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The common origin of all Slavs


George Ljepojevic

The Slavic language is spoken by close to over three hundred million people. According to
some studies the Y-DNA ( R1a ) haplogroup of people, may have arisen around about 15,000
years ago who were to become known as the Slavs in the vicinity of present day Ukraine.
The “Eurasian Adam” was said to have come from Africa 31,000 years to 79,000 years ago.
Or possibly from the Pontic- Caspian steppe as a result of the “hypothetical Kurgan
migration theory.”The first mention of the name Slavs dates back to the 6th century and, it
was during this time that Slavic tribes ( 200 plus ) inhabited a vast area of central eastern
Europe. From there on the Slavs expanded further towards the Balkans and the alps, in the
south and west, and to the Volga in the north and east. It was from the ninth century that
the Slavs were to gradually be Christianised and by the 12th century they formed the
population within a number of medieval Christian states. The one thing that connects all
Slavic peoples is their languages. You can go to any Slavic country ( if you’re a Slav ) and,
and you won’t have much of a problem to understand the local language. The languages
remained intact without internal differences which, date back to around 500 A.D. Once the
Slavic tribes ( during the 6th century ) had broken up into separate east, west, southern and
northern peoples their language changed slightly. The word “Sclavenes” was used as a term
for various groups which lived north of the European lands. The term Sclavenes was a
construct of Byzantine authors. This does point to the byzantine influence on the early Slavs.

Once all the Slavic tribes either combined by groups of tribes or, with the original
“Aboriginal” ( original land dwellers ) tribes, separated and when they began their
migrations was when their histories were tampered with. By that I mean that facts became
fiction to a degree. There were various German speaking “historians” whose only purpose
was to ‘prove’ their own superiority and, inferiority of all others. According to historical
documents also linguistic studies, there is proof that Slavs are also, direct descendants of
the Veneti who were/are, also ( historically )known as the Enotoi who were to inhabit the
entire region of the Balkans. These two tribes were known by the Romans, they had their
own cultures and customs which was to change as tribes were formed into nations. The
Enotoi people not only inhabited the Balkans but, also regions of northern Greece, Italy,
Hungary, Romania, Austria, Bavaria. Also northern Switzerland and the Slovak republics of
Poland and central Germany. There has been the suggestion also that the Veneti, were also
the founders of Rome? Once the migration of tribes began ( 4th century A.D. ) possibly
because of the catastrophical climate changes, which started in the areas between the
Urals and Mongolia, there were hundreds of tribes who had the same commonality. In order
to survive a family looked for protection, in numbers by joining “cluster cells” or settlement
cells. They were to become ‘clans’ this, was the simplest form of a territorial organization
back then. These clans were also known as ‘Zupas’ in the southern Slavic language or,
‘Opole’ in Polish. Historically there are four groups of Slavs who retained their ‘root Slav’
names ( the name beginning with- ‘Sla/Slo’ ) which tells of their origin instantly such as, the
Slovenes, Slovaks. In Roman times the various Celtic- Germanic admixtures of tribes-like the
Galice or Gaulics also the Cotini people populated Galicia. This occurred during the
migration period of Europe which coincided with the fall of the Roman Empire.

There were a variety of normadic groups who also include both west and east Slavs,
including Lendians as well as Rusyns. Which blended in with the Celtic-Germanic population.
The Lendians ( polish-Ledzianie ) were a west Slavic tribe who lived in the area of east and
‘lesser Poland’ and, ‘Chevren Towns’ between the 7th and 11th centuries. Chevren Towns was
also known as Red Ruthenia or Red Russia. The Latin name for “Chevren Towns” was
‘Ruthenia Rubra’ and was used since the middle ages for south eastern Poland as well as
western Ukraine. The Slavs used colours for the cardinal points of the compass. The Totem
God Svetovid had four faces, his northern face was white, his western face red, southern
face black and eastern face green. All these colours you can see on today’s Slavic flags.
Ruthenia described as Kievan Rus or, just Rus is the historical territory that corresponds with
today’s Ukraine and Belarus and also western Russia. The common origins of all Slavs points
to the regions of Poland, Ukraine and parts of Russia. Including the Russian steppes. Ukraine
is the sixth largest country in Europe and when you consider, that Belarus and Russia are
considered the closest relatives of Ukraine. Then its not really that hard to tell that this large
combined landmass is, the original homeland of the Slavic peoples. Also past the Russian
steppe is the Mongolian steppe. Did the Mongol Golden horde leave any genes in the Slavic
lands? They did overrun many Slavic tribes also at its peak, the territory of the Golden Horde
included most of eastern Europe form the Urals to the banks of the Danube river. Extending
deep into Siberia in the south the Golden Horde’s land bordered on the black sea also took
in the Caucasus mountains. At one stage the principalities of the Keivan Rus was the Vassal
of the Golden Horde. What does the interactive map of human genetic history to reveal, in
reference to Mongol admix of their gene with the Slavic people?

