Rowan LP Catching

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Lesson Plan


Teacher(s) Name(s): Caitlyn Rowan
Where the Lesson is Kaʻōhao Public Charter School
Grade Level: Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Unit: Catching and Throwing
Day: Day 3
Title of Lesson: Catching with one and two hands
Total Time Planned: 15 – 20 minutes
Engaging and Supporting Diverse Learning: Applying Principles of Universal Design for Learning
Every student in this grade level speaks English. Students will be
conducting distance learning this semester, some have access to fitness
equipment while others may not. It is a responsibility of mine to make sure
that every student has alternate equipment in order for them to be successful
for every lesson. The students will be able to receive help from their parents
Sociocultural Details:
or any other house member that they live with. There will be assessments
that the students will turn in to demonstrate to Ms. Lowe and me that they
understand the lesson. There will also be pop quizzes during our meeting
times to see if they understood what was discussed in the lecture and what
they will be learning this week.
This is the tenth week of school and the students will be shifting their focus
on throwing and catching. All of the students will be learning the underhand
throw, overhead throw, catching with both hands, and catching with one
hand. During our pop in meetings, I will be demonstrating the skills that are
Students Strengths and needed for each throw and catching with kindergarten through third grade.
Needs Relevant to this This way, they are able to see the proper steps that are needed to throw and
Lesson: catch an object appropriately. For fourth through sixth grade, we will not
have to demonstrate the breakdown of each skill. Instead, we will have a
discussion about when they would need to throw and catch an object. They
will also be given games to play from home that is going to challenge them
to improve their catching and throwing skills.
Materials and Digital Tools Needed
Equipment and Set-Up for Equipment:
Lesson:  Floor space in their homes
 Laptop/tablet
 Select targets
 Select throwing objects

 All of the materials and information that the students will need to
succeed will be posted on their Google Classrooms
 They will be posted in the classwork section under the heading “This
Week’s Activity”
Risk Management 1. Students will be aware of their surroundings at all times
Concerns: 2. If the students decide to take their activities outdoors, they will have
a responsible adult present with them at all times
3. Since the students are going to be practicing throwing, they will need
to practice these skills with an object that is soft, so they do not
accidently knock over anything in their house
4. All of the activities that the students will participate in are to be
conducted within their homes or in a safe area outdoors
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in
a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
National Standards
concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal
and social behavior that respects self and others.
PE.K-2.1.3: Use basic manipulative skills in initial (immature) form alone,
with a partner, and in small groups
PE.K-2.2.1: Use basic movement concepts related to space, time, effort, and
relationships (e.g., personal space, fast/slow, strong/light, under/over)
PE.K-2.2.2: Identify basic rules for safe participation in physical activities
PE.3-5.1.2: Use manipulative skills in a mature (proper) form
State Standards
PE.3-5.2.1: Apply movement tactics in simple and modified activities
PE.3-5.2.2: Identify procedures for safe participation in physical activities
PE.6-8.1.2: Use combinations of movement forms in the context of
modified games or activities, such as sports, dance, exercise, and gymnastics
PE.6-8.2.1: Identify strategies to improve performance of movement skills
PE.6-8.2.3: Apply rules and etiquette for safe participation in physical
 Self-Directed Learner: The ability to be responsible for one’s own
Hawaii General Learner  Quality Producer: The ability to recognize and produce quality
Outcomes performance and quality products
 Effective and Ethical User of Technology: The ability to use a
variety of technologies effectively and ethically
1. SWBAT catch an object that is coming their way (action/behavior)
by themselves in their homes using all 5 critical elements (condition)
8 out of 10 attempts (criteria) (Psychomotor) Indicators for
Catching: Track, Reach, Give, Pinkies and Thumbs, Quick Feet
2. SWBAT list all 5 critical elements for catching (action/behavior) to
Lesson Objectives:
complete their homework assignment the day before next class
(condition) using the materials given to them in their google
classroom (criteria) (Cognitive)

