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Workbook Answer Key

3 1. take ... message, deliver ... message

1 2. send ... fax, send ... e-mail
page 4 3. type ... agenda, update ... mailing list
1 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b 4. receive ... visitors

2 1. Financial Director 4 1. take minutes

2. Chief Executive Officer 2. screen her calls
3. staff 3. type a letter
4. Marketing Director 4. schedule a meeting
5. senior management 5. distribute the incoming mail
6. Personal Assistant 6. show our visitors around
7. order supplies
3 1. Personal Assistant
2. Marketing Director 5 1. spreadsheets
3. Financial Director 2. prepare a presentation
4. senior management 3. keep track of
5. Chief Executive Officer 4. word processing, data entry
6. staff 6 1. a sheet of 4. a box of
4 1. describe 5. hire 2. a pair of 5. a packet of
2. develop 6. explain how to use 3. a roll of
3. be in charge of 7. sell
page 7
4. assist
7 1. coat rack 4. filing cabinet
5 1. ground floor 6. top floor 2. air-conditioner 5. photocopier
2. conference room 7. maintenance 3. waste paper bin 6. projector
3. warehouse 8. lift
8 Tick: 1, 4, 5, 7
4. toilets 9. reception
5. car park 9 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c
10 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a
page 5
6 1. c 2. f 3. d 4. e 5. a 6. b Say It!
Have students translate the sentences into their own
7 1. Go up the stairs. 4. Go down the stairs. language.
2. Turn right. 5. Go straight.
3. Turn left.
8 1. between 3
page 8
2. opposite
3. on your left
1 1. c 2. f 3. e 4. d 5. a 6. b

4. at the end of the corridor 2 1. dial the phone number

5. on your right 2. contact someone
6. Go past 3. record an outgoing message
7. in front of, behind 4. enter your access code
5. press this button
Say It! 6. listen to my incoming messages
1. f 2. c 3. g 4. a 5. d 6. b 7. e
3 1. fast forward 5. location
2. receiver 6. modify
2 3. volume 7. cord
page 6 4. delete 8. save
1 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 4 1. off the hook 5. review
2 1. file documents 3. search the Internet 2. loudspeaker 6. retrieve
2. keep a log 4. answer incoming calls 3. loud 7. replay
4. rewind

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Workbook Answer Key

5 1. paragraph 4. italics page 11

2. upper case letters 5. icon 7 1. good condition 4. this side up
3. underline 6. lower case letters 2. paperwork 5. shipment
6 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. b 3. insured 6. pick up, courier
8 1. courier 4. name
page 9
2. cool 5. paper
7 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a 3. protect 6. fragile
8 1. log in 4. reply 9 1. insure 3. special instructions
2. copy, paste 5. desktop 2. update 4. paperwork
3. forward
Say It!
9 Tick: 1, 3, 5, 7
Dialogue 1
10 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a
1. collect the mail
11 1. copy 4. log out 2. check all the items
2. attachment 5. paragraph 3. Make sure
3. font 4. includes the correct postcode
5. weigh the envelopes
Say It!
1. c 2. e 3. f 4. b 5. a 6. d Dialogue 2
1. put the goods
2. attach our company label
4 3. fill in this form
page 10 4. delivered on time
1 1. cheque 6. receipt
2. job application 7. contract
3. request for information 8. product manual 5
4. customer complaint 9. directory page 12
5. bank statement 1 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b

2 1. stamp 4. sort 2 1. freight container 4. load

2. sign 5. collect 2. worldwide 5. contact
3. weight 3. reliable

3 1. F 3. T 5. T 7. T 3 1. quote 4. guarantee
2. F 4. F 6. F 8. F 2. free of charge 5. free of damage
4 1. You weigh something to see how heavy it is. 3. compete 6. loss
2. Domestic mail is sent in the country. 4 1. e 3. g 5. a 7. d
3. If a letter has got two enclosures, there are three 2. h 4. f 6. c 8. b
things in the envelope. 5 Tick: 2, 3, 4, 6
4. The recipient got the letter.
6 1. requirements 5. manufacturer
5. You stamp the mail before you distribute it.
2. start a business 6. investment
5 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. d 6. b 3. risk 7. ensure
6 1
h e
i g h t
2 3
4. advantages 8. profits
n r m
5 6 page 13
g o o d s p a r c e l
p c a
7 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c
f r a g i l e k s 8 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a
c u Say It!
8 9
l e n g t h m a r k
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b

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Workbook Answer Key

3 1. hold a meeting

6 2. last minute
3. let’s try for
page 14
4. notify
1 Tick: 1, 2, 4
5. on-site meeting
2 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. previous commitment
3 1. transfer calls 4 1. participants
2. put you on hold
2. Notify
3. create a positive impression
3. confirms
4. hang up
4. Book a conference room
5. ask for permission
5. Organise
4 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. light refreshments
5 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. b 6. d 5 1. display 4. menu
2. podium 5. auditorium
page 15
3. laser pointer 6. beverage
6 c

r e g a r d i n g
page 17
i 6 1. accurate 4. set up
t i
2. venue 5. beverages
d i s c u s s n p
4 5
3. take care of 6. provide
c t r
7 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. e 5. b
u n a v a i l a b l e i

l r o 8 1. display 4. buffet lunch

o r d e r r 2. memorable 5. event, success
u i 3. detail
p t Say It!
c u r r e n t l y
Dialogue 1
1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. d 6. g 7. b
7 1. currently, as soon as possible
Dialogue 2
2. out of town, reach
1. e 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. b
3. go over, comments
4. essential, get back to you
8 1. was cut off 5. let me know 8
2. no reply 6. specify page 18
3. handles problems 7. missed a call 1 1. opening remarks
4. is on another line 2. line of products
3. summarise
Say It!
4. closing session
Have students translate the sentences into their own 5. handed out, board of directors
2 1. conference call 4. brochure
2. free gift 5. attendance list
7 3. name tag 6. demonstration
page 16 3 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. d 5. a
1 1. cancel – d
4 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
2. suit – c
3. break – a
5 1. objective 5. major
2. pros and cons 6. task
4. book a conference room – e
3. training 7. clarify
5. make it – b
4. focus
2 1. Where 4. 9.00 meeting
2. at the Plaza Hotel 5. Who
3. How many

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Workbook Answer Key

page 19 Say It!

