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Jordan University of Science & Technology

Faculty of Computer & Information Technology

Department of Computer Engineering
Year:                2020-2021 Semester:                     Fall
Course Information
Course Title Digital Image Processing
Course Number CPE 750
Prerequisites -
Course website
Instructor Dr. Inad Aljarrah
Office Location C5 L2
Office Phone 7201000/ Ext. 23289
Office Hours Sun, Tue, Thu 12:45-1:30 , Mon 12:30-1:30

Text Book
Title Digital Image Processing
Author(s) Gonzalez, Rafael and Woods, Richard
Publisher Prentice Hall Inc
Year 2008
Edition 3rd
Book Website
References 1- Two-Dimensional Signal and Image Processing, Lim, J. S., Prentice Hall, 1990.
2- Digital Image Processing, Castelman, K. R., 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 1996.
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type Expected Due Date Weight
Midterm Exam TBD 30%
Assignments TBD 20%
Final Exam TBD 50%
Course Objectives
·       Develop an overview of the field of image processing.

 ·       Understand the fundamental algorithms and how to implement them.

·  Prepare to read the current image processing research literature.

·  Gain experience in applying image processing algorithms to real problems.

Teaching & Learning Methods

·         Class lectures, and lecture notes, are designed to achieve the course objectives.
·         You should read the assigned chapters before class, complete assignments on time, participate in
class and do whatever it takes for you to grasp this material. Ask questions. You are responsible for
all material covered in the class.
·         Please communicate any concerns or issues as soon as practical either in class or by Email.
·         The web page is a primary communication vehicle. It will contain homework assignments, study
guides, and important instructions.

Course Content
Load in weeks Topics Chapter in Text
1 Introduction to digital image processing Ch1
1  Digital image fundamentals Ch2
2 Image enhancement Ch3 & Ch4
1 Color image processing Ch6
2 Image compression Ch8
3 Object recognition Ch11 & Ch12
As time permits Selected topics Handouts

Additional Notes
Exams ·       Exams are meant to test your UNDERSTANDING of the material covered in class.
·         Makeup exam should not be given unless there is a valid excuse.
Makeup Exams ·         Arrangements to take an exam at a time different than the one scheduled MUST be
made prior to the scheduled exam time.
Drop Date ·          It is your responsibility to find out.

·         Cheating or copying from neighbor on exam, quiz, or homework is an illegal and
unethical activity.
·         Standard JUST policy will be applied.
·         All projects and assignments must be your own work.

·         Excellent attendance is expected.

·         JUST policy requires the faculty member to assign ZERO grade (35%) if a student
misses 20% of the classes.
·         Sign-in sheets will be circulated.
·         If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out about any announcements or
assignments you may have missed.
·         Participation in class discussions is expected. Raise your hand if you have any question.
·         Making any kind of disruption (ringing cells) and (side talks) in the class may result in
your expulsion from the classroom and will affect you negatively.
·         Make backups of all of your work.
·         This includes any assignment and project materials you and your group produce.

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