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The Balcony Scene - in what order do these events happen?

Write them in the correct


Romeo has climbed over the orchard wall.

Romeo sees Juliet at her window.
Juliet declares her love for Romeo and he overhears
Juliet is embarrassed because Romeo has heard what she said.
The couple exchange vows of love.
Juliet asks Romeo to arrange their marriage.

Group 1: Romeo’s description of Juliet (lines 1 - 32)

Romeo is being very sincere toward his genuine love. “He jests at scars that never felt a
wound.” means ‘It’s easy for someone to joke about scars if they’ve never been cut.’ It shows
that Romeo is in deep personal love, which only he can understand. He is eventually out of
immature love which he felt toward Rosaline and now he is in the state of mature love. His
love is now separate from all of his conditions surrounding him and different from the love
for showing off. This is because love within household is one of the irreversible conditions
surrounding Romeo. Furthermore, this love has to be exaggerated to win the competition
between two households, which is very ironic. This love can be interpreted as ‘showing off’.
This isn’t also personal love caused by strong attractions. By stating “kill the envious moon”,
Romeo is saying that Juliet will stay as a servant of moon as long as she’s a virgin. Throwing
off virgin, in this scene, is far from sexual jokes. It means being natural and focusing
thoroughly on each other. This also shows he was partly affected by his unrequited love. One
of the reasons for unsuccessful love was Rosaline keeping virgin. Romeo might want to
prevent those situations. “The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars” and “her
eyes in heaven/Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and
think it were not night.” show how holy Romeo thinks of Juliet. This optical imagery,
however, is too overused throughout whole Romeo’s quotation of this scene, so it is
somewhat comical. “Bright angel” made me think of Juliet wearing costume of angel at the
party. This exaggerates the holy image of Juliet and the ‘white’ image that comes from
“bright angel” foreshadows that Juliet will be more candid and confident about herself and be
natural so that Romeo can have an easy access to her.

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