

On October 16, 2020, the Es-

said Section 33; run thence
North 87 degrees 52 minutes PUBLISH:
West a distance of 1324.7 feet November 30, 2020
3 Bedrooms 1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/
Bad Credit Options. Good Vehicles
trust covering the property de- tate of Patricia H. Holliman, De- to an iron pin; run thence December 7, 2020 Furnished & Unfurnished credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land, Ads starting at $12
1, 2, & 3 Baths
scribed herein which is recor- ceased, assigned its interest in South 41 degrees 39 minutes December 14, 2020 662−361−7711.
ded in Mortgage Book 2013 at the aforementioned Deed of West a distance of 418.2 feet December 21, 2020
Page 20654 in the land re- Trust to Gene Douglas Holli-
cords of Lowndes County, Mis- man, Jr., Denise Holliman Gat- herein described tract:
to the point of beginning of the Lease, Deposit Trailers & Heavy Equipment
sissippi. lin, Dolores Holliman Davis, & Credit Check Approx. 7 acres located
between Dale Road and JD D110 42" Lawn Tractor
Donna Holliman Vaughn, and Continue thence South 41 de-
There was a default in the pay- Darren Lee Holliman, said As- grees 39 minutes West a dis- Buck Egger Road. Access $800.
ment of the indebtedness se-

