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Credits ...........................................................................

1 Design: Jarrod Taylor

Editing: Laura Hirsbrunner
Table of Contents ......................................................... 1
Art: Jarrod Taylor, Wizards of the Coast
Introduction ................................................................ 2 Cover & Layout: Laura Hirsbrunner, using the Simple 5E
The Doting Grandmother ................................................ 2 Microsoft Word Template
Appearance .................................................................... 2 Special Thanks: To my Living Eberron family for the daily
Personality ..................................................................... 2 prompts that helped make my “Trinketmas 2019” project a
reality. Thank you all for the opportunity to portray Sora Esma
Statistics ......................................................................... 2
and to share my love of trinkets.
Sora Esma’s Wares ..................................................... 4
Airships ................................................................................ 4
Atur ....................................................................................... 4
Baker’s Dozen .................................................................... 5
Belts & Bandoliers ............................................................. 5
Bloodsails ............................................................................ 6
Boots and Shoes ................................................................. 6
Children’s Toys .................................................................. 7
Containers ........................................................................... 8
Crime Syndicates & Gangs .............................................. 8
Cyre ....................................................................................... 9
Daelkyr ................................................................................. 9
Dragonmarks .................................................................... 10
Dreadhold .......................................................................... 10
Failed Cannith Experiments .......................................... 11
Food ..................................................................................... 11
Gnomes .............................................................................. 12
Hats/Headgear ................................................................. 12
Kobold Trinkets ............................................................... 13
Lakes ................................................................................... 13
Long Shadows .................................................................. 14
Mourning/Mournland .................................................... 14
Nobility .............................................................................. 16
Pets and Companions ..................................................... 17
Production......................................................................... 17
Secret Sauces and Spices ............................................... 18
Sharn Wayfinders ............................................................ 18
Spies and Inquisitives .................................................... 19
Theatrical ..........................................................................20
Thronehold/War’s End .................................................. 21
War-Torn .......................................................................... 22
Xen’drik ............................................................................. 22

Baubles, baubles toil and hobble, trinkets earned and barrow wobble.
Fillet of a Thranish snake, in my cart for you to take.
Eye of newt and warforged toe, and at such a pretty bargain though...

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Jarrod Taylor and published under the Community Content Agreeme nt for Dungeon Masters Guild.
t’s the second night of Long Shadows,

Grandmother.” The young bugbear bowed his
head in reverence.
“That it is, child. Khybersef it is called to those
in Thrane, a night they seek to bring forth the
light of the Flame. But you are no devout of Shadow nor Silver
Flame, yet you seek the Greatfather Winter?” The hobgoblin
crone smiled, for she already knew the answer.
“My tribe believes he rewards children with spoils of Shae
Joridal,” the bugbear replied quickly.
The old peddler chuckled. “Perhaps, though the actual
Greatfather Winter is known to ride from Taer Syraen.” She
laughs again. “No matter, that is farther than you could make
in a night. Perhaps I have some gifts of my own for Long
Shadows. Tell me, Marduke, what do you seek?” She turned to
start digging in her overladen cart.
“I seek information about my little brother…”
“Ah… then I have just the thing…” She laughs as she begins
to rummage in her haul of presents... even in places like Q’barra that seldom see snow, Sora
Esma seems unbothered by the frigid cold or sweltering
In Eberron, the final three days of the year are known as heat. She appears with a grin, as little can dampen her
Long Shadows. For some, this is a time to stay inside, spirits at year’s end.
chasing away the gloom with good company and high
spirits. For others, this is a time of devotion and gratitude
to the Shadow of Aureon for the magics it has brought into
Sora Esma is eccentric, but kind. She may chastise those
the world. that barter with her, but she does so with a grandmotherly
As is her nature, Sora Esma may be encountered by fondness. Often Esma chuckles or laughs, seemingly to a
characters during this holiday, for the crone has a habit of joke that only she knows. She treats any who show her
turning up in convenient places on her own whims.
respect equally, but her story is long—and woe to any who
The trinkets in this supplement have some similarities
cross her and find themselves written into her book of
with the categories from previous works (Sora Esma's Cart grudges. Sora Esma has little use for coin, and prefers to
of Wonders, Sora Esma's Cart of Otherworldly Wares, and bargain for her trinkets with stories, favors, and more
Sora Esma's Cart of Reliquaries) but the vast collection in immaterial things like memories or the color of your hair.
her Cart of Eventide Treasures is much more eclectic than Encounters with Sora Esma should be fun and memorable.
usual, and the categories of items have little in common
with each other.

Sora Esma is a grandmother green hag (as described in

Volo’s Guide to Monsters) who engages in artifice and weird
Bugbear children may tell stories of Greatfather Winter, magic to bring many of her trinkets into creation. When
but many races know tales of an elderly hobgoblin who Sora Esma is part of a hag coven, her focus is upon the
pushes her cart all across the land—and of the fanciful and nature- and prophecy-themed Alternate Coven Spells. Any
wondrous things she produces from it. It’s said that no coven with Sora Esma as a member also has access to
prize is beyond Sora Esma’s reach, and no entity is foolish compulsion, conjure woodland beings, contact other plane,
enough to refuse her. The hobgoblin gram treats queens and Tasha’s hideous laughter.
and fiends alike, speaking to all with a familiarity and
treating everyone she meets as her own grandchild. During
Long Shadows she can be encountered in any village or Sora Esma’s barrow cart drives itself and functions as the
locale, happy to barter away her collected holiday goods. hag’s lair. As long as Sora Esma is within a mile of her cart,
she has access to Lair Actions. On initiative count 20
(losing initiative ties), Sora Esma can take a lair action to
cause one of the following effects, but can’t use the same
During the last days of Vult, Sora Esma can be encountered effect two rounds in a row:
wearing festive fur-lined garb and pushing her cart
decorated for the season. Outfitted in heavy winter furs
No Regifting. Sora Esma creates a cyclone of the items Dash Away All. In a panic, Sora Esma can clap her hands
from her cart in a 40-foot high, 20-foot radius cylinder and teleport herself, her cart, and any items not traded
centered on the cart. The effect lasts until initiative away to a location of her choice. She cannot use this lair
count 20 on the next round. The whirlwind lightly action again until a different moon becomes full in the
obscures every creature in the area for the duration. A sky. When she uses this action, she vanishes in a cloud of
creature that enters the whirlwind for the first time on coal dust.
its turn or starts its turn there must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 bludgeoning
damage on a failure as it is battered by junk. When Esma spends too long in one spot, the effects of her
Witch’s Switch. A bundle of birch branches answers Sora cart seep into the land. The region within 1 mile of the
Esma’s call. Until initiative count of 20 on the next grandmother hag’s lair creates the following effects:
round, Sora Esma has a fly speed of 120 feet. • The region takes twice as long as normal to traverse,
Naughty or Nice? Sora Esma touches a creature and unless a creature is making their way towards the cart,
magically knows the creature's current emotional state. in which case traveling time and distance is halved.
If the target fails a DC 16 Charisma saving throw, she • Strange laughter sounding like goblin children and eerie
also knows the creature's alignment. Celestials, fiends, music pervades the silence.
and undead automatically fail the saving throw

Medium fey, chaotic neutral

Multiattack. Sora Esma makes two claw attacks.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60) (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Speed 30 ft. Another Really Big Stick. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.
one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Illusory Appearance. Sora Esma covers herself and anything she is
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes her look like
another creature of her general size and humanoid shape. The illusion
Skills Arcana +6, Deception +12, History +6, Insight +10, Perception +6,
ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end it or if she dies.
Stealth +6
The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical
Condition Immunities charmed
inspection. For example, Sora Esma could appear to have smooth skin,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
but someone touching her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise, a
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Sylvan
creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that Sora Esma is
Amphibious. Sora Esma can breathe air and water.
Invisible Passage. Sora Esma magically turns invisible until she attacks
Hag Coven. When hags must work together, they form covens, in spite
or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a
of their selfish natures. A coven is made up of hags of any type, all of
spell). While invisible, she leaves no physical evidence of her passage, so
whom are equals within the group. However, each of the hags continues
she can be tracked only by magic. Any equipment she wears or carries is
to desire more personal power.
invisible with her.
A coven consists of three hags so that any arguments between two
hags can be settled by the third. If more than three hags ever come Sora Esma’s Extradimensional Catalogue. Sora Esma can draw a
together, as might happen if two covens come into conflict, the result is magic item from her bag. The number of items that she can withdraw
usually chaos. per day depends on their rarity. Her bag is magical, and only she can
draw an item from it. She can never be magically compelled to draw an
Innate Spellcasting. Sora Esma’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). She can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components: At will: Common
3/day: Uncommon
At will: dancing lights, minor illusion, sanctuary (self only), vicious
1/day: Rare
mockery (17th level)
1/week: Very Rare
3/day each: eyebite, mental prison, polymorph
1/year: Legendary
1/day each: feeblemind, forcecage, maze
1/month: imprisonment
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Sora Esma fails a saving throw, she
Sora Esma, as a grandmother green hag, can take 3 legendary actions,
can choose to succeed instead.
choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can
Mimicry. Sora Esma can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. A be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Sora
creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a Esma regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check.
Cackle. Sora Esma casts vicious mockery.
Nereid’s Shawl. Bestowed to Sora Esma as a gift, this silky shawl grants Claw. Sora Esma makes a claw attack.
Sora Esma the ability to understand and verbally communicate with Walk Unseen. Sora Esma uses her Invisible Passage action.
beasts, and to cast the water breathing spell three times per day.
d10 Trinkets
uring Long Shadows, Sora Esma’s cart seems 1 An adder stone from the peak of Mt. Tharzil; a soft

