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Book Extension Activity (25 points)

Your Name: Angel Wolff

Book Title: Living Sunlight: How Plants Bring the Earth to Life

Book Author: Bang, Molly, & Penny Chisholm

Publisher: Blue Sky Press/ 2009

Date: 5th November 2020

1. Pre-K/CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standard (5 points)

Asking questions for science and defining problems for engineering. Cause and Effect: Mechanism and

2. Objectives (What will children expect to learn?) (5 points)

Students will be expected to participate in creating their own Terrarium. Students will demonstrate
understanding the process of photosynthesis and how light gives living things energy.

3. Materials and Equipment needed: (5 points)

 Plastic bottles (one per student)

o These will be pre-cut with the tops off leaving it open on top
o The top lining of the bottle will be taped to prevent any injury
 Markers
 Soil (pre-measured out in one plastic cup per student)
 Clippings off of a house plant
 Water
 Decorations
o Plastic animal figurines
o pebbles
o stones
4. Teaching (What will you do?) (5 points)

To begin this activity the teacher will pass out a plastic bottle to every student. Students will be
instructed to write their names on their bottles and decorate with patterns, if they wish. Students will
then be given a pre-measured cup of soil (1 Cup each). At this point students will be given directions to
pour half of their soil into their plastic bottle. The teacher will then pass out clippings of a house plant;
distributing a piece to each student to transplant into their already poured soil. The instructor will walk
around and assist with any issues that may arise as well as give permission to students who finish early
to go around and offering a helping hand. After every one has successfully planted their clippings, the
teacher will offer one on one assistance in pouring in the other half of soil to surround and secure the
plant in place. After this step is completed the teacher will pass around decorative items to include:
plastic figurines (animals, characters), pebbles and small stones. Students will be given the freedom to
decorate the inside of their terrariums however they would like; being careful of the leaves of their

5. Closure: (2 points)

For closure the teacher will ask students to name their plants as well as go over caring needs. The
teacher will walk around to help each student water their plants. The teacher will go over the process of
photosynthesis and open a discussion about any questions about the process that students may have. Any
questions that arise that cannot be found in the book can be written down and researched at a later time.

6. List 3 additional books in this genre to extend the learning: (3 points)

1) Highest Mountain, Smallest Star: A Pictorial Compendium of Natural Wonders written by Kate
2) Boy, Were We Wrong About Dinosaurs! Written by Kathleen Kudlinski
3) How Sweet It Is (and Was): The History of Candy written by Ruth Freeman Swain

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