Objectives for Differentiated Instruction – none needed

Lesson Assessments:  Students will be assessed during this lesson by Ms. Lowe while I am
instructing the class. In order to grade the students, Ms. Lowe will be
keeping track of who is participating during the activities that I guide
them through when we visit each classroom. Since we only see the
students once a week for 15-20 minutes, Ms. Lowe and I have to
keep track of who is participating and who is not when we are
teaching them in order for them to get a grade.
To assess the kids’ form, I will pick out a section of the zoom
classroom (top row of the zoom meeting) to watch the kids perform
their catching. From each row, I will be able to assess about 5
students per class meeting to see how the kids are doing. We will
also assess the students by their homework assignment that we give
them. For third through sixth grade, they will be assigned homework
to list the 5 critical elements needed to catch an object. They will
have one week from their class meeting time to turn in their
homework assignment. (Psychomotor & Cognitive)

Assessments for Differentiated Instruction – None needed

Lesson Sequence: (5 minutes)
 Good morning everybody! This week we are going to be focusing on
catching. There are 4 important cues, or reminders, that are going to
help us catch any objects that comes our way:
o Track: Track the ball, or your object, with your eyes all the
way into your hands
o Reach: Reach your arms towards the ball, or your object
o Give: Give with the ball as it hits your hands so you can
make it a soft catch
o Pinkies and Thumbs: Bring your pinkies together if object
falls below the waist. Bring your thumbs together if object is
above your waist.
o Quick Feet: Move feet quickly to get into position to catch
your object
 After practicing/demonstrating the cues needed for catching, I will
Lesson Preview: be showing the kids their new bitmoji classrooms and the games that
they can find linked in each bitmoji. The students are confident in
interacting with their bitmoji classrooms, so they will be able to
access each game that is in the classroom in order to practice
catching, as well as working on their throwing.

Inform the students: The students should not feel overwhelmed with the
amount of information that I am providing. It is important to inform the
students that the material they are given is to help them practice on their
catching. They do not have to complete all of the activities in one day,
but they can spread it out to different days, as long as they are fulfilling
their 60 minutes of physical activity every day and working to improve
on their catching.

These DO NOT have to be in this exact order but need to be labeled and
clearly identified
Lesson Kindergarten – 2nd Grade Differentiated Instruction
Development:  Warm-up (3 mins)
o Pumpkin Punch Not shown in this example.
 This is a Halloween themed
warm-up video that I will play
for the kids. There are four
images that will pop up on the
screen and they have to follow
what they see. If a pumpkin pops
up, they have to air punch, if a
ghost appears, then the kids will
kick, if they see a bat flying
around then they will duck, or
squat, as low as they can, and if
they see a black cat, then they
have to jump as high as they can
over the cat. REMINDER:
Explain to the kids that they
need to have enough room
around them, so they are not
going to punch, kick, or bump
into anything. Also, they need to
stand away from their iPad so
that they do not damage it.
 Throw High
o In this drill, the kids will have to toss
their object high in the air. They are
going to be throwing their object high
up in the air and then they will have to
catch their object with two hands. There
will be a standing marker so that the
kids can stay in one spot to throw their
objects from. The kids will catch their
object ten times before moving on to the
next game.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 Kindergarten: For the youngest
grade level, I would have them
throw with a larger object, so
they have an easier time tracking
the ball. And I would have them
throw the ball straight up in the
air, so that they are not moving
as much to catch the ball.
 1st Grade: For this grade level, I
would have them throw with a
larger object, but have them
throw the ball in the air away
from their standing marker so
they have to move to catch their
 2nd Grade: For the oldest grade
level, I would have them throw
with a smaller object and have
them throw their objects in the
air away from their standing
marker, so they have to move to
