Employability Skills in HSC

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Employability skills in HSC

Table of Contents

Task One..........................................................................................................................................4

Task two.........................................................................................................................................15

Task three.......................................................................................................................................18

Task four........................................................................................................................................21


In case of working in the health and social care, some skills should be attained. It has been seen
that there are so many responsibilities and objectives made by the performance which should be
followed by employees. According to the usage of motivating theories, the quality improvement
to assure the perfect performance will also be denominated. These will be the basic aspect of this
Task One
There are so many responsibilities and objectives made by the performance which are required to
be well managed. From the view of all these, so many responsibilities and performance activities
can be made. These are given below from the side of the HSC.

1.1 Developing a set of own responsibilities and performance Objectives

Team working

In order to deal with the HSC, the team working skill will be playing a very strong impact. It has
been seen that the team working skill is very much needed to assure the service in the system.
This is why, it will be on the performance objectives along with the responsibilities.


However, in order to provide the service, HSC will require to deal with the communication
matters as well. The communication will help to deal with other service providers and it will be
resulting in the effectiveness and efficiency. This is why communication will be needed (Munn-
Giddings and Winter, 2013).

Problem solving

HSC will face so many problems in the system. In order to find the solution of all these, problem
solving will require to be well managed. In this way, problem solving skill can be helpful in
many manners. So, the problem solving skill will help to focus on the performance objectives.


In order to focus on the service quality, the team working role will play a very important role
within it. As a result of it, the leadership skill will be required to accelerate the team working
skill. This is how leadership skill is another important objective to be well balanced and managed
in it (Aveyard, 2014).

So, these are the actual performance objectives and responsibilities.

1.2 Evaluating own effectiveness against defined objectives

There is so many effectiveness of my own against the objectives. According to the objectives,
the skill of own should be well balanced and understood. I can be able to increase the
responsibility within the team members and so on. On the other side, knowledge development
will be required as well. However, the own effectiveness is done from the side of objectives.

A SWOT analysis of HSC


I have a very strong team working skill. According to the team working activities, I am
becoming able to motivate the employees as well. On the other side, I have knowledge
development activities also. I am also capable of making the target for the working.


In the context of weaknesses, I have so many problems which may appear in the HSC. I have the
problems in case of controlling the employees. The employees have so many issues in the
training and other sides as well. I have problems with employment management as well.


There are also so many opportunities which are appearing in the system. I can swap the job
positions and it has been helpful for me in many ways. On the other side, I can comply with the
management styles along with good communication. So, it is the main opportunity for me in the


There will be so many threats appearing in the system as well. I have problem solving problems.
I also have a very less level of creativity which will become a threat for me. I will require to deal
with these issues to assure the effective in case of HSC.

So, these are the problems and opportunities that are appearing in the context of HSC.

1.3 Making recommendations for improvement

As seen from the context of HSC¸ there will be so many recommendations available for the
improvement. However, the recommendation will be,
Skills Present level Perfect output Ways of development
By using the group
Becoming able to
discussion and taking
Listening Average communicate with job
professional training from
several sides.
Attending seminars and
Becoming able to understand workshops followed by the
Communication Good
the roles in the job. group discussion and
Dividing the goals into the
Making everyone to meet the
Leading and many different steps and by
Average stated goals and objectives
controlling dividing these, objectives
within the system.
will be easier to be met.
Skill development and
Planning activities will get
Problem solving Below average accelerated by solving
development process will
problems quickly.
increase planning process.

1.4 Reviewing how motivational techniques can be used to improve the quality
of performance

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs will be used in this aspect for the greater illustration. In the
hierarchy of needs, there will be five steps and these five steps will help to indicate the level of
needs of a people (Hudson, 2002). For example, if people is at the 3 rd level of the hierarchy, he
will be trying to reach the 4th level. From this specific understanding, the needs for motivation
will be assumed and balanced. Once all of these issues are understood, it will help to improve the
quality in the HSC.