near to overflowing with gathered presents elegy murmurs through the lunette
and baubles. Nearly anything someone could
want, and many more items they never knew
2 A lectern made from a pair of ghoul forearms; the
they needed (or existed), can be found on her hands turn a book page on the lectern upon command
fantastical cart. 3 A lantern that illuminates with scarlet fire at night
When bartering with Sora Esma, players may roll once 4 A pair of Karrnathi undead greaves from the Night
on a trinket table of their or the DM’s choice. DMs might
also allow new characters to start with a trinket from this
list instead of the table in the Player’s Handbook. These 5 A small Nightwood fox made of living shadow
trinkets can also be used as story rewards or miscellaneous 6 A linen wrap given by High Priest Malevenor that bears
loot beyond meetings with the mysterious curator. a mantra of the Odakyr Rites
7 A bone knight helm with pinpoints of light hovering
inside the eye sockets
d20 Trinkets 8 A blood-art tapestry of armored King Kaius auctioned
from Nighthold
1 This cylinder, when affixed to an elemental strut,
produces harmonious music as an elemental ring 9 Broken Khyber dragonshard fragments accompany
passes through it this parcel with cryptic half-finished schemes for
"Operation Leviathan"
2 Half of a lucky life ring that helped two airship crashes
result in no casualties 10 A corpse collector's bone key that unlocks an Atur
vault chamber
3 A stolen Wind Whisperer banner
11 A candlestick from the Crimson Monastery; candles
4 A brass bowsprit cap that summons a flock of seagull
burned in it drip blood instead of wax
familiars for 1d4 hours a day; the gulls obey no one
12 An ornate vase sculpted by the True Shapers of
5 A porthole window depicting an underwater journey
Thuranni, with a looping waterfall cascading down the
6 A commemorative ticket from the first voyage of the sides
Golden Dragon
13 A vial of Karrn river water that’s forever surrounded by
7 Broken Khyber dragonshards from an airship crash light mists
8 A ship's cat made from living cloud 14 A skeletal raven that animates each day after dusk, and
9 A rose grown from the livewood of Karia Naille; it is at dawn, crumples into an inert pile of bones
always blooming 15 An Atur Academy wand made from a specially
10 This charred and broken wind of wheel and water is preserved covadish branch; magical images of skulls
beyond repair, but whispers cryptic hate in Ignan accompany most spells channeled through it
11 Struck by Kythri lightning, this Siberys dragonshard 16 Once an evening, this mug converts its liquid contents
displays a bird's eye view of Regalport within it to Nightwood Ale
12 Ornamented with a kraken motif, this captain's coat 17 A poisoner's ring that preserves one drop of blood
has a thin sheen of mist about its tails stored inside it
13 This tri-corn hat grants the wearer illusory pointed ears 18 24 rib bones delicately inscribed with the love story of
that do not hold up to scrutiny warlord Harika ir'Shult and the Knight of Roses
14 A pouch of efreet dust that, when tossed into an 19 A small pouch of grave soil containing 1d6+1 Mabar-
elemental ring, makes a ship leaves behind a sparkling infused earthworms
golden trail for miles 20 Three unlucky Keeper's coins, robbed from graves
15 Looking through this telescope shows a large map
compass projected onto whatever land is viewed
16 1d4+1 Thranish silvermint leaves that help abate
airsickness when chewed
17 A bottled rainbow caught during an airship voyage
18 Forged of Syranian steel, this hook can anchor an
airship to a cloudbed
19 A small figurehead of a winged kobold
20 Every day this tiny pouch refills with stale over-salted
cashews or peanuts (user's choice)
17-21 A brightly colored bandolier that sings a different
note every time a pouch is opened
d10 Trinkets
22-25 Dragonmark-like symbols dance across this belt of
1 A mobile of glowing orbs representing the moons; the interlocked stone plates
13th is cracked and burnt out
26-29 An intricately braided belt that unravels into 50 feet
2 13 toy dwarven soldiers representing the clans; the of rope
face of the Noldrun dwarf is worn away
30-33 A wandslinger's crossed bandolier with metal rings
3 A recipe book for Baker's Night desserts; the 13th on the back, perfect for the talons of a winged
recipe has been torn out creature to pick up
4 A cloak sewn from the tabards of every nation 34-37 A belt that loosens itself if patted thrice after a meal
recognized at the Treaty of Thronehold
38-40 A jester's belt decorated with numerous removable
5 A map that adheres to no current known lands; twelve bells that turn into puffs of colored smoke when
quori portals are marked and stricken—one remains thrown against a hard surface
41-43 This livewood bandolier grows a different flower
6 A black Kundarak tome, locks broken; it lists 13 from a pouch every day
prisoners of the Deep Ward of Dreadhold, with most
44-46 An autographed gilded wrestling belt from the
details omitted
Daring Dar
7 A circular stone tablet foretelling a mysterious
47-49 Woven from banshee hair, this belt lets the wearer
cataclysm, measured by an outdated Giant form of
emit a keening wail that can travels far distances,
but only at night
8 An Eberron dragonshard pulsing with crimson light; it
50-52 Mockery knives adorn this uncured leather belt that
has the number 13 carved into it, and shines brighter
absorbs any blood on its wearer
near certain elves
53-55 Beset with teeth and bone, this Droaamish gladiator
9 The Odium Excoriāre, a tome containing the flayed
belt grants its wearer an aura of dread
dragonmarks of 13 House excoriates
56-58 When snapped, these embroidered Zil scripts
10 A bracelet with 13 settings, but only 12 cats-eye stones
change to reflect the next 25 words spoken to them;
a snap changes these suspenders back
59-61 Made from shackle chains, this heavy belt is
adorned with bent and broken Kundarak keys
62-65 Any wand drawn from this bandolier glows
menacingly red for a moment
66-68 This glamerweave magician's belt makes the wearer
look bisected
69-71 A belt with an Aureon motif, the compass on the
buckle points to his nearest place of worship
71-74 An ornate sash of spun spider gossamer, spiders of
shadow crawl upon it
75-78 The mural on this ancient obi paints a scene of
fiends versus dragons
79-81 This formal cummerbund holds a secret
compartment for a vial and another for a stiletto
d100 Trinkets
82-85 If the wearer of this cave harness falls from any
1-4 Made from a severed tongueworm, this belt significant height, the belt emits a shout of help
twitches in the presence of aberrations
86-88 Cut from mummy wraps, this cincher makes the
5-7 This champion belt is fashioned with a large Giant wearer appear very thin
coin in its center
89-92 An elastic belt made from dormant gray ooze
8-10 This stylish snakeskin belt doubles as a whip
93-95 Scored with notches, this pseudo-dragonhide belt
11-13 Hooking your thumbs behind these suspenders boasts many draconic victories
allows you to tell a long anecdotal story for ten
96-98 Studded with tiny sunshards, this belt projects an
minutes within needing to pause for breath
illusory Ring of Siberys about the wearer
14-16 An often-lost corded belt made of belker smoke and
99-100 A flowing Thelanis sash that’s actually a small
naturally invisible
waterfall held in stasis
d20 Trinkets d20 Trinkets
1 A basket of woven ebon sedge grass that keeps its 1 Stitched with Daanvi fatecord, these boots lace
contents cloaked in shadow themselves perfectly with a command
2 This unbreakable arrow releases a baleful moan when 2 Crafted from swordtooth titan leather, these boots
fired roar when they are stomped
3 A small urn covered in sigils and filled with scarlet 3 Stamped with Dol Arrah's symbol, these shoes are
tattoo ink fabled to enable "walking on sunshine"
