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TPACK Template


Subject English

Grade Level Kindergarten

Learning K.3 The student will build oral communication skills

Objective K.13 The student will use available technology for reading and writing
The objective of the
lesson is what
students will be able
to do as they finish
the activity. For this
objective, use the
Standards of Learning
(SOL) to say what you
want to focus on.
You can find the SOLs
http://www.doe.virgi look
on the right of the
screen for the
subjects and go from

Activity Describe The student will create an “all about me” collage in which the students
what the learning
activity will be. What
will use Canva to create a collage that showcases their hobbies, interests,
will the students and and personality. The collage can include words, pictures, or artwork.
the teacher be doing?
(This includes what Everyone will then be asked to shared their collages and discuss the
they are doing with different choices they made about the contents of their collage
the technology).

Technology Canva
Name of the device
and/or programs
being used. (The
description of what
Link to the
example Z2KTkBLISg/view?
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