6 1. e 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. c 6. b 1. g 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. b 7. f
7 1. objections 4. actions
2. take notes 5. attract
3. expansion 6. raise
page 22
8 1. selection 4. analyse 1 1. check in 4. driving licence
2. present 5. assign 2. boarding pass 5. overweight luggage
3. issues 3. gate 6. passenger
Say It! 2 1. via 4. land
1. go over, details 2. e-ticket 5. waiting list
2. greet, name tags and brochures 3. stopover 6. inbound flight
3. CEO, opening remarks 3 1. arrival 3. departure
4. read through the agenda, objectives 2. voucher 4. outbound flight
5. everything, key
4 1. unlimited mileage 5. drop off
6. your notes, the participants
2. driving licence 6. passenger
3. insurance 7. make a reservation
9 4. rent a car
page 20 5 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a
1 1
s p e c i f i c a t
2 3
i o n s
4 6 Flying: seat assignment, take off, one-way ticket,
boarding pass
a i a
Renting a car: drop off, driving licence,

m e x h i b i t m
unlimited mileage
p l p Both: make a reservation, itinerary, insurance

h d e p o s i t l

l o g o e page 23
e 7 1. laundry service 4. luxury suite
t r e n d 2. business centre 5. double room
3. fitness centre 6. half board
2 1. booths, stands
2. logo, slogan 8 a. Wendy d. Janet
3. business cards, pamphlets b. John e. Mark
4. promotional material, catalogues c. David f. Lucy
5. features, displays 9 1. c 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. e
3 Tick: 1, 4, 5, 7 10 1. cuisine 5. non-smoking
4 1. promotional material, catalogue 2. vacancy 6. tip
2. exhibit, stand 3. bill 7. standard room
3. sign up, deposit 4. party
4. logo, slogan Say It!
5 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. c Have students translate the sentences into their own
page 21
6 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b
7 1. show interest 4. make small talk 11
page 24
2. give you a call 5. achieve your goals
3. enter a market 1 1. swipe your card 5. entitled to
2. holiday leave 6. regulations
8 1. expand 4. rapidly-growing field
3. clock in 7. refused
2. vendor 5. valued customer
4. carry over
3. represent 6. exchange
9 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b

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Workbook Answer Key

2 1. consecutive 5. give written notice 5 1. isn’t fresh

2. clock out 6. unpaid leave 2. is missing a part
3. salary 7. card reader 3. insist on
4. part-time 8. sick note, sick leave 4. expectations
3 1. b 2. d 3. f 4. e 5. a 6. c 5. make a claim
6. inconvenience, compensation
4 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b
7. pricing, credit your account
page 25
page 27
Danger: suspicious, break-in, virus, hacking
Protection: security guard, firewall, security camera,
 6 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 6
surveillance system, alarm system 7 1. consequences 4. expectations
6 1
f i r
e w a
l l 2. is torn 5. is broken
c 3. isn’t fresh 6. faulty parts
p r o t e c t p
8 1. making a noise 5. failed to meet
o u 2. repair 6. disappointed
u n f a m i l i a r 3. defect 7. due

p p 4. be in touch
a k o

Say It!
u n a t t e n d e d s

Have students translate the sentences into their own

y y e
7 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 8
8 1. comes in 5. damages
2. jewellery 6. security camera page 28
3. danger 7. surveillance system
1 1. sound file 4. questionnaire
4. get information
2. interviewee 5. on sale
Say It! 3. series 6. brand
Dialogue 1 2 1. demo 4. options
1. clock in when they arrive and clock out when 2. concerned 5. test
they leave
3. loyal 6. don’t mind
2. swipe their co-workers’ cards
3. notify their manager immediately
3 1. method 4. factor
2. interested in 5. conduct a survey
Dialogue 2
3. find out 6. go ahead
1. You press “in” when you enter
2. press your finger on the scanner
4 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a

3. keep your purse and other valuables there page 29

4. log off the computer when I leave 5 1. telemarketer
2. prospective customer
3. consumer
12 4. competitor
page 26
5. value
1 1. assure 4. remind
2. treated 5. refunds
6 1. take advantage of 4. regret
2. specialise 5. appeal
3. manner
3. persuade
2 Tick: 2, 4
7 Tick: 1, 3, 5
3 1. rude 5. politely
2. impatient 6. respectfully
8 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 6

3. argue 7. satisfied Say It!