On the other side, the role of two factors theory can not be denied as well. According to the
theory of two factors, there will be two dimensions for motivation. One is known as basic factors
which will not increase the motivation but will surely keep the condition aligned. On the other
side, there will be some hygiene factors as well. These hygiene factors are must for the increment
of the motivation in the system.

There are so many motivational techniques which can be used in the system of HSC. According
to the usage of these, the quality improvement to assure the perfect performance will also be
denominated. The motivational techniques can play different roles in a different organizational
Task two
2.2 Communicating in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various

There are so many styles available in case of the communication system. From the
communication understanding, it has been seen that these styles will be very much effective and
appropriate at many points in time. The communication styles consisting of telephonic skills,
presentation, give and accept criticism, motivating and supporting, spoken communication and
so on. The communication will help to deal with other service providers and it will be resulting
in the effectiveness and efficiency. This is why communication will be needed.

In order to make contact with the internal parties of the organization like in the case of Mark, the
telephonic skills can be used properly (Ahmed et al., 2004). With the help of telephonic skills,
several communication level and problems can be solved. On the other side, the presentation
skill is another type of communication style which can be used to communicate with the upper
level management team.

In the case of Mark, motivating and supporting are other types of the communication system and
it is getting assured with the help of spoken communication. From spoken communication, it has
been very much clear that many levels are getting changed. In case of quick communication,
spoken communication is getting used. It is the mostly used way of the communication strategy.

2.3 Identify effective time-management strategies

There are so many time management strategies available in the HSC system. According to the
understanding of effective time management, so many specific issues are getting assured and
managed. However, with the usage of these, perfect time management skill can be possessed and
made. Mark will need to focus on time management strategies as well.

Making a to-do list is one of the mostly used ways of time management strategies available. In
order to manage the packed schedule, several strategies are required to be well balanced and
understood. Following the to-do list, the person should also go for the prioritized method. With
the help of this, a priority list will be made to accelerate the time management strategy (Leathard,

Keeping the notebook is another strong way of time management. It has been seen that the
notebook keeping is a perfect way as it will help to see all the tasks at the same time. Checking
the notebook will give all the list of work at the same time. In this way, the time management
strategy will be effective in the organizational system.
Date: 9th Feb, 2019


Health and social care home.

Subject: Developing strategies for problem solving


As you have asked, the report is given below,


There are so many problems available in the organization. According to the problems, there will
be a solution to these problems as well. The problems can be solved with the help of several
strategies that are given below. This report will be focusing on the strategy for problem solving
and so on.

Task three
3.1 Explaining the roles people play in a team and how they can work together
to achieve shared goals.

From the Beblin’s team role theory, it has been seen that there will be so many roles which are
required to be met by the team. If these are met by the teams, the achievement of the shared
goals will be accelerated. However, there are basically three main roles available. These are,

Action-oriented roles


In order to achieve the goal, the whole team must be shaped and this is the main job of the

The plans that have been made by the shapers will be implemented by the implementers.

Completer finisher

In the case of the completer finisher, they will finalize the implementation that has been managed
by the implementer.

People-oriented roles


Coordinators will be coordinating the projects that will be doing some different types of work.
They will coordinate each and every type of task (Reeves et al., 2011).

Team workers

In the case of the team workers, they will be focusing on the activities of the team and they will
accomplish whatever required for the goals.

Resource investigators

On the other side, there will be so many resources and some parties will be investigating the
resources to meet the goals.

Cerebral roles


In the case of the plant, they will be able to solve any tough decision that appears in the system
of implementing something.

Monitor evaluator

In case of the monitoring and evaluating, some parties will be monitoring the situation and will
also focus on the evaluation.


