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Advocacy & Media

Summer Semester
Natalia Uribe
Advertising and Public Relations, 21’
The Limbitless
Advocacy & Media Team
- An Overview
Outside of managing and posting on the Limbitless
socials, the Advocacy team manages writing Limbitless:
● Blogs
● Press releases
And maintains:
● Internal and External Advocacy Communications
● content gathering for partner communications

We uphold Limbitless values both internally and

externally and - most importantly - are to be the
microphone, NOT the voice.
This Semester We Have....
● Highlighted graduating spring semester seniors with
personalized the Class of 2020 Senior Posts Campaign
and written/posted the accompanying Q&A Blog
● Coordinated COVID-19 responses on social media and
the website and bionic families.
June and July:
● Spotlighted our some of our team members and their
accomplishments: Rishi Blog
● Developed and posted Limbitless 6th Anniversary Social
Campaign and any relevant content gathering and
studied the campaigns data analytics
● Announced and coordinated the Adobe grant and
Creative Cloud announcements
Engaging on Social Media
While it may seem just seem like numbers, likes and clicks: social media engagement is vitally important
to expand audience numbers: Reach.
● Reach allows individuals outside current followers to view posts in activity or recommended that
expands past a posts’ primary audience.
● In other words, the more people engage with a post the more people can see a post: the more
people can become involved in supporting our mission.

Anniversary Social Postings gave us this opportunity to see the impact postings have on audience
engagement and overall extended reach. And we tailored each post and its hashtags or tags to fit the
type of social media and its primary “typical” audiences below.
July 15, 2020 July 29, 2020

People Reached: 2068 People Reached: 659

● Total Engagements: 137 ● Total Engagements: 51
July 15, 2020 July 29, 2020

People Reached: 2427 People Reached: 1152

● Total Engagements: 166 ● Total Engagements: 57
People Reached
Total: 6,762
From Hashtags: 4,519
From Home: 2,593
From Profile: 251
Other: 31

Profile Visits: 48

Website Clicks: 1

Comments: 11

Likes: 945

Saves/Sends: 33
People Reached
Total: 820
From Hashtags: 5
From Home: 977
From Profile: 44
Other: 11

Profile Visits: 12

Website Clicks: 0

Comments: 1

Likes: 91

Saves/Sends: 4

People Reached
Total: 914
From Hashtags: 12
From Home: 906
From Profile: 96
Other: 4

Profile Visits: 5

Website Clicks: 0

Comments: 2

Likes: 49

Saves/Sends: 0
July 21, 2020 July 17, 2020

People Reached: 1586 People Reached: 693

● Total Engagements: 305 ● Total Engagements: 45
So, what can
YOU do?

Bottom Line:
A like is good.
A like and comment is even better.
But a like comment and share goes a long way.

How else would things go viral?

Isn’t that something we’d like to have happen? It’s

the best exposure for support and advocacy.
Thank You! Any Questions?
(And Don’t Forget To Follow Our Socials!)
Instagram: @Limbitless3D
Twitter: @Limbitless3D
Facebook: @LimbitlessSolutions
LinkedIn: @LimbitlessSolutions

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