4 A crimson flag of Farlnen that whispers and perpetually 4 These owlbear mukluks surround the wearer in an
flutters explosion of feathers every day
5 An idol of basalt that can be exchanged for a favor from 5 A pair of livewood clogs that play a pan-pipe tune as
a member of the Grim the wearer dances
6 A severed elven hand, covered in red tattoos that serve 6 This massive cloud giant boot hovers inches off of the
as a map; a finger occasionally points to landmarks ground
7 A glowing dragon turtle bone that mutters cryptic 7 Glamerweave shoes that sparkle red and instill an
wisdom in Elvish irrational fear of tornadoes in the wearer
8 The fingerbone needle of this darkwood compass 8 These chitinous boots glow in the dark
points only to shipwrecks 9 A favorite among the Shadow Marches, these
9 A bottle of Mabaran gloom wine; drinking it briefly waterproof reptilian hide shoes are called "crocs"
shrouds you a dark haze 10 While wearing these sandals, you leave a trail of dust
10 Penned in blood, this tome is filled with prophetic when running, no matter the terrain
interpretations by the Dreadhold prisoner Saeria 11 These pointed green shoes are adorned with bells;
Lantol; it initially opens to a passage describing a party elves can’t stand them
12 These dusty knee-high boots contain wand sheathes
11 A ghostlight lantern that emits cold green light worked into the cuff interior
12 A haunted deck mop exuding black pitch 13 A pair of stylish shark-leather seaboots that attract
13 A cracked Irian crystal quietly repeating the phrase, lightning to the wearer
"Some things cannot be purchased" 14 Emblazoned with a unicorn, these Orien running boots
14 Half of a broken candelabra that summons the specter leave an illusory rainbow trail behind the wearer
of a bisected mute elf ghost, which looks at the 15 These shoes can leave luminous footprints for half an
sundered object with sorrow hour each day
15 A small box of vampire ash; it holds a blood-stained 16 Made from solid gray mists, these boots moan and wail
gold piece that can’t be removed the closer they get to the Mournland
16 A darkwood bust of an elf that cries tears of blood 17 Shaped from assassin vines, these sandals grow sour
when three moons are dark blood grapes each week
17 Wisps of ghostly vapor encircle this tricorn hat, 18 Studded with bone, these Karrnathi soldier boots
bemoaning portents of doom to whoever dons it allow a wearer to sleep while standing without
18 This darkwood peg leg, haunted by the sailor that bore discomfort
it, instills its new owner with a passion for impromptu 19 A pair of Kundarak knee-high boots with dozens of
dance buckles
19 A basalt chronometer, this moondial only works at 20 While wearing these bright Irian-infused shoes, a
night wearer can opt to cast no shadow
20 A cloak of ebon leaves, constantly falling, from a winter
58-60 This plush Borrie ghost tiger turns into a tigerprint
blanket, then back, with a command
1d100 Trinkets
61-62 A small Kythrian skipping stone that bounces
1-2 This stuffed wolf doll growls whenever its owner erratically when thrown, then returns to its owner
63-65 A Conqueror set with pieces that animate in play
3-5 A wooden Cannith puzzle resembling a ghulra,
66-67 A coautl kite that leaves a trail of silver mist
which slowly resets over a period of 8 hours
68-70 A marble container resembling the Tower of the
6-7 A hobby-clawfoot that roars when its reins are
Twelve; inside are livewood figures of the
dragonmark totem beasts
8-10 A large pair of Sivis-marked sunshards that can
71-72 When placed in a hearth or fire, this stone conjures
pass single words back and forth across a room
a mouse of soot that dances around the flames
11-12 Resembling a will-o-wisp, this spongy Sharn ball
73-75 An Orien phase-disc that blinks randomly when
can bounce the entirety of a tower if not
76-77 Constructed from all three types of dragonshards,
13-15 A crysteel hand mirror that can store up to three
this crystal puzzle forms a dragon in an egg when
16-17 This ceramic Aereni figure stores and repeats one
78-80 Infused with Lamannian energy, this long toy
phrase from an ancestor; only a descendant can
constrictor remains ever buoyant
activate the figure
81-82 An overly large false spellbook that conjures a frog
18-20 A Vadalis whistle that replicates five different bird
when particular glowing runes are pressed in order
83-85 A Sharn wardwing—this carved board of soarwood
21-22 Illusory snow billows about this Prince of Frost
allows a balanced rider to surf down stairs at a
rapid pace
23-25 A lantern that projects scenes of warriors fighting
86-87 Goodbye girallons—this pair of stuffed girallons
when lit
glow red when one is squeezed, and when both are
26-27 A wand that conjures a tiny flying dragon of squeezed, they emit warmth for a moment
colored smoke
88-90 A large fork with a hilt paired with a plate strapped
28-30 A child's tinker kit complete with "dented" wooden like a buckler
armor and repairable panels
91-92 This Junior Wayfinder kit has an explorer outfit and
31-32 When this wooden Dhakaani sword strikes a a personalized letter from Boroman ir'Dayne
creature, it giggles
93-95 A toy warforged titan with wheels instead of legs
33-35 A soft tear-apart doll that can only be reassembled
96-97 Boots that turn your feet invisible
by a Jorasco heir
98-100 A livewood dryad doll with growing hair
36-37 A color-changing crystal
38-40 This crate, painted like a fortress, collapses when
its Kundarak key is inserted into the keyhole on the
painted door
41-42 A pair of Ghallanda glasses that fill with fruit juice
when clinked together
43-45 A Shavaran birch wand that produces endless
46-47 A wagon sculpted and painted to resemble a
48-50 A set of moon marbles that glow in the dark
51-52 Once per day, these thick gloves can summon a
mud ball
53-55 When squeezed, this stuffed toy goose honks and
explodes into a cloud of feathers, then slowly
56-57 Messages written in this rainbow Irian ink can only
be seen through a special Irian-quartz magnifying
d20 Trinkets d20 Trinkets
1 A coinpurse made from a taxidermied toad; it croaks 1 A clawfoot talon that serves as a Boromar passkey
when coins are pulled from it 2 A jacket painted with a multitude of eyes that blink in
2 A gingerbread-replica secret chest that can summon a an unusual pattern
cookie, but only after dinner 3 Stamped with a wolf paw and only visible in
3 A darkwood cask that adds a strawberry flavor to any moonlight, this map shows a dragon's blood
foodstuffs stored within it storehouse in Passage
4 A basket constructed of rib cages, inscribed with 4 The handle of this Bilge Rat wharfboss dagger is
Odakyr sigils, and surrounded by incorporeal mists wrapped with a dire rat's tail instead of leather; the
5 A backpack woven from kelpie seaweed that always dagger squeaks when used
keeps its contents dry 5 A former Cloudreaver windsail turned into a tattered
6 A knee-length striped sock that holds an indeterminate lucky cloak, said to divert lightning and help survive
amount of porridge shipwrecks
7 A large Lamannian gourd that can carry as much as a 6 Occasionally whispers from this conch shell proclaim
leather backpack where the Black Highway village of Sea Weed will be
next making port
8 A livewood barrel that washes and cleans any
garments left in it overnight 7 This animated golden crow delivers notes to and from
an unknown hideout in Thaliost
9 A satchel of displacer beast leather than can only be
opened by singing an Elvish lullaby 8 The reflection of a changeling sometimes appears in
this cracked hand mirror; they shift into a different
10 A violin case containing a carefully folded pavilion tent
person, wink, and disappear
11 A palm-sized wooden box, emblazoned with the Orien
9 A symbol like an aberrant dragonmark dances wildly
unicorn, that can store a gallon of liquid