the owner and holder of the

signment being recorded in
cured by the deed of trust, and Mortgage Book 2020 at Page
27019, in the land records of
tance of 315.1 feet to a point;
run thence North 36 degrees
32 minutes West a distance of All notices must be 327-8555 off either road. $30,000.
662−549−0696 6’ x 10’ Carry−On Trailer,
fully lighted, high sides
deed of trust requested the un- the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes 136.5 feet to a point; run emailed to $1,000. 662−368−6779.
dersigned to foreclose the County, Mississippi. thence North 46 degrees 28 Apts For Rent: Other LAMAR CO., AL−80 ACRES
deed of trust and sell the prop- minutes West a distance of classifieds@ hunting land, north of
erty described herein for collec- Notice is given that I will on the 170.9 feet to a point on the Millport. $585 per acre.
tion of the indebtedness se- 22nd day of December, 2020, East right-of-way of Blaylock
Call for more info,
cured and other allowed ex- within the legal hours (between Road; run thence North 44 de-
penses. 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), of- grees 02 minutes East along 205−695−2248 or
fer for sale and will sell at pub- said East right-of-way, a dis- 205−799−9846.
On February 17, 2020, Patricia lic auction to the highest and tance of 247.7 feet to an iron
H. Holliman passed away. Her best bidder for cash, at the pin; continue thence along said Mobile Homes for Sale Ads starting at $12
estate has been probated in eastern front door of the East right-of-way North 42 de-
the Help Wanted
Chancery Court of Lowndes Lowndes County Courthouse in grees 04 minutes East a dis- 2019 Clayton Mobile Home Good Things To Eat
County, Mississippi, as Cause Columbus, Mississippi, the tance of 33.9 feet to a point;
No. 2020-0038-JNS, and Gene property described herein run thence South 48 degrees Brand new, never lived in.
Douglas Holliman, Jr. and Dar- which is situated in Lowndes 21 minutes East a distance of Fully furnished, perfect for
ren Lee Holliman were named County, Mississippi, and more 293.8 feet to the point of be- an older couple or person.
as Co-Executors. particularly described as fol- ginning and containing 2.0 Attached front porch with
lows: acres, more or less. roof. May have to be
The owner and holder of the moved unless lease is
deed of trust appointed the un- A tract of land being situated in Title to the property is believed approved by land owner.
dersigned ELIZABETH F. JONES the Northeast Quarter of Sec- to be good, but I will sell only $40,000. 828−674−8659
as the substituted trustee by tion 33, Township 17 South, such title as is vested in me.
instrument dated October 16, Range 17 West, Lowndes
2020, recorded in Mortgage
Book 2020 atApage t i o nofs County,
u c 27017 Mississippi and more
particularly described asFfol- o r Sthe
Witness my signature on this
a l19th
e day of November, Insurance
the land records of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, prior to
posting and firstAUCTIONpublica-
lows: ENJOY 100% guaranteed, 2020. delivered
to-the-door Omaha Steaks! Get 4
Commencing at the point mark- /s/ Elizabeth F. Jones
UP TO $15,000.00 of GUARANTEED
Life Insurance! No medical exam or
Garage Sales
FREE Pork Chops and 4 FREE CHICKEN health questions. Cash to help pay funer-
tion of the Notice of Foreclos-
ure Sale.
ing the Northeast
said SectionBREAST.
33; runOrder
thencethe Omaha Steaks Classic al and other final expenses.Call Two free signs
Sat., Dec. 12 at 10:00 North a.m.87 degrees- ONLY 52$129.99.
minutes Call 1-855-398-5977
PUBLISH: Physicians Life Insurance Company- 844-
On October 30416, S.2020,
Binford the Es-Ave. West a distanceand ofuse 1324.7codefeet66762MGH
November 30, or 2020
visit 439-8447 or visit The Military Square Estate Sales
tate of Patricia Duck H. Holliman,
Hill, MS De- to an iron pin; run thence December 7, 2020 Apartments are now
ceased, assigned its interest in South 41 degrees 39 minutes
GENERAC STANDBY GENERATORS. December 14, 2020 accepting applicants!
Nice frame home,
the aforementioned Deed3ofbedroom, West a distance of 418.2is feet December 21, 2020 Medical Supplies
The weather increasingly unpredictable. We have 1, 2, and 3 New Hope Estate Sale
Trust1 bath,
to Gene and all personal
Douglas Holli- propertyto the point Beof beginning
prepared of forthepower outages. FREE 7- ATTENTION DIABETICS! Save money bedroom units available. 174 Virgie Drive
man, Jr., Denise andHolliman
antiques. Gat- herein described tract: All apartments are newly
year extended warranty ($695 value). on your diabetic supplies! Convenient Columbus, MS 39702
Dolores Holliman
Estate Davis, Auction
by Taggart
Donna Holliman Vaughn, and Continue thenceScheduleSouth your
41 in-home
de- assessment today. home shipping for monitors, test strips, remodeled, and include: Fri. Dec. 11, 9am−4pm
and Real Estate, Inc. Call 1-844-316-8630. Special financing New Washer/Dryer, New Sat. Dec. 12, 9−4
Darren Lee Holliman, said As- grees 39 minutes West a dis- insulin pumps, catheters and more! To
signment being recorded in 1065F tance of 315.1 for qualified customers.
feet to a point; learn more, call now! 877-368-0628 Refrigerator, New A/C Unit! Sun. Dec. 13, 1pm−4
Mortgage Book For2020 more info, run thence North
at Page THE 36 GENERAC
degrees PWRcell, a solar plus VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Pills Mon. Dec. 14, 9am−1
27019,call in the1-888-754-5660
land records of 32 minutes battery
West a distance of
storage system. SAVE money, SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% We also offer rent Selling contents of
the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes 136.5 feet to a point;
reduce yourrunreliance on the grid, prepare guaranteed. CALL NOW! 844-821-3242 discounts for: house, bedroom suites,
County, Terms: Cash or Good Check
Mississippi. thence Northfor 46power
degrees 28
outages and power your home. NEW DISCOVERY ELIMINATES COM- −Active Military dining room suite,
w/Valid ID and Letter of Credit minutes West a distance of
Full installation services available. $0 MON SEXUAL PROBLEMS! All natural −Veterans curios, TV’s,
Notice givenifthat
notI known
will on theto Auction
170.9 feet to a point on the
22nd day ofVisa
December, 2020, East right-of-way DownofFinancing
Blaylock Option. Request a FREE, male enhancement product increases
−Seniors bookcases, Cub Cadet
Co., and Mastercard.
within the10% legalBuyers
hours (between no obligation,
North 44 quote today. Call 1-844- staying power, performance, and pleas- Call us at: 662−205−0005 riding mower,
Premium.Road; run thence de-

