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F70 Intellectual Disability, Mild F64.2 Gender Dysphoria in Children F06.33 Bip D/o D/t Another Med.Con., W/ manic ftrs F94.1 Reactive Attachment Disorder
F71 Moderate F64.1 Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults F06.34 W/ mixed ftrs F94.2 Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
F72 Severe F64.8 Other Specified Gender Dysphoria F31.89 Other Specified Bipolar Disorder F43.10 PTSD
F73 Profound F64.9 Unspec Gender Dysphoria F31.9 Unspec Bipolar Disorder F43.0 Acute Stress Disorder
F79 Unspec Intellectual Disability F34.81 Disruptive Mood Dysregulation D/o (DMDD) F43.8 Other Specified Trauma-Related Disorder
F88 Global Developmental Delay DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS F43.9 Unspec Trauma-Related Disorder
F80.0 Speech Sound Disorder F34.8 Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder SCHIZOPHRENIA/PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS F43.21 Adjustment Disorder W/ Depr mood
F80.81 Childhood-Onset Fluency D/o or Stuttering F32.0 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Ep, Mild F21 Schizotypal Personality Disorder F43.22 W/ anxiety
F80.2 Language Disorder F32.1 Single Ep, Moderate F22 Delusional Disorder F43.23 W/ mixed anxiety and Depr. mood
F80.89 Social/Pragmatic Communication Disorder F32.2 Single Ep, Severe F23 Brief Psychotic Disorder F43.24 W/ disturbance of conduct
F80.9 Unspec Communication Disorder F32.3 Single Ep, W/ Psychotic Ftrs F20.81 Schizophreniform Disorder F43.25 W/ disturbance of emotions and conduct
F84.0 Autism Spectrum Disorder F32.4Single Ep, In Part’l Rem F20.9 Schizophrenia F43.20 Unspec Adjustment Disorder
F90.0 ADHD, Predominantly inattentive type F32.5Single Ep, In full Rem F25.0 Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar type
F90.1 Predom hyperactive/impulsive type F32.9 Major Depressive D/o, Single Ep, Unspec F25.1 Depressive type DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS
F90.2 Combined presentation F33.0 Major Depressive Disorder, Recur., Mild F06.2 Psychotic D/o D/t Another Med.Con. W/ Del’s F44.81 Dissociative Identity Disorder
F90.8 Other Specified ADHD F33.1 Recur., Moderate F06.0 W/ Hallucinations F44.0 Dissociative Amnesia
F90.9 Unspec ADHD F33.2 Recur. Severe F06.1 Catatonia Ass’d W/ Another Mental Disorder F44.1 W/ dissociative fugue
F81.0 Specific LD W/ impairment in reading F33.3 Recur., W/ Psychotic ftrs F06.1 Catatonia D/t Another Med. Con. F48.1 Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
F81.81W/ impairment In written expression F33.41 Recur., In Part’l Rem F06.1 Unspec Catatonia (First code R29.818 F44.89 Other Specified Dissociative Disorder
F81.2 W/ impairment in mathematics F33.42 Recur., In full Rem Other sx & signs involving the nervous system) F44.9 Unspec Dissociative Disorder
F82 Developmental Coordination Disorder F33.9 Recur., Unspec F28 Other Specified Psychotic Disorder
F98.4 Stereotypic Movement Disorder F34.1 Persistent Depressive Disorder/Dysthymia F29 Unspec Psychotic Disorder SOMATIC SYMPTOM DISORDERS
F95.0 Provisional Tic Disorder N94.3 Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder F45.1 Somatic Symptom Disorder