4. calmly 1. d 3. h 5. a 7. b
4 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 2. g 4. f 6. c 8. e

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Workbook Answer Key

page 33

14 7 1. policy holder
page 30 2. identity fraud
1 1. revenue 4. waste 3. premium
2. decrease 5. increase 4. Public and employer’s liability insurance
3. purchase 5. insurance policy
6. professional indemnity insurance
2 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c
7. Third party
3 Tick: 2, 4, 6
8 1. despite 4. e-risks insurance
4 1. a, b 2. b, c 3. a, c 4. a, b 5. a, c 2. negligence 5. no-claims discount
5 1. repayment 4. cash flow statement 3. van insurance 6. in mind
2. renovations 5. figures
Say It!
3. increase
Dialogue 1
page 31 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d

6 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b Dialogue 2
1. e 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. f 6. b
7 Tick: 1, 3, 4
8 1. e 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. g 7. f
9 1. can
page 34
2. £3 million
1 1. Customise 4. a template
3. aren’t
2. host 5. encrypted
4. reinvested in the business
3. unlimited bandwidth
5. land and buildings
6. owe money 2 1. stylish 5. customised
2. accepted 6. retail
Say It!
3. platform 7. localisation
1. a 1% discount 4. shopping cart 8. browsed
2. over £330,000 to several suppliers
3 Tick: 1, 4
3. if we haven’t got enough cash
4. to take another loan 4 1. place an order 4. worth the effort
5. can be a good indicator 2. feedback 5. showcases
6. and little cash 3. impose 6. post
7. a good inventory turnover 5 1. b 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. c 6. d
8. the business’ assets are much bigger
page 35

6 p

15 2
i n t e
r m e d i a r y
page 32
1 1. branch 4. standing order 3
s v
2. withdraw 5. payment holiday 6
e n t r e p r e n e u r
3. deny u r n g
2 Tick: 1, 4, 5, 6 t
i n t e n t i o n s
3 1. current account 4. projection r k t
a i t r a f f i c
8 9
2. arrangement fee 5. collateral
3. terms 6. branches l n l a
g l t
4 Tick: 1, 3, 5
o e
5 1. Legal fees 4. injured e s c r o w

2. payments 5. fire insurance

3. courtesy
6 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b

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Workbook Answer Key

7 1. sensible 5. returns policy Dialogue 2

2. packaging 6. handmade 1. What do you think of
3. misunderstanding 7. venture 2. it’s problematic
4. hidden 3. conducting a street survey
8 Tick: 1, 2, 4 4. different points of view
5. that sounds reasonable
Say It!
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. f 6. b
page 38
17 1 Tick: 1, 3, 5, 7
page 36
2 1. constantly 3. separate
1 1. conflict resolution 4. experienced
2. proactive 4. reactive
2. workshop 5. interpersonal
3. unmotivated 6. stressed 3 1. delegate 4. direct
2. socialise 5. approach
2 1. b 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. d 6. c
3. identify 6. praise
3 1. help 5. learn
4 Tick: 2, 3, 5, 7
2. money 6. funny
3. feel comfortable 7. find something 5 1. off guard a. step back
4. have to finish 2. fires b. broader perspective
something quickly 3. perspective c. put out fires
4. back d. bargaining power
4 1. shocked 4. challenge
5. power e. be caught off guard
2. team spirit 5. strenuous
3. approach 6. prioritise page 39
5 Tick: 1, 3, 5 6 1. substitute 4. distraction
2. awareness 5. demanded
page 37
3. discipline 6. In the light of
6 1
n p u t

7 1. role 5. chain
c e

2. navigate 6. revolution
o v e r r a t e d

3. irrelevant 7. demand
l f
f 4. threat 8. reinvent
l o

p a r a 8 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b
p r o b l e m a t i c w
Say It!
o o i e Have students translate the sentences into their own
v r
s l a language.
e a e i k
t t t n
a s p e c t s h a r e
l t s page 40
e x p r e s s e s 1 
Positive: hard-working, dynamic, responsible,
confident, knowledgeable
7 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 Negative: insecure, messy, lazy, anxious

Say It!
2 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a

Dialogue 1 3 Tick: 1, 4, 5
1. I’m very disappointed with 4 Tick: 2, 3
2. If you ask me
5 1. retirement benefits 4. shift work
3. has achieved his target sales
2. health insurance 5. fired
4. a different approach
3. sensitive 6. ambitious
5. any suggestions

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page 41 page 43
6 1. f 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c 6 1. domestic 5. rude

7 1. being active 4. join 2. rewind 6. female

2. gets along 5. several years 3. fire insurance 7. accrued expenses

3. different times 6. perform well 4. bargaining power 8. this side up

8 1. starting salary 5. flexible about hours 7 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c

2. schedule 6. good at multitasking 8 1. achieve your goal

3. temporary 7. conscientious 2. distribute the incoming mail
4. fired 8. fast learner 3. break the ice
4. place an order
Say It!
5. put out fires
1. Can you tell me about your educational
6. create a positive impression
2. Have you got any experience in marketing 9 1. a beverage 6. salary
3. why do you think you’re a good candidate for the 2. attend 7. intention
job 3. An annual 8. regret
4. your starting salary will be £22,000 per annum 4. major 9. A crisis
5. It sounds like the perfect job 5. trend 10. discuss
6. We’ll be in touch 10 1. b, c 3. a, b 5. a, c 7. a, c 9. a, b
7. It was nice meeting you 2. a, c 4. b, c 6. b, c 8. a, c 10. a, c

page 42
1 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a
2 Tick: 1, 4
3 1. b, c 2. a, c 3. a, c 4. a, c 5. b, c
4 1. managerial skills 4. Bachelor’s degree
2. career objectives 5. references
3. job description
Jobs and Positions: personnel manager, financial
supervisor, head of IT, accounts assistant
Teamwork: pull together, cooperate, collaborate,

