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Wellness and Nutrition Student Worksheet

Unit 3: Health Care

Name: _________________________________________ Class: _________ Date: _______
Lesson 1: Choosing Providers

1. What is a reason that someone may choose a specific health care provider?
health care professionals, hospitals, and pharmacies
2. What is a reason that someone may choose a specific hospital? __________________
Accreditation?Affiliation with the patient’s physicians?General
versus specialized care?Location?Participation in the patient’s
health insurance plan?Visitation policies?Private versus
non-profit?Referral from a family member, friend, or health care
professional?Size?Tour of the facility?Services offered
3. What is a reason that someone may choose a specific pharmacy? ________________
Medications carried?Delivery available?Drive-through
available?Hours?Independent versus franchise?Knowledgeable and
friendly pharmacists?Location?Participation in the patient’s health
insurance plan?Traditional versus mail order pharmacy
4. A medication that can only be bought with written authorization is a
prescription medicine
5. A medication that can be bought without a prescription is a
over the counter

Lesson 2: Physical Examination

1. Why might someone have a physical examination? ____________________________

physical exams is to diagnose and treat health problems,
update immunizations, order health screenings, assess the risk of future health
problems, encourage healthy living, and maintain a relationship with the physician.
2. What is done before the examination begins? _________________________________
patient’s medical history, and the patient’s current medications are recorded.
Snellen chart
3. A __________________________ is commonly used to test for nearsightedness.
jaeger chart
4. A __________________________ is commonly used to test for farsightedness.

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