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This question paper contains 2 printed pages. «Your Roll No. wns Sl. No. of Ques. Paper 22274 E Unique Paper Code + 2551201 Name of Paper : Anatomy and Physiology Name of Course :B.Se. (H) Semester oI Duration : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 75 (ite your Roll No. onthe tp iumediately on receipt ofthis question paper) (ge se-09 & Pred @ an fed 1a Praha ear % area aregeaTe fafa |) Nore:— Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Fema FT TETTF HT TR TDS a fet fame Ow eT Fe are ater aH aA aT arene was OF BAT aT Attempt any three questions from Part A and any three questions from Part B. The questions of Part A shall carry 5 marks each and questions of Part B shall carry 20 marks each. sm at aE alter rer BAPTA 1 em RTS sigs Te ST a a aig iba eT BaD | HCH HET 20 Sie TB PART A (417 31) 1, Define any two of the following: (a) Physiology (b) Cell (c) Anatomy (@) Tissue. fr a feat Oh at aftertaste: (a) Fafarehertsh (ef) (b) ae fire) (:) whee (@) 5ae 1 5 PTO. iv. Multienzyme complex a 3. (@) Differentiate between any three of the following: (4x3=12) i. Cellulose and Starch ii, Coenzyme and Prosthetic group iii, Lipid Micelles and Bilayers iv. Competitive and Non-competitive enzyme inhibition (©) Write the contributions of any two of the following: (5x2 =3) i, Linus Pauling ii, Max F. Perutz iii, Michelis and Menten 4. (a) Define standard free energy change. (1+4=5) Calculate AG* and K’,, for the following reaction: Glucose + ATP =* Glucose -6-Phosphate + ADP from the data given below: Glucose + P; += Glucose -6- phosphate +H:0 : (AG* = 15.0 ki/mol.; K'eq = 3.9.x 107M) ATP +H,0 == ADP + P, (AG* = = 30 ki/mol.; K'eq = 2.0 x 10°M) (b) Compare and contrast the features of a-helix and p-pleated sheets. ) (©) Discuss the Induced Fit Hypothesis of enzyme action, () 5. (@) Describe the various interactions that stabilize protein structure. () (b) Define any five of the following giving suitable examples, (2x5 =10) i Enzyme unit ii, Epimer iii, Cofactor iv. Essential fatty acids v. Reducing sugar vi. Saponification 2|Page 6. (@) Describe the properties of fatty acids. Draw the structure of Phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylcholine. G+3=6) (b) Discuss the Lineweaver-Burke plot and its significance. (B+2=5) (© Draw a detailed structure of bacterial cell wall polysaccharide. (4) OR Discuss the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. 3|Page nm 2 2, What is muscular system? fetes iz sar 2? 5 3. Name the organs involved in GI tract of digestive system. ratdy & Stang set & att am fafiacs 5 4, What are two major subdivision of nervous system? ada & St wpa soe -F F? 5 5. What are the main organs of the female reproductive system? at sorta & wpe sin 8 7? 5 Parr B (wT) 6. Draw neat and labelled diagrams of the following: (a) A typical cell ; (b) Synovial joint. Fra a ROA afd far aa (a) fare wa St afer (oy Teta stg | 10410 at Describe the composition and functions of blood. we ard ae @ oer ow Be are 2? fare 8 ATI 20 8. Explain the structure of respiratory system with the help of a diagram. G fate far at wera 8 waar A oaRT) 20, 9. Enlist the endocriné glands and hormones secreted by them. saan obra at eet ara cer saa erfat ereara A A fea | 20 10. Briefly describe the structure and functiotis of urinary system. apts ta & ard ae aah ce @ aftia afer 20

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