The genetic history of 95 different populations across the world, showed likely genetic
impacts of European colonialism, coupled with Arab slave trade, not to mention the Mongol
Horde who also mixed with the silk road traders. There was a study which was published in
the Science journal. What the researchers did was to develop sophisticated statistical
methods ( using dates, also characteristics ) to analyse the D.N.A. of 1,490 individuals from
around the world. This was also done in Croatia by Croatian scientists at the F.A. institute of
Zagreb a well, world renowned genetics institute. Before the fall of the western Roman
empire, these two tribes set out on a great migration journey. Both Serbs and Croats were
once tribes of Iranian origin. They were from a nation known as the Scythians. However
when you take in their chronological order, they were first known as Sumerians, Scythians,
Sarmatians and Alans. Today they are the direct descendants of the Ossetians. This genetic
discovery of the two tribes ( Serbs and Croats) will be vehemently denied by the main
stream population of Croatia. The Serbs and Croats have been manipulated by, non Slavic
nations. When using only genetic data it provides information that is independent, from all
else such as cultures, history and influential input from overbearing individuals. Have the
Slavs ever united since their migration? Yes they have. Without going into a chronological
order, king Samo ( the first Slavic king who, was not a Slav but a Frank ) in 623-658. Great
Morovia in 833-902, the Balaton principality ( lower Pannonia ) 838-876. The Keiven Rus,
882-to the 13th century. Poland 966-to the present day. Yugoslavia 1918-1980 when TITO
died in 1980, then was the commencement of the separation of Yugoslavia. Bulgaria 680 to
today, the Slavic family belongs the Pan Slavism and should never have been a form of
domination of one over the other. But because of interference from non Slavic nations they
have been pitted against each other many times. When addressing the origin also the ethnic
history of the Slavs, the basis of modern ideas about the historical sources of the Slavs, was
formed by the Czech, Slavist L.Niderle. Who at the turn of the 20 th century came to a
conclusion ( based on written data source and linguistic Archaeology ) that the motherland
of all Slavs stretched over the territories of eastern Poland, Polissya, Podillya and, the Kyiv
region which also included the basin of Desna, this was called the “Vistula-Dnieper theory”

This theory was one of more than a dozen such theories, the most widespread
among them “Danube”, the “Vistula-Oder” also the “Dnieper-Oder.”The Danube conception
was formulated briefly by a monk saint Nestor, the chronicler ( c.1056-c.1114 in Kiev ).
Many of the ethnological details given by Nestor of the various Slavic tribes are of the
highest value. When he died he was glorified ( canonised ) as a saint by the Russian
Orthodox church and buried in the “near caves.”The “Danube conception” at the beginning
of the 12th century pointed to the concept that after a long time, the Slavs settled on the
banks of the Danube ( where Hungary and Bulgarian lands are today ). From there they
spread to the four corners of Europe at the beginning of the 10th century. This theory was
supported by the prominent Czech and Slovak scientist Safarik, who was the author of the
“Carpathian-Danube theory of the Slavic origin.” The “Vistula- Oder conception” was
promoted by polish and also Russian archaeologists, V.Sedov and I.Rusanova who
connected the sources of early Slav’s life style, with the monuments of the “Vistula- Oder”
territories of the previous historical epochs and were of the same opinion as the poles. The
most grounded theory is the “Vistula-Dnieper” conception. This theory got more and more
support specifically from having significantly expanded its information, due to new linguistic
and specifically archaeological findings. The Slavs early life styles ( during the metal period,
bronze age period also even the Neolithic period ) and the peculiarities of their burial
ceremonies, the shapes of pottery and the designs on them, as well as the size and planning
of their dwellings, also their locations etc. Provided much valued data to continue the
search to the hypothetic journey to the motherland of the Slavs. Polish and, and also some
Russian scientists have joined forces and focused their attention on the Proto- Slavonic
character of the Lusatian culture. This culture and also the Przeworsk culture is genetically
connected. This was also a connection with the homogenous Germanic tribes- the Veneto,
Baltico, Slavonic community. Which also included smaller ethno-linguistic sub-groups, to
form the proto-Germanic tribes. Also included were northern Germany and also south
Scandinavia. In the bronze age period, cultures which lived three to two thousand years B.C.
Encompassed vast territories, from the Rhine ( in the west )and also the Volga in the east as
well as the Jutland in the north bordering on the alps and the Carpathians in the south
connected, the most distant historical sources of the Slavs. What was of interest is that in
Silesia ( incorporated into Poland in the 10th century B.C.E. ) and also “little Poland” was the
contact with the proto- Slavonic and Celtic tribes. The Przeworsk culture was a part of the
iron age and, considered by some archaeologist as being one of the original cultures tied to
the origins of the Slavic peoples. The Przeworks culture takes its name from a nearby village
–town named Przeworsk. The town ( or nearby ) was where the first artefacts were found.
The Celtic peoples established a number of settlements in the 4 th century mostly in southern
Poland. It was as a result of the consequent Roman efforts to subdue all of Germania that,
one of the member tribes the Suebi or, Suevi moved east and from there conquered the
Celtic tribes who were in their way. The Suebi were a large group of Germanic peoples but,
what must be noted is that the term “Suebi” more broadly covered a large number of tribes
in central Germania who, were not Germanic! So what was the overall ‘influence’ the
Slavonic tribes/families brought into Europe? Well the opposite of the word Slavophilia, is
Slavophobia- a ‘fear of Slavic cultures.’during the first and second world wars, well over 26
million Slavs were killed ( 26 million in the then U.S.S.R. alone ) in many ways and yet, the
Slavs are still here today and here to stay. Once the Slavs are entrenched in a land they are
hard to dislodge primarily because they were not only warriors but also farmers… nomadic
peoples who took their families with them sometimes into battle with them. If they liked
where they were they just stopped moving till the right time to expand further came.

SOURCE-NOTES: the – Slavic-languages Settlements

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