Shipping: consignee, port of origin, vessel, cargo

At a Hotel: high season, double room, luxury suite,

full board

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Grammar Practice

5. Max receives visitors.
6. Max and Anna don’t send faxes.

page 49
1 4 1. Does … order – e 5. does … use – h
page 46 2. do … get – c 6. Does … give – g
1 1. am 2. aren’t 3. is 4. are 5. isn’t 3. do … distribute – f 7. do … do – d
2 1. Where is Mr Morton’s office? 4. Does … schedule – a 8. does … put – b
2. Who is Mr McKenzie’s personal assistant? 5 1. destroys 5. give
3. Are the toilets on the ground floor? 2. don’t make 6. doesn’t distribute
4. What is your name? 3. do … prefer 7. does … update
5. What time is your appointment? 4. Does … work
3 1. have got 4. have got 6 1. Throw 4. Don’t touch
2. haven’t got 5. hasn’t got 2. Don’t go into 5. Don’t use
3. has got 6. haven’t got 3. Add 6. Turn off

page 47 7 Possible answers

1. Let’s go home.
4 1. Have you got a pen? d
2. Let’s buy these folders.
2. When have we got the meeting with James? a
3. Let’s give Mr Porter a discount.
3. Has the cafeteria got sandwiches? e
4. Let’s clean the office.
4. Has Roger got an office on the top floor? b
5. Let’s call IT.
5. What have you got for lunch today? c
6. Let’s go to that conference.
5 1. is 5. are
2. have got 6. isn’t, is
3. isn’t, is 7. has got, is 3
4. has got 8. hasn’t got page 50
6 1. it 5. him 1 1. are copying 4. is hiring
2. her 6. me 2. am checking 5. is putting
3. you 7. us 3. is teaching
4. them 2 1. Greg isn’t distributing mail. He is eating.
7 1. His 6. mine 2. Gail and Melissa aren’t typing letters. They are
2. hers 7. Their talking.

3. your 8. my 3. Ed isn’t writing an e-mail. He is using the

photocopier. / He is photocopying.
4. our 9. yours
5. theirs 10. Her 3 1. is … training – d 4. Is … holding – c
2. Are … having – e 5. are … typing – b
3. is … fixing – a
2 4 1. Are you working at the moment?
page 48
2. Who is Mrs Smith talking to?
1 1. in the summer 4. every day 3. What are they preparing?
2. twice a year 5. usually 4. Is Amy writing her weekly report?
3. never 6. always 5. Where are Peter and Lisa sitting?
2 1. tries 4. file
page 51
2. watches 5. goes
3. update 6. work
5 1. b, c 2. a, c 3. b, c 4. a, c 5. a, c

3 1. Anna and Zoe type agendas.

6 1. doesn’t answer 5. am listening
2. is showing 6. isn’t sitting
2. Anna doesn’t prepare spreadsheets.
3. send 7. drink
3. Max and Zoe don’t distribute incoming mail.
4. leave
4. Zoe doesn’t take minutes at meetings.

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Workbook Answer Key

7 1. Is Jamie working on a presentation at the 8 1. Were there, there weren’t, There were – d
moment? b 2. Was there, there wasn’t – b
2. Why is the CEO talking to Louise now? e 3. Was there, there was – a
3. When do we usually send invoices to our 4. Were there, there were – c
customers? a
4. Does Richard file documents every day? f
5. Who is the Marketing Director talking to right
now? c
page 54
6. How often do you order office supplies? d
1 1. arrived 4. studied
8 1. Lisa doesn’t work in the afternoons.
2. tracked 5. complained
2. I like my new job.
3. saved 6. stopped
3. Is Fiona talking to a customer now?
Are Richard and Peter coming to the meeting?
4. 2 1. did 5. got

5. Who is answering the phones at the moment? 2. wrote 6. went

6. Our CEO travels to China every month. 3. cost 7. left

4. brought 8. found
3 1. paid, sent – c
4 2. worked, asked – e
page 52
3. didn’t arrive, didn’t have – a
1 1. the 4. any 4. didn’t send, didn’t have – d
2. a 5. an 5. flew, wanted – b
3. much / a lot of 6. some / many / a lot of
page 55
2 1. Are there any messages for me?
4 1. Megan didn’t pay the shipping bill.
2. There are some cheques for you to sign.
2. Megan made a reservation for a flight to Lima.
3. There is a fragile item in this box.
3. Megan didn’t choose photographs for the new
4. There aren’t any meetings today. catalogue.
5. There isn’t much paper for the printer. 4. Megan didn’t talk to Mr Lee in Shanghai.
6. Is there a lot of paperwork to do? 5. Megan shipped the order to Naples.
3 1. How many 4. How much 6. Megan met Mrs Ivanov for lunch.
2. How much 5. How many 5 1. Did you ask for a quote? – e
3. How many 6. How much 2. When did they receive the order? – b
4 1. a lot of, the 3. Why did Rob cancel the order? – a
2. any, much 4. Did the company track the container? – d
3. Are there, some, There is, many 5. How did they send the goods? – c
4. How many, There aren’t, a lot of 6 1. Did you speak to our contact in Dublin?
page 53 2. Where did you leave the documents?
5 1. weren’t, were 3. were, wasn’t 3. How many copies of the documents did they
give you?
2. were, wasn’t 4. was, was
4. Did Lisa teach you how to fill out the form?
6 1. Where were Katie and Joyce last Tuesday? They 5. Who did you call in Rome?
were at an exhibition.
2. Was Lara in the lobby to receive the visitors? 7 1. did … send 6. offered
No, she wasn’t. 2. left 7. did … arrive
3. Were the sales reps at a training session 3. did … use 8. had
yesterday? Yes, they were. 4. gave 9. Did … inform
4. Why was Mrs Spencer angry this morning? 5. did … charge 10. told
Because James was late for the meeting.
8 1. She sent him an e-mail.
7 1. There was, there wasn’t
2. Did you speak to the shipper?
2. there weren’t, there were
3. The container didn’t arrive on time.
3. there weren’t, there were
4. When did they load the ship?
5. They didn’t call me.

