Class Data Analysis

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Class Data Analysis

As a group, the class appears to not be doing as well as I would like. The class average for the
test was a 67%. The majority of students in the class scored in the 50s or below, which is
considered a failing grade.
Juan received a 100% on the test and this tells me that he understood each part of the test. This
assures me that Juan has a solid understanding of addition and subtraction. Cody received a score
of 97%, so he passed the test as well. Hugh, Jack, and Jamal received a score of 80%. Overall,
each of these students are doing well based on their test score as well as their average scores for
the questions regarding addition and subtraction. Both Holly and Hannah received a test score of
73%. Although this is a passing grade, I would encourage the both of them to discuss what they
could do to better their performance on the next test.
The students who scored a 60% will need some additional help and that will be discussed;
however, my concern is for the following students who had scores below 60%: Patrick, Sarah,
Nathan, Molly, Claire, and Luke. Each of these students received a failing grade. The data
showed that some students may be performing well on certain questions. For example, Molly had
an average of 80% on the questions regarding addition, but a 20% average for subtraction. The
data also displays that students are performing better on the addition questions than they are on
the subtraction questions. Some students seem to be struggling with both addition and
subtraction. Luke received a test score of 40%, the lowest score in the class, and he also had an
average of 40% on both addition and subtraction questions.

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