F95.1 Persistent Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder F06.31 Deprv D/o D/t Another Med Con, W/ dep ftrs ANXIETY DISORDERS F45.21 Illness Anxiety Disorder
F95.2 Tourette’s Disorder F06.32 W/ major depressive like ftrs F93.0 Separation Anxiety Disorder F44.4 Conversion D/o W/ weakness or paralysis
F95.8 Other Specified Tic Disorder F06.34 W/ mixed ftrs F94.0 Selective Mutism F44.4 W/ abnormal movement
F95.9 Unspec Tic Disorder F32.8 Other Specified Depressive Disorder F40.218 Animal Phobia F44.4 W/ swallowing symptoms
F88 Other Specified Neurodevelopmental Disorder F32.9 Unspec Depressive Disorder F40.228 Natural Environment Phobia F44.4 W/ speech symptoms
F89 Unspec Neurodevelopmental Disorder F40.248 Situational Phobia F44.5 W/ attacks or seizures
BIPOLAR DISORDERS F40.298 Other Phobia F44.6 W/ anesthesia or sensory loss
IMPULSE-CONTROL & CONDUCT DISORDERS F31.11 Bipolar I Disorder, Cur. ep manic, mild F40.10 Social Anxiety Disorder/Social Phobia F44.6 W/ special sensory symptoms
F63.81 Intermittent Explosive Disorder F31.12 moderate F41.0 Panic Disorder F44.7 W/ mixed symptoms
F91.1 Conduct Disorder, Childhood-onset F31.13Severe F40.00 Agoraphobia F54 Psychological Fx Affecting Other Med. Con.s
F91.2 Adolescent-onset F31.2 Cur. ep manic, W/ Psychotic ftrs F41.1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder F68.10 Factitious Disorder
F91.9 Unspec onset F31.73 Cur. ep manic, in Part’l Rem F06.4 Anxiety Disorder D/t Another Med. Con. F45.8 Other Specified Somatic Symptom Disorder
F60.2 Antisocial Personality Disorder F31.74 in Full Rem F41.8 Other Specified Anxiety Disorder F45.9 Unspec Somatic Symptom Disorder
F63.1 Pyromania F31.9 Cur. ep manic, Unspec F41.9 Unspec Anxiety Disorder
F63.2 Kleptomania F31.0 Bipolar I Disorder, Cur. ep hypomanic EATING DISORDERS
F91.8 Other Spec Disrupti, Impulse-Control, or CD F31.71 Cur. ep hypomanic, In Part’l Rem OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDERS F98.3 Pica In children
F91.9 Unspec Disruptive, Impulse-Control, or CD F31.72 Cur. ep hypomanic, In full Rem F42 OCD F50.8 Pica In adults
F31.9 Cur. ep hypomanic, Unspec F06.8 OCD D/t Another Med. Con. F98.21 Rumination Disorder
ELIMINATION DISORDERS F31.31 Bipolar I Disorder, Cur. ep Depr., Mild F42 Other Specified OCD F50.8 Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
F98.0 Enuresis F31.32 Cur. ep Depr., moderate F42 Unspec OCD F50.01 Anorexia Nervosa, Restricting type
F98.1Encopresis F31.4 Cur. ep Depr., Severe F45.22 Body Dysmorphic Disorder F50.02 Binge-eating/purging type
N39.498 Other Specif Elimin’n D/o W/ urinary sx F31.5 Cur. ep Depr., W/ Psychotic ftrs F42 Hoarding Disorder F50.2 Bulimia Nervosa
R15.9 Other Specif Elimination Disorder W/ fecal sx F31.75 Cur. ep Depr., In Part’l Rem F63.3 Trichotillomania F50.8 Binge-Eating Disorder
R32 Unspec Elimination Disorder W/ urinary sx F31.76 Cur. ep Depr., In Full Rem L98.1 Excoriation/Skin-Picking Disorder F50.8 Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder
R15.9 Unspec Elimination Disorder W/ fecal sx F31.9 Bipolar I Disorder, Cur. ep Depr., Unspec F50.9 Unspec Feeding or Eating Disorder
F31.81 Bipolar II Disorder

F10.10 Alcohol Use Disorder, Mild F11.99 Unspec Opioid-Related Disorder F65.3 Voyeuristic Disorder G25.81 Restless Leg Syndrome
