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This question paper contains 4+1 printed pages] Your Roll No. ...... 5865 BSe. (Hons) Botany/Zootogy/Microbiolopy/ Anthropology/Biochemist’y {III Sem) a B Paper MBHT 30]—Molecular Biology-I Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (H'rite your Roll No. on the top immediately .on receipt of this question paper.) Answer five questions in all, including Question No. 1, which is compulsory. I (a) Fill in the blanks (Attempt any five) : (i) Linking number is the sum o! and... (if) A gene sequence of 1500 base pairs codes for a polypeptide chain of. ..tumber of - amino acids. (ii) Okazaki fragments are joined by the enzyme P.T.O. (6) C 2 ) 5865 (iv) Separation of two strands of DNA by heat is known as .... (¥) DNA synthesis occurs during... of cell cycle. ...cells contain single copy of each Match the items of Column A with that of Column B : 5 Column A Column B (@) Poly A tail (a) Single Stranded DNA. Gig x74 (b) Nucleosome (ii) TMV (c) Transfer RNA (iv) HU histone , (@) Messenger RNA (y} Clover Leaf model (e) Single stranded RNA () Double stranded RNA (c) @ - (b) { 3 ) 5865 Briefly answer the following questions (Attempt any five) : 5 () ‘Ifa template DNA has a sequence AATTGCA, what would be the sequence: of its mRNA ? (i) Why does DNA teplication occur only in S' > 3' direction ? (ii) How does depurination bring about replication error ? (iv). What are nonsense codons ? (v) Name the bond that links nitrogenous base ‘to sugar in a nucleotide. (vi) What is transition ? Describe the experiment carried out by Messelson’ and Stahl and explain its significance. 9 How does telomerasé help in replicating the énds of DNA molecule ? . 6 P.T.O. (a) @) ©) (a) ) ( 4) - 5865 Differentiate between any three of the following : {) Topoisomerase Type | and Topoisomerase Type il. (i) B-DNA and Z-DNA. (iii) DNA polymerase I and DNA polymerase Ml. (#7) Euchromatin and Heterochromatin. 9 E.coli DNA has 30% Guanine, what would be the per- centage of Adenine, Thymine and Cytosine? 3 Given are two DNA sequences. State which one will have higher T,, value and why : 1GGCCTTGC . 1b AAGTTCTG CCGGAACG TTCAAGAC 3 What is gene density ? Why is it low in eukaryotes as compared to that in prokaryotes ? 7 Explain any ‘wo experiments that helped in deciphering the ‘genetic code. g (a) -® {a) (6) (a) 6) ( 5) 5865 Explain with suitable diagrams the different levels of DNA packaging in metaphase chromosome, 9 Nlustrate with the help of diagrams only, any fwo models of replication of circular DNA (No description required). , oe 6 Briefly describe the satient features of Watson and Crick model of DNA. . : 9 Describe the secondary and tertiary structure of IRNA. ° 6 Discuss Griffith's transformation experiment and give its implications. : - 9 Describe any two repair mechanisms for excision of » thymine dimers. 6 5 / 6,000

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