upon this House Tarkanan banner; a marked person
12 A gilded birdcage bearing the Kundarak seal that can may find clues in the patterns
safely contain tiny incorporeal creatures
10 Written by a child, this letter is constantly wet and
13 An elf skull fashioned into a bowl; its contents can’t be dripping; it is an open invitation to meet someone
spilled by mundane means named Drifter in Stormreach
14 A weathered and threadbare rucksack that plays a 11 Possession of this jet-black rib bone keeps its owner
fanfare when it’s near precious gems safe from the Fist of Mabar
15 A soarwood coffin lined with velvet and padding; 12 A pouch made from a worg muzzle; random items will
undead can’t get inside it sometimes appear within, or written instructions
16 A cigar case that holds four small inert wands 13 Hanging this stuffed crimson rat from a window
17 A battered tacklebox that conjures local fishing bait on beseeches the aid of the Red Jackals
Sar 14 A collection of raver foretellings that mention you
18 A cup of bound masthin shoots; water placed within it repeatedly, scrawled on shards of glass
is converted to a weak ale 15 A mummified doppelganger hand whose fingers are
19 A shiftweave backpack that always appears gaudy and shaped into keys
out of fashion 16 A noble signet ring that unlocks a hidden Golden Lion
20 Anything placed in this dolweave belt pouch appears cache of pilfered loot; it glows when close to the spot
in the wearer's mouth instead 17 Returning this jade clawfoot figurine grants its owner a
single favor from Saiden Boromar
18 This glowing ethereal compass leads to the hideout of
the Ghost-Walkers of Metrol
19 A long-nosed leather mask of the outlaw known as The
Stirge; wearing it instills a thrill for danger
20 Resembling a spellshard, an aberrant marked person
can read this Khyber dragonshard to learn several
contacts for House Tarkanan
d10 Trinkets d20 Trinkets
1 An illusory painting depicting the sunrise over 1 A ring set with an eye in place of a gem, the hourglass
Starmantle Bay pupil occasionally blinks
2 A glass coin stamped with the emblem of the city of 2 Slimy boots of hardened ooze that leave a trail like a
Making, hard as iron; it rings like a bell when struck slug
3 A singed piece of parchment with hastily scrawled 3 A glove resembling a Nymm flytrap; the wearer can
words, “The elves are—” consume insects caught in the palm through the glove
4 A Cyran banner that endlessly flutters 4 A walking stick made of fossilized dolgaunt tentacle
5 Stone marbles sculpted from each of the Vermishard 5 A garish helm carved from illithid skull, which
Towers, they glow with each color of the rainbow when alleviates headaches
in proximity to each other 6 A rat made of living stone
6 A wanted poster of Shaldra Antarielle, famous Cyran 7 A scarab brooch that crawls to pin itself
8 A glowing segment of chitin that is slightly painful
7 A golden handbell that sings Cyre's anthem at mid-day when touched by orc-kin
8 An ornate bracelet engraved with "What our dreams 9 A bouquet of eyestalks, wilted and drooping
imagine, our hands create"
10 A finger that alters itself to match the race of its
9 Half of a plate for minting copper coins that circulated owner. The finger can be attached to a hand, but the
in the 7th century extra digit gives no advantage
10 A key made of ivory initialed with WH 472 11 A locket that houses a mesmerizing void where a
portrait would be
12 A rattle topped with a choker skull that whispers at
13 A leather gauntlet covered in cilia that writhe and
14 A belt of sinew that lets the wearer taste by finger-
touch instead of with their tongue
15 An orb of polished bone that splinters and cracks at
each hour; the osteoclock restores itself at dusk
16 A vial of briny mucus from an elder brain vat;
consuming it helps to jog the memory
17 A continually clacking grell beak
18 A box containing 2d12 humanoid teeth that function
as pieces of chalk
19 A fist-sized centipede that can be used once as a
healer's kit
20 A fleshy book that consumes anything written on it
that is not penned in ichor
d20 Trinkets d20 Trinkets
1 This necklace of opalite and Siberys shards allows its 1 This key belonged to a former Kundarak warden, but
wearer to change the color of their dragonmark with a its design matches no known lock in Dreadhold
thought 2 A Khyber dragonshard tooth of a former prisoner;
2 Oxen barding designed to look like a gorgon wearing it allows conversation with an unknown entity
3 This manticore brooch roars when a password is said 3 An opus written by Prisoner Briar that has never been
by a Kundarak heir performed
4 To anyone bearing the Mark of Shadow, the Paelion 4 A detailed map that offers a way into and out of
elves in this painting look ghostly Dreadhold the next time Lamannia is coterminous
5 An ironwood Tharashk wand that is curiously magnetic 5 A petrified bat familiar of a missing prisoner of the
6 A Medani heir can make the rims of these chalices glow Stone Ward
green if poison is detected in the contents 6 A replica of the prison whittled from densewood over
7 Illusory lightning dances between this pair of Lyrandar centuries by one artisan
gloves 7 Rune-inscribed manacles for an incorporeal wearer
8 When held by an Orien heir, a unicorn symbol on this 8 Torn journal pages notated by the artificer Thraxis,
lightning rail line map moves in real time in relation to detailing a lost treasure
the map-holder 9 Kept in a lockbox labeled D-10, this living hand taps
9 This Vadalis brush changes the color of any beast's coded messages upon its metal prison
mane or coat it is combed through for an hour 10 This false guard wand is hollow and contains a rolled-
10 This livewood Jorasco bracelet emits a pulsing yellow up note written in Infernal
light if its wearer is dying 11 Shaped like a manticore head, this lantern's red light
11 Whispering a single word in Gnome to this copper Sivis instills paranoid thoughts
ring emblazons the word upon it like fire 12 Looking through this dragonshard reveals things
12 A pair of silver Kundarak cuff links that can be set to drawn in a very particular chalk found in Gaolgate
shine when an alarm spell is triggered 13 1d4 sticks of Gaolgate Lamannian Liestone chalk
13 Shaped like a kraken, this pillow wiggles when 14 A sixth century Dreadhold guardsman uniform
squeezed by someone with the Mark of Storm
15 A bottle of Red Ward wine, honeyed with lies and
14 Embossed with a Jorasco griffon, undead find this fermented in secrets for 60 years
targath token tastes disgusting
16 Twelve rat skulls, minutely carved with a prophecy
15 This prism of labradorite causes a Ghallanda heir’s from Prisoner Deep 42
unseen servants to take ghostly visible form
17 A necklace made from manticore quillwork
16 This fiery Sivis Phoenix quill never runs dry of ink
18 Knucklebone dice with Khyber dust pips that glow
17 When worn by a Deneith heir, this Blademark tabard's softly when they change direction or elevation
emblem changes colors to the heir's rank
19 Woven from minotaur fur, this ball of yarn is said to
18 This elven funerary idol is inscribed with a sigil similar help navigate tunnels and passages
to known dragonmarks
20 Carved from a guard's broken wand, this flute
19 A bracelet of living rose vine that sprouts temporary produces notes that are unpleasant to dwarves
thorns if its wearer uses their aberrant dragonmark;
the thorns help to dull pain and anger
20 This lockbox has 12 musical keys, an heir with a
different dragonmark must press each key for it to
d20 Trinkets
1 Tal leaves that, when brewed, cause the drinker's ears
to steam
2 A cogs-crown, this cinnamon lozenge lasts for weeks
without losing its flavor
3 1d4 Mabaran badberries, corrupted berries that cause
immediate regurgitation when swallowed
4 A Fernian pheasant that bakes itself once slain and
5 A handful of glowing Thranish beesh-berries