F10.20 Moderate or Severe F13.10 Sedative, Hypnotic/Anxiolytic Use D/o, Mild F65.2 Exhibitionistic Disorder G47.09 Other Specified Insomnia Disorder
F10.99 Unspec Alcohol-Related Disorder F13.20 Moderate or severe F65.81 Frotteuristic Disorder G47.00 Unspec Insomnia Disorder
F10.129 Alcohol intoxic’n W/ use disorder, mild F13.129 Intoxication + use D/o, mild F65.51 Sexual Masochism Disorder G47.19 Other Specified Hypersomnolence Disorder
F10.229 Moderate or Severe F13.229 moderate or severe F65.52 Sexual Sadism Disorder G47.10 Unspec Hypersomnolence Disorder
F10.239 Alcohol Withdrawal W/O percept disturb F13.929 Intoxication - use D/o F65.4 Pedophilic Disorder G47.8 Other Specified Sleep-Wake Disorder
F10.232 W/ perceptual disturbances F13.239 Withdrawal - perceptual disturb F65.0 Fetishistic Disorder G47.9 Unspec Sleep-Wake Disorder
F10.929 Alcohol Intoxication W/O use disorder F13.232 Withdrawal + perceptual disturb F65.1 Transvestic Disorder
F15.99 Unspec Caffeine-Related Disorder F13.99 Unspec Sedat-/Hypnotic-/Anxiol Rel’d D/o F65.89 Other Specified Paraphilic Disorder OTHER MENTAL DISORDERS
F15.929 Caffeine Intoxciation F15.10 Stim Use D/o, Mild, Amphetam-type subst. F65.9 Unspec Paraphilic Disorder F06.8 Other Specd Mentl D/o D/t Another Med.Con.
F15.93 Caffeine Withdrawal F15.20 Moderate/Severe F09 Unspec Mental Disorder D/t Another Med. Con.
F12.10 Cannabis Use Disorder, Mild F15.129 Intox’n - percept disturb + use D/o, mild SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS F99 Other Specified Mental Disorder
F12.20 Moderate or Severe F15.229 moderate or severe F52.32 Delayed Ejaculation F99 Unspec Mental Disorder
F12.99 Unspec Cannabis-Related Disorder F15.929 Intox’n - perceptual disturb + use D/o F52.21 Erectile Disorder
F12.129 Intox’n -percept. disturb, + use D/o, mild F15.23 Amphetamine or other stim Withdrawal F52.31 Female Orgasmic Disorder MEDICATION--‐INDUCED MOVEMENT
F12.229 Moderate or severe F15.122 Intox’n + percepl disturb + use D/o, mild F52.22 Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder DISORDERS
F12.929 Intox’n, - perceptual disturb, -use d/o F15.222 moderate or severe F52.6 Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder G21.11 Neuroleptic--‐Induced Parkinsonism
F12.122 Intox’n +percept’l disturb, +use d/o, mild F15.922 Intox’n + perceptual disturb + use D/o F52.0 Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder G21.19 Other Medication--‐Induced Parkinsonism
F12.222 Moderate/severe F15.99 Unspec AMP or Other Stimul-Related D/o F52.4 Premature Ejaculation G21.0 Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
F12.922 Intox’n + perceptual disturb, - use D/o F14.10 Stimulant Use Disorder, Mild, Cocaine F52.8 Other Specified Sexual Dysfunction G24.02 Medication--‐Induced Acute Dystonia
F12.288 Cannabis Withdrawal F14.20 Moderate or severe F52.9 Unspec Sexual Dysfunction G25.71 Medication--‐Induced Acute Akathisia
F12.99 Unspec Cannabis-Related Disorder F14.129 Intox’n - percept disturb + use D/o, mild G24.01 Tardive Dyskinesia
F16.10 Phencyclidine Use Disorder, Mild F14.229 moderate or severe SLEEP-WAKE DISORDERS G24.09 Tardive Dystonia
F16.20 Moderate or severe F14.929 Intox’n - perceptual disturb - use D/o F51.01 Insomnia Disorder G25.71 Tardive Akathisia
