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2G, 3G, LTE Drive Test Service

(Description and Responsibility Matrix)

NAK (Tehran Region

Table of Contents

Description ............................................................................................................................................................3

Area of Tests .........................................................................................................................................................3

Test Requirements................................................................................................................................................3

Post Processing ....................................................................................................................................................3

Log File Delivery and Reporting ..........................................................................................................................4

Drive Test Team ....................................................................................................................................................4

Responsibility Matrix ............................................................................................................................................5

Availability of Drive Test Teams ..........................................................................................................................6

Low performing items...........................................................................................................................................6

Tools and Equipment Provisions ........................................................................................................................6

Payment Milestones..............................................................................................................................................7

Contract Duration..................................................................................................................................................8

NAK intends to outsource some of the 2G, 3G, LTE RVT/SSV drive tests in Tehran Province including
Tehran city, small cities and roads.
NAK will keep all the rights to decrease or increase the scope of work for the subcontractor based on
performance, pace and quality of their work.
Penalties will be applied to any low performing items by the subcontractor and will be included as a part
of the contract.
Any fault during the tests or recording non-proper log files or in post processing or reporting by
subcontractor, will results in repeating same drive tests or post processing\preparing the reports again
without any additional payments.
This Service is related to get Drive Test Team Service consist of Drive Test Engineer with Equipment +
Car with Driver (DT Team & Car Driver should NOT be the same)
All cost should be paid by subcontractor to get traffic limitation zone permission for all DT teams.

All mission cost and food alliance should be paid by subcontractor to DT teams if needs to pay.

Area of Tests:
Tehran Province including Tehran city, small cities and roads.
-Note: All DT Teams consist of Drive Test Engineers, Cars and Drivers should be ready and send their
personal information to NAK before start of the project to get Drive testers permission in whole Tehran.

Test Requirements:
All type of scenarios (IDlE, Connected, Technology Locked/Unlocked and…) for different Technologies
2G/3G/LTE (Including MIMO, CA, MC, VOLTE, Multi RAB tests and …) & SSV
They should have 2 Drive test Teams with VOLTE test Capability (Each Team needs to have 2×VOLTE
Handset to perform MOS (VOLTE to VOLTE) and one handset should available to perform VOLTE to
measure just eSRVCC (no need MOS in this phone)).

- Based on Test and Post Processing Tools, all Requirement software, tools and license to
Perform Drive Test and Post Processing should be preparing by Subcontractor.
- Car Drivers and Drive Testers should not be the same.
- All drive testers should be able to do SSV tests and stationary test.

Post Processing
Subcontractor is responsible for post processing and analysis of drive tests defined by NAK. Post
Processing and analysis include all log file analysis, coverage and quality analysis, DT KPI analysis,
root cause analysis, CS and PS voice and data analysis for 2G, 3G, LTE, importing log to post

processing tool, creating reports and generating queries, post processing report templates will be
defined by NAK. Post Processing teams should be able to prepare reports for RVT/SSV as well.

Log File Delivery and Reporting

- All log files of the tests should be delivered to NAK Optimization team maximum by 24 hours
after tests in a format or method defined by NAK
- All coverage\quality\throughput\KPI tables and maps for post processing analysis, needs to be
reported in the templates which are delivered by NAK
- All test scripts\sequences for different tests to be performed by subcontractor should be
delivered to NAK
- Reports of post processing analysis, needs to be delivered to NAK based on defined time plans
by NAK
- Subcontractor should assign one coordinator to manage DT teams and make plan to do daily,
weekly activities and report to the all TLs. (should have Experience to do this job).
- Coordinator is responsible to make plan to perform test and share report as soon as possible
that request is received from NAK.
- Break time of night test for next day should plan by coordinator and needs to have NAK
TEHRAN PM/TLS approval.
- Coordinator should inform daily, weekly progress by Email to NAK Tehran PM and TLs.
- Coordinator should collect all daily, weekly and monthly activities as list of activities for each
team and share end of each month with PM/TLs.
- All DT teams, Coordinator and Post Processing Team should be available in NAK from first day
of project is started.
- Subcontractor should prepare sample report with same scenario for all DT teams and share
with NAK before start to see calibrate measurement results.
- 3×Actix and TEMS Discovery Tools for post processing and preparing report (Should
be parse logs TEMS 20 with all Event and new Technology (MIMO, CA, MC, VOLTE, Multi
RAB tests,) they should have high performance PC not laptop.
- All Post Processing Team should use same version of Tools.
- TEMS and NEMO (VOLTE Test) should be provided by subcontractor according to the project
- High performance PC to analysis log files with ACTIX and TEMS Discovery (SSD, etc.).