d20 Trinkets 6 An edible mess kit sculpted from hathil root

1 Six creation forge longswords fused together in a 7 A recipe for gorgon flank steaks, written in Goblin
jagged slag 8 A battered flask that produces a swig of korluaat daily
2 Chained inside of a chest, this flying dagger has 9 Rust munster, a cheese flavorful only to warforged
murderous tendencies 10 A lumpy rum-cake made with Droaamish brain sledge
3 An indestructible button 11 A bottle of Daanvi-infused Zil "negotiating" brandy
4 If these trousers are donned one leg at a time, one is 12 A ceramic jar labeled "Scorpion Chowder"
always much shorter
13 Shaped like tiny sprites, these sugar candies make an
5 This schema contains plans for an enormous doss lute, eater's mouth glow like faerie fire for a few minutes
sized for a warforged colossus
14 A pouch of caramelized mootu slugs that chases away
6 A set of too-flexible plate armor, it offers no protection drowsiness
and is as malleable as cloth
15 A basket of ashi friendship bread that stays warm and
7 This crude unflying and untethered homunculus fresh if shared with a new person every day
resembles a small Aaren d'Cannith
16 A bushel of black apples from the Burnt Wood that
8 A long steel warforged proboscis; wearing this nose temper anger and aggression when eaten
causes you to emit an unpleasant scent
17 A 200-pound potato from Io'lokar
9 A palm-sized mechanical cricket that chirps whenever
18 Smuggled from Dreadhold, these 1d6 cherries when
a joke is told
consumed cause one finger at a time to turn invisible
10 Any harmful energy channeled through this cracked for several moments
arcane focus orb targets the wielder
19 This tricentennial bottle of Nightwood Ale contains just
11 A blood-stained broken schema (partially) detailing enough ale for a single group toast
designs for a warforged clawfoot
20 A sad onion that can’t be given away willingly
12 This scroll contains instructions on how to conjure
magical light; it can only be read by magical light
13 A mass-produced iron chest with its lid fused shut
14 This shard-tipped staff boosts teleportation, but
unpredictably changes the destination
15 This ooze tries to maintain the shape of animals but
frequently melts back into a viscous puddle
16 A bundle of metallic tendrils meant to attach to a
warforged jaw; a note accompanying the false beard
reads "Dwarforged"
17 Intended for a shield guardian, this magical amulet
instead gives its wearer full control over an inanimate
potted fern
18 Banded with tin, this wand intermittently summons a
random sock, but never its mate
19 This jar contains a tiny dead ice mephit; shaking the jar
conjures a small flurry of snowflakes
20 Gazing into this cracked dragonshard shows your
reflection silently screaming for release
d20 Trinkets
1 These Khyber shard cuff links spark with purple
2 An elaborate dancing costume of a ghost weaver
3 An original pamphlet announcing the founding of the
Proctor's Trust
4 This glass bottle contains an unbound elemental wisp
5 This idol depicts Dorius Alyre ir'Korran decked in
Aureon's garments
6 An alchemical flask that keeps any two liquids within
from mixing
7 This perfumed scroll is written in Gnome but can only
truly be understood by someone who also can speak
with squirrels
8 This simple token calls in a small favor from Alina d20 Trinkets
Lorridan Lyrris, but it must be repaid
1 This mimic-leather wide-brimmed hat turns invisible
9 A fish composed of elemental water that understands when donned by a changeling
Gnomish and Aquan
2 A white stetson monogrammed with WF in gold
10 This Power of Purity tome’s text changes when lettering; while wearing this hat, your smile sparkles
elemental languages are spoken nearby while it’s open and shines
11 A scroll containing an heirloom limerick; every 3 The exceptionally long feather in this hat allows it to
generation is expected to contribute a narrative verse fly—but the flight is not extended to the wearer
12 Flawed earth-bound boots that track mud wherever 4 This dusty beret infrequently whispers, "Ari, do not
they go forget"
13 A butter knife that heats up as it cuts 5 A cowl that obscures the wearer's upper face in
14 A Zilargo dart that plays a trumpeting sound when it shadow
scores 6 An outlandish feathered gala hat from Aundair; geese
15 Upon this scroll is a vestige seal; legend holds it chase the wearer relentlessly
belongs to Loremaster ir'Korran 7 An ethereal mask of a fallen mask weaver; it allows the
16 1d4 ice cubes that, when placed in a glass of water, wearer to screech like a clawfoot at dusk
turn it to Zil brandy 8 A trapper's hat fashioned from werewolf fur that howls
17 Set with three stones, this ring once belonged to a when Dravago is full
triumvir; the stones glow brighter in Trolanport 9 A crown, sized for a child, surrounded by tiny illusory
18 An outdated animated issue of the Korranberg flying dragons
Chronicle that reads itself aloud if asked 10 A Zil top hat that slowly adjusts itself to be the tallest
19 A wand from the Shimmerwood Forest that helps hat in a room
produce musical illusions 11 A pith helmet formed from scorpion chitin
20 An alabaster rod from Pylas Pyrial that’s constantly 12 A newsie cap that projects the wearer's voice
surrounded by a cloud of flower petals
13 A sunhat constantly warmed by a Fernia-touched
14 A magician's hat that summons an illusionary
jackalope randomly
15 This tricorn converts all curse words said by the wearer
into the Sahuagin language
16 This nightcap blares a loud note of music at midnight
17 An Aundairian officer's cap split by a ghostly axe
18 A well-balanced helm crowned with moose antlers
19 This gossamer veil ever smells of evergreen trees
20 The wearer of this chef's hat can’t be compelled to
10-13 Recovered from the shores of Chalice Lake, this map
details a hidden jewel mine dangerously close to
d10 Trinkets
Castle Arakhain
1 A broken point of dragon-horn; when worn on a snout
14-16 A spiral shell from Silver Lake containing the melodic
or nose bridge, it causes your breath to spark with
voice of a mermaid
harmless static
17-19 This Dhakaani blade, which never rusts, is rumored to
2 A maraca meant to be worn on the tip of a tail
have been lifted out of the waters near Xandrar by an
3 A buckler made from a discarded draconic scale, aquatic native
polished to a mirror finish
20-24 A necklace made from pearls from the twin lakes
4 A prism that projects the bearer’s shadow as that of a Glisten and Gloam, said to bring great fortune or
red dragon of your size terrible ruin depending on the wearer's virtues
5 A sling stone that emits a high-pitched "Yip!" when it 25-29 From the Cyran shores of Lake Arul, this Mournland
strikes a creature fiddler crab plays woeful coronachs on its large claw
6 A cloak peppered in once-poisoned needles from that sound like a warped stringed instrument
sprung traps 30-33 A vial of liquid adamantine, reclaimed from the
7 A bottle of irvhir musk sunken village of Totens
8 A banner of safe passage through the lands held by 34-38 A bone ring, crafted in an underground lake, that gives
Kethelrax off soft luminescence in the dark like a cave fish
9 An Aundairian sovereign piece fashioned into a Gix 39-42 Glancing through this broken Mabaran crystal is said
badge of office to show glimpses of the infamous Crimson Ship when
10 A torn piece of map detailing an entrance into the lair held over a body of water
of Hassalac Chaar 43-48 Housed in an orb of narstone is a single drop from the
Lake of Fire
49-52 Stitched from sable-colored horrid crocodile skin, this
Blackwater cowl always appears damp; whoever dons
it hears voices whispering in Orc, urging them to
d100 Trinkets return to the lake's heart
1-3 A segment of twitching tentacle from a steel kraken 53-56 Drinking the waters of Lake Dark from this Khyber-
defeated in Lake Cyre shard-studded Keeper's chalice grants a vision of a
4-6 A message in a bottle from Lake Galifar; the letter departed person—sometimes friend, sometimes foe
muses over a would-be tryst between a Passage Orien 57-60 A Talentan painting depicting a great fintail in Lake
and a Sharn Phiarlan, while phantom blue butterflies Cyre; the beast sometimes moves, or isn't visible
fly within the bottle
61-63 The hoof of a Mirror Lake glaistig said to bring
7-9 An unknown talon from the depths of Lake Dark harmony to a union
64-67 A strange talisman of always-warm basalt pulled up 57-60 Wearing this antlered helm makes you appear frozen
from the magma lakes of the Cogs; it’s inscribed with and covered in rime
Ignan script that many creatures can’t see 61-63 On the last night of the year, this boot can summon a
68-71 This dream shard holds memories of individuals smoke mephit composed of coal soot
tossing it from Arcanix into Lake Galifar; whoever 64-67 Cultivated during Long Shadows, this inkberry holly
repeats this task may have their dreams come true serves as empowered foci for Children of Winter rituals
73-76 An odd bone from the shores of Crimson Lake that 68-71 Sacred bone chimes said to carry portents during
warps into a different kind of bone each night Windwhisper
77-80 A glowing orb from the lake of Kasshta Keep that 73-76 A hunting horn that summons phantasmal wolves
shines with plant-nourishing life when blown at night
81-84 1d4 vials of water from Vedykar Enclave that help take 77-80 A fused dragonshard of Khyber and Siberys that
away bad memories projects the silhouette of a wings-spread dragon
85-89 Hide armor crafted from Shadowmere chuul chitin 81-84 A wreath of warped Gloaming wood meant to stave off
surrounded by illusory swimming fish ennui
90-93 A waterskin filled from the Traveler's Footprint, 85-89 An ebon skull of an alpha shadow mastiff that howls at
considered lucky to toast before a journey midnight
94-96 A flask of syrupy blue water from Stagnation Lake in 90-93 An inert graystaff of a bheur hag; holding it causes the
the Mournland wielder to randomly cackle
97-100 A surly snapping turtle ghost from Lake Brey, near 94-96 Frozen tears of a winter eladrin that fill whoever holds
Valin Field, that comes with the spear that killed it them with sorrow
97-100 Made from a dark treant, this wand glows in blood red
and viscous green light]