catch it.
 1 Handed Catches
o In one spot, the kids are going to be
throwing their object in the air from one
hand and then they have to catch it with
the other hand. So, if their object is in
their right hand to start off with, they are
going to throw it in the air and catch it
with just their left hand. They are going
to play this game until the catch the ball
for a total of 10 times (5 in each hand)
before moving on to the next game.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 Kindergarten: For the youngest
grade, I would have them throw
with a larger object, so they have
an easier time tracking the ball
and have them throw it in the air
so that they are staying in one
spot the entire time.
 1st Grade: For this grade level, I
would have them throw with a
larger object, so they have an
easier time tracking it. Also, I
would have them throw it in the
air where they have to move to
catch their object.
 2nd Grade: For the oldest grade
level, I would have the kids
throw with a smaller object and I
would have them throw the ball
in the air where they have to
move to catch it.
 Throw, Spin, Catch
o In this game, the kids are going to throw
their object in the air, spin around for
360 degrees, and then catch their object
with two hands. The kids will be
standing on a marker, so they stay in the
same place. They will do this for 10
times before moving on to the next
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 Kindergarten: For the youngest
grade, I would have them throw
with a larger object, so that they
have an easier time tracking the
ball. I would also have them turn
180 degrees, so that it would be
easy for them to track their
 1st Grade: For this grade level, I
would have them throw with a
larger object, make them spin a
full circle 360 degrees and catch
the object with one hand (have
them alternate the hand they
catch with).
 2nd Grade: For this grade level, I
would have them throw with a
smaller object, make them turn
in a full circle 360 degrees, and
catch the ball with only one hand
(have them alternate the hand
they catch with).
 Throw, Touch Ground, Catch
o In this game, the kids will have to throw
their object in the air, squat down to
touch the ground with both hands, and
then catch the ball with two hands. The
kids will do this game 10 times before
moving on to the next game.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 Kindergarten: For the youngest
grade, I would have them throw
with a larger object and I would
have them catch the ball with
two hands.
 1st Grade: For this grade level, I
would have the kids throw with a
large object and catch their
object with one hand (have them
alternate the hand they catch
 2nd Grade: For the oldest grade,
I would have the kids throw with
a smaller object and catch their
object with one hand (have them
alternate the hand they catch
 Catch Behind Your Back
o In this game, the kids are going to be
throwing their object in the air and have
to catch it from behind. They will have
to toss their object high in the air, so that
they have enough time to adjust to catch
from behind. The kids will do this game
10 times before they can move on to the
next game.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 Kindergarten: For the youngest
grade, I would have them throw
with a large object, so that they
have an easier time tracking it
and have them throw in one spot,
so they are not moving around.
 1st Grade: For this grade level, I
would have them throw with a
large object, but have them
throw the ball in a way where
they have to move around to
catch their object.
 2nd Grade: For the oldest grade
level, I would have them throw
with a smaller object and have
them throw their object in the air
where they have to move around
to catch their object.
 Balance on 1 Foot
o In this game, the kids are going to be
balancing on one foot and throwing their
object into the air. They are going to be
throwing the object from one hand to
the other while balancing on one foot.
They are going to do this game 10 times
(5 catches from each hand) before they
complete their lesson.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 Kindergarten: For the youngest
grade, I would have them throw
with a larger object, have them
balance on their dominant leg,
and catch the ball with both
 1st Grade: For this grade, I
would have the kids throw with a
large object, balance on their
non-dominant leg, and have
them throw and catch with one
 2nd Grade: For the oldest grade,
I would have them throw with a
smaller object, stand on their
non-dominant leg, and have
them throw and catch with one