There can be many persons who will be the specialists of a specific task that is mandatory to
meet the goals.
3.2 Analysing team dynamics

The team dynamics is consisting of so many steps that can play a very big role. There will be
several activities and roles in case of the analysis of the team dynamics. However, the steps are
given below,


There are so many factors available from the aspect of team development and dynamics. At the
first level, the team must be formed and from the formed team, many types of members will be
included in these.


On the other side, there will be some storming issues as well. In this step, all the team members
will collide to each other and that will come up with some problems. In this way, the storming
can be made in the system (Brett et al., 2014).


Once the storming is done within the system, there will be a requirement of the norming as well.
In the norming level, all the problems that have been created will be solved and balanced to
make a very strong team dynamics.


Once the norming will be done, it is anticipated that the performing will be required. The team
will work together as a unit that has been created right after the norming stage. It will be helping
the team dynamics as well.


At the last step, the team will be adjourning some other factors as well. In order to deal with
these, they will find out the flaws together to find something good in the back. In this way, team
dynamics will be made.

From the case study, it has been seen that the team of Churchill home is at the adjourning step
where they are focusing on the feedback and mistakes only.
3.3 Suggesting alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals

In order to choose any alternative ways, the work specialization will be a must. If the
organization needs to do the work specialization, they will need to follow several steps available.
These steps will be consisting of factors like framing, siding, painting, inspection and shipping.

With the help of this theory, a plan will be made at the first step and the draft plan will be made.
Once the draft plan is made, a fabricated plan will also be made which will be known as the
siding of the system (Stanley and Manthorpe, 2004). It is an important to step for alternative

Once the siding is done, it will go for the painting where fabricated plans will be crafted into one
and to be implemented. During the implementation, there will be a requirement for the inspection
as well for controlling. In the end, the task will be finished.

Task four
4.1 Evaluating tools and methods for developing solutions to problems

As seen in the case of Mark, there are several tools and methods available for the development of
the solutions to the problems. The tools and methods will be consisting of sides like problems
finding. It is the prime step to find any kind of solution in the system.

Once the problems are found, the root cause of the problems should be expanded. After finding
the root cause, the cause will be divided into several parts. From these parts, the actual solution
can be found. Before finding it, the problems should be analyzed too (Stanley and Manthorpe,

After all these, the solution will be found which should be accelerating, effective and perfect as
well. In this way, the solution to each and every problem are made which can play a very strong
role in the system.

4.2 Developing an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem

In order to solve the problems of Mark, the strategy is consisting of steps below,

1. Finding the actual problem,

2. Finding the root and basic of the problem,
3. After finding the root, the analysis of the reason will be done,
4. Once the analysis is done, a specific point of the solution will be found for Mark
(Leathard, 2004),
5. The solution will be implemented on Mark to solve the problems,
6. From the solution, standardizing the solution will be required too.

This is how, a strategy can be made for a particular problem.

4.3 Evaluating the potential impact on the business of implementing the


If the strategy is implemented in the system, there will be so many potential impact appearing.
Based on these potential impacts, some analysis can be made. By using the strategy, Mark will
be able to solve her problems. She will be capable of working within the organization.

The strategy is made in the way so that it can help Mark to get into the culture of the
organization. By getting connected with these, the employment system will be well established.
With the help of it, the best outcome can be found from Mark.

The strategy will help Mark to make a direct relationship with the organization. She can also be
able to assure the continuous development in case of their place. It will help to change the
mentality of the Mark as well. In this way, the influences will be made on them.

Conclusion and recommendation

From these, it has been seen that there are so many problems available in the system. The
recommendation for the solution will be given below.

1. Mark should be cooperative in the system,

2. She should focus on learning and sharing,

3. She will need to understand the organizational aspects.

In the end, it can be said that the roles of the employability skills have been very much effective
in the organizational system. There are specific needs available in the system which should be
fulfilled by the employees with some professional skill set. From the Beblin’s team role theory, it
has been seen that there will be so many roles which are required to be met by the team. Overall,
it has been seen that employability skill is a very important side for HSC.
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