d100 Trinkets
1-3 This dream shard glows brightest at year's end and
holds warm memories
4-6 The traditional fur-lined coat and boots of the guul'dar
Winter Father
7-9 A necklace of barghest teeth that grants the wearer a
near-bottomless appetite
10-13 A leather skirt of succubus wing; the wearer appears to
float above the ground
14-16 Infused with Mabaran energy, this small tribex
skeleton can fly (uses bat statistics)
17-19 During the last days of Vult, this holy symbol of Aureon
inverts and shrouds its bearer in illusory shadow
20-24 This winter wolf pelt grants frosty breath to whoever
wears it, regardless of temperature
25-29 When set into a lantern, this Mabaran crystal projects
intangible specters and shadows
30-33 An idol of the Shadow that whispers harbored secrets
during Long Shadows
34-38 Ritually carved with the symbol of Boldrei, this
darkwood log burns for three days
39-42 This palm-sized ooze, resembling a fruitcake, is nigh
43-48 Forged with elf blood and palpable gloom, this chest
steals the color of anything stored within
49-52 This wooden toy horse becomes a toy nightmare in
53-56 A belt studded with skull-shaped gongs; instead of
chiming, these Slay Bells moan
44-46 A broken warforged faceplate; it sometimes
describes what the other part can see
47-50 When inspected, this Khyber dragonshard shows the
ghost of a Cyran child trapped inside
51-53 An iron cage holding a Valenar spirit weasel that
appears twisted, undead, and hungry
54-56 This beautiful Cyran family portrait depicts every
member of the family as a ghoul
56-59 A walking stick topped with a prismatic sphere,
which was once a living chromatic orb
60-63 A vulture formed of animated Mournland mists
64-67 When this tribex horn is blown, the trumpeter hears a
chorus of baleful moans
68-70 A spyglass with no lens that shows Cyre as it was
before the Mourning
71-73 A shadow trapped in an endless Cyran tago
74-77 Every page of this spellbook is covered with the
phrase, "Aureon why?” in dozens of languages
78-80 When this soldier's tabard is worn, the ghostly visage
of the former owner overshadows the wearer
81-84 A jewelry box turned into a tiny harmless mimic
85-88 A fishbowl filled with Crimson Water; an undead fish
swims inside
89-92 The wolf on this cracked Karrnathi shield mutters
d100 Trinkets dark omens to any Karrn nearby
1-3 A flask filled with red-orange vapors, remnants of a 93-95 A darkwood violin that plays a haunting dirge by
living hideous laughter spell itself on the 20th of Olarune
4-6 Watering this razor-sharp mithral lily from Eston's 96-97 A changeling is reflected in this mirror, he writes
Steel Gardens with blood keeps it alive and blooming "ɒiƨoboɘʜT" to any who look
7-9 A shattered expeditious messenger that swirls in a 98-100 This warped music box replays the last happy
small burning sirocco conversations of a goblin family before the Mists
10-13 Inscribed in blood in Elven, this century-old elf femur
describes the Day of Mourning
14-16 This porcelain figure of Queen Dannel is missing its
head; it emits soft whispers during rainstorms
17-19 Made from the Glass Plateau, this wand functions as
an arcane focus, but has a tendency to randomly
target innocents
20-23 A warped Vault key of adamantine; the slag of metal
writhes when placed near coins
24-26 Half of a schema labeled “WX-23”; every time a
different warforged touches it, more symbols
become clear
27-29 A painting of a halfling noble that slowly cries tears of
viscous grey ink
30-34 An heirloom sword that screams in pain when drawn
35-37 Penned on dwarf flesh, this concordant binds a
Shavaran entity to Cyran service
38-40 A luminous chain forged from a strange material
found in the Glowing Chasm
41-43 The blood on these opera gloves can never be
removed; wearing them instills urges of
fragmented enchantment warps the beauty of Lord
ir'Brenith's tune
d100 Trinkets
61-63 This sundered breastplate from Silvercliff Castle
1-3 Recovered from a minor estate, this collection of ripples with burning silver flame
over forty rejections from the Tain Gala also
64-66 A discarded armor spike from the Lord of Blades;
contain plans for revenge
warforged holding it find it surprisingly soothing
4-6 The hunting horn of Sir Danton ir'Lain made from a
67-69 The longsword of a Karrnathi warlord, perpetually
zombie minotaur
rusting from some magical backlash but never
7-9 A bent, broken, or bloodied signet ring from every crumbling
family of the Sharn Sixty
70-72 A dagger sheath from a ranked graduate of
10-13 This livewood bonsai tree is a family tree of a noble Rekkenmark
family; illusions of members grow like fruit
73-75 A dark tabard of Drul Kantar's court, dotted with
14-16 Outfitted with four copper rings, this mummified glowing stars
dwarf hand points to dragonmarked individuals
76-78 A script for a new play by Karklos ir'Ilsir called The
17-19 These glamered Crown Dreadfuls reenact some of Slumbering Kings
the greatest heroics of Boroman ir'Dayne when
79-81 Borrowed from the Wayfinder Foundation, this
ledger contains a family secret of the ir'Kavay
20-23 A sovereign coin depicting King Jarot that glows family
when held by anyone with Wynarn blood
83-85 A piece of the broken shaarat of former warlord
24-26 This medallion shows a dragon mosaic; it is Unndral Ochsesser; any goblin that owns it knows
missing one tile the weight of their muut against it
27-29 A copy of Lareth ir'Morgrave's Excavation of 86-88 This alchemically treated cloak of the Blackened
Halden's Tomb Sky knightly order never tears and repels liquids
30-32 This University of Wynarn map reveals "secret" 89-91 This tiger-skin cloak of a ghaal'dar lhevk instills
passageways rediscovered by students each any who wear it with a fear of fire
91-93 A battle mask of a Hulrar mercenary; wearing it
33-34 A Brelish blue hood of the Swords of Liberty; instills strange dreams of being a Hammertail
whoever wears it may hear suggestions of anarchy
94-96 A rose from Queen Ellida; its fragrance changes to
35-37 A gilded serpent arm cuff, gifted from Queen its owner's favorite scent
Sheshka, that turns temporarily green if exposed
97-98 A cloak formed of shifting sands from the court of
to poison
the Queen of Sand
38-40 To those that are not nobility, this magnificent
99-100 This crown of living seaweed reveals the treasures
royal outfit is obviously all illusion
of a malenti prince to those who wear it, but instills
41-43 A black pearl from the last sahuagin expedition a dark bloodlust
funded by Lady Celyria ir'Tain; the visages of all
those lost on the journey are frozen on its surface
44-45 This electrum sealing stamp bears the likeness of
Antus ir'Soldorak, but the bezel appears to be
46-47 A blank pardon for a minor Aundairian
transgression, authorized by Queen Aurala
48-49 A feather tied with ribbon signed by Lord Mayor
Raulo ir'Trannick; untying the ribbon has a chance
to summon a hippogriff that will take one rider to
50-52 This Fernian ash wand bears the insignia of the
house of ir'Lain
53-54 A Sharn Inquistive article containing a portrait of
young prince Boranel ir'Wynarn with the lady
Chaseva ir'Massat
55-57 A hauntingly beautiful painting of Droaam by
Orecha ir'Kell
58-60 A broken dragon shard that replays portions of a
violin performance by a young Cyran noble; the
58-60 Elaborate dancing boots made for a clawfoot

d100 Trinkets 61-63 This nightshard-studded Ghallanda leash keeps

any creature willingly tethered to it from
1-3 A crude bear costume tailored to fit an owl
teleporting further than 30 feet from whoever
4-6 An exquisite owl costume custom-made for a bear holds it
7-9 Painted in bright colors, this undead skeletal 64-66 A docile pet rock
monkey obeys anyone wearing a tricorn hat
67-69 This Phiarlan nightbird can sing one song taught to
10-13 A Mror pug wearing fake wings and a false it
manticore tail
70-72 An aukarakki jackalope with crysteel antlers
14-16 A small fortress made for a pseudodragon
73-75 Fed on densewood tree nuts, this palm-sized
17-19 A horrid pigeon chickadee weighs 10 pounds
20-23 A Lamannian animated topiary pig 76-78 Magebred for House Medani, this cobalt
24-26 A tiny scorpion of living elemental earth bloodhound can leave glowing blue pawprints
27-29 A trio of warforged rats three times a day

