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‫كلية البيان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا‬

Bayan College of Science & Technology

Department of CS

Date:3 /8/2015. Time Allowed: 2 hrs.

End of Semester Six Exams

3st Academic Year –Batch 2014 – Year 2015
Software Engineering

Student Name:_______________________________________________

Answer ALL questions

Question One: (15 Marks)

1. State whether the following statements are true or false: [10 Marks]

1. A software process is a set of activities whose goal is the development

or evolution of software. (T) (F)
2. Sequence diagrams show attributes interactions arranged in a time
sequence. (T) (F)
3. In incremental development early increments act as a prototype to
help elicit requirements for later increments. (T) (F)
4. In the waterfall model Specification and Development are interleaved
(T) (F)
5. The iterative development process leads to faster delivery of software.
(T) (F)
6. System requirements: A detailed software description of the system’s
functions, services and operational constraints. (T) (F)
7. In Iterative Development Model Specification and Development are
(T) (F)
8. The main purpose of project risk assessment is to reduce project
failure. (T) (F)
9. Efficiency means Software should not make wasteful use of system
resources. (T) (F)

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10.The design is usually documented as a set of graphical models. (T) (F)

2. Draw a UML Use-case diagram and write Use-case texts for a

University lecture scheduling system. There shall be at least two
actors and two use-cases. [5 Marks]

Question Two: (15 Marks)

1. List 2 requirements elicitation techniques [2 Marks]

3. List the principles of Iterative Software Development. [5 Marks]

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4. List the main activities of the water fall model of software
development? [5 Mark]

5. What is the difference between functional and non-functional

requirements? Give example for each one [3 Marks]

Question Three: (20 Marks)

Choose the correct answer ():

1. A feasibility study leads to:

 a decision to go ahead with the project
 a budget request
 All of the above
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 None of the above
2. All the modules of the system are integrated and tested as complete
system in the case of:
 Bottom up testing
 Top-down testing
 Sandwich testing
 Big-Bang testing
3. Changes made to the system to reduce the future system failure
chances is called:
 Preventive Maintenance
 Adaptive Maintenance
 Corrective Maintenance
 Perfective Maintenance
4. The main purpose of integration testing is to find:
 design errors
 analysis errors
 procedure errors
 interface errors

5. If every requirement stated in the Software Requirement Specification

(SRS) has only one interpretation, SRS is said to be:
 Correct
 Unambiguous
 Consistent
 Verifiable

6. The testing that focuses on the variables is called:

 black box testing
 white box testing
 data variable testing
 data flow testing

7. As the reliability increases, failure intensity:

 decreases
 increases
 no effect
 none of the above

8. What are the three generic phases of software engineering?

 Definition, development, support
 Specification, development, validation
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 Programming, debugging, maintenance
 Analysis, testing, integration

9. Which of the following is not an attribute of good software?

 Maintainability
 Acceptability
 Efficiency
 Sociability

10.The most time-consuming project management activity is:

 Project Planning
 Software design
 System maintenance
 None of the Above

11.The most important feature of spiral model is:

 Requirement analysis
 Risk management
 Quality management
 Configuration management

12.Alpha and Beta Testing are forms of :

 Acceptance testing
 Integration testing
 System Testing
 Unit testing

13.Requirements can be refined using :

 The waterfall model
 prototyping model
 the evolutionary model
 the spiral model
14.Structured charts are a product of:
 requirements gathering
 requirements analysis
 design
 coding
15.Pseudo-code can replace :
 Flowcharts
 structure charts
 decision tables

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 None of the above
16.Which is not a step of requirement engineering?
 Requirements elicitation
 Requirements analysis
 Requirements design
 Requirements documentation
17.Site for Alpha Testing is:
 Software Company
 Installation place
 Any where
 None of the above
18.Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering
 Process
 Manufacturing
 Methods
 Tools
19.Top down approach is used for:
 Development
 Identification of faults
 Testing and validation
 Reverse engineering
20.Which of the following is not an attribute of software engineering :
 Efficiency
 Scalability
 Dependability
 Usability
Good Luck

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