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This calorie intake assignment was very enlightening, and I took a lot of information from this

assignment. The goal for this project was to take down a week’s work of meals and count the

calories for each meal and the collective total for the day. Afterwards we would reflect on the

meals and see if there would be things we would want to change about our lifestyle. After

completing the assignment, I had time to reflect the choices I made for that week. I did not try to

change my diet for this assignment, I wanted to be truthful and allow my other fellow students

the opportunity to look at my data. In the beginning of the course, I had a set of goals laid out for

myself. I wanted to work out, help my anxiety, and change my diet. This project was targeted

towards my diet specifically. I can see how often I chose to eat out instead of choosing a home

cooked meal. I choose to eat a lot of snacks between my meals and eat out late. This assignment

has helped me realize just how little I cared about my diet. I want to eat healthier, but I do not

choose the right steps to take that into effect. I had time to reflect on my choices and consider

alternate choices for my diet. I must give myself more time to study more meals to cook at home.

I need to take some time out of my day to prepare meals for home instead of buying food outside

and buy healthy snacks to replace my candy and cookies. Using this chart to finally visualize

where I am in my current situation, it was clear to see where the work needs to get done. I

appreciated this assignment because I was the one who made the list and I am the one who needs

to come up with alternative solutions to my diet.

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