Drive Test Teams & Post Processors:

Drive Test teams & Post Processors should be equipped with:
Required item Quantity
Drive Test Teams (2 DT teams out of 8 teams should be equipped with VOLTE test
Capability and 2 teams for IBS SSV)
Car and driver for Drive Test (To be provided by subcontractor) 8

Post Processor engineer 3
TEMS Investigation version 20 or above or NEMO SW (Handy, Media Router &
Outdoor) or both of them based on project requirements (9 for DT team.
3 ACTIX, TEMS Discovery SW (Compatible version with scenario test) for
Post Processing engineers
Laptop with good performance for tests 8
High performance PC to analysis log files with ACTIX and TEMS Discovery (SSD, 3

Responsibility Matrix:
DT Responsibility Matrix is as below table:
R – Responsibility; S – Support, I – Information

Task Subcon NAK

Resource Provisioning R I
Laptop R I
DT Tool Kit (HW,SW, SIM Card) R
Car and Driver R I
Post Processing engineer (3 persons for all drive test teams of subcontractor) to be
confirmed by NAK and seating in NAK company
Testing methodology (Drive Test and Walk Test scenario) S R
Drive Test\Walk Test area definition S R
Drive Test route approval S R
Drive Test routes preparation R S
Equipment check form containing details of the basic checks on the drive test equipment
that shall be made at the start of each day
Raw measurement files R I
Distributing daily activity tracker for each DT team R I
DT Tool calibration R I
External Antenna, Inverter R I

Quality of Drive Test teams R
Report Templates S R
Cell file\Ref for test: Creation and Updating R S
TEMS Discovery version 20.1 or higher to be confirmed by NAK R S
Actix software, version to be defined by NAK R S
Post Processing engineer (3 person for all drive test teams of subcontractor) to be
confirmed by NAK and seating in NAK company

Availability of Drive Test Teams:

Drive Test teams should be available on 24 hrs. and 7 days (at day or night) including weekends and
holidays (Subcontractor needs to consider back up teams in this regard).
Subcontractor should inform Drive test Tools in his LOP.
8 DT teams are needed which 2 teams out of 8 should be equipped with VOLTE test
Each team should be ready with requested test scenario and be operational.

Low performing items:

Low performance of subcontractor will be seen via below items and penalties will be defined and
applied by NAK:

- Poor quality of tests or not fulfilling required tests

- Poor quality of reports or delay in delivery (Defined by NAK)
- Unusual delay in performing tests
- Maximum 24 hours delay in sharing log files
- Poor equipment (HW/SW)

Tools and Equipment Provisions:

According to DT test Methodology (Provided in supporting documents) required number of smartphone
needs to be provided by subcontractor (TEMS Packet, Nemo) which should support MIMO, CA, MC,
Multi RAB, VOLTE and... They should have 2 Drive Test Teams with VOLTE test Capability (Each
Team needs to have 2×VOLTE Handset to perform MOS (VOLTE to VOLTE) and one handset should
available to perform VOLTE to measure just eSRVCC (No need MOS in this phone)).

For the purpose of the execution, the supplier shall provide at its own expense, including any license
fee, all resources, tools and any equipment that are directly or indirectly required. The supplier shall
only use the tools and measurement equipment defined or approved by NAK.
The supplier will perform Calibration monthly for all the provided tools to ensure validity of the collected
Subcontractor should have MCI SIM card for All Technology (2G, 3G and 4G). SIM Charge cost and
mission or other cost for Drive Test Activity should be paid by Subcontractor.
Subcontractor should be ready to perform Benchmark Test for MCI and other operators (MTN or
RighTel). These tests maybe order by NAK.

Payment Milestones:
100% of the Purchase Order value for one month is provided when monthly DT and Post
Processing activities, reports, complete technical analyzed reports and others are submitted to and
approved by the NAK Tehran NPO Manager.

All issues that happened during test should be informed to Team Leaders and other responsible
engineers in NAK by DT Coordinator that assigned by subcontractor in this project.

Delay and missing item is not acceptable so it can affect all the payment.

Re-Drive issue related to Drive Test Mistake or Report will be affected the payment so they should
focus to assigned expert teams.

All mentioned items in this RFC will be affect to Payment so should follow 100% by Subcontractor and
deliver on time.

Invoice will be paid monthly per team after NAK TEHRAN NPO Manager Approved.

Contract Duration:
Contract duration will be 12 months, considering subcontractor’s performance, It can be extended to 1

Note: Please be informed a technical evaluation meeting with companies is essential before finalizing
the Tender result.

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