Too much
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), of- grees 02 minutes 355-7099 East along ure. Risk FREE 60 Day Guarantee plus 12’ x 20’ storage
See our website for
fer for sale and will sell at pub- said East right-of-way, STATEWIDE a dis-CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS- FREE SHIPPING. 15% Discount with building, shop full of

lic photos
auction to the highest anddetails,tance of 247.7 INGfeet forto one
an iron
and more flat rate. To order your Coupon perform05. Visit: tools, fishing
best bidder for cash, at the pin; continuestatewide
thence along said
classified ad, call Mississippi collectibles, windmill,
or call
eastern frontKeith
door of theMoore (MAL East right-of-way North 42 de- Miscellaneous outdoor décor,
Press Services at 601-981-3060.
Lowndes at 731-610-1458
Courthouse in grees or 04 minutes East a dis- RENTALS Christmas décor,
Columbus, Mississippi, the tance of 33.9Hfeet o mto aepoint;
Jim described
property Awtreyherein (MAL 311) runatthence South 48 degrees Receive maximum value of write off for
power tools, hand tools,
which is situated662-263-6097
in Lowndes 21 minutes ELIMINATE
East a distance GUTTER
of CLEANING FOR- your taxes. Running or not! All condi- 1 BEDROOM ladies clothes, linens,
kitchen items,
County, Mississippi, and more 293.8 feet to the point
EVER! of be- the most advanced tions accepted. Free pickup. Call for
particularly described www. as fol- ginning and debris-blocking
containing 2.0 gutter protection. details. 855-400-8263
2 BEDROOMS swings, washer & dryer.
acres, moreSchedule
or less. a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 3 BEDROOMS Hundreds of items.
15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Services-General Just off of Old Yorkville
A tract of land being situated in Title to the property is believed
LEASE, Road. Photos @
© The Dispatch

the Northeast Quarter of Sec- to be good, Military

but I willDiscounts.
sell only Call 1-866-479-1028 DIRECTV - Every live football game,
is vested in Homes needing METAL
tionC33,l aTownship
s s e s 17
Range 17 West, Lowndes
/ South,
T r a i nsuch i n gtitle asROOFS. me.
every Sunday - anywhere - on your DEPOSIT Stewart’s Antiques &
favorite device. Restrictions apply. Call IVS
County, AND and
Mississippi IT TRAINING
more PRO-my $1,195*
Witness signature onorthis$79/mo.* For 2021 - Call 1-855-978-3110 AND Estate Sales
Benny Shelton
particularly described as to
fol-get thethe 19thto daybrochure.
of November,
GRAM! Train
become a Computer and Help
Beat price increase! Expires
12/30/20 *wac for 1500 sq. ft. 888-878-
DISH NETWORK. $59.99 for 190 CREDIT CHECK Columbus, MS
Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, 662−251−1515
Professional now! Grants and 6443.
Commencing at the point mark- /s/ Elizabeth F. Jones
Scholarships available for certain pro-
ing the Northeast corner of
grams for qualified applicants.
Call CTI Insurance
$19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch &
Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE 662-329-2323
said Section 33; run thence Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE
for details! 833-992-0228
North 87 degrees 52 minutes (M-F 8am-
PUBLISH: ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWN- Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1- 2411 HWY 45 N
West a distance of 1324.7 feet November 30,
an iron pin; run
PROGRAMS41 degrees
December 7,erty
Ultimate December
39 minutes Medical 14,
ERS! 2020
Are you protected in case of prop-
damage or if you have an interrup-
tion in service due to a property event?
COLUMBUS, MS Merchandise Start your
de-cluttering by
Academya distanceOfferof 418.2
Quality December 21,
feet Healthcare 2020 Owner Property insurance IS
the point of to beginning
Students of100%
the online.- AFFORDABLE and WILL PROTECT YOU Houses For Rent: North Ads starting at $12
herein described tract:
placing a garage
Ultimate Medical Academy: 1-866-664- when the unexpected happens! For free
4140 thence South 41 de- quote, call 855-933-1267 (M-F 7:30 am-
Continue 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
sale ad today!
grees 39 minutes West a dis- 9:30 pm ET)
E m p l o
tance of 315.1 feet to a point;
bath townhouses. $650 to FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
run thence North 36 degrees $49/ MONTH! Call for your fee rate
$750. 662−549−9555. Various lengths.
32 minutes West a distance of comparison to see how much you can
Ask for Glenn or text. 662−295−2274.
DRIVERS needed to run from S.E. to
136.5 feet to a point; run
West Coast. Experienced Singles and save! Call: 833-678-0500
thence North 46 degrees 28
minutes Check out our new
a distance of pay package.
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mobile Homes for Rent Furniture Ads starting at...
Singles, 41tocents per onmilethefor 60 day pro- Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage
1 day $10
170.9 feet a point
East period.
right-of-way of46 cents per mile there-
Blaylock for 350 plus procedures. Real dental 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. West Point: Good cond,
after. run
Road; Teams, 50 cents
thence Northper44 mile
de- for 60 day insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do $650 dep + $650/mo. No GE Washer ($500) & GE