F16.129 Intoxication +use D/o, mild F14.122 Intox’n + percept disturb + use D/o, mild F51.11 Hypersomnolence Disorder G25.1 Medication--‐Induced Postural Tremor
F16.229 Moderate or severe F14.222 moderate or severe G47.419 Narcole W/O cataplexy, W/ hypocretin def G25.79 Other Medication--‐Induced Movement D/o
F16.929 Intoxication, -use D/o F14.23 Cocaine Withdrawal G47.411Narcolep W/ cataplexy, W/O hypocretin def T43.205A Antidepr Discont Syndrome, Init’l Enctr
F16.99 Unspec Phencyclidine-Related Disorder F14.922 Intox’n + perceptual disturb - use D/o G47.419 Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, T43.205D Subsequent encounter
F16.10 Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder, Mild F14.99 Unspec Cocaine-Related Disorder deafness, and narcolepsy T43.205S Sequelae
F16.20 Moderate or severe F15.10 Stimul Use D/o, Mild, Other or Unspec stim. G47.419 Autosomal dominant narcolepsy, obesity, T50.905A Other Adv. Eff of Medication, Init’l enctr
F16.129 Intoxication +use D/o, Mild F15.20 Moderate or severe and type 2 diabetes T50.905D Subsequent encounter
F16.299 Moderate or Severe F15.99 Unspec AMP or Other Stimulan-Rel’d D/o G47.429 Narcolepsy 20 to another Med. Con. T50.905S Other Adv. Eff. of Medication, Sequela
F16.929 Intoxication -use D/o Z72.0 Tobacco Use Disorder, Mild G47.33 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea
F16.99 Unspec Hallucinogen-Related Disorder F17.200 Moderate or severe G47.31 Idiopathic central sleep apnea NOTES:
F16.983 Hallucinogen Persisting Perception D/o F17.203 Tobacco Withdrawal R06.3 Central Sleep Apnea, Cheyne-Stokes breathi R63.5, T50.905A Drug-induced weight gain
F18.10 Inhalant Use Disorder, Mild F17.209 Unspec tobacco-related D/o G47.37 Central sleep apnea comorbid W/opioid use G93.1 Anoxic Brain Injury, NOS
F18.20 Moderate or severe F17.209 Unspec Tobacco-Related Disorder G47.34 Idiopathic hypoventilation
F18.129 Intoxication +use D/o, Mild F19.10 Other Substance Use Disorder, Mild G47.35 Congenital central alveolar hypoventilation
F18.229 Moderate or Severe F19.20 Moderate or severe G47.36 Comorbid sleep-related hypoventilation
F18.929 Intoxication -use D/o F19.99 Unspec Substance-Related Disorder G47.21 Circad’n Rhythm d/o, Delayed sleep phase
F18.99 Unspec Inhalant-Related Disorder F19.129 Other substance Intox’n + use D/o, mild G47.22 Advanced sleep phase type
F11.10 Opioid Use Disorder, Mild F19.229 Moderate or severe G47.23 Irregular sleep-wake type
F11.20 Moderate or severe F19.929 Other substance intoxication - use d/o G47.24 Circad’n Rhythm D/o, Non-24-hour
F11.129 Intox’n, -percept disturb + use D/o, mild F19.239 Other substance Withdrawal sleep-wake type
F11.229 Moderate or severe F19.99 Unspec substance related D/o G47.26 Circad’n Rhythm Disorder, Shiftwork typ
F11.929 Intox’n, perceptual disturb - use D/o G47.20 Circadian Rhythm Disorder, Unspec type
F11.122 Intox’n, +percept disturb + use D/o, mild F63.0 Gambling Disorder F51.3 Non-REM Sleep Arousal D/o, Sleepwalking ty
F11.222 moderate or severe F51.4 Sleep terror type
F11.922 Intox’n + perceptual disturb - use D/o F51.5 Nightmare Disorder


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