30-32 A fireproof magebred duck 79-81 A pygmy mountain tribex

33-34 A domesticated spiretop dragon 83-85 A lucky black cat spotted with Olladra's white pips

35-37 An octopus tattooed with the Raincallers emblem 86-88 Blessed by Dol Arrah, this temple rooster shines
gold at dawn
38-40 An affectionate throwing scarab that can’t produce
crystalline carapace 89-91 This opalescent quori cat accompanies lucid
dreamers while they sleep
41-43 A puffy magebred chicken that produces only
down feathers 91-93 A tiny semi-intelligent raincloud that is drawn to
44-45 A snake of living Khyber shards
94-96 Bound to a Karrnathi helmet, this spectral wolf
46-47 The angriest rabbit this side of Khyber
tries lead whoever owns the helmet to the
48-49 Studded with Eberron dragonshards, this collar Mournland
keeps any beast that wears it dry
97-98 If removed from its wearer, the bell on this collar
50-52 Blessed (or cursed) by Mabaran energies, this rings like a gong
raven is three centuries old
99-100 An unbound familiar that takes the form of a small
53-54 A Cogs-bat made of living ash Aundairian dragonhawk
55-57 This Zil parrot produces 1d6 quill pens a day filled
with colored ink
d100 Trinkets d12 Trinkets
1-4 Pulled from a Thelanian haystack, this silver 1 Wailin' Gailan's—this tabasco sauce amplifies your
needle helps produce glamerweave voice for an hour when consumed
5-8 A bar of lavender soap that never diminishes 2 Mistapple—a very bitter applesauce from the
9-12 A giant dung beetle trained to clear roads and Mournland; eating it allows you to see ghosts until
pathways sunset
13-16 Examining a gem or dragonshard through this 3 Ironspice chili—a Mroran dish that negates 1 point of
jeweler's loupe, a viewer can determine if anything fire damage, but causes the fingers of whoever eats it
was ever bound within it to look dirty and rusted for 24 hours
17-20 When striking a precious metal or stone, this 4 Glum Gaeth'ad—consuming this beverage grants
mining pick briefly shimmers to resemble the strange dreams of dragons during the next sleep
material 5 Silver custard—a Thranish dessert said to be too sweet
21-24 These keys glow when removed from their key ring for evil to stomach
25-29 A set of shears that cannot draw blood 6 Sagal mustard—a Talentan condiment which steadies
a mounted rider for a journey
30-34 This ticket offers unlimited lightning rail passage...
in a livestock cart 7 Eldeen griffonradish sauce—this spicy root sauce turns
anyone who consumes it entirely green for 1d4 hours
35-39 A pitchfork that never rusts or dulls
8 Blacksoul Molasses—this viscous Droaamish syrup is
40-44 When two people hold this long saw to a tree, the
sickeningly sweet, and grants those who eat it
serrated teeth rotate
memories of a childhood not of their own
45-49 A pair of long mithril needles that increase the
9 Jorasco Pepper—a pick-me-up drink said to contain 23
speed of knitting
secret Talentan flavors, said to increase vitality
50-53 Painted like a large bird, this animated paper fan
10 Conqueror Seared Gamehen—a favorite dish of Karrn,
waves a gentle breeze
this recipe is said to boost morale of those who share
54-58 This lantern is filled with slow-burning fuel called it; commonly called Karrnathi Fried Chicken
Midnight Oil
11 Greensinger glaze—a Thelanis dessert sauce that
59-63 These wagon wheels, made of Xen'drik eldritch changes the taste of whatever it is topped on based on
whorlwood, are said to reduce travel time the season
64-67 1d4 Mabaran moths that eat the holes in clothing, 12 Jhazaal's Tears—a Dhakaani turmeric sauce,
repairing the garments as they do so consuming it at dawn allows a performer to sing all day
68-70 A paintbrush of Xorian wenge that helps an artist without harm to their throat
paint their visions
71-73 This quill writes words dictated to it
74-77 This dragonshard pulses with light at every hour's
78-80 This glassmaker's blowpipe allows shapes to be
formed of molten glass without other tools
81-84 A cobbler's mirror that creates a nonmagical
mirrored duplicate of any shoe left in front of it
85-88 A scythe bearing the holy symbol of Arawai, grains
cut by its blade self-tie into sheaves
89-92 Baked goods placed on this flat stone remain
warm and fresh all day
93-95 Once turned, this spoon slowly continues to stir
when placed inside of a bowl or cup
96-97 Striking this small mallet against a tree or bush
causes all ripe fruit to fall
98-100 Made from xorn hide, these gloves help with
quicker excavation
56-58 This small black cylinder contains the seal of House
Orien, said to augment teleportation
d100 Trinkets
59-61 A well-worn plush threehorn that squeaks when
1-4 Once per week, this brass Dhakaani flask fills with
62-64 This insidious ceramic jar disguises any oatmeal
5-8 A hobgoblin doll in a leather duster coat
raisin cookies inside it as chocolate chip
9-12 A battered copy of Devotion and Duty, a romance
65-67 A small story recounting the Battle of Khaar'Noon
novel by Vera Samir
Mbar'ost, the Gingerbread Fort, and the hobgoblin
13-16 A large jar containing a frozen half-elf foot Lhevk'nu Am'baar
17-20 1d4 pre-written apology letters from the desk of 68-70 A flying toy model sky skiff
Hendra ir'Kavay
71-73 If placed in hair as decoration, this green feather
21-24 An oil painting of Wroat on fire becomes curiously difficult to remove
25-29 Illusory pink and blue butterflies accompany this 74-76 When donned, this woven Talentan mask conjures a
walking cane harmless spectral hammertail for a moment
30-34 A small red toy ball that emits a soothing effect 77-79 A small gem in the shape of a star that plays a
when squeezed mournful melody
35-37 This egg hums a Cyran tune when brought into a 80-82 A crown of moonstone and rose vine, a piece
room revering the Briar Moon
38-40 A wooden basilisk toy with two score marks notched 83-85 This journal contains a collection of recipes from an
into it aspiring warforged chef
41-43 An apron fitted for a warforged juggernaut 86-88 A piece of stone that appears to be the missing eye
44-46 Part of a broken smoking pipe surrounded by a of a statue
small winged elephant made of smoke 89-91 A curious Xoriat wand instrument that can cause the
47-49 This pendant contains a viscous glittery ooze that complete loss of body hair
changes colors based on the wearer's mood 92-94 Part of a schema containing plans to build a
50-52 A stolen drinking mug stamped with the Wayfinder construct panther
insignia 95-97 A scholarly journal on Dhakaani history, filled with
53-55 A stuffed cranium rat posed to cover its eyes; its notations and corrections in Goblin
brain is a carved, glowing sun shard 98- Century-old crown dreadfuls detailing the amazing
100 exploits of a heroic dire beaver
d100 Trinkets d100 Trinkets
1-4 An exotic miniature wrist crossbow designed to fire 1-3 A plush duck signed by Kessler
darts 4-6 A villainous stage mask complete with a 3-foot-wide
5-8 Flipping the lid of this ring reveals a very sharp moustache
bloodstone suitable for rope cutting 7-9 A playbill from a dramatization of the romance novel
9-12 When sprinkled into a footprint, this powdered Ruuska'te, Taarka'nu
Daanvi gypsum becomes a perfect cast of the print 10-13 A tarnished hand-mirror from the fire of Thovanic
13-16 This backpack becomes a common outfit when Hall, it reflects a repeating scene of a burning
turned inside out and unfastened ballroom dance
17-20 A dossier of the wanted spy Marquise ir'Winter, the 14-16 This large prop wand illuminates with a word
notes have almost narrowed down her identity 17-19 A comically sized ogre mask whose wooden eyes
21-24 A two-hundred-year-old Dark Lantern missive whose follow movement
orders are still open to fulfill 20-23 This gilded elven handbell was rewarded to many
25-29 Three Cyran propaganda flyers; when aligned, they attendees of Lady Cinnabar d'Phiarlan's Jewel of
reveal a map to a Fifth Crown safehouse near Eston Galifar performance
30-34 Half of a wondrous raven figurine bearing the seal of 24-26 A Dol Arrah costume from the Sun's Blessing
King Kaius liturgical drama, the glamerweave attire shines like
35-39 An inverted tabard of the King's Shields, the tabard's sunlight
reflection displays silent scenes of Breland's 27-29 A heckler's purse, this coin pouch can summon 1d4
parliament within the heraldic field spoiled tomatoes every week
40-44 Flipping the collar of this Medani long-coat summons 30-32 This elaborate aberrant headpiece is from the play
a swirl of dramatic fog briefly around the wearer The Flumph King of Breland