3 day $18
grees 02 minutes
probationary East 55
period. along cents per mile not wait! Call now! Get your FREE pets, quiet area. Leave full Dryer ($125), microwave
said East right-of-way, a dis-
thereafter. Late model conventional trac- Dental Information Kit with all the name & message, ($25). Call anytime, 662−
tance of 247.7
tors. Home weekly. feet to an iron
Benefits package. details! 1-855-397-7045 205−712−6697. 275−7679.

6 day $34
pin; continue
Pearl, thence
MS. along said
601-939-8088. #6258
East right-of-way North 42 de- Week of December 6, 2020
grees 04 minutes East a dis-
tance of 33.9 feet to a point;
run thence South 48 degrees

Service Directory
21 minutes East a distance of Price includes 4 lines of text;
$1/line after base cost.
293.8 feet to the point of be-
ginning and containing 2.0
acres, more or less.

Title to the property is believed

to be good, but I will sell only
such title as is vested in me.
Promote your small business starting at only $25 Five Questions:
Place an ad safely
Witness my signature on this
the 19th day of November,
Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
1 Word, Excel,

from home with

/s/ Elizabeth F. Jones A & T TREE SERVICES JESSE & BEVERLY’S
ELIZABETH F. JONES, Trustee Bucket truck & stump
removal. Free est.
Mowing, cleanup, tree PowerPoint

the Classifieds.
Serving Columbus cutting, landscaping,
November 30, 2020 since 1987. Senior sodding & bush hogging.
December 7, 2020
2 Scorpion
December 14, 2020 citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 662−356−6525
December 21, 2020 242−0324/241−4447
"We’ll go out on a limb for TERRA CARE

3 China
Phone: 662−549−1878
**HOLIDAY SPECIAL** WORK WANTED: Licensed Landscaping, Property
4 ROOMS − $100 & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Clean Up, Plant Care,
1 Room − $50 electrical, minor plumbing, Bush Hogging,
2 Room − $70 insulation, painting, demo− Herbicide Spraying
3 Rooms − $90
lition, gutters cleaned,
pressure washing, land− Painting & Papering 4 “Star Trek
Into Darkness”
DAVID’S CARPET & scaping, cleanup work.
Call for more info!
Read local.
Special Prices.
5 Hawaii
662−722−1758 Interior & Exterior Painting.

Just a click

Support your community this Christmas season by shopping local!

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