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3 1. wrap, won’t break 5. finishes, won’t meet

6 2. won’t make, are 6. will make, sell
page 56 3. will … reach, need 7. will ... take place, isn’t
1 1. am going to be 4. will go, want
2. isn’t going to import 4 1. send, will provide
3. are going to discuss 2. will go, asks
4. aren’t going to pick up 3. Will … be, doesn’t return
5. is going to go over 4. will minimise, use
6. am not going to hire 5. will take, doesn’t come
2 1. Are Mrs Dawson and Bruce going to go over the 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
AWP contract in the afternoon? answers.
2. Is Mrs Dawson going to prepare a presentation
for the marketing meeting at noon? page 59
3. What is Mrs Dawson going to discuss with 6 1. complains, am – c 4. schedule, check – d
Georgia? 2. is, label – f 5. call, need – e
4. Who is Mrs Dawson going to meet at 3.30 pm? 3. want, press – a 6. fills, sends – b
5. When is Mrs Dawson going to have dinner? 7 1. No one. 4. Nothing.
3 1. No, they aren’t. 2. Nothing. 5. Nowhere.
2. Yes, she is. 3. No one.
3. Personnel problems. 8 1. There isn’t anyone in the conference room.
4. Dean Fischel, the CEO of Fischel Electronics. 2. I’m not going to order anything.
5. At 19.00. 3. I didn’t call anyone.
page 57 4. They haven’t prepared anything.
4 1. am ordering 4. Is … participating 5. I didn’t go anywhere.
2. Are … sending 5. are going 9 1. somewhere 4. someone
3. aren’t going 2. anything 5. something
5 1. will handle 3. will get back 3. anyone 6. anywhere
2. won’t make 4. won’t sign 10
1. anyone, No one
6 1. Who will be the next Managing Director? – e 2. anything, nothing
2. Will they give us a discount? – d 3. anywhere, somewhere
3. When will this meeting end? – c 4. something, anything
4. How will we improve this product? – a
5. Will the cargo arrive in good condition? – b 8
7 1. Will … be, will sort – d page 60
2. will start, will … tell – c 1 1. can – e 3. can – a 5. can’t – f
3. will cost, will do – a 2. can’t – c 4. can’t – d 6. can – b
4. won’t have, will check – e 2 1. Can you take a brochure?
5. Will … remember, won’t forget – b 2. Can Mark hear the speaker?
3. Can Jack find his name tag?
7 4. Can Lisa come to the meeting?
page 58 5. Can the participants speak French?
1 1. reschedule 4. will see 6. Can we take the lift?
2. won’t attend 5. doesn’t leave 3 1. Yes, you can. 4. No, she can’t.
3. suits 6. will be 2. No, he can’t. 5. Yes, they can.
2 1. unless 4. If 3. No, he can’t. 6. No, we can’t.
2. if 5. unless 4 1. couldn’t 4. could
3. Unless 6. If 2. could 5. couldn’t
3. couldn’t

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page 61 6 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. c
5 1. Could James answer all the questions? – c 7 1. may 4. Can
2. Could you help me, please? / Could you please 2. couldn’t 5. have to
help me? – a
3. shouldn’t 6. might not
3. Could you reschedule the meeting, please? /
Could you please reschedule the meeting? – d 8 1. You should make small talk at conventions.
4. Could they hold the meeting in Rome? – b 2. You mustn’t enter that area.
3. We / You don’t have to find new vendors now.
6 1. couldn’t 2. can’t 3. could 4. can
4. I may assign this project to Helen.
7 1. mustn’t 3. must 5. must
5. You must always speak politely to the
2. must 4. mustn’t customers.
8 1. He must book the conference room.
2. He mustn’t send out the invitations until
next week.
page 64
3. He must prepare the attendance list.
1 1. quieter than 4. better than
4. He mustn’t forget to make name tags.
2. more attractive than 5. more modern than
9 1. a 2. b 3. a 3. bigger than 6. tastier than
1. Who should present the new product? – b 2 1. The Golden Cactus Hotel is more popular than
2. When should we have the break? – c the Desert Inn.
3. Where should we hold the conference? – a 2. A flight to Amsterdam is cheaper than a flight to
4. Should David make the opening remarks? – d Paris.
3. Mike rented a smaller car than John.
1. People mustn’t smoke here.
4. The drive to Blackbridge is / takes longer than
2. He shouldn’t use his mobile phone here.
the drive to Greendale.
3. You must wear your name tag.
5. The Excelsior Hotel is more luxurious than the
4. He should listen to the speaker. City Hotel.
3 1. Room 154 is dirtier than Room 156.
9 2. The Park Hotel is more expensive than the
Riverside Hotel.
page 62
3. Ed’s car is older than Lily’s car.
1 1. have to contact 4. has to tell
4. The waiter is friendlier than the chef.
2. have to make 5. has to fill in
5. The weather in London is wetter than the
3. have to display 6. has to watch
weather in Athens.
2 1. Do … have to attend, doesn’t have to go, have 6. Doug’s bed is more comfortable than Ed’s bed.
to be
2. Does … have to make, has to create page 65
3. Do … have to register, have to pay 4 1. the tallest 4. the noisiest
4. do … have to get, have to arrive, don’t have to be 2. the easiest 5. the hottest
3 1. don’t have to 4. doesn’t have to 3. the most famous 6. the most magnificent
2. doesn’t have to 5. mustn’t 5 1. AGA Cars, the biggest
3. mustn’t 6. don’t have to 2. Car-world, the cheapest
3. Wheels-4-You, the worst
page 63
4. AGA Cars, the most expensive
4 1. We may participate in the exhibition this year.
5. Bestcars, the most satisfied
2. I might not have enough storage space.
3. Our company might try to enter the Russian
6 1. more comfortable 5. more popular
market next year. 2. longer 6. friendlier
4. May we use the large conference room 3. most luxurious 7. worst
tomorrow morning? 4. busiest 8. flattest
5. Mr Arnolds may not attend the closing session.
5 1. might not have 4. might make
2. may sign up 5. May I offer
3. May I see 6. may not be

