Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) Syndrome

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Hand-arm vibration (HAV) syndrome

1- The most common causes are work with:

hammers and chisels –pedestal and hand-held drilling, grinding and
polishing machines- any use of any high-vibration tool or machine which
causes tingling or numbness after five to ten minutes is a possible cause.
2- Personal protective equipment will not normally reduce the amount of
vibration reaching the worker’s hands.
3 -Symptoms range from tingling, numbness, pain and “blanching” (loss of
color) in the fingers, as well as weakened grip due to nerve and blood vessel
damage, from using vibrating tools. In severe cases, gangrene can occur.
4- Hand-arm vibration syndrome can take six months to six years to develop
and, after the fingers blanch, the condition is irreversible. Therefore,
prevention is crucial.

5- For protection

1. Keep the hands warm.

2. Refrain from smoking.
3. Grip the tool as lightly as possible. Ex. grinder/drill
4. Keep the tool well-maintained. Ex. the disk of grinder
5. Take breaks from working with tools – rest for at least 10 minutes per
6. Use gloves that cover the fingers and are certified by ISO 10819.
7. Use hydraulic rather than pneumatic impulsive riveting
8. Seek medical attention if HAVS symptoms appear.

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