45-49 Classified Vadalis plans to combine a horrid shark 33-34 Carved of soarwood, this prop sword conjures red
with beholder eye beams crepe streamers from wherever it strikes
50-53 This false tooth is actually a capsule 35-37 A ghostly half-mask that cloaks the wearer in spectral
54-58 Consuming this Thelanian sap causes someone to shadows
glow green under detect magic for an hour 38-40 A faded ticket for the Cyran Lord Brenith's
59-63 This Daask troll femur is hollow and functions as a performance, dated 20th Olaurune 994
scroll-case 41-43 Ten juggling balls painted like eyes that spark when
64-67 This tumbler fills with Zil brandy once a week juggled
68-70 A carrot that does not rot, it is a highly crafted 44-45 A hobbymanticore that flaps its wings when ridden
Kundarak vault key 46-47 This faded manuscript, written in gold ink on green
71-73 This monocle filters out all colors but blue parchment, portrays a catastrophic event set in
Sharn's near future
74-77 Wearing this glamerweave soft-brimmed hat colors
the wearer in shades of monochrome as if viewed 48-49 A broken glass orb that projects pieces of the night
through darkvision sky when touched
78-80 Speaking into this horn of Kythrian skarn changes 50-52 Sized for three people, this costume is used in a
the user's voice Talentan Griffon Dance
81-84 The heel of this boot holds an inert speaking stone 53-54 A near-complete collection of Sovereign hand
shard puppets
85-88 The user of this lipstick can blow an illusory kiss after 55-57 Confetti bursts from these opera gloves when they
it has been applied; the kiss mark fades after a round are clapped
89-92 A unicorn’s horseshoe that attracts dragonshards 58-60 An autograph from playwright Luca Syara, illusions of
golden leaves dance across the signature
93-95 While wearing this circlet of quori celestine, you can
disguise your inner voice 61-63 Stilts and pants to make a wearer 12 feet tall
96-97 Stamped with a displacer beast, this note has 64-66 This script, titled Giraffe Song, contains many
instructions on where to meet an entity called volumes of nonsensical pages; it can only be gotten
"Agent 33" rid of after the current owner contributes another
page to the tragedy
98-100 This vial of animated ink is labeled "Liquid Snake"
67-69 These stagehand shadowweave gloves muffle the
sounds of movements of large objects they touch
70-72 This small lute amplifies itself to carry its music to all
parts of a room equally
d20 Trinkets
73-75 This play portrait shows a smirking elf wearing a
pearl necklace; the word 'Canceled' has been 1 A masterful painting depicting the treaty dignitaries as
stamped over his name, “Gristenfurter” totem beasts of their respective nations
76-78 While wearing this torc, illusory doves surround the 2 An Orien parcel of love letters, undeliverable during
singer the War
79-81 A newspaper clipping detailing a theatrical tragedy 3 An illusory dove flies around this Thronehold peace
where the mimic-stage was destroyed during a coin
scuffle 4 A framed Map Perilous, stuck in the moment of 11
83-85 A quick-change outfit that transforms from peasant Aryth, 996 YK
clothes to an exaggerated wolf 5 This sundered replica crown of Galifar can still be
86-88 When drawn up, this hood conjures a lengthy false worn, as the five pieces float as a whole
beard on the wearer 6 A tapestry woven from torn banners, framed in broken
89-91 When donned, this gown produces majestic butterfly spears
wings behind it 7 Memoirs of an emancipated warforged describing the
91-93 A silver doorknocker depicting Olladra; spots on it War
have been rubbed smooth by actors touching it for 8 A bottle of 996 vintage wine made from fruits gathered
luck for decades from each recognized nation
94-96 This replica crown from Galifar Triumphant spins 9 An acorn from the gifted cache of the Eldeen Reaches
upon the head of its wearer representative, its tree will thrive as long as there is
97-98 A glass slipper that produces champagne daily peace
99-100 A flower crown from Nymmsummer Night's Dream 10 This trunk contains a thunder lizard bone for every clan
that invokes pixie phantasms when worn that Lathlom Haplum represented
11 A (token gesture) silver hammer forged by Merrix,
Jorlanna, and Zorlan d'Cannith inscribed with
"Stronger in Making"
12 An iron New Cyran bell remade from several helmets
13 A ceremonial tabard of a Throne Warden, its crown
emblem is always pristine and shining
14 A spellshard containing a copy of the Treaty of
15 This helmet projects the image of an elven child
meeting and embracing their former-war-prisoner
parent for the first time
16 A commemorative copy of the Korranberg Chronicle,
reprinted on gold leaf, declaring the War's end
17 A ceremonial sword with the names of Breland's Lost
39th regiment engraved upon it
18 A small stone bust of King Galifar gently weeping
19 A piece of the White Arch bridge
20 A shimmering laurel of rainbow-colored feathers from
d20 Trinkets d100 Trinkets
1 This locket holds a portrait of a halfling and razor- 1-4 A Giant's key carved from basalt, fire reveals Ignan
sharp flower petals from the Fields of Desolation runes etched upon it
2 A weathered statuette of a Q'barran dragonborn leader 5-8 This patch depicts the emblem of the Ninth Wands,
3 A goblin painting depicting the ships of Malleon the one of the nine arcane foci depicted can summon
Reaver upon the Hilt an actual wand with the proper ritual
4 Inside this thick crystal flask is a drop of hope from a 9-12 A braid of living water woven from each tributary
battle in Ashtakala of the Hydra River
5 A small pyrite corvid figurine, signature of Thaliost's 13-16 A brass statuette of a thri-keen, at midday it
Golden Crow changes its position
6 Any liquid consumed from this Throneport goblet 17-20 A marble bust of a party member, sculpted by
tastes bitter until the throne is occupied again Mazrath the Maker
7 Recovered from Valin Field, this bloodstained doll 21-24 The horn of a gurk'ash that fills with milk daily
constantly sobs 25-29 Qaltiar vestments honoring the Shifting Panther
8 An animated woodcut of Breggor Firstking that waver in the light
9 Rust swirls within this bottle labeled "A warforged's 30-34 A dragon mask from the Burning Titan festival
dying breath" 35-39 A jar of firepepper jelly
10 When held, this byeshk earring projects an apparition 40-44 This obsidian bead recites a tenet of the Land of
of a hobgoblin who slowly warps into a dolgaunt the Promise in Elven when held
11 This heavy basalt elf skull carries the weight of every 45-49 These heavy crimson funeral shrouds prevent
betrayal its many owners have committed sunlight from reaching the wearer
12 From a happier time, this tapestry displays a young 50-53 The fine script covering this vampiric elf skull
King Jarot and his royal family recounts an entire century of history in minute
13 This Talentan spirit mask is marred by deep claw detail
marks, holding it instills a sense of guilt 54-58 This banner displays a drow hand, missing its ring
14 A portrait of a Medani family tree, burn marks signify finger
the removal of a few excoriates 59-63 Six links of a drow scorpion chain
15 An iron pipe reclaimed from the ruins of Chydris, it 64-67 A gold coin embossed with the stein of the Lassites
remains hot to the touch 68-70 A pearl from the Straits of Shargon, it plays an
16 This club is made from the bone of an Inspired and eerie sahuagin melody
studded with dream shard fragments 71-73 One perfect half of a Siberys Compass
17 A preserved aboleth eye held in a lattice of green 74-77 Bathed in the light of the Emperor statue, this
dragon finger bones, if used for scrying it may reveal shining cloak never tears or loses its luster
ancient horrific secrets
78-80 A livewood Conqueror piece from Garay's Games,
18 A signet ring of the line of Paelion that burns the skin of said to never lose
any elf it touches
81-84 Whispering into this mirror shows a map
19 This piece of skin is inscribed with a prayer to Dol Azur, landmarked with the Wayfinder Nest as a starting
and bears a flayed dragonmark point
20 A tattered flag of Daskara, the wyvern upon it will roar 85-88 Shimmer bracers of dream serpent scale that have
for a worthy Daskaran illusory snakes writhing around them
89-92 The ghostly severed hand of a frost giant's wraith,
claimed from the fabled City of Gold
93-95 This hat is set with a massive crackling feather
from Kraa'ark Lors
96-97 A shield made from scorrow claw
98-100 A Rushemé doll of Karrak the Final Guardian that
absorbs sound and light immediately around it

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