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Activism Reflection

This semester, being my first semester in college, was a huge change in my

life, and I learned a lot about myself and others. Being a part of the Gen X learning
community was one of the best decisions of my life. When I applied, I did not
know what to expect, but It certainly sounded like something I would be interested
in. Little did I know I would meet the most amazing people and be given the most
amazing opportunities. This learning community has given me such a welcoming
space for all my passion and ideas that I did not have before.
When we first met Hannah and performed the pieces that we picked, I was
so nervous. I have never really liked theater or performed anything in my life, so,
naturally, I was very anxious. Hannah gave back such positive feedback, so when
we had to write our own This I Believe pieces, I wanted it to be perfect. It was a
vulnerable experience just to write it, and performing it nearly made me cry. To
hear everyone else’s piece was comforting and overall, immensely powerful.
Hannah’s storytelling workshop for LGBTQ elders was unbelievably wonderful.
We all got to draft short stories and share them, but the most important part was the
energy of the class. I could feel the positive energy that radiated from the older
folks in the class, and I could tell how happy it made them that we were there. I
truly felt like I made a difference even if it was small. Tales From Down There was
a great production. I loved it because of the vast variety of stories that were told; I
thought I heard about any story a person could tell. Everyone was so well spoken,
rehearsed, and it gave me more confidence in myself. Hearing so many people’s
stories has been so important to me. It gives so much perspective, empathy, and
connection. Another thing that I liked about the production was that it calmed my
nerves about our production; I have been nervous because this is my first time
performing, but also because I had no idea how it would look like online. Tales
From Down There gave me a better idea about how online production looks like.
Lastly, I would like to reflect on the time I volunteered at the women's clinic. This
was my first time ever defending a women’s clinic or doing any kind of activism
on the front lines; I was nervous, but it was a great opportunity. That day was not
so crazy, but it was so much fun and provided valuable experience.
These experiences connect to my MGP in a couple of ways. Learning the
importance of storytelling with Hannah can connect to my project because it shows
that sex workers have stories too, and they just need people to listen to them. Being
ignorant of other’s stories means that you are not gaining that connection and
empathy. Sex workers need that human connection that society cut off a long-time
ago. Volunteering at the women’s clinic was all about sex and body positivity; we
fought for the right for women to do what they please with their body, and they
should not have to feel ashamed. If I were to do a social justice event for sex
worker and sex positivity, I would do something like Amber Rose’s Slut Walk. I
would call it “Defeat the Stigma”, and it would be a huge march to gain the
attention of news/media outlets. We could fundraise Planned Parenthood and have
a strip show. Anyone could wear whatever they wanted. We would also give out
Plan B and condoms.

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