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Organizational Behavior

Course code: BUS-541

submitted To Submitted By
Md. Thanvir Ahmed Chowdury Popi deb
Associate Professor / Head MBA/Four semester
Department of Business Administration ID NO: 180301010506
North East University Bangladesh Department of Business Administration
North East University Bangladesh
Assignment Topic :

Question no 1 . Explain the process of empowerment and participation. clarify the conflict
resolution process with example .

Question no 2 . Anguee the process and challenges of Development paradigm in Bangladesh .

Ans to the question no – 1 :

Define empowerment

Empowerment is any process that provides greater autonomy to employees through the
sharing of `relevant information and the provision of control over factors affecting job
performance .Empowerment helps remove the conditions that cause powerlessness while
enhancing employees felling of self-efficacy.

Five broad approaches to empowerment have been suggested.

1. Helping employees achieve job mastery giving proper training , coaching and
guided experience.
2. Allowing more control \ giving them discretion over job performance and then
holding them accountable for outcomes.
3. Providing successful role models [allowing them to observe peers who already
perform successfully on the jobs]
4. Using social reinforcement and persuasion [ giving praise , encouragement,
and verbal feedback designed to raise self-confidence .
5. Giving emotional support [ providing reduction of stress and anxiety through
better role definition , task assistance , and honest earing.

There are 5 stage process of empowerment

1. Remove conditions of powers, change, leadership, reward system , job.

2. enhance job-related self-efficacy, job mastery, control and accountability, role
models, reinforcement, support.
3. Perception of empowerment , competence, autonomy, job meaning, sense of impact.
4. Effectiveness.
5. Satisfaction.
Purpose of empowerment

Empowerment is a self of measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and

self-determine in people and in communities in order to erase then to represent their
interests in a responsible and self-determined way , acting on their own authority.

Types of empowerment

Empowerment Ability to do something about your need, wants, opinions, beliefs and

Economic empowerment. How people want to create health.

Political Empowerment All the things we do to organize ourselves and to make

 Culture Empowerment
 Social empowerment
 National empowerment


Participation is the mental and emotional involvement of people in group situation that
encourages them to contribute to groups goals and share responsibility for them
Participation entails three important ideas – involvement , contribution and

First probably foremost , participation means meaningful involvement rather than mere
muscular activity.
Motivation to contribute
A second concept in participation is that it motivates people to contribute. They are
empowered to release their own resources of initiates and creativity towards the
objectives of the organization.

Acceptance of responsibility

Finally encourages peoples to accept responsibility in their groups activities .

Benefits of participation

They include: Building , community , better communication , less stress , greater

productivity and higher product quality.

 Building a stronger community.

 Improving communication.
 Reducing stress.
 Boosting productivity.
 Increasing product quality.

Advantage of participation

 time .
 Participation - may improve communication on and cooperation .
 communicate with ease other .
 saving management .
Program for participation

 suggestion program .
 quality emphasis .
 self – managing teams
 Employee ownership plans.
clarify the conflict resolution process with example

Conflict definition

conflict is an interpersonal process that anise from disagreements over the goals to attain on
the methods to be used to accomplish those goals .

level of conflict

1) Interpersonal conflict .
2) Intrapersonal conflict .
3) Intragroup conflict .

Conflict resolution process

 Cause of conflict
 Organizational change .
 Different sells of values .
 threats of status .
 Contrasting perception .
 Lack of rules .
 personality clashes .

 Perception of conflict
 constructive
 destructive
Ans to the question no 2

The idea of the right development first emerged in the 1970the context of north south and the
call for a new international economic order confrontational nature of the pace of economic
development in the south subsequently as the global political climate changed, and the element
of north south confrontation needed info the background , the concept re-emerged in the 1980,
with a few focus although the adoption of the RTD declaration was based on the support of a
majority of the nations it did not command complete consensus.

Major challenges facing developing countries common constraints on

development are the :

 hunger
 high mortality rates.
 unsafe water supplies.
 poor education systems
 corrupt governments, war ,and poor sanitation

Economic problems in bangladesh

 rising inflation.
 high levels of underemployment,
 Budget and trade deficits continued the main concerns for the economy.
 strong growth in overseas workers remittances has delivered a cushion to the external
Challenges for Bangladesh often the status of developing country

 Infrastructure Development.
 Development of Information technology.
 Trained manpower.
 world-class Technology.
 Development of urban infrastructure.
 Available of necessary necessities at a very low cost.
 Improvement of per capita income.

Important issue in development

 Improve Governance .
 Improve infrastructure.
 Raise Basic Education Quality.
 women employment
 poverty and population explosion.
 Health care introduction
 Alternative fuels. to do in a inclusive and environment

Challenges-made worse by governance failure and gloomy global outlook.

It has very low domestic revenue Bangladesh fundamental challenge is to raise economic
growth much above its current rate and to do in a inclusive and environmentally socially and
economically sustainable manner. otherwise, it would be very difficult to reduce poverty
significally, maintain social cohesion and the momentum in its human development gains. The
ultimate goal is to make the country liveable. Bangladesh has define infructure, especially in
energy the transport. Bangladesh still has to depend on foreign aid and lone for large
infrastructure projects as.
Human development

Bangladesh has also done remarkably well in human development achievements . Human
development index composed of per capita income, life expectancy , mean and expected years of
schooling increase. The non- government organization NGO have played played a significance
role in the area. The impact of NGO on a range of health and national indicators is

The right- based approach to policy formulation is that it should be

participatory in nature.

Population grops that affected directly on indirectly by a particular policy.

The requirements and characters the right to development approach have been elaborate the first
independent expert on right to development.

Right-based monitoring of policy implication

Monitoring and evaluation of performance is a necessary part of any kind of policy- making,
right- based or otherwise. The duty of state in respect, the duty to protect, and duty to fulfill.

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