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Fatema akter


Chapter summary

“Analyzing interaction between doctors and patients in primary care encounters"

The doctor and patient relationship is a unique social relationship where bonding is planned with

the ultimate objectives of assisting the patient to achieve treatment goals. This is social actions

for example in present situations if i am going to hospital fist they asked did you test in

coronavirus. Or asked, Did you fix the date? And give that some information which is doctors

relevant. And give that some paper to complete all requires. Finally I have the opportunity to

meet the doctor. So that is a social action and this action involves a range of communicating

actions and very much structured that I am talking to certain medical personnel involved in

helping me to accomplish the full thing.

So this is a conversation analysis. Conversation analysis deals with use of language system. In a

conversation analysis as an approach to medical communication For example your request,

question and communication intonation that is very much rooted in a society.

The doctor patient interactions have some process that is part of the social system. In

Bangladesh private hospitals the way i communicate with the doctors to talk with my problems is

a social action. Getting consultation from a doctor is the action that I am doing in order to

accomplish that will have to go through a certain process. Patients need to define their problems

in an open and full manner. And the doctors need to work with the patient to articulate the

problem and refine the request. Conversation analyzer notices this all process such as they talk
in shopkeeper, banker, police, they go to the courtroom. They look at language, speech acts.

And they collect data.

Microanalysis is another important issue. At the opposite pole these studies deploy an

essentially ethnographic and interpretive methodology to disclose the background orientations,

individual experiences, sensibilities, under standings, and objectives that inhabit the medical


For example I go to the doctor place the way i talk to the doctor i know some certain

terminology. And i notice which speech acts i create when i talk to doctors. This is request,

order, or advice. I have to understand that in conversation. So this is how we play this role.

Conversation analysis as an approach to medical communication review

The primary care interview: These three levels of primary care of interview are interrelated.

1) The overall structure of the primary care visit.

2) The sequence structures through which its particular com-potent activities and tasks are

(3) The designs of the individual turns at talk that make up those sequences.

The overall structures include specific located activities such as openings and closings, and slots.

Doctor and patient establish an interactional relationship. Doctors hearing the patient's problem

talk to each other and create an interactional relation. This is also a social relationship. Sequence

structure is a particular component's activities and task. I have to set up my mind how i am

opening the conversation. How i am developing the topic. These are all sequences. Design and
individual turns is i am going to doctor place talks to a doctor. And what inputs are coming.

Doctor gives some follow up, Advice to take some medicine.

So, medical sociology is the important role social factors play in determining or influencing the

health of individual groups, and the larger society.

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