3rd Grade – 6th Grade

 Warm-up (5 mins)
 Catch the Apples
o In this game, the students will start off
in a push up down position. They are
going to have their parents hold two
throwing objects in both hands. The
parent is going to throw one of the
objects in the air and the kid needs to
get up and catch the object before it hits
the ground. The parent can randomize
what object is being thrown, so the kid
has to watch which object is being
thrown into the air. The kids will play
this game until they get to 10 before
moving on to the next game.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 3rd – 4th Grade: For these grade
levels, I would have the kids be
3 to 4 feet away from their
parent and they would throw
with smaller objects.
 5th – 6th Grade: For the older
grade levels, I would have the
kids be 5 to 6 feet away from
their parent and they would
throw with smaller objects.
 1 Hand Catch Off the Wall
o For this game, the kids are going to be
throwing their objects on a wall. They
have to throw the object and move
around in order to catch their object
with only one hand. In one minute, the
kids are going to race against the clock
to see how many catches they can make.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 3rd – 4th Grade: For these grade
levels, I would have them stand
close to the wall, about 4 feet
away and throw with a smaller
 5th – 6th Grade: For the older
grade levels, I would have them
stand further from the wall,
about 6 feet away, and throw
with a smaller object.
 Backwards Catch
o In this game, the kids are going to need
a partner, a parent, guardian, or a sibling
can play with them. The kids are going
to start off backwards and their partner
is going to continue facing forward. The
partner that is facing forward is going to
give the child a heads up and throw the
object to them. The child must catch the
object before it hits the ground. The
child that is facing backwards has to
throw the object backwards for the other
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 3rd – 4th Grade: For these grade
levels, I would have the kids and
their partners stand 3 – 4 feet
apart from each other and I
would have them throw with a
larger object.
 5th – 6th Grade: For the older
grade levels, I would have the
kids stand 5 – 6 feet apart and I
would have them throw with a
smaller object.
 Double Backwards Catch
o In this game, the kids and their partners
are going to stand back to back and toss
the object over their heads. Both of them
are trying to catch the object without
looking and once they catch the object,
they have to throw it backwards again.
The kids are going to play until both
them and their partner can catch the
object 8 times before moving on to the
next game.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 3rd – 4th Grade: For these grade
levels, I would have the kids
stand with their backs touching
each other and throw with a
larger object.
 5th – 6th Grade: For the older
grade levels, I would have them
stand 3 feet apart, backs facing
each other, and have them throw
with a smaller object.
 Clap Catch
o In this game, the kids can play this by
themselves or have a partner with them.
The objective is for the kids to clap their
hands as many times while the object is
in the air. They have to successfully
catch their object to claim their points. If
the child claps 10 times successfully,
then they get 10 points. But, if they fail
to clap in time or drop their object, then
they lost one point. If the kids are
playing with a partner, the first to 20
points win. Or, if the kids are playing
this game by themselves, then they play
until they reach 30 points.
o How it would be different for each
grade level:
 3rd – 4th Grade: For these grade
levels, I would have the kids
throw with a larger object, if
they are playing with a partner
they have to stand 4 feet apart
from each other, if the kids are
playing by themselves then they
should throw it in the air to
where they are having to move
around while clapping their
 5th – 6th Grade: For the older
grade levels, I would have the
kids throw with a smaller object,
if they are playing with a partner
they have to stand 6 feet apart
from each other, if the kids are
playing by themselves then they
should throw it in the air to
where they are having to move
around while clapping their
Lesson Review: Lesson Review and Cool Down: (3-5 mins)
 A lot of our favorite games require catching an object. In sports,
such as baseball, basketball, football, and soccer, catching is
important to move an object around or to stop your opponents from
scoring a point. We also use catching in our daily lives as well.
When we are catching something that is passed from mom, dad, or
our siblings. We can also catch things that may be falling from a
counter or our beds. Being able to catch an object will help us get
things around a room or it can help prevent something from falling
to the ground.
Students will be asked:
 What were your eyes doing when the ball, or your object, was in the
o Tracking the object
 When you were catching your object, did you let it fall in your
hands? Or were you’re reaching for your object?
o Reaching for the object
 To let the ball land softly into our bodies, what do we have to do to
our body?
o Give way with the ball
 When do you bring your pinkies together when you’re catching?
When do you bring your thumbs together?
o Pinkies together when the ball falls below the waist
o Thumbs together when the ball is above the waist
 Why do we have quick feet when trying to catch the ball?
o To get under the ball to catch it better
Preview next lesson:
In our next lesson, we are going to be moving on from throwing and
catching to kicking! We will be learning the how to kick an object
around and play games that will help you practice this skill
References and Resources 1. Fatherly (2020, June 5). 16 Throwing and Catching Games to Play
Used: with Kids This Summer. Retrieved October 24, 2020, from
2. PE Central (n.d.). Partner Throw and Catch. Retrieved October 24,
2020, from
3. Prime Coaching Sport (2018, April 27). ‘Catch the Apples’ game |
Throwing & Catching > Teaching the Fundamentals of PE.
Retrieved October 24, 2020, from
4. Prime Coaching Sport (2018, June 4). 6 Individual Throwing &
Catching challenges: Part 1 (grades K-3) | Teaching the
Fundamentals of PE. Retrieved October 24, 2020, from
5. Prime Coaching Sport (2018, June 5). 6 Individual Throwing &
Catching challenges: Part 2 (grades K-3) | Teaching the
Fundamentals of PE. Retrieved October 24, 2020, from
6. Prime Coaching Sport Lesson (n.d.). Co-operate & Compete: 6 fun
pair skill-stations cards (printable). Retrieved October 24, 2020,
Teacher 1. Describe the portions of the lesson that worked well and why.
Reflection: 2. Describe the portions/aspects of the lesson that did not go as planned and
3. Discuss what you would do differently next time to better support your
students’ learning.
4. Provide evidence from the lesson that allows you to determine whether or not
each of the outcomes for the lesson were met.
5. Describe how you will use data from the assessment portion of your lesson to
inform future lessons. For example, consider what you would do if a
significant portion of the student did not do as well as expected in one or
more of the assessments.

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