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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Student: Angie Ximena Díaz Gómez

Cc. 1005,718.574

Course - English A1
Group: 802 Period 16 - 04

Tutor: Ruth Astrid Ospina

Ibagué - Tolima

October 2020
Item 1 – Comparisons
Enter a text where you compare two people, you must make physical description and use of
comparative adjectives such as those seen in module 7. You can use an image to guide
yourself. They must write at least 40 words.

1. Juan has pink shoes and brown Pedro

2. Juan has monkey hair and brown Pedro
3. Peter has no eyebrows instead Juan if he has
4. Pedro has his hair down and Juan has his hair up
5. John has skeleton and Pedro has a diver

Item 2 - Activities in progress

Write a text that describes the activities your family/friends are doing right now, it is important
that you include an image where you can show what they are doing; make use of connectors such
as AND and WHILE; you must write at least 40 words. The following is an example of what is
It all started on September 16, 2020, on the day of my
18th birthday, my family had a surprise for me for the
reason of my birthdays, in our house I had a small
meeting with the people closest to the theme of the
pandemic, we had a very pleasant time at dinner all
together in the restaurant Don Pedro of the city of
Ibagué , in which everyone ordered their plate and we
all had dinner as a family, then we made a toast where
everyone said nice things about me and wished me
Item 3 - Talking about routines
Write a text that describes the routine of a family member or friend. Talk about the things you do
from when you get up until you go to sleep. Remember to make good use of third parties in simple
present. Minimum 50 words. The following is an example of what is requested.

Maria Dolores is my great-grandmother is Ibagué, she is 78 years old, she

usually gets up at 6 in the morning to make red to give my grandpa before
going to work, then goes to bed again, until 9 a.m., roses the floors of the
house and makes chocolate for everyone, after breakfast, enlists and sleeps
again until lunchtime , after lunch we start to talk to each other and she takes
her red and a fruit, stays on the slope of my cousins and entertains a while
with them, again goes to bed and in the afternoon hours type 6 gets up again
to visit, already until dinner time, we pray the glossary and we go to sleep
and so on they are every day.

Item 4 - Talking about a town

Enter the description of a place you remember. You can use the following vocabulary: School,
Library, Museum, City Hall, Theater, Cinema, Hospital, Main square, Police station, Fire
department, Drugstore, Mall, Beauty Parlor, Gym, Marketplace. Type 50 words in 2 paragraphs, use
the vocabulary and explanations in module 4 about the place description. The following is an
example of what is requested.

In the city of Ibagué, in the neighborhood of Jordan is

located the main headquarters " Institución Educativa
Tecnica la Sagrada Familia", in its surroundings is
located: in front of a drugstore and several places of

In the back are a park, with lots of nature and green

areas, also has an ecological gym, on one side corner is
a bakery and at the other end some apartments.

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