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7 Possible answers

1. The Top Hotel is older than the Bay Hotel.
2. The Crown Hotel is the most expensive hotel.
page 68
3. The Bay Hotel is the most modern.
1 1. was handling 4. was planning
4. The Top Hotel has the worst service.
2. were typing 5. was taking
5. The Bay Hotel is bigger than the Top Hotel.
3. were repairing 6. were sitting
6. The Bridge Hotel is cheaper than the
Forest Hotel. 2 1. Amy wasn’t making coffee in the kitchen. She
was sorting the mail.
7. The Crown Hotel is the oldest hotel.
2. Nina and Pam weren’t filing some documents.
8. The Crown Hotel is smaller than the Forest Hotel.
They were working on / at their computers.
3. Mr Lewis wasn’t reading a contract. He was
talking on the phone.
4. Dave and Andy weren’t weighing some parcels.
page 66
They were packing parcels in bubble wrap.
1 1. The Secure Now is not as cheap as the Shred-It.
5. Luke wasn’t standing on a chair. He was sitting
2. The Top Security is not as big as the PaperCut. on a chair.
3. The Secure Now is not as small as the Shred-It.
4. The Top Security is as large as the Secure Now. page 69
5. The Top Security is not as expensive as the 3 1. Was … stamping 4. Were … having
PaperCut. 2. Was … wearing 5. Was … sitting
6. The Top Security is as fast as the PaperCut. 3. Were … talking
2 1. not as high as 3. as long as 4 1. No, she wasn’t. 4. No, they weren’t.
2. as popular as 4. better than 2. No, he wasn’t. 5. Yes, he was.
3 1. not clear enough 3. No, they weren’t.
2. too young 5 1. were showing 4. weren’t working
3. private enough 2. Were … using 5. Was … discussing
4. too expensive 3. wasn’t speaking
5. not attractive enough 6 
Accept all logical and grammatically correct
6. too slow answers.
4 1. The auditorium is too crowded. 7 1. when 3. While 5. while
2. The girl isn’t tall enough. 2. while 4. When
3. The background is too dark. 8 1. discovered, was checking
4. Your dog is too friendly. 2. was searching, found
5. The boy isn’t strong enough. 3. were setting up, replaced
6. The corridor isn’t wide enough. 4. was waiting, called
page 67 5. was carrying, fell

5 1. c 2. c 3. b 6. weren’t listening, was explaining

6 1. loudly 4. suspiciously
2. politely 5. professionally 13
3. well page 70
7 1. carefully 4. high 1 1. have scheduled 4. have conducted
2. comfortably 5. fast 2. has assured 5. has booked
3. angrily 6. badly 3. have filed 6. have analysed

8 1. d – extremely 3. c – very 2 1. begun 8. run

2. a – not at all 4. b – quite 2. found 9. sent
3. forgotten 10. shown
4. gone 11. taken
5. kept 12. written
6. left 13. dealt
7. made

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Workbook Answer Key

3 1. have sent / have taken 4 1. have planned 4. hasn’t made

2. have dealt 2. had 5. Has … prepared
3. have shown 3. Did … represent
4. has left 5 1. have … taken 4. didn’t hold
5. has forgotten 2. Has … reached 5. haven’t seen
6. have sent / have written 3. talked
4 1. I haven’t hired more telemarketers. 6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
2. David hasn’t rescheduled the sales meeting. answers.
3. We haven’t discussed the sales figures for
page 73
4. They haven’t shipped the goods to Amsterdam. 7 1. used to have 4. used to be
5. Our company hasn’t begun producing 2. used to sell 5. used to receive
telephones. 3. used to work
6. Robert and Peter haven’t gone to London. 8 1. used to do, didn’t use to work
page 71 2. didn’t use to communicate, used to send
3. didn’t use to prepare, used to type
5 1. Andrea hasn’t bought light refreshments.
4. didn’t use to transport, used to ship
2. Andrea hasn’t spoken to the IT department
about projectors. 9 1. Erin used to sleep late.
3. Andrea has booked the conference room. 2. Erin used to go out on weekdays.
4. Andrea hasn’t written opening remarks. 3. Erin used to exercise every day.
5. Andrea has prepared a PowerPoint 4. Erin didn’t use to participate in staff meetings.
presentation. 5. Erin didn’t use to attend conferences.
6. Andrea has asked Zoe to type the agenda.
1. Did people use to have air-conditioning in the
6 1. a 3. b 5. a 7. a 1800s?
2. b 4. b 6. b 8. b 2. Did people use to work in tall buildings 200
years ago?
7 1. Have many people taken part in the survey? 3. Did people use to send messages on mobile
2. Which target population have you chosen? phones before the year 2000?
3. Has William conducted enough interviews? 4. Did people use to file documents on PCs in the
4. Have we increased demand for the product?
5. What have people said about our products? 11 1. No, they didn’t. 3. Yes, they did.
6. Where has Fiona put the sales analysis? 2. No, they didn’t. 4. Yes, they did.

