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“Er ist’s” is a selection from a song-cycle written by the German composer Robert Schumann

(1810-2856) for the young musician: Lieder-Album fur die Jugend. The song is a delightful
setting of Friedrich Morike’s poem about the springtime. The lyrics and musical setting of the
song point to a child’s innocent delight at the coming of springtime. The piano accompaniment
consists of a fluttering, sparkling cascade of notes, while the vocal part floats and meanders
over it, singing of the breezes and the violets. Mid-song, the vocalist pauses and interrupts the
flow of the song with the lyrics “Hark! The sound of the harp! Spring, that must be you!” The
song ends rejoicing at the sight of the coming springtime, repeating the text over and over,
“Yes, ‘tis you!”

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