8 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. f 5. a 6. b 12
 ccept all logical and grammatically correct
9 1. haven’t prepared 5. Has … left
2. Have … scheduled 6. hasn’t collected
3. has handed out 7. hasn’t made 15
4. have developed 8. Have … run out of page 74
1 1. c, 1 2. e, 2 3. a, a 4. b, b 5. d, 5

14 2

1. had worked
2. had conducted
4. hadn’t taken out
5. Had … prepared
page 72
3. hadn’t arrived 6. hadn’t had
1 Tick: 1, 3, 5
2 1. did that company go out
3 1. after 4. before
2. when 5. Until
2. have been
3. by the time
3. Have you ever participated
4. began 4 1. had checked 4. Had … lost
5. hasn’t prepared 2. hadn’t received 5. had given
6. didn’t receive 3. had gone out 6. hadn’t opened

3 1. yet 4. since
2. a few minutes ago 5. last year
3. already 6. never

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page 75 6 1. whose offices are on the fifth floor

5 1. You had handled the problem by the time 2. that delivers computer parts in 24 hours
we arrived. / By the time we arrived, you had 3. where we had our first exhibition
handled the problem.
4. when we opened our e-shop
2. We hadn’t met until you introduced us at the
5. who prepared the cash flow statement
6. which they created for us
3. Had you already locked the office door when
you heard the noise? page 77
4. Angie hadn’t printed the schedule before the
meeting began.
7 1. whose – e 4. which / that – a
2. where – d 5. who / that – b
5. The marketing strategy wasn’t effective because
Alan hadn’t completed the survey. 3. when / that – c

6 1. ended 5. didn’t order 8 1. The feedback that / which we received was very
2. hadn’t received 6. had forgotten
2. The Administrative Assistant who / that we hired
3. had taken off 7. Had someone taken
last week is excellent.
4. didn’t call 8. Did you understand
3. The office building where I work is in the centre
7 1. became 4. didn’t sign of town.
2. had booked 5. Had … inspected 4. Do you know the time when / that the
3. hadn’t hired 6. contacted convention begins?
5. Craig is the production team leader whose team
8 1. Andrew didn’t join us for dinner because he had
won a prize.
already eaten at home.
2. By the time we returned to the office, the bank 9 1. A busy period is a time when / that a business
had approved the loan. has got a lot of work.
3. Had you begun the survey before the computer 2. A container terminal is a place where cargo is
stopped working? kept.
4. Had there been a break-in before we installed 3. A chef is a person who / that prepares food.
the surveillance system? 4. A virus is something that / which can harm your
5. The shipment didn’t reach its destination computer.
because they hadn’t done the paperwork 5. A telemarketer is a person whose job is to sell
properly. things on the phone.
1. Joe Meyers is the person who / that is in charge
of all the shipments.
16 2. The day when / that we’re supposed to meet is
page 76 not convenient for me.
1 1. which you set up, the website 3. The shoes which I had ordered were handmade.
where you had the meeting, the room 4. The auditorium where we are having our
when we usually have our exhibition, October presentation is not big enough.
that I ordered, not the goods 5. The woman whose business card I took is the
who served you, the customer service Marketing Director of Holmes Fashions.
2 1. which 4. where 17
2. who 5. when page 78
3. whose 1 1. would share 4. had to
3 1. which 4. whose 2. came up with 5. had given
2. where 5. who 3. were going 6. hadn’t made
3. when 2 1. would see 4. had worn
Accept all logical and grammatically correct 2. designed 5. had received
answers. 3. could visit
4 Sentences: 1, 3, 5
page 79
5 1. that / which 5. who / that 3 1. the year before 4. that day
2. that / which 6. where 2. then 5. that
3. whose 7. which / that 3. his 6. the following week
4. when / that 8. where

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4 1. she had had a strenuous week 6 1. were praised

2. he would give the members of my team a bonus 2. Are ... usually delivered
3. he could deal with that problem 3. wasn’t done
4. Ms Stone usually prioritised her work 4. are held
5. he was evaluating their competitor’s product 5. Were ... introduced
then 6. isn’t distributed
6. Sophie hadn’t been there all week
7 1. will be held 5. will be provided
5 1. Mia said that she felt really stressed that week. 2. will be presented 6. won’t be made
2. Sam promised that he would settle that conflict 3. will be led 7. won’t be certified
that day.
4. will be given
3. Zak announced that the merchandise was there.
4. Tina said that they had to solve that problem then.
8 Possible answers
1. Will the meeting be postponed to 5th March?
5. Max reported that he was checking the policy.
2. Will the equipment be set up in the auditorium?
6. Harry said that they had participated in a
workshop about conflict resolution the week 3. Will giveaways be handed out to customers?
before. 4. Will your company be represented at the
6 1. they had received the goods the day before;
they looked good 5. Will hotel rooms be booked for us?
2. the MEG contract was problematic; they would 9 1. were made 4. Are ... handled
discuss it when Tom got back 2. won’t be provided 5. wasn’t withdrawn
3. she had found the perfect venue for their / his 3. will be swiped 6. is never ordered
convention; she needed their / his approval
because she had to book it by the end of that
4. they had approved the loan he had requested
page 82
the week before
1 1. were 4. wouldn’t lose
2. wouldn’t ask 5. got
18 3. didn’t require
page 80
2 1. prepared 4. weren’t
1 1. is assessed 4. isn’t insured 2. would motivate 5. wouldn’t take
2. aren’t given 5. are usually discussed 3. would try
3. are always set 6. isn’t stored
3 Possible answers
2 1. Is market research done to get information? 1. If I knew English, I would work in the UK.
2. Are the office supplies kept on this floor? 2. If he went to university, he would study
3. What is a shredder used for? economics.
4. Where are meetings usually held? 3. If we had an air-conditioner, we would feel more
5. What are fragile items wrapped in? comfortable.
4. If we opened an online shop, it would increase
3 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c
our sales.
4 1. was displayed 4. weren’t prepared 5. If they installed security cameras, the premises
2. were installed 5. was left would be safer.
3. wasn’t dealt with 6. weren’t signed 4 1. If you asked him, he would hire you.
page 81 2. If we used this shipper, we would save money.
3. If they didn’t go by taxi, they would arrive late.
5 1. Were the shipping arrangements made
yesterday? 4. I would take it if the job didn’t require flexible
2. Was your / our loan approved?
5. If we didn’t work late, we wouldn’t finish the
3. Who was appointed head of sales?
project on time.
4. Why were Mr Cooper’s meetings cancelled?
5. When was the fax sent?
6. Where were the comments posted?

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 16

Workbook Answer Key

5 1. If he didn’t seem very shy, they would offer him 2 1. doesn’t ... work
the job. 2. Are ... updating
2. If she didn’t have to work overtime today, she 3. were inspecting, saw
would go to the cinema.
4. Were ... taking, called
3. If the salary were high enough, I would take the
5. has been
6. didn’t reach
4. If you were fluent in German, you could work in
our German office. 7. had had, hired
5. If there wasn’t a six-hour stopover, we would 8. Had ... arrived, reached
book that flight. 3 1. aren’t going to participate
6. If there weren’t break-ins, they wouldn’t install 2. will approve
the alarm system.
3. Is ... shipping
page 83 4. won’t regret
6 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. d 4 1. bigger than
7 1. hadn’t read 2. the best
2. would have approved 3. the heaviest
3. hadn’t been 4. more knowledgeable than
4. wouldn’t have survived 5. the most original
5. had given 5 1. must 4. may
8 1. would have said 4. would have explained 2. couldn’t 5. Should I
2. hadn’t received 5. hadn’t had 3. don’t have to
3. had produced 6 1. pay, stay
9 1. She would have been late for her interview if she 2. receives, deals with
had missed it. 3. will learn, work
2. If we had realised the report was urgent, we 4. provides, won’t consider
would have stayed at work. 5. were, would buy
3. If we had / I had known they were interested, 6. would take, offered
we / I would have sent them a catalogue.
7. had made, would have compensated
4. If I hadn’t attended the convention, I wouldn’t
8. wouldn’t have been, had handled
have met a lot of people.
1. If we hadn’t worked late, we wouldn’t have been page 85
exhausted all day.
7 1. The air-conditioner that / which you sent had a
2. I would have prepared the presentation faulty part.
yesterday if I had had time.
2. What is the name of the Administrative Assistant
3. He would have shredded the documents if he who / that showed us around?
had known they were confidential.
3. I was happy with the venue where we had our
4. They would have hired her if she had been convention.
suitable for the job.
4. August is the month when / that I usually take
holiday leave.
20 5. I’d like to interview the person whose CV I’ve
just read.
page 84
1 1. is 6. am going 8 1. The CEO said that he / she had finally made a
2. haven’t started 7. How many
2. Anne said that she would book a flight for 15th
3. anyone 8. There were June.
4. will be made 9. him 3. Mrs Stark said that she was leaving early that
5. shouldn’t 10. that day.
4. Millie said that she usually received visitors.
5. Jake said that they hadn’t had time to discuss
that issue.

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Workbook Answer Key

9 1. was installed 4. didn’t give

2. purchase 5. are the office
3. will be set up supplies kept
1. Can 6. are you leaving
2. have worked 7. where
3. started 8. me
4. am 9. should
5. closely 10. a lot of
1. In my opinion, Greg is less suitable than Phil
for the job.
2. He used to work here many years ago.
3. If you lived in the city, would you take the bus
to work?
4. Are there any messages for me?
5. You don’t have to use bubble wrap. These items
aren’t fragile.
6. Debbie is not as organised as Samantha.
7. Let’s go out for lunch today.
8. I’d like to ask you some questions.
9. Dylan Matthews was called in for a second
interview yesterday.
10. Unless you speak English, you won’t get the job.

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Workbook Answer Key: Say It!

1. Tú eres responsable de recibir a las visitas.
2. Debes pedir suministros nuevos cuando sea necesario.
3. ¿Escribirías a ordenador esta carta, por favor?
4. Me gustaría encargar algunos suministros, por favor.
5. ¿Cuánto cuesta cada paquete?
6. ¿Qué tipo quiere?
7. Nos hemos quedado sin grapas.
8. Debería llegar para mañana a las 9:00.

1. ¿Puedo preguntar quién llama?
2. Tengo entendido que Richard Adams estaba buscándome.
3. Lo pasaré con nuestra directora de compras, la Sra. Riley.
4. Uno de los representantes de ventas intentó ayudarnos.
5. Solo tenemos en cuenta ofertas recibidas por escrito.
6. El Sr. Spencer no está disponible actualmente, pero me ha detallado los temas.

1. Me temo que primera clase está totalmente reservada.
2. ¿Puedo conseguir la asignación de asiento ahora?
3. La facturación es dos horas antes del vuelo.
4. Estamos mirando diferentes hoteles para un viaje de negocios.
5. ¿Cuáles son sus tarifas?
6. ¿Qué tipo de cocina sirven?

1. Me temo que ha habido quejas de clientes sobre ti.
2. Eso no es excusa.
3. Fuiste muy impaciente y la interrumpiste.
4. Debes encargarte de las reclamaciones de clientes con profesionalidad.
5. Lo apreciamos como cliente.
6. Esto tendrá graves consecuencias para nuestro negocio.
7. Estoy seguro de que encontraremos un modo de compensarle por la molestia.
8. Estaré en contacto con usted.

1. Me parece bien.
2. El problema es que no puedo tomar todas las decisiones.
3. Otro asunto es la falta de tiempo.
4. ¡Está claro que eso nos ahorrará tiempo!
5. ¿Qué es lo que más te preocupa?
6. Hay algunos problemas que superar.
7. Debemos recopilar más información sobre esta nueva empresa de la competencia.
8. Debemos definir los asuntos claramente e intentar desglosar